// questa funzione viene chiamata dopo il fill rect delle aree, e colora gli
// inchiostri di tipo "autoink"
// che confinano con le aree appena fillate con il rect. rbefore e' il rect del
// raster prima del rectfill.
void fillautoInks(TRasterCM32P &rin, TRect &rect, const TRasterCM32P &rbefore,
                  TPalette *plt) {
  TRasterCM32P r = rin->extract(rect);
  assert(r->getSize() == rbefore->getSize());
  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < r->getLy(); i++) {
    TPixelCM32 *pix  = r->pixels(i);
    TPixelCM32 *pixb = rbefore->pixels(i);
    for (j = 0; j < r->getLx(); j++, pix++, pixb++) {
      int paint = pix->getPaint();
      int tone  = pix->getTone();
      int ink   = pix->getInk();
      if (paint != pixb->getPaint() && tone > 0 && tone < 255 && ink != paint &&
          plt->getStyle(ink)->getFlags() != 0)
        inkFill(rin, TPoint(j, i) + rect.getP00(), paint, 0, NULL, &rect);
void Convert2Tlv::buildToonzRaster(TRasterCM32P &rout, const TRasterP &rin1, const TRasterP &rin2)
	if (rin2)
		assert(rin1->getSize() == rin2->getSize());


	std::cout << "      computing inks...\n";
	TRaster32P r1 = (TRaster32P)rin1;
	TRasterGR8P r1gr = (TRasterGR8P)rin1;
	TRaster32P r2 = (TRaster32P)rin2;
	TRasterGR8P r2gr = (TRasterGR8P)rin2;
	TRasterP rU, rP;

	if (r1gr) {
		rU = r1gr;
		rP = r2;
	} else if (r2gr) {
		rU = r2gr;
		rP = r1;
	} else if (!r1)
		rU = r2;
	else if (!r2)
		rU = r1;
	else if (firstIsUnpainted(r1, r2)) {
		rU = r1;
		rP = r2;
	} else {
		rU = r2;
		rP = r1;

	TRasterCM32P r;
	if (rout->getSize() != rU->getSize()) {
		int dx = rout->getLx() - rU->getLx();
		int dy = rout->getLy() - rU->getLy();
		assert(dx >= 0 && dy >= 0);

		r = rout->extract(dx / 2, dy / 2, dx / 2 + rU->getLx() - 1, dy / 2 + rU->getLy() - 1);
	} else
		r = rout;

	if ((TRasterGR8P)rU)
		buildInksFromGrayTones(r, rU);
	else if (m_isUnpaintedFromNAA)
		buildInksForNAAImage(r, (TRaster32P)rU);
	else {
		int maxMatte = getMaxMatte((TRaster32P)rU);
		if (maxMatte == -1)
			buildInksFromGrayTones(r, rU);
		else {
			if (maxMatte < 255)
				normalize(rU, maxMatte);
			buildInks(r, (TRaster32P)rU /*rP,*/);

	if (m_autoclose)
		TAutocloser(r, AutocloseDistance, AutocloseAngle, 1, AutocloseOpacity).exec();

	if (rP) {
		std::cout << "      computing paints...\n";
		doFill(r, rP);
	if (m_antialiasType == 2) //remove antialias
	else if (m_antialiasType == 1) //add antialias
		TRasterCM32P raux(r->getSize());
		TRop::antialias(r, raux, 10, m_antialiasValue);
		rout = raux;
CleanupPreprocessedImage *TCleanupper::process(
	TRasterImageP &image, bool first_image, TRasterImageP &onlyResampledImage,
	bool isCameraTest, bool returnResampled, bool onlyForSwatch, TAffine *resampleAff)
	TAffine aff;
	double blur;
	TDimension outDim(0, 0);
	TPointD outDpi;

	bool isSameDpi = false;
	bool autocentered = getResampleValues(image, aff, blur, outDim, outDpi, isCameraTest, isSameDpi);
	if (m_parameters->m_autocenterType != AUTOCENTER_NONE && !autocentered)
		DVGui::MsgBox(DVGui::WARNING, QObject::tr("The autocentering failed on the current drawing."));

	bool fromGr8 = (bool)TRasterGR8P(image->getRaster());
	bool toGr8 = (m_parameters->m_lineProcessingMode == lpGrey);

	// If necessary, perform auto-adjust
	if (!isCameraTest && m_parameters->m_lineProcessingMode != lpNone && toGr8 && m_parameters->m_autoAdjustMode != AUTO_ADJ_NONE &&
		!onlyForSwatch) {
		static int ref_cum[256];
		UCHAR lut[256];
		int cum[256];
		double x0_src_f, y0_src_f, x1_src_f, y1_src_f;
		int x0_src, y0_src, x1_src, y1_src;

		//cleanup_message("Autoadjusting... \n");

		TAffine inv = aff.inv();

		x0_src_f = affMV1(inv, 0, 0);
		y0_src_f = affMV2(inv, 0, 0);
		x1_src_f = affMV1(inv, outDim.lx - 1, outDim.ly - 1);
		y1_src_f = affMV2(inv, outDim.lx - 1, outDim.ly - 1);

		x0_src = tround(x0_src_f);
		y0_src = tround(y0_src_f);
		x1_src = tround(x1_src_f);
		y1_src = tround(y1_src_f);

		set_autoadjust_window(x0_src, y0_src, x1_src, y1_src);

		if (!TRasterGR8P(image->getRaster())) {
			//Auto-adjusting a 32-bit image. This means that a white background must be introduced first.
			TRaster32P ras32(image->getRaster()->clone());
			TRop::addBackground(ras32, TPixel32::White);
			image = TRasterImageP(ras32); //old image is released here
			ras32 = TRaster32P();

