void drawArrowPlot(TChain *mc, TString varU, TString deltaU, TString varV, TString deltaV, Int_t nbinU, Double_t minU, Double_t maxU, Int_t nbinV, Double_t minV, Double_t maxV){ TString uvname = generateRandomName(); TString uname = generateRandomName(); TString vname = generateRandomName(); TH2D * UV = new TH2D(uvname,uvname,10*nbinU,minU,maxU,10*nbinV,minV,maxV); TProfile2D * dU = new TProfile2D(uname,uname,nbinU,minU,maxU,nbinV,minV,maxV); TProfile2D * dV = new TProfile2D(vname,vname,nbinU,minU,maxU,nbinV,minV,maxV); mc->Draw(varV+":"+varU+">>"+uvname,"(isAssoc==1)","goff"); mc->Draw(deltaU+":"+varV+":"+varU+">>"+uname,"(isAssoc==1)","goffprof"); mc->Draw(deltaV+":"+varV+":"+varU+">>"+vname,"(isAssoc==1)","goffprof"); SetFancyGrayscalePalette(); UV->Draw("colsame"); for (Int_t iU=1; iU<nbinU+1; iU++){ for (Int_t iV=1; iV<nbinV+1; iV++){ Double_t uu = dU->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iU); Double_t vv = dU->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iV); Double_t du = dU->GetBinContent(iU,iV); Double_t dv = dV->GetBinContent(iU,iV); Double_t due = dU->GetBinError(iU,iV); Double_t dve = dV->GetBinError(iU,iV); drawArrow(uu,vv,du,due,dv,dve); } } }
// ============================================================================ StatusCode Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fromXml ( TProfile2D& result , const std::string& input ) { // result.Reset() ; // RESET old histogram // _Xml<TProfile2D> _xml ; std::auto_ptr<TProfile2D> histo = _xml ( input ) ; if ( 0 == histo.get() ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE ; } // RETURN // result.Reset() ; histo->Copy ( result ) ; // return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
TCut GetSigRatioFunction(const char *obsrvbl, const char *wworwz="ww") { //printf("%g\t%g\t%g\r",lambdaZ,dkappaGamma,deltaG1); TFile f("ATGC_shape_coefficients.root"); TString sigratiostr; TString closestr; float lambdaZ = 0.01; float dkg = 0.00; for (int i=0; i<=6; i++) { TString pname(Form("%s_p%d_lambda_dkg",wworwz,i)); TProfile2D *prof = (TProfile2D*) f.Get(pname); if (!prof) continue; if (i) { sigratiostr += TString::Format("%s*(%g+",obsrvbl,prof->Interpolate(lambdaZ,dkg)); closestr += TString(")"); } else { //#ifdef ATGCSIGNAL // the ATGC specific portion is stacked on top of the SM contribution sigratiostr += TString::Format("%g-1.0+",prof->Interpolate(lambdaZ,dkg)); //#else //sigratiostr += TString::Format("%g+", prof->Interpolate(lambdaZ,dkg)); //#endif } } sigratiostr += TString("0")+closestr; //printf("Looking up coefficients for %s lambdaZ=%g, dkappaGamma=%g\n",wworwz,lambda,dkg); TCut sigratio(sigratiostr); cout << "sigratio function: " << sigratiostr << endl; return sigratio; } // GetSigRatioFunction
// **************************************************************** //XXX: main int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // **** May 20 2010 update **** // Usage: CreateEcalTimingCalibsEB fileWithTree options... // using namespace std; // Ao dependent timing corrections // By the definition of these corrections, the timing should be zero for the hits in // Module 1 or Low eta EE within the valid A/sigma ranges. // Earlier data will have positive time due to the gradual timing shifts in the positive direction. timeCorrectionEB_ = new TF1("timeCorrectionEB_","pol4(0)",0,1.2); //coefficients obtained in the interval (0, 1.5) from Module 1 of run 144011 EB data; timeCorrectionEB_->SetParameters(0.0399144,-1.32993,2.00013,-1.51769,0.407406); //coefficients obtained in the interval (-0.5, 2.0) //timeCorrectionEB_->SetParameters(0.0544539,-1.51924,2.57379,-2.11848,0.606632); // For selection cuts string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; float avgTimeMin, avgTimeMax; float minAmpEB, minAmpEE; float maxSwissCrossNoise; // EB only, no spikes seen in EE float maxHitTimeEB, minHitTimeEB; // init to sensible defaults avgTimeMin = -1; // in ns avgTimeMax = 1; // in ns minAmpEB = 5; // GeV minAmpEE = 5; // GeV maxHitTimeEB = 15; // ns minHitTimeEB = -15; // ns maxSwissCrossNoise = 0.95; // EB only inBxs = "-1"; inOrbits = "-1"; inTrig = "-1"; inTTrig = "-1"; inLumi = "-1"; inRuns = "-1"; char* infile = argv[1]; if (!infile) { cout << " No input file specified !" << endl; return -1; } //TODO: Replace this with the parseArguments function from the pi0 binary std::string stringGenericOption = "--"; for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-bxs") && argc>i+1) inBxs = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-orbits") && argc>i+1) inOrbits = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-trig") && argc>i+1) inTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ttrig") && argc>i+1) inTTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-lumi") && argc>i+1) inLumi = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-runs") && argc>i+1) inRuns = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eeampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-swisskmax") && argc>i+1) maxSwissCrossNoise = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemin") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMin = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemax") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMax = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebhittimemax") && argc>i+1) maxHitTimeEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebhittimemin") && argc>i+1) minHitTimeEB = atof(argv[i+1]); // handle here the case of multiple arguments for input files if (argv[i] == std::string("--i"))// && argc>i+1) { for (int u=i+1; u<argc; u++) { if ( 0==std::string(argv[u]).find( stringGenericOption ) ) { if ( 0==listOfFiles_.size()) {std::cout << "no input files listed" << std::cout;} else {std::cout << "no more files listed, found: " << argv[u] << std::cout;} break; } else { listOfFiles_.push_back(argv[u]); i++; } }// loop on arguments following --i continue; }//end 'if input files' } // Open the input files if (listOfFiles_.size()==0){ std::cout << "\tno input file found" << std::endl; return(1); } else{ std::cout << "\tfound " << listOfFiles_.size() << " input files: " << std::endl; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ std::cout << "\t" << (*file_itr) << std::endl; } } // Tree construction TChain* chain = new TChain ("EcalTimeAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr; for(file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ chain->Add( (*file_itr).c_str() ); } cout << "Running with options: " << "avgTimeMin: " << avgTimeMin << " avgTimeMax: " << avgTimeMax << " minAmpEB: " << minAmpEB << " minAmpEE: " << minAmpEE << " maxSwissCrossNoise (EB): " << maxSwissCrossNoise << " maxHitTimeEB: " << maxHitTimeEB << " minHitTimeEB: " << minHitTimeEB << " inTrig: " << inTrig << " inTTrig: " << inTTrig << " inLumi: " << inLumi << " inBxs: " << inBxs << " inRuns: " << inRuns << " inOrbits: " << inOrbits << endl; // Ignore warnings gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001; setBranchAddresses(chain,treeVars_); // Generate all the vectors for skipping selections std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runExcludeVector; //recall: string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; genIncludeExcludeVectors(inBxs,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inOrbits,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTrig,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTTrig,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inLumi,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inRuns,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector); // Open output file and book hists string fileNameBeg = "timingCalibsEB"; string rootFilename = fileNameBeg+".root"; TFile* outfile = new TFile(rootFilename.c_str(),"RECREATE"); outfile->cd(); TH1F* calibHistEB = new TH1F("timingCalibsEB","timingCalibs EB [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH1F* calibErrorHistEB = new TH1F("calibErrorEB","timingCalibError EB [ns]",500,0,5); calibHistEB->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEB->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibsVsErrors = new TH2F("timingCalibsAndErrors","TimingCalibs vs. errors [ns]",500,0,5,100,0,10); calibsVsErrors->Sumw2(); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEB = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEB","Avg. expected statistical precision EB [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEB","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event EB [ns]",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEB = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEB","Expected stat. pres. each event EB [ns]",200,0,2); TH2F* errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist = new TH2F("errorOnMeanVsNumEvts","Error_on_mean vs. number of events",50,0,50,200,0,2); errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Sumw2(); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEB = new TH1F("hitsPerCryEB","Hits used in each crystal;hashedIndex",61200,0,61200); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEB = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEB","Hits used in each crystal;i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEB = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEB","amp profile map [ADC];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile* ampProfileEB = new TProfile("ampProfileEB","Average amplitude in cry [ADC];hashedIndex",61200,0,61200); TH1F* sigmaHistEB = new TH1F("sigmaCalibsEB"," Sigma of calib distributions EB [ns]",100,0,1); //=============Special Bins for TT and Modules borders============================= double ttEtaBins[36] = {-85, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60, -55, -50, -45, -40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 76, 81, 86 }; // double modEtaBins[10]={-85, -65, -45, -25, 0, 1, 26, 46, 66, 86}; double ttPhiBins[73]; double modPhiBins[19]; double timingBins[79]; double highEBins[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 79; ++i) { timingBins[i]=-7.+double(i)*14./78.; if (i<73) { ttPhiBins[i]=1+5*i; if ( i < 19) { modPhiBins[i]=1+20*i; if (i < 11) { highEBins[i]=10.