void TExpandoMenuBar::AddTeam(BList* team, BBitmap* icon, char* name, char* signature) { int32 iconSize = static_cast<TBarApp*>(be_app)->IconSize(); desk_settings* settings = static_cast<TBarApp*>(be_app)->Settings(); float itemWidth = -1.0f; if (fVertical) itemWidth = fBarView->Bounds().Width(); else { itemWidth = iconSize; if (!settings->hideLabels) itemWidth += gMinimumWindowWidth - kMinimumIconSize; else itemWidth += kIconPadding * 2; } float itemHeight = -1.0f; TTeamMenuItem* item = new TTeamMenuItem(team, icon, name, signature, itemWidth, itemHeight); if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && strcasecmp(signature, kTrackerSignature) == 0) { AddItem(item, 0); } else if (settings->sortRunningApps) { TTeamMenuItem* teamItem = dynamic_cast<TTeamMenuItem*>(ItemAt(0)); int32 firstApp = 0; // if Tracker should always be the first item, we need to skip it // when sorting in the current item if (settings->trackerAlwaysFirst && teamItem != NULL && strcasecmp(teamItem->Signature(), kTrackerSignature) == 0) { firstApp++; } BCollator collator; BLocale::Default()->GetCollator(&collator); int32 i = firstApp; int32 itemCount = CountItems(); while (i < itemCount) { teamItem = dynamic_cast<TTeamMenuItem*>(ItemAt(i)); if (teamItem != NULL && collator.Compare(teamItem->Label(), name) > 0) { AddItem(item, i); break; } i++; } // was the item added to the list yet? if (i == itemCount) AddItem(item); } else AddItem(item); if (fVertical && settings->superExpando && settings->expandNewTeams) item->ToggleExpandState(false); SizeWindow(1); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); }
void TExpandoMenuBar::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* message) { int32 buttons; BMessage* currentMessage = Window()->CurrentMessage(); if (currentMessage == NULL || currentMessage->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) != B_OK) { buttons = 0; } if (message == NULL) { // force a cleanup _FinishedDrag(); switch (code) { case B_INSIDE_VIEW: { BMenuItem* menuItem; TTeamMenuItem* item = TeamItemAtPoint(where, &menuItem); TWindowMenuItem* windowMenuItem = dynamic_cast<TWindowMenuItem*>(menuItem); if (item == NULL || menuItem == NULL) { // item is NULL, remove the tooltip and break out fLastMousedOverItem = NULL; SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } if (menuItem == fLastMousedOverItem) { // already set the tooltip for this item, break out break; } if (windowMenuItem != NULL && fBarView->Vertical() && fBarView->ExpandoState() && item->IsExpanded()) { // expando mode window menu item fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; if (strcasecmp(windowMenuItem->TruncatedLabel(), windowMenuItem->Label()) > 0) { // label is truncated, set tooltip SetToolTip(windowMenuItem->Label()); } else SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } if (!dynamic_cast<TBarApp*>(be_app)->Settings()->hideLabels) { // item has a visible label, set tool tip if truncated fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; if (strcasecmp(item->TruncatedLabel(), item->Label()) > 0) { // label is truncated, set tooltip SetToolTip(item->Label()); } else SetToolTip((const char*)NULL); break; } SetToolTip(item->Label()); // new item, set the tooltip to the item label fLastMousedOverItem = menuItem; // save the current menuitem for the next MouseMoved() call break; } } BMenuBar::MouseMoved(where, code, message); return; } if (buttons == 0) return; switch (code) { case B_ENTERED_VIEW: // fPreviousDragTargetItem should always be NULL here anyways. if (fPreviousDragTargetItem != NULL) _FinishedDrag(); fBarView->CacheDragData(message); fPreviousDragTargetItem = NULL; break; case B_OUTSIDE_VIEW: // NOTE: Should not be here, but for the sake of defensive // programming... fall-through case B_EXITED_VIEW: _FinishedDrag(); break; case B_INSIDE_VIEW: if (fBarView->Dragging()) { TTeamMenuItem* item = NULL; int32 itemCount = CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { BMenuItem* _item = ItemAt(i); if (_item->Frame().Contains(where)) { item = dynamic_cast<TTeamMenuItem*>(_item); break; } } if (item == fPreviousDragTargetItem) break; if (fPreviousDragTargetItem != NULL) fPreviousDragTargetItem->SetOverrideSelected(false); if (item != NULL) item->SetOverrideSelected(true); fPreviousDragTargetItem = item; } break; } }