			TRasterGR8P rgr(image->getRaster()->getSize());
			TRop::copy(rgr, image->getRaster());

			//This is now legit. It was NOT before the clone, since the original could be cached.
		switch (m_parameters->m_autoAdjustMode) {
			if (first_image) {
				build_gr_cum(image, ref_cum);
			} else {
				build_gr_cum(image, cum);
				build_gr_lut(ref_cum, cum, lut);
				apply_lut(image, lut);

			CASE AUTO_ADJ_HISTO_L : histo_l_algo(image, first_image);

			CASE AUTO_ADJ_BLACK_EQ : black_eq_algo(image);

			CASE AUTO_ADJ_NONE : DEFAULT : assert(false);

	fromGr8 = (bool)TRasterGR8P(image->getRaster()); //may have changed type due to auto-adjust

	assert(returnResampled || !onlyForSwatch); //if onlyForSwatch, then returnResampled

	// Allocate output colormap raster
	TRasterCM32P finalRas;
	if (!onlyForSwatch) {
		finalRas = TRasterCM32P(outDim);
		if (!finalRas) {
			TImageCache::instance()->outputMap(outDim.lx * outDim.ly * 4, "C:\\cachelog");
			assert(!"failed finalRas allocation!");
			return 0;

	// In case the input raster was a greymap, we cannot reutilize finalRas's buffer to transform the final
	// fullcolor pixels to colormap pixels directly (1 32-bit pixel would hold 4 8-bit pixels) - therefore,
	// a secondary greymap is allocated.

	//NOTE: This should be considered obsolete? By using TRop::resample( <TRaster32P& instance> , ...) we
	//should get the same effect!!

	TRasterP tmp_ras;

	if (returnResampled || (fromGr8 && toGr8)) {
		if (fromGr8 && toGr8)
			tmp_ras = TRasterGR8P(outDim);
			tmp_ras = TRaster32P(outDim);

		if (!tmp_ras) {
			TImageCache::instance()->outputMap(outDim.lx * outDim.ly * 4, "C:\\cachelog");
			assert(!"failed tmp_ras allocation!");
			return 0;
	} else
		//if finalRas is allocated, and the intermediate raster has to be 32-bit, we can perform pixel
		//conversion directly on the same output buffer
		tmp_ras = TRaster32P(outDim.lx, outDim.ly, outDim.lx, (TPixel32 *)finalRas->getRawData());

	TRop::ResampleFilterType flt_type;
	if (isSameDpi)
		flt_type = TRop::ClosestPixel; //NearestNeighbor
	else if (isCameraTest)
		flt_type = TRop::Triangle;
		flt_type = TRop::Hann2;
	TRop::resample(tmp_ras, image->getRaster(), aff, flt_type, blur);

	if ((TRaster32P)tmp_ras)
		//Add white background to deal with semitransparent pixels
		TRop::addBackground(tmp_ras, TPixel32::White);

	if (resampleAff)
		*resampleAff = aff;

	image = TRasterImageP();

	if (returnResampled) {
		onlyResampledImage = TRasterImageP(tmp_ras);
		onlyResampledImage->setDpi(outDpi.x, outDpi.y);

	if (onlyForSwatch)
		return 0;


	// Copy current cleanup palette to parameters' colors
	m_parameters->m_colors.update(m_parameters->m_cleanupPalette.getPointer(), m_parameters->m_noAntialias);

	if (toGr8) {
		//No (color) processing. Not even thresholding. This just means that all the important
		//stuff here is made in the brightness/contrast stage...

		//NOTE: Most of the color processing should be DISABLED in this case!!

		assert(tmp_ras->getSize() == finalRas->getSize());
		assert(tmp_ras->getLx() == tmp_ras->getWrap());
		assert(finalRas->getLx() == finalRas->getWrap());

		int pixCount = outDim.lx * outDim.ly;

		if (fromGr8) {
			UCHAR *rowin = tmp_ras->getRawData();
			TUINT32 *rowout = reinterpret_cast<TUINT32 *>(finalRas->getRawData());
			for (int i = 0; i < pixCount; i++)
				*rowout++ = *rowin++; //Direct copy for now... :(
		} else {
			TPixel32 *rowin = reinterpret_cast<TPixel32 *>(tmp_ras->getRawData());
			TUINT32 *rowout = reinterpret_cast<TUINT32 *>(finalRas->getRawData());
			for (int i = 0; i < pixCount; i++)
				*rowout++ = TPixelGR8::from(*rowin++).value;

	} else {
		//WARNING: finalRas and tmp_ras may share the SAME buffer!
		preprocessColors(finalRas, tmp_ras, m_parameters->m_colors);

	TToonzImageP final;
	final = TToonzImageP(finalRas, finalRas->getBounds());
void TRop::over(TRasterP rout, const TRasterCM32P &rup, TPalette *palette, const TPoint &point, const TAffine &aff)
	TRaster32P app(rup->getSize());
	TRop::convert(app, rup, palette);
	TRop::over(rout, app, point, aff);