+double(i)*20.; } } } } TH2F* calibMapEB = new TH2F("calibMapEB","time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); calibMapEB->Sumw2(); TH2F* sigmaMapEB = new TH2F("sigmaMapEB","Sigma of time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TH2F* calibErrorMapEB = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEB","Error of time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile2D* calibTTMapEB = new TProfile2D("calibTTMapEB","time calib map EB (TT) [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360/5,ttPhiBins,35, ttEtaBins); TDirectory* cryDirEB = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEB"); cryDirEB->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEB[61200]; EBDetId det; for(int hi=0; hi < 61200; ++hi) { det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hi); if(det==EBDetId()) continue; string histname = "EB_cryTiming_ieta"; histname+=intToString(det.ieta()); histname+="_iphi"; histname+=intToString(det.iphi()); cryTimingHistsEB[hi] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEB[hi]->Sumw2(); } outfile->cd(); cout << "Making calibs..."; CrystalCalibration* ebCryCalibs[61200]; //XXX: Making calibs with weighted/unweighted mean for(int i=0; i < 61200; ++i) ebCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(); //use weighted mean! //ebCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(false); //don't use weighted mean! // Loop over the TTree int numEventsUsed = 0; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries(); cout << "Begin loop over TTree." << endl; for(int entry = 0; entry < nEntries; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry(entry); // Loop once to calculate average event time float sumTime = 0; int numCrysEB = 0; for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] == -999999) continue; // skip EE clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { sumTime += treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; numCrysEB++; } } //debug //cout << "Number of EB crys in event: " << numEBcrys << endl; //XXX: Event cuts if(sumTime/numCrysEB > avgTimeMax || sumTime/numCrysEB < avgTimeMin) { //cout << "Average event time: " << sumTime/numCrysEB << " so event rejected." << endl; continue; } // check BX, orbit, lumi, run, L1 tech/phys triggers bool keepEvent = includeEvent(treeVars_.bx,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.orbit,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.lumiSection,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.runId,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTriggers,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTechTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTechTriggers,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); if(!keepEvent) continue; numEventsUsed++; // Loop over the EB crys and fill the map for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] == -999999) continue; // skip EE clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { int hashedIndex = treeVars_.xtalInBCHashedIndex[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTime = treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTimeError = treeVars_.xtalInBCTimeErr[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryAmp = treeVars_.xtalInBCAmplitudeADC[bCluster][cryInBC]; //float cryEt = treeVars_.cryETEB_[cryIndex]; // not in the tree //SIC FEB 14,16 2011 - removed E/E9 // - spike cleaning done higher up float crySwissCrossNoise = treeVars_.xtalInBCSwissCross[bCluster][cryInBC]; float Ao = cryAmp/sigmaNoiseEB; float AoLog = log10(Ao/25); EBDetId det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EBDetId()) // make sure DetId is valid continue; int ieta = det.ieta(); int iphi = det.iphi(); //XXX: RecHit cuts bool keepHit = cryAmp >= minAmpEB && crySwissCrossNoise < maxSwissCrossNoise && cryTime > minHitTimeEB && cryTime < maxHitTimeEB && AoLog > 0 && AoLog < 1.2; if(!keepHit) continue; //cout << "STUPID DEBUG: " << hashedIndex << " cryTime: " << cryTime << " cryTimeError: " << cryTimeError << " cryAmp: " << cryAmp << endl; // Timing correction to take out the energy dependence if log10(ampliOverSigOfThis/25) // is between 0 and 1.2 (about 1 and 13 GeV) // amplitude dependent timing corrections float timing = cryTime - timeCorrectionEB_->Eval(AoLog); //FIXME cryTimeError = 1; ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,timing,cryTimeError,false); //SIC Use when we don't have time_error available //ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,cryTime,35/(cryAmp/1.2),false); ampProfileEB->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryAmp); //if(cryTime > 33 || cryTime < -33) // cout << "Crystal: " << det << " event time is over/underflow: " << cryTime << endl; } } } //create output text file ofstream fileStream; string fileName = fileNameBeg+".calibs.txt"; fileStream.open(fileName.c_str()); if(!fileStream.good() || !fileStream.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } //create problem channels text file ofstream fileStreamProb; string fileName2 = fileNameBeg+".problems.txt"; fileStreamProb.open(fileName2.c_str()); if(!fileStreamProb.good() || !fileStreamProb.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } // Create calibration container objects EcalTimeCalibConstants timeCalibConstants; EcalTimeCalibErrors timeCalibErrors; cout << "Using " << numEventsUsed << " out of " << nEntries << " in the tree." << endl; cout << "Creating calibs..." << endl; float cryCalibAvg = 0; int numCrysCalibrated = 0; vector<int> hashesToCalibrateToAvg; //Loop over all the crys for(int hashedIndex=0; hashedIndex < 61200; ++hashedIndex) { EBDetId det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EBDetId()) continue; CrystalCalibration cryCalib = *(ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]); int ieta = det.ieta(); int iphi = det.iphi(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Fill(cryCalib.totalChi2); //expectedStatPresHistEB->Fill(sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Fill(sigmaM,sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //XXX: Filter events at default 0.5*meanE threshold cryCalib.filterOutliers(); //numPointsErasedHist->Fill(numPointsErased); //Write cryTimingHists vector<TimingEvent> times = cryCalib.timingEvents; for(vector<TimingEvent>::const_iterator timeItr = times.begin(); timeItr != times.end(); ++timeItr) { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEB[hashedIndex]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } cryDirEB->cd(); cryTimingHistsEB[hashedIndex]->Write(); outfile->cd(); hitsPerCryHistEB->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); // Make timing calibs double p1 = cryCalib.mean; double p1err = cryCalib.meanE; //cout << "cry ieta: " << ieta << " cry iphi: " << iphi << " p1: " << p1 << " p1err: " << p1err << endl; if(cryCalib.timingEvents.size() < 10) { fileStreamProb << "Cry (only " << cryCalib.timingEvents.size() << " events) was calibrated to avg: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); continue; } // Make it so we can add calib to reco time p1*=-1; if(p1err < 0.5 && p1err > 0) { fileStream << "EB\t" << hashedIndex << "\t" << p1 << "\t\t" << p1err << endl; calibHistEB->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEMFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1); calibTTMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1); //calibMapEEMPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); cryCalibAvg+=p1; ++numCrysCalibrated; //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = p1; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = p1err; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } else { //std::cout << "Cry: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << itr->first // << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; fileStreamProb << "Cry was calibrated to avg: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); } //calibsVsErrorsEB->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEB->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1err); sigmaHistEB->Fill(cryCalib.stdDev); sigmaMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryCalib.stdDev); } fileStream.close(); fileStreamProb.close(); // Calc average if(numCrysCalibrated > 0) cryCalibAvg/=numCrysCalibrated; cryCalibAvg-= 2.0833; // Global phase shift // calibrate uncalibratable crys for(vector<int>::const_iterator hashItr = hashesToCalibrateToAvg.begin(); hashItr != hashesToCalibrateToAvg.end(); ++hashItr) { //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = cryCalibAvg; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 999; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(*hashItr); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } //Write XML files cout << "Writing XML files." << endl; EcalCondHeader header; header.method_="testmethod"; header.version_="testversion"; header.datasource_="testdata"; header.since_=123; header.tag_="testtag"; header.date_="Mar 24 1973"; string timeCalibFile = "EcalTimeCalibsEB.xml"; string timeCalibErrFile = "EcalTimeCalibErrorsEB.xml"; // Hack to prevent seg fault EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = 0; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 0; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(0); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; // End hack EcalTimeCalibConstantsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibFile,header,timeCalibConstants); EcalTimeCalibErrorsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibErrFile,header,timeCalibErrors); cout << "Writing histograms." << endl; outfile->cd(); calibHistEB->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEB->Write(); sigmaHistEB->Write(); calibErrorHistEB->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEB->Write(); //eventsEBHist->Write(); //can->Print("calibs1D.png"); //cout << "Writing calibVsErrors" << endl; //calibsVsErrors->SetYTitle("AbsCalibConst"); //calibsVsErrors->SetXTitle("calibConstError"); //calibsVsErrors->Write(); //cout << "Writing calibErrorHists" << endl; //calibErrorHistEB->Write(); //cout << "Writing calib maps" << endl; sigmaMapEB->Write(); calibMapEB->Write(); calibErrorMapEB->Write(); calibTTMapEB->Write(); //calibMapEBFlip->SetXTitle("ieta"); //calibMapEBFlip->SetYTitle("iphi"); //calibMapEBFlip->Write(); //calibMapEBPhase->SetXTitle("iphi"); //calibMapEBPhase->SetYTitle("ieta"); //calibMapEBPhase->Write(); //Move empty bins out of the way //int nxbins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsX(); //int nybins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsY(); //for(int i=0;i<=(nxbins+2)*(nybins+2); ++i) //{ // double binentsM = calibMapEEM->GetBinContent(i); // if(binentsM==0) // { // calibMapEEM->SetBinContent(i,-1000); // } // double binentsP = calibMapEEP->GetBinContent(i); // if(binentsP==0) // { // calibMapEEP->SetBinContent(i,-1000); // } //} //calibMapEEM->SetXTitle("ix"); //calibMapEEM->SetYTitle("iy"); //calibMapEEM->Write(); //calibMapEEP->SetXTitle("ix"); //calibMapEEP->SetYTitle("iy"); //calibMapEEP->Write(); //calibSigmaHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //calibSigmaHist->Write(); // Old hist, commented Jun 15 2009 //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetYTitle("Avg. amp. [adc]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetXTitle("Events"); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetYTitle("Error_on_mean [ns]"); //TProfile* theProf = (TProfile*) errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->ProfileX(); //TF1* myFit = new TF1("myFit","[0]/sqrt(x)+[1]",0,50); //myFit->SetRange(0,50); ////theProf->Fit("myFit"); //theProf->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Write(); // //chiSquaredEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetXTitle("amplitude [ADC]"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetYTitle("#Chi^{2}"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetXTitle("iphi"); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetYTitle("ieta"); //chiSquaredHighMap->Write(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Write(); //chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEB->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEB->Write(); //ampEachEventHist->Write(); //numPointsErasedHist->Write(); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->SetXTitle("i#phi"); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->SetYTitle("i#eta"); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->Write(); //calibHistEtaAvgEB->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEB->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEB->Write(); ampProfileMapEB->Write(); ampProfileEB->Write(); //cout << "All done! Close input." << endl; //f->Close(); //cout << "Close output and quit!" << endl; outfile->Close(); cout << "done." << endl; }
// **************************************************************** //XXX: main int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // **** May 20 2010 update **** // Usage: CreateEcalTimingCalibsEE fileWithTree options... // using namespace std; // Ao dependent timing corrections timeCorrectionEE_ = new TF1("timeCorrectionEE_","pol4(0)",0,1.2); //coefficients obtained in the interval (0, 1.5) from Low eta region < 2.2, run 144011 timeCorrectionEE_->SetParameters(-0.461192,0.0876435,-0.234752,0.143774,-0.051990); // For selection cuts string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; float avgTimeMin, avgTimeMax; float minAmpEB, minAmpEE; float maxE1E9, maxSwissCrossNoise; // EB only, no spikes seen in EE float maxHitTimeEE, minHitTimeEE; // init to sensible defaults avgTimeMin = -1; // in ns avgTimeMax = 1; // in ns minAmpEB = 5; // GeV minAmpEE = 5; // GeV maxHitTimeEE = 15; // ns minHitTimeEE = -15; // ns maxE1E9 = 0.95; // EB only maxSwissCrossNoise = 0.95; // EB only inBxs = "-1"; inOrbits = "-1"; inTrig = "-1"; inTTrig = "-1"; inLumi = "-1"; inRuns = "-1"; char* infile = argv[1]; if (!infile) { cout << " No input file specified !" << endl; return -1; } //TODO: Replace this with the parseArguments function from the pi0 binary std::string stringGenericOption = "--"; for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-bxs") && argc>i+1) inBxs = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-orbits") && argc>i+1) inOrbits = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-trig") && argc>i+1) inTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ttrig") && argc>i+1) inTTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-lumi") && argc>i+1) inLumi = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-runs") && argc>i+1) inRuns = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eeampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-e1e9max") && argc>i+1) maxE1E9 = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-swisskmax") && argc>i+1) maxSwissCrossNoise = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemin") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMin = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemax") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMax = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eehittimemax") && argc>i+1) maxHitTimeEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eehittimemin") && argc>i+1) minHitTimeEE = atof(argv[i+1]); // handle here the case of multiple arguments for input files if (argv[i] == std::string("--i"))// && argc>i+1) { for (int u=i+1; u<argc; u++) { if ( 0==std::string(argv[u]).find( stringGenericOption ) ) { if ( 0==listOfFiles_.size()) {std::cout << "no input files listed" << std::cout;} else {std::cout << "no more files listed, found: " << argv[u] << std::cout;} break; } else { listOfFiles_.push_back(argv[u]); i++; } }// loop on arguments following --i continue; }//end 'if input files' } // Open the input files if (listOfFiles_.size()==0){ std::cout << "\tno input file found" << std::endl; return(1); } else{ std::cout << "\tfound " << listOfFiles_.size() << " input files: " << std::endl; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ std::cout << "\t" << (*file_itr) << std::endl; } } // Tree construction TChain* chain = new TChain ("EcalTimeAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr; for(file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ chain->Add( (*file_itr).c_str() ); } cout << "Running with options: " << "avgTimeMin: " << avgTimeMin << " avgTimeMax: " << avgTimeMax << " minAmpEB: " << minAmpEB << " minAmpEE: " << minAmpEE << " maxHitTimeEE: " << maxHitTimeEE << " minHitTimeEE: " << minHitTimeEE << " inTrig: " << inTrig << " inTTrig: " << inTTrig << " inLumi: " << inLumi << " inBxs: " << inBxs << " inRuns: " << inRuns << " inOrbits: " << inOrbits << endl; // Ignore warnings gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001; setBranchAddresses(chain,treeVars_); // Generate all the vectors for skipping selections std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runExcludeVector; //recall: string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; genIncludeExcludeVectors(inBxs,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inOrbits,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTrig,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTTrig,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inLumi,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inRuns,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector); // Open output file and book hists string fileNameBeg = "timingCalibsEE"; string rootFilename = fileNameBeg+".root"; TFile* outfile = new TFile(rootFilename.c_str(),"RECREATE"); outfile->cd(); TH1F* calibHistEE = new TH1F("timingCalibsEE","timingCalibs EE [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH1F* calibErrorHistEE = new TH1F("timingCalibErrorEE","timingCalibError EE [ns]",500,0,5); calibHistEE->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEE->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibsVsErrors = new TH2F("timingCalibsAndErrors","TimingCalibs vs. errors [ns]",500,0,5,100,0,10); calibsVsErrors->Sumw2(); //TH2F* calibMapEE = new TH2F("calibMapEE","time calib map EE",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH2F* calibMapEEFlip = new TH2F("calibMapEEFlip","time calib map EE",170,-86,86,360,1,361); //TH2F* calibMapEEPhase = new TH2F("calibMapEEPhase","time calib map EE (phase of Tmax)",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH2F* calibMapEtaAvgEE = new TH2F("calibMapEtaAvgEE","time calibs raw eta avg map EE",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH1F* calibHistEtaAvgEE = new TH1F("timingCalibsEtaAvgEE","EtaAvgTimingCalibs EE [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEEM = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEEM","Hits per cry EEM;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEEP = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEEP","Hits per cry EEP;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEEM = new TH1F("hitsPerCryHistEEM","Hits per cry EEM;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEEP = new TH1F("hitsPerCryHistEEP","Hits per cry EEP;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); //TH1C* eventsEEMHist = new TH1C("numEventsEEM","Number of events, EEM",100,0,100); //TH1C* eventsEEPHist = new TH1C("numEventsEEP","Number of events, EEP",100,0,100); TProfile* ampProfileEEM = new TProfile("ampProfileEEM","Amp. profile EEM;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TProfile* ampProfileEEP = new TProfile("ampProfileEEP","Amp. profile EEP;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEEP = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEEP","Amp. profile EEP;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEEM = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEEM","Amp. profile EEM;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); //TH1F* eventsEEHist = new TH1F("numEventsEE","Number of events, EE",100,0,100); //TH1F* calibSigmaHist = new TH1F("timingSpreadEE","Crystal timing spread [ns]",1000,-5,5); TH1F* sigmaHistEE = new TH1F("sigmaCalibsEE"," Sigma of calib distributions EE [ns]",100,0,1); //TH1F* chiSquaredEachEventHist = new TH1F("chi2eachEvent","Chi2 of each event",500,0,500); //TH2F* chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist = new TH2F("chi2VsAmpEachEvent","Chi2 vs. amplitude of each event",500,0,500,750,0,750); //TH2F* chiSquaredHighMap = new TH2F("chi2HighMap","Channels with event #Chi^{2} > 100",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH1F* chiSquaredTotalHist = new TH1F("chi2Total","Total chi2 of all events in each crystal",500,0,500); //TH1F* chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist = new TH1F("chi2SingleOverTotal","Chi2 of each event over total chi2",100,0,1); //TH1F* ampEachEventHist = new TH1F("energyEachEvent","Energy of all events [GeV]",1000,0,10); //TH1F* numPointsErasedHist = new TH1F("numPointsErased","Number of points erased per crystal",25,0,25); //TProfile2D* myAmpProfile = (TProfile2D*)EBampProfile->Clone(); //myAmpProfile->Write(); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEEM = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEEM","Avg. expected statistical precision EEM [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEM = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEEM","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event EEM [ns]",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEM = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEEM","Expected stat. pres. each event EEM [ns]",200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEEP = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEEP","Avg. expected statistical precision EEP [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEP = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEEP","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event [ns] EEP",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEP = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEEP","Expected stat. pres. each event EEP [ns]",200,0,2); TH2F* errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist = new TH2F("errorOnMeanVsNumEvts","Error_on_mean vs. number of events",50,0,50,200,0,2); errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Sumw2(); TH1F* calibHistEEM = new TH1F("timingCalibsEEM","timingCalibs EEM [ns]",500,-25,25); TH1F* calibHistEEP = new TH1F("timingCalibsEEP","timingCalibs EEP [ns]",500,-25,25); TH1F* calibErrorHistEEM = new TH1F("calibErrorEEM","timingCalibError EEM [ns]",250,0,5); TH1F* calibErrorHistEEP = new TH1F("calibErrorEEP","timingCalibError EEP [ns]",250,0,5); calibHistEEM->Sumw2(); calibHistEEP->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEEM->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEEP->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibMapEEM = new TH2F("calibMapEEM","time calib map EEM",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH2F* calibMapEEP = new TH2F("calibMapEEP","time calib map EEP",100,1,101,100,1,101); calibMapEEM->Sumw2(); calibMapEEP->Sumw2(); TH2F* sigmaMapEEM = new TH2F("sigmaMapEEM","Sigma of time calib map EEM [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* sigmaMapEEP = new TH2F("sigmaMapEEP","Sigma of time calib map EEP [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* calibErrorMapEEM = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEEM","Error of time calib map EEM [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* calibErrorMapEEP = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEEP","Error of time calib map EEP [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TDirectory* cryDirEEP = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEEP"); cryDirEEP->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEEP[100][100]; // [0][0] = ix 1, iy 1 for(int x=0; x < 100; ++x) { for(int y=0; y < 100; ++y) { if(!EEDetId::validDetId(x+1,y+1,1)) continue; string histname = "EEP_cryTiming_ix"; histname+=intToString(x+1); histname+="_iy"; histname+=intToString(y+1); cryTimingHistsEEP[x][y] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEEP[x][y]->Sumw2(); } } outfile->cd(); TDirectory* cryDirEEM = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEEM"); cryDirEEM->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEEM[100][100]; // [0][0] = ix 1, iy 1 for(int x=0; x < 100; ++x) { for(int y=0; y < 100; ++y) { if(!EEDetId::validDetId(x+1,y+1,-1)) continue; string histname = "EEM_cryTiming_ix"; histname+=intToString(x+1); histname+="_iy"; histname+=intToString(y+1); cryTimingHistsEEM[x][y] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEEM[x][y]->Sumw2(); } } outfile->cd(); cout << "Making calibs..." << endl; CrystalCalibration* eeCryCalibs[14648]; //XXX: Making calibs with weighted/unweighted mean for(int i=0; i < 14648; ++i) eeCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(); //use weighted mean! //eeCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(false); //don't use weighted mean! cout << "Looping over TTree..."; // Loop over the TTree int numEventsUsed = 0; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries(); cout << "Begin loop over TTree." << endl; for(int entry = 0; entry < nEntries; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry(entry); // Loop once to calculate average event time float sumTime = 0; int numCrysEE = 0; for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] != -999999) continue; // skip EB clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { sumTime += treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; numCrysEE++; } } //debug //cout << "Number of EE crys in event: " << numEEcrys << endl; //XXX: Event cuts if(sumTime/numCrysEE > avgTimeMax || sumTime/numCrysEE < avgTimeMin) { //cout << "Average event time: " << sumTime/numCrysEE << " so event rejected." << endl; continue; } // check BX, orbit, lumi, run, L1 tech/phys triggers bool keepEvent = includeEvent(treeVars_.bx,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.orbit,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.lumiSection,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.runId,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTriggers,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTechTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTechTriggers,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); if(!keepEvent) continue; numEventsUsed++; // Loop over the EE crys and fill the map for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] != -999999) continue; // skip EB clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { int hashedIndex = treeVars_.xtalInBCHashedIndex[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTime = treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTimeError = treeVars_.xtalInBCTimeErr[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryAmp = treeVars_.xtalInBCAmplitudeADC[bCluster][cryInBC]; float Ao = cryAmp/sigmaNoiseEE; float AoLog = log10(Ao/25); EEDetId det = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EEDetId()) // make sure DetId is valid continue; int ix = det.ix(); int iy = det.iy(); //XXX: RecHit cuts bool keepHit = cryAmp >= minAmpEE && cryTime > minHitTimeEE && cryTime < maxHitTimeEE && AoLog > 0 && AoLog < 1.2; if(!keepHit) continue; //cout << "STUPID DEBUG: " << hashedIndex << " cryTime: " << cryTime << " cryTimeError: " << cryTimeError << " cryAmp: " << cryAmp << endl; // Timing correction to take out the energy dependence if log10(ampliOverSigOfThis/25) // is between 0 and 1.2 (about 1 and 13 GeV) // amplitude dependent timing corrections float timing = cryTime - timeCorrectionEE_->Eval(AoLog); //FIXME cryTimeError = 1; eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,timing,cryTimeError,false); //SIC Use when we don't have time_error available //eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,cryTime,35/(cryAmp/1.2),false); if(det.zside() < 0) { ampProfileEEM->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEEM->Fill(ix,iy,cryAmp); } else { ampProfileEEP->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEEP->Fill(ix,iy,cryAmp); } } } } //create output text file ofstream fileStream; string fileName = fileNameBeg+".calibs.txt"; fileStream.open(fileName.c_str()); if(!fileStream.good() || !fileStream.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } //create problem channels text file ofstream fileStreamProb; string fileName2 = fileNameBeg+".problems.txt"; fileStreamProb.open(fileName2.c_str()); if(!fileStreamProb.good() || !fileStreamProb.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } // Create calibration container objects EcalTimeCalibConstants timeCalibConstants; EcalTimeCalibErrors timeCalibErrors; cout << "Using " << numEventsUsed << " out of " << nEntries << " in the tree." << endl; cout << "Creating calibs..." << endl; float cryCalibAvg = 0; int numCrysCalibrated = 0; vector<int> hashesToCalibrateToAvg; //Loop over all the crys for(int hashedIndex=0; hashedIndex < 14648; ++hashedIndex) { EEDetId det = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EEDetId()) continue; CrystalCalibration cryCalib = *(eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]); int x = det.ix(); int y = det.iy(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Fill(cryCalib.totalChi2); //expectedStatPresHistEB->Fill(sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Fill(sigmaM,sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //XXX: Filter events at default 0.5*meanE threshold cryCalib.filterOutliers(); //numPointsErasedHist->Fill(numPointsErased); //Write cryTimingHists vector<TimingEvent> times = cryCalib.timingEvents; for(vector<TimingEvent>::const_iterator timeItr = times.begin(); timeItr != times.end(); ++timeItr) { if(det.zside() < 0) { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEEM[x-1][y-1]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } else { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEEP[x-1][y-1]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } } if(det.zside() < 0) { cryDirEEM->cd(); cryTimingHistsEEM[x-1][y-1]->Write(); } else { cryDirEEP->cd(); cryTimingHistsEEP[x-1][y-1]->Write(); } outfile->cd(); if(det.zside() < 0) { hitsPerCryHistEEM->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEEM->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); } else { hitsPerCryHistEEP->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEEP->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); } // Make timing calibs double p1 = cryCalib.mean; double p1err = cryCalib.meanE; //cout << "cry ieta: " << ieta << " cry iphi: " << iphi << " p1: " << p1 << " p1err: " << p1err << endl; if(cryCalib.timingEvents.size() < 10) { fileStreamProb << "Cry (only " << cryCalib.timingEvents.size() << " events) was calibrated to avg: " << det.zside() << ", " << x <<", " << y << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); continue; } // Make it so we can add calib to reco time p1*=-1; if(p1err < 0.5 && p1err > 0) { fileStream << "EE\t" << hashedIndex << "\t" << p1 << "\t\t" << p1err << endl; if(det.zside() < 0) { calibHistEEM->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEMFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEEM->Fill(x,y,p1); //calibMapEEMPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); } else { calibHistEEP->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEPFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEEP->Fill(x,y,p1); //calibMapEEPPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); } cryCalibAvg+=p1; ++numCrysCalibrated; //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = p1; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = p1err; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } else { //std::cout << "Cry: " << y <<", " << x << ", hash: " << itr->first // << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; fileStreamProb << "Cry was calibrated to avg: " << x <<", " << y << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; } sigmaHistEE->Fill(cryCalib.stdDev); if(det.zside() < 0) { //calibsVsErrorsEEM->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEEM->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEEM->Fill(x,y,p1err); sigmaMapEEM->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.stdDev); } else { //calibsVsErrorsEEP->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEEP->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEEP->Fill(x,y,p1err); sigmaMapEEP->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.stdDev); } } fileStream.close(); fileStreamProb.close(); // Calc average if(numCrysCalibrated > 0) cryCalibAvg/=numCrysCalibrated; cryCalibAvg-= 2.0833; // Global phase shift // calibrate uncalibratable crys for(vector<int>::const_iterator hashItr = hashesToCalibrateToAvg.begin(); hashItr != hashesToCalibrateToAvg.end(); ++hashItr) { //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = cryCalibAvg; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 999; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(*hashItr); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } //Write XML files cout << "Writing XML files." << endl; EcalCondHeader header; header.method_="testmethod"; header.version_="testversion"; header.datasource_="testdata"; header.since_=123; header.tag_="testtag"; header.date_="Mar 24 1973"; string timeCalibFile = "EcalTimeCalibsEE.xml"; string timeCalibErrFile = "EcalTimeCalibErrorsEE.xml"; // Hack to prevent seg fault EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = 0; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 0; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(0); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; // End hack EcalTimeCalibConstantsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibFile,header,timeCalibConstants); EcalTimeCalibErrorsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibErrFile,header,timeCalibErrors); cout << "Writing histograms." << endl; outfile->cd(); calibHistEEM->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEEM->Write(); calibHistEEP->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEEP->Write(); calibErrorHistEEP->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEEP->Write(); calibErrorHistEEM->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEEM->Write(); calibErrorMapEEP->Write(); calibErrorMapEEM->Write(); sigmaHistEE->Write(); sigmaMapEEM->Write(); sigmaMapEEP->Write(); //can->Print("calibs1D.png"); //cout << "Writing calibVsErrors" << endl; //calibsVsErrors->SetYTitle("AbsCalibConst"); //calibsVsErrors->SetXTitle("calibConstError"); //calibsVsErrors->Write(); //Move empty bins out of the way int nxbins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsX(); int nybins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsY(); for(int i=0;i<=(nxbins+2)*(nybins+2); ++i) { double binentsM = calibMapEEM->GetBinContent(i); if(binentsM==0) { calibMapEEM->SetBinContent(i,-1000); } double binentsP = calibMapEEP->GetBinContent(i); if(binentsP==0) { calibMapEEP->SetBinContent(i,-1000); } } calibMapEEM->SetXTitle("ix"); calibMapEEM->SetYTitle("iy"); calibMapEEM->Write(); calibMapEEP->SetXTitle("ix"); calibMapEEP->SetYTitle("iy"); calibMapEEP->Write(); //calibSigmaHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //calibSigmaHist->Write(); // Old hist, commented Jun 15 2009 //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetYTitle("Avg. amp. [adc]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetXTitle("Events"); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetYTitle("Error_on_mean [ns]"); //TProfile* theProf = (TProfile*) errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->ProfileX(); //TF1* myFit = new TF1("myFit","[0]/sqrt(x)+[1]",0,50); //myFit->SetRange(0,50); ////theProf->Fit("myFit"); //theProf->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Write(); // //chiSquaredEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetXTitle("amplitude [ADC]"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetYTitle("#Chi^{2}"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetXTitle("iphi"); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetYTitle("ieta"); //chiSquaredHighMap->Write(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Write(); //chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEEP->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEP->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEP->Write(); //ampEachEventHist->Write(); //numPointsErasedHist->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEEP->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEEP->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEEM->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEEM->Write(); ampProfileEEP->Write(); ampProfileMapEEP->Write(); ampProfileEEM->Write(); ampProfileMapEEM->Write(); //cout << "All done! Close input." << endl; //f->Close(); //cout << "Close output and quit!" << endl; outfile->Close(); cout << "done." << endl; }
void Dcurvature(const char *chargechoice = "plus", double ptmin=20){ TString sign=chargechoice; gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat("e"); // double ptmin=20; double ptmax=200; double etamax=2.1; int ptbins=(ptmax-ptmin)/10; double ptbinwidth=(ptmax-ptmin)/ptbins; int etabins=21; int phibins=21; TProfile3D *khistptetaphi = new TProfile3D("DeltaCurv(pt,eta,phi)","DeltaCurv(pt,eta,phi) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,etabins,-etamax,etamax,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistptetaphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistptetaphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); khistptetaphi->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TProfile2D *khistpteta = new TProfile2D("DeltaCurv(pt,eta)","DeltaCurv(pt,eta) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistpteta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistpteta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile2D *khistptphi = new TProfile2D("DeltaCurv(pt,phi)","DeltaCurv(pt,phi) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistptphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistptphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TProfile *khistpt = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(pt)","DeltaCurv(pt) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistpt->SetAxisRange(-0.001,0.001,"Y"); TProfile *khisteta = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(eta)","DeltaCurv(eta) "+sign,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile *khistphi = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(phi)","DeltaCurv(phi) "+sign,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TObjArray *khistptbins= new TObjArray(); for (int i=0; i<ptbins; i++) { TString name="DeltaCurv(eta,phi), pt bin "; name+=int(ptmin+i*(ptmax-ptmin)/ptbins); name+=TString(", charge ")+sign; TProfile2D *ist = new TProfile2D(name.Data(),name.Data(),phibins,-3.14,3.14,etabins,-etamax,etamax); ist->SetAxisRange(-0.002,0.002,"Z"); khistptbins->Add(ist); } TFile *f = new TFile("RecoRoutines_Z-selection_ZJets_TuneZ2_7TeV_alpgen_tauola.rew8.corr1.root","read"); TTree *tree; f->GetObject("SingleMuPtScale/"+sign+"muonstree",tree); Double_t MCPt; Double_t MCEta; Double_t MCPhi; Double_t RecoPt; Double_t RecoEta; Double_t RecoPhi; Double_t EvWeight; tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoPt",&RecoPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoEta",&RecoEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoPhi",&RecoPhi); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCPt",&MCPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCEta",&MCEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCPhi",&MCPhi); tree->SetBranchAddress("EvWeight",&EvWeight); long nentries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); for (int i=0; i<nentries; i++){ tree->GetEntry(i); if (RecoPt<ptmin || RecoPt>ptmax || RecoEta<-etamax || RecoEta>etamax) continue; double quantity=(MCPt-RecoPt)/MCPt/RecoPt; khistptetaphi->Fill(RecoPt,RecoEta,RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); khistpteta->Fill(RecoPt,RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistptphi->Fill(RecoPt,RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); ((TProfile2D*)(khistptbins->At(int((RecoPt-ptmin)/ptbinwidth))))->Fill(RecoPhi,RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistpt->Fill(RecoPt,quantity,EvWeight); khisteta->Fill(RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistphi->Fill(RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); khistptetaphi->Draw("BOX"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->Divide(2,1); c2->cd(1); khistpteta->Draw("BOX"); c2->cd(2); khistptphi->Draw("BOX"); TCanvas *c2b = new TCanvas(); c2b->Divide(3,1); c2b->cd(1); khistpt->Draw(); c2b->cd(2); khisteta->Draw(); c2b->cd(3); khistphi->Draw(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(); c3->Divide(int(sqrt(ptbins))+1,int(sqrt(ptbins))); for (int i=0;i<ptbins;i++) { c3->cd(i+1); ((TProfile2D*)(khistptbins->At(i)))->Draw("SURF1 PSR Z");} TProfile *khistcorrpt = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(pt)","DeltaCurv(pt) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistcorrpt->SetAxisRange(-0.001,0.001,"Y"); TProfile *khistcorreta = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(eta)","DeltaCurv(eta) "+sign,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile *khistcorrphi = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(phi)","DeltaCurv(phi) "+sign,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); // correction for (int i=0; i<nentries; i++){ tree->GetEntry(i); if (RecoPt<ptmin || RecoPt>ptmax || RecoEta<-etamax || RecoEta>etamax) continue; double newpt=RecoPt+RecoPt*RecoPt*khistptetaphi->GetBinContent(khistptetaphi->FindBin(RecoPt,RecoEta,RecoPhi)); double quantity=(MCPt-newpt)/MCPt/newpt; khistcorrpt->Fill(RecoPt,quantity,EvWeight); khistcorreta->Fill(RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistcorrphi->Fill(RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); } TCanvas *corrc2b = new TCanvas(); corrc2b->Divide(3,1); corrc2b->cd(1); khistcorrpt->Draw(); corrc2b->cd(2); khistcorreta->Draw(); corrc2b->cd(3); khistcorrphi->Draw(); khistptetaphi->SetName("ist"); khistptetaphi->SaveAs("mcptbinscorrectionfactors.C"); }
void RunPidGetterQAEff() { TString PidFrameworkDir = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/klochkov/soft/PidFramework/"; gSystem->Load( PidFrameworkDir + "build/libPid"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0000); TFile *f2 = new TFile("pid_0.root"); TTree *PidTree = (TTree*) f2->Get("PidTree"); TofPidGetter *getter = new TofPidGetter(); TBranch *PidGet = PidTree->GetBranch("TofPidGetter"); PidGet->SetAddress(&getter); PidGet->GetEntry(0); Float_t ret[3]; TProfile *hEffP = new TProfile ("hEffP", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPi = new TProfile ("hEffPi", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffK = new TProfile ("hEffK", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile *hEffPSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPSigma", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPiSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPiSigma", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffKSigma = new TProfile ("hEffKSigma", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile2D *hEffPtYP = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYP", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYK = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYK", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYPi = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYPi", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TString InTreeFileName = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/dblau/cbm/mc/UrQMD/AuAu/10AGeV/sis100_electron/SC_ON/2016_09_01/tree/11111.root"; TFile *InFile = new TFile(InTreeFileName); TTree *InTree = (TTree*) InFile->Get("fDataTree"); DataTreeEvent* DTEvent; InTree -> SetBranchAddress("DTEvent",&DTEvent); int nevents = 100000;//InTree->GetEntries(); int outputstep = 100; std::cout << "Entries = " << nevents << std::endl; for (int j=0;j<nevents;j++) { if ( (j+1) % outputstep == 0) std::cout << j+1 << "/" << nevents << "\r" << std::flush; InTree->GetEntry(j); Int_t Nmc[3] = {100,100,100}; Int_t Ntof[3] = {0,0,0}; Int_t PdgCode[3] = {2212, 212, 211}; Double_t sigmas [3] = {0,0,0}; for (int i=0;i<DTEvent->GetNTracks(); i++) { TLorentzVector v; DataTreeTrack* track = DTEvent -> GetTrack(i); DataTreeMCTrack* mctrack = DTEvent -> GetMCTrack(i); Double_t p = mctrack->GetPt() * TMath::CosH( mctrack->GetEta() ); if (track->GetTOFHitId() < 0) { if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, 0); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } continue; } // DataTreeTOFHit* toftrack = DTEvent -> GetTOFHit(track->GetTOFHitId()); p = toftrack->GetP(); Double_t m2 = toftrack->GetMass2 (); Bool_t cut = toftrack->GetBeta() > 0.1 && ( track->GetChiSq(0)/track->GetNDF(0) < 3 ) && p > 1.0 ; if ( !cut ) continue; getter->GetBayesProbability (m2, p, ret); sigmas[0] = getter->GetSigmaProton (m2, p); sigmas[1] = getter->GetSigmaKaon (m2, p); sigmas[2] = getter->GetSigmaPion (m2, p); // std::cout << "pdg = " << mctrack->GetPdgId() << " p = " << p << " Sp = " << sigmas[0] << " Sk = " << sigmas[1]<< " Spi = " << sigmas[2] << std::endl; if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, ret[0] > 0.9 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[0] < 3&& sigmas[1] > 2 && sigmas[2] > 2 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[0] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, ret[1] > 0.9 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[1] < 3&& sigmas[2] > 2 && sigmas[0] > 2 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[1] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, ret[2] > 0.9 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[2] < 3&& sigmas[0] > 2 && sigmas[1] > 2 ); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[2] > 0.9 ); } } } hEffP -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffP -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffP -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffPi -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffK -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPtYP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas ("c1", "c1", 1400, 700); c1->Divide(3,1); c1->cd(1); hEffP->Draw(); hEffPSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(2); hEffK->Draw(); hEffKSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(3); hEffPi->Draw(); hEffPiSigma->Draw("same"); // c1->cd(4); // getter->GetProtonSigma()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonSigma()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionSigma()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(5); // getter->GetProtonA()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonA()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionA()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(6); // getter->GetProtonM2()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonM2()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionM2()->Draw("same"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas ("c2", "c2", 1400, 700); c2->Divide(3,1); c2->cd(1); hEffPtYP->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(2); hEffPtYK->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(3); hEffPtYPi->Draw("colz"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.root"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.C"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.png"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.root"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.C"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.png"); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { /// Mc Ntuplas TString input = Form("/data1/rgerosa/NTUPLES_FINAL_CALIB/MC/WJetsToLNu_DYJetsToLL_7TeV-madgraph-tauola_Fall11_All.root"); /// MC Calibration result E/p TString input2 = Form("/data1/rgerosa/L3_Weight/MC_WJets/EB_Z_recoFlag/WJetsToLNu_DYJetsToLL_7TeV-madgraph-tauola_Fall11_Z_noEP.root"); TApplication* theApp = new TApplication("Application",&argc, argv); TFile *f = new TFile(input,""); TTree *inputTree = (TTree*)f->Get("ntu"); TFile *f2 = new TFile(input2,""); TH2F *h_scale_EB = (TH2F*)f2->Get("h_scale_EB"); TH2F *hcmap = (TH2F*) h_scale_EB->Clone("hcmap"); hcmap -> Reset("ICEMS"); hcmap -> ResetStats(); /// Taking infos std::vector<float>* ele1_recHit_E=0; std::vector<float>* ele2_recHit_E=0; std::vector<int>* ele1_recHit_hashedIndex=0; std::vector<int>* ele2_recHit_hashedIndex=0; std::vector<int>* ele1_recHit_flag=0; std::vector<int>* ele2_recHit_flag=0; float ele1_E_true,ele2_E_true; float ele1_tkP,ele2_tkP; int ele1_isEB, ele2_isEB; float ele1_fbrem,ele2_fbrem; int isW, isZ; inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_recHit_E", &ele1_recHit_E); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_recHit_E", &ele2_recHit_E); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_recHit_hashedIndex", &ele1_recHit_hashedIndex); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_recHit_hashedIndex", &ele2_recHit_hashedIndex); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_recHit_flag", &ele1_recHit_flag); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_recHit_flag", &ele2_recHit_flag); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_E_true", &ele1_E_true); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_E_true", &ele2_E_true); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_tkP", &ele1_tkP); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_tkP", &ele2_tkP); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_isEB", &ele1_isEB); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_isEB", &ele2_isEB); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele1_fbrem", &ele1_fbrem); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("ele2_fbrem", &ele2_fbrem); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); inputTree->SetBranchAddress("isZ", &isZ); TProfile2D* mapMomentum = new TProfile2D("mapMomentum","mapMomentum",360,0,360,170,-85,85); TProfile2D* mapfbrem = new TProfile2D("mapfbrem","mapfbrem",360,0,360,170,-85,85); /// Make fbrem and p/ptrue map cycling on MC --> all the events for(Long64_t i=0; i< inputTree->GetEntries(); i++) { inputTree->GetEntry(i); if (!(i%100000))std::cerr<<i; if (!(i%10000)) std::cerr<<"."; if (ele1_isEB == 1 && (isW==1 || isZ==1)) { double E_seed=0; int seed_hashedIndex, iseed; for (unsigned int iRecHit = 0; iRecHit < ele1_recHit_E->size(); iRecHit++ ) { if(ele1_recHit_E -> at(iRecHit) > E_seed && ele1_recHit_flag->at(iRecHit) < 4 ) /// control if this recHit is good { seed_hashedIndex=ele1_recHit_hashedIndex -> at(iRecHit); iseed=iRecHit; E_seed=ele1_recHit_E -> at(iRecHit); ///! Seed search } } int eta_seed = GetIetaFromHashedIndex(seed_hashedIndex); int phi_seed = GetIphiFromHashedIndex(seed_hashedIndex); if(ele1_tkP>0 && ele1_E_true>0 && abs(ele1_tkP/ele1_E_true)<2. && abs(ele1_tkP/ele1_E_true)>0.5) mapMomentum->Fill(phi_seed,eta_seed,abs(ele1_tkP/ele1_E_true)); mapfbrem->Fill(phi_seed,eta_seed,abs(ele1_fbrem)); } if (ele2_isEB == 1 && isZ==1) { double E_seed=0; int seed_hashedIndex, iseed; for (unsigned int iRecHit = 0; iRecHit < ele2_recHit_E->size(); iRecHit++ ) { if(ele2_recHit_E -> at(iRecHit) > E_seed && ele2_recHit_flag->at(iRecHit) < 4 ) /// control if this recHit is good { seed_hashedIndex=ele2_recHit_hashedIndex -> at(iRecHit); iseed=iRecHit; E_seed=ele2_recHit_E -> at(iRecHit); ///! Seed search } } int eta_seed = GetIetaFromHashedIndex(seed_hashedIndex); int phi_seed = GetIphiFromHashedIndex(seed_hashedIndex); if(ele2_tkP>0 && ele2_E_true>0 && abs(ele2_tkP/ele2_E_true)<2. && abs(ele2_tkP/ele2_E_true)>0.5) mapMomentum->Fill(phi_seed,eta_seed,abs(ele2_tkP/ele2_E_true)); mapfbrem->Fill(phi_seed,eta_seed,abs(ele2_fbrem)); } } /// Map of IC normalized in eta rings std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > TT_centre ; TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (58,49)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (53,109)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (8,114)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (83,169)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (53,174)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (63,194)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (83,224)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (73,344)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (83,358)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-13,18)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-18,23)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-8,53)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-3,63)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-53,128)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-53,183)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-83,193)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-74,218)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-8,223)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-68,303)); TT_centre.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (-43,328)); /// Mean over phi corrected skipping dead channel for (int iEta = 1 ; iEta < h_scale_EB->GetNbinsY()+1; iEta ++) { float SumIC = 0; int numIC = 0; for(int iPhi = 1 ; iPhi < h_scale_EB->GetNbinsX()+1 ; iPhi++) { bool isGood = CheckxtalIC(h_scale_EB,iPhi,iEta); bool isGoodTT = CheckxtalTT(iPhi,iEta,TT_centre); if(isGood && isGoodTT) { SumIC = SumIC + h_scale_EB->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta); numIC ++ ; } } //fede: skip bad channels and bad TTs for (int iPhi = 1; iPhi< h_scale_EB->GetNbinsX()+1 ; iPhi++) { if(numIC==0 || SumIC==0) continue; bool isGood = CheckxtalIC(h_scale_EB,iPhi,iEta); bool isGoodTT = CheckxtalTT(iPhi,iEta,TT_centre); if (!isGood || !isGoodTT) continue; hcmap->SetBinContent(iPhi,iEta,h_scale_EB->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta)/(SumIC/numIC)); } } /// ratio map TH2F* ratioMap = (TH2F*) hcmap -> Clone("ratioMap"); ratioMap->Reset(); for( int i =0 ; i<hcmap->GetNbinsX() ; i++){ for( int j=0; j<hcmap->GetNbinsY() ; j++){ if(hcmap->GetBinContent(i,j)!=0 && mapMomentum->GetBinContent(i,j)!=0) ratioMap->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,mapMomentum->GetBinContent(i,j)/hcmap->GetBinContent(i,j)); } } /// Profile along phi taking into account dead channels TGraphErrors *coeffEBp = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors *coeffEBm = new TGraphErrors(); for (int iPhi =1; iPhi< hcmap->GetNbinsX()+1 ; iPhi++){ double SumEBp =0, SumEBm=0; double iEBp=0, iEBm=0; for(int iEta = 1; iEta<hcmap->GetNbinsY()+1 ; iEta++){ if(hcmap->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta)==0)continue; if(iEta>85) {SumEBp=SumEBp+mapMomentum->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta)/hcmap->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta); iEBp++;} else{ SumEBm=SumEBm+mapMomentum->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta)/hcmap->GetBinContent(iPhi,iEta); iEBm++;} } coeffEBp->SetPoint(iPhi-1,iPhi-1,SumEBp/iEBp); coeffEBm->SetPoint(iPhi-1,iPhi-1,SumEBm/iEBm); } TFile* outputGraph = new TFile("output/GraphFor_P_Correction.root","RECREATE"); outputGraph->cd(); coeffEBp->Write("coeffEBp"); coeffEBm->Write("coeffEBm"); outputGraph->Close(); gROOT->Reset(); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); gStyle->SetFitFormat("6.3g"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetTextFont(42); gStyle->SetTextSize(0.05); gStyle->SetTitleFont(42,"xyz"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05); gStyle->SetLabelFont(42,"xyz"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05); gStyle->SetTitleXOffset(0.8); gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.1); gROOT->ForceStyle(); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("mapMomentum","mapMomentum",1); c1->cd(); mapMomentum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); mapMomentum->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20); c1->SetGridx(); mapMomentum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); mapMomentum->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,1.3); mapMomentum->Draw("colz"); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("mapfbrem","mapfbrem",1); c2->cd(); mapfbrem->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); mapfbrem->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); mapfbrem->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20); c2->SetGridx(); mapfbrem->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,0.7); mapfbrem->Draw("colz"); TCanvas* c3 = new TCanvas("ratioMap","ratioMap",1); c3->cd(); ratioMap->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); ratioMap->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); ratioMap->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20); c3->SetGridx(); ratioMap->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,1.3); ratioMap->Draw("colz"); TCanvas* c4 = new TCanvas("coeffEB","coeffEB",1); c4->cd(); coeffEBp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); coeffEBp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("p/p_{true}"); coeffEBp -> SetMarkerStyle(20); coeffEBp -> SetMarkerSize(1); coeffEBp -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); coeffEBp -> SetLineColor(kRed+1); c4->SetGridx(); c4->SetGridy(); ratioMap->Draw("ap"); coeffEBm->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); coeffEBm->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("p/p_{true}"); coeffEBm -> SetMarkerStyle(20); coeffEBm -> SetMarkerSize(1); coeffEBm -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1); coeffEBm -> SetLineColor(kBlue+1); coeffEBm->Draw("ap same"); theApp->Run(); return 0; }
//! main program int main (int argc, char** argv) { std::string outputRootName = "matchDistance.root" ; std::string fileName (argv[1]) ; boost::shared_ptr<edm::ProcessDesc> processDesc = edm::readConfigFile (fileName) ; boost::shared_ptr<edm::ParameterSet> parameterSet = processDesc->getProcessPSet () ; std::cout << parameterSet->dump () << std::endl ; //PG for testing edm::ParameterSet subPSetSelections = parameterSet->getParameter<edm::ParameterSet> ("selections") ; //cuts on SC Energy double EnergyMaxSC = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("EnergyMaxSC") ; double EnergyMinSC = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("EnergyMinSC") ; //cuts on Angle Muon / SCdirection double angleMAX = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("angleMAX") ; double angleMIN = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("angleMIN") ; //cuts on Xtal Energy double XtalMaxEnergyMin = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("XtalMaxEnergyMin") ; double XtalMaxEnergyMax = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("XtalMaxEnergyMax") ; double XtalMinEnergy = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("XtalMinEnergy") ; //cuts on Windows double phiWINDOW = subPSetSelections.getParameter<double> ("phiWINDOW") ; double ietaMAX = subPSetSelections.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("ietaMAX",85) ; edm::ParameterSet subPSetInput = parameterSet->getParameter<edm::ParameterSet> ("inputNtuples") ; std::vector<std::string> inputFiles = subPSetInput.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> > ("inputFiles") ; std::cout << "reading : " ; TChain *chain = new TChain ("EcalCosmicsAnalysis") ; EcalCosmicsTreeContent treeVars ; setBranchAddresses (chain, treeVars) ; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator listIt = inputFiles.begin () ; listIt != inputFiles.end () ; ++listIt) { std::cout << *listIt << " " << std::endl ; chain->Add (listIt->c_str ()) ; } TProfile2D aveEoxMap ("aveEoxMap","aveEoxMap",360,1.,361.,172,-86.,86.); int nEntries = chain->GetEntries () ; std::cout << "FOUND " << nEntries << " ENTRIES\n" ; //PG loop over entries for (int entry = 0 ; entry < nEntries ; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry (entry) ; if (entry % 100000 == 0) std::cout << "reading entry " << entry << std::endl ; std::vector<ect::association> associations ; ect::fillAssocVector (associations, treeVars) ; ect::selectOnDR (associations, treeVars, 0.3) ; //PG loop on associations vector for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < associations.size () ; ++i) { int MUindex = associations.at (i).first ; int SCindex = associations.at (i).second ; TVector3 SC0_pos (treeVars.superClusterX[SCindex], treeVars.superClusterY[SCindex], treeVars.superClusterZ[SCindex]) ; TVector3 MuonDir (treeVars.muonPx[MUindex], treeVars.muonPy[MUindex], treeVars.muonPz[MUindex]) ; float dummyEmax = 0.; float dummyLmax = 0.; int numCrystalEMax = -1; int numCrystalLMax = -1; bool SclOk = false; double dummyLength = 0; for (int XTLindex = treeVars.xtalIndexInSuperCluster[SCindex] ; XTLindex < treeVars.xtalIndexInSuperCluster[SCindex] + treeVars.nXtalsInSuperCluster[SCindex] ; ++XTLindex) { if(treeVars.xtalTkLength[XTLindex] == -1) continue; dummyLength+= treeVars.xtalTkLength[XTLindex]; //---- check the link Xtal with max energy == Xtal with max length ---- if (treeVars.xtalEnergy[XTLindex] > dummyEmax) numCrystalEMax = XTLindex; if(treeVars.xtalTkLength[XTLindex] > dummyLmax) numCrystalLMax = XTLindex; } // if( abs(treeVars.muonTkLengthInEcalDetail[associations.at(i).first] - dummyLength) > 0.5) continue; if ( (numCrystalEMax != numCrystalLMax) && (numCrystalEMax != -1) && (numCrystalLMax != -1)) { if ( 3.*treeVars.xtalEnergy[numCrystalLMax] < treeVars.xtalTkLength[numCrystalLMax] * 0.0125) SclOk = false; } else SclOk = true; if ((numCrystalEMax == -1) || (numCrystalLMax == -1)) SclOk = false; if(SclOk == false) continue; double SCphi = fabs(SC0_pos.Phi()) / 3.1415 * 180. ; if ( (SCphi < 90. - phiWINDOW/2) || (SCphi > 90. + phiWINDOW/2) ) continue; double SCieta = SC0_pos.Eta () / 0.0175 ; if (fabs (SCieta) > ietaMAX) continue ; double angle = MuonDir.Angle ( SC0_pos ) ; if( angle > 3.1415/2. ) angle = 3.1415 - angle; // angle belongs to [0:90] if ((angle < angleMIN) || (angle >= angleMAX)) continue ; if ((treeVars.superClusterRawEnergy[SCindex] >= EnergyMaxSC) || (treeVars.superClusterRawEnergy[SCindex] < EnergyMinSC)) continue ; std::pair <int,int> maxima = findMaxXtalsInSC (treeVars, SCindex) ; double XtalEnergyMax = treeVars.xtalEnergy[maxima.first] ; if ((XtalEnergyMax < XtalMaxEnergyMin) || (XtalEnergyMax >= XtalMaxEnergyMax)) continue ; //loop su cristalli di Supercluster Associato for (int XTLindex = treeVars.xtalIndexInSuperCluster[SCindex] ; XTLindex < treeVars.xtalIndexInSuperCluster[SCindex] + treeVars.nXtalsInSuperCluster[SCindex] ; ++XTLindex) { if (treeVars.xtalEnergy[XTLindex] < XtalMinEnergy) continue ; if (treeVars.xtalTkLength[XTLindex] <= 0.) continue ; double eox = treeVars.xtalEnergy[XTLindex] / treeVars.xtalTkLength[XTLindex] ; EBDetId dummy = EBDetId::unhashIndex (treeVars.xtalHashedIndex[XTLindex]) ; aveEoxMap.Fill (dummy.iphi (), dummy.ieta (), eox) ; } } } //PG loop over entries TH1F aveEoxDistr ("aveEoxDistr","aveEoxDistr",500,0,0.5) ; for (int phiIndex = 1 ; phiIndex < 361 ; ++phiIndex) for (int etaIndex = 1 ; etaIndex < 173 ; ++etaIndex) aveEoxDistr.Fill (aveEoxMap.GetBinContent (phiIndex,etaIndex)) ; TFile saving ("singleXtalEox.root","recreate") ; saving.cd () ; aveEoxMap.Write () ; aveEoxDistr.Write () ; saving.Close () ; return 0 ; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { printHelp() ; exit (1) ; } std::string inputfiles, inputdir ; std::string outputRootName = "histoTPG.root" ; int verbose = 0 ; int occupancyCut = 0 ; std::string l1algo ; bool ok(false) ; for (int i=0 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-h") ) { printHelp() ; exit(1); } if (argv[i] == std::string("-i") && argc>i+1) { ok = true ; inputfiles = argv[i+1] ; } if (argv[i] == std::string("-d") && argc>i+1) inputdir = argv[i+1] ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-o") && argc>i+1) outputRootName = argv[i+1] ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-v") && argc>i+1) verbose = atoi(argv[i+1]) ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-l1") && argc>i+1) l1algo = std::string(argv[i+1]) ; if (argv[i] == std::string("--cutTPOccup") && argc>i+1) occupancyCut = atoi(argv[i+1]) ; } if (!ok) { std::cout<<"No input files have been given: nothing to do!"<<std::endl ; printHelp() ; exit(1); } std::vector<int> algobits ; std::vector<std::string> algos = split(l1algo,",") ; for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<algos.size() ; i++) algobits.push_back(atoi(algos[i].c_str())) ; unsigned int ref = 2 ; /////////////////////// // book the histograms /////////////////////// TH2F * occupancyTP = new TH2F("occupancyTP", "Occupancy TP data", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; occupancyTP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; occupancyTP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH2F * occupancyTPEmul = new TH2F("occupancyTPEmul", "Occupancy TP emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; occupancyTPEmul->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; occupancyTPEmul->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH1F * TP = new TH1F("TP", "TP", 256, 0., 256.) ; TP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH1F * TPEmul = new TH1F("TPEmul", "TP Emulator", 256, 0., 256.) ; TPEmul->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH1F * TPEmulMax = new TH1F("TPEmulMax", "TP Emulator max", 256, 0., 256.) ; TPEmulMax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH3F * TPspectrumMap3D = new TH3F("TPspectrumMap3D", "TP data spectrum map", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19, 256, 0., 256.) ; TPspectrumMap3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPspectrumMap3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH1F * TPMatchEmul = new TH1F("TPMatchEmul", "TP data matching Emulator", 7, -1., 6.) ; TH1F * TPEmulMaxIndex = new TH1F("TPEmulMaxIndex", "Index of the max TP from Emulator", 7, -1., 6.) ; TH3I * TPMatchEmul3D = new TH3I("TPMatchEmul3D", "TP data matching Emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19, 7, -1, 6) ; TPMatchEmul3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchEmul3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH2I * ttfMismatch = new TH2I("ttfMismatch", "TTF mismatch map", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; ttfMismatch->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; ttfMismatch->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; /////////////////////// // Chain the trees: /////////////////////// TChain * chain = new TChain ("EcalTPGAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string> files ; if (inputfiles.find(std::string(",")) != std::string::npos) files = split(inputfiles,",") ; if (inputfiles.find(std::string(":")) != std::string::npos) { std::vector<std::string> filesbase = split(inputfiles,":") ; if (filesbase.size() == 4) { int first = atoi(filesbase[1].c_str()) ; int last = atoi(filesbase[2].c_str()) ; for (int i=first ; i<=last ; i++) { std::stringstream name ; name<<filesbase[0]<<i<<filesbase[3] ; files.push_back(name.str()) ; } } } for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<files.size() ; i++) { files[i] = inputdir+"/"+files[i] ; std::cout<<"Input file: "<<files[i]<<std::endl ; chain->Add (files[i].c_str()) ; } EcalTPGVariables treeVars ; setBranchAddresses (chain, treeVars) ; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries () ; std::cout << "Number of entries: " << nEntries <<std::endl ; /////////////////////// // Main loop over entries /////////////////////// for (int entry = 0 ; entry < nEntries ; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry (entry) ; if (entry%1000==0) std::cout <<"------> "<< entry+1 <<" entries processed" << " <------\n" ; if (verbose>0) std::cout<<"Run="<<treeVars.runNb<<" Evt="<<treeVars.runNb<<std::endl ; // trigger selection if any bool keep(false) ; if (!algobits.size()) keep = true ; // keep all events when no trigger selection for (unsigned int algo = 0 ; algo<algobits.size() ; algo++) for (unsigned int ntrig = 0 ; ntrig < treeVars.nbOfActiveTriggers ; ntrig++) if (algobits[algo] == treeVars.activeTriggers[ntrig]) keep = true ; if (!keep) continue ; // loop on towers for (unsigned int tower = 0 ; tower < treeVars.nbOfTowers ; tower++) { int tp = getEt(treeVars.rawTPData[tower]) ; int emul[5] = {getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul1[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul2[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul3[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul4[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul5[tower])} ; int maxOfTPEmul = 0 ; int indexOfTPEmulMax = -1 ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) if (emul[i]>maxOfTPEmul) { maxOfTPEmul = emul[i] ; indexOfTPEmulMax = i ; } int ieta = treeVars.ieta[tower] ; int iphi = treeVars.iphi[tower] ; int nbXtals = treeVars.nbOfXtals[tower] ; int ttf = getTtf(treeVars.rawTPData[tower]) ; if (verbose>9 && (tp>0 || maxOfTPEmul>0)) { std::cout<<"(phi,eta, Nbxtals)="<<std::dec<<iphi<<" "<<ieta<<" "<<nbXtals<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Data Et, TTF: "<<tp<<" "<<ttf<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Emulator: " ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) std::cout<<emul[i]<<" " ; std::cout<<std::endl ; } // Fill TP spctrum TP->Fill(tp) ; TPEmul->Fill(emul[ref]) ; TPEmulMax->Fill(maxOfTPEmul) ; TPspectrumMap3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, tp) ; // Fill TP occupancy if (tp>occupancyCut) occupancyTP->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; if (emul[ref]>occupancyCut) occupancyTPEmul->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; // Fill TP-Emulator matching // comparison is meaningful when: if (tp>0 && nbXtals == 25) { bool match(false) ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { if (tp == emul[i]) { TPMatchEmul->Fill(i+1) ; TPMatchEmul3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, i+1) ; match = true ; } } if (!match) { TPMatchEmul->Fill(-1) ; TPMatchEmul3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, -1) ; if (verbose>5) { std::cout<<"MISMATCH"<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"(phi,eta, Nbxtals)="<<std::dec<<iphi<<" "<<ieta<<" "<<nbXtals<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Data Et, TTF: "<<tp<<" "<<ttf<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Emulator: " ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) std::cout<<emul[i]<<" " ; std::cout<<std::endl ; } } } if (maxOfTPEmul>0) TPEmulMaxIndex->Fill(indexOfTPEmulMax+1) ; // Fill TTF mismatch if ((ttf==1 || ttf==3) && nbXtals != 25) ttfMismatch->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; } // end loop towers } // endloop entries /////////////////////// // Format & write histos /////////////////////// // 1. TP Spectrum TProfile2D * TPspectrumMap = TPspectrumMap3D->Project3DProfile("yx") ; TPspectrumMap->SetName("TPspectrumMap") ; // 2. TP Timing TH2F * TPMatchEmul2D = new TH2F("TPMatchEmul2D", "TP data matching Emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; TH2F * TPMatchFraction2D = new TH2F("TPMatchFraction2D", "TP data: fraction of non-single timing", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,6) ; TPMatchFraction2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchFraction2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; for (int binx=1 ; binx<=72 ; binx++) for (int biny=1 ; biny<=38 ; biny++) { int maxBinz = 5 ; double maxCell = TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, maxBinz) ; double totalCell(0) ; for (int binz=1; binz<=7 ; binz++) { double content = TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) ; if (content>maxCell) { maxCell = content ; maxBinz = binz ; } totalCell += content ; } if (maxCell <=0) maxBinz = 2 ; // empty cell TPMatchEmul2D->SetBinContent(binx, biny, float(maxBinz)-2.) ; //z must be in [-1,5] double fraction = 0 ; if (totalCell>0) fraction = 1.- maxCell/totalCell ; TPMatchFraction2D->SetBinContent(binx, biny, fraction) ; if (totalCell > maxCell && verbose>9) { std::cout<<"--->"<<std::endl ; for (int binz=1; binz<=7 ; binz++) { std::cout<< "(phi,eta, z): (" << TPMatchEmul3D->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binx) << ", " << TPMatchEmul3D->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(biny) << ", " << TPMatchEmul3D->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binz) << ") Content="<<TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) << ", erro="<<TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) << std::endl ; } } } TFile saving (outputRootName.c_str (),"recreate") ; saving.cd () ; occupancyTP->Write() ; occupancyTPEmul->Write() ; TP->Write() ; TPEmul->Write() ; TPEmulMax->Write() ; TPspectrumMap->Write() ; TPMatchEmul->Write() ; TPMatchEmul3D->Write() ; TPEmulMaxIndex->Write() ; TPMatchEmul2D->Write() ; TPMatchFraction2D->Write() ; ttfMismatch->Write() ; saving.Close () ; delete chain ; return 0 ; }