const char* TTiXmlDeclaration::Parse( const char* p, TTiXmlParsingData* data, TTiXmlEncoding _encoding )
	p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, _encoding );
	// Find the beginning, find the end, and look for
	// the stuff in-between.
	TTiXmlDocument* document = GetDocument();
	if ( !p || !*p || !StringEqual( p, "<?xml", true, _encoding ) )
		if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_PARSING_DECLARATION, 0, 0, _encoding );
		return 0;
	if ( data )
		data->Stamp( p, _encoding );
		location = data->Cursor();
	p += 5;

	version = "";
	encoding = "";
	standalone = "";

	while ( p && *p )
		if ( *p == '>' )
			return p;

		p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, _encoding );
		if ( StringEqual( p, "version", true, _encoding ) )
			TTiXmlAttribute attrib;
			p = attrib.Parse( p, data, _encoding );		
			version = attrib.Value();
		else if ( StringEqual( p, "encoding", true, _encoding ) )
			TTiXmlAttribute attrib;
			p = attrib.Parse( p, data, _encoding );		
			encoding = attrib.Value();
		else if ( StringEqual( p, "standalone", true, _encoding ) )
			TTiXmlAttribute attrib;
			p = attrib.Parse( p, data, _encoding );		
			standalone = attrib.Value();
			// Read over whatever it is.
			while( p && *p && *p != '>' && !IsWhiteSpace( *p ) )
	return 0;
const char* TTiXmlElement::Parse( const char* p, TTiXmlParsingData* data, TTiXmlEncoding encoding )
	p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );
	TTiXmlDocument* document = GetDocument();

	if ( !p || !*p )
		if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT, 0, 0, encoding );
		return 0;

	if ( data )
		data->Stamp( p, encoding );
		location = data->Cursor();

	if ( *p != '<' )
		if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT, p, data, encoding );
		return 0;

	p = SkipWhiteSpace( p+1, encoding );

	// Read the name.
	const char* pErr = p;

    p = ReadName( p, &value, encoding );
	if ( !p || !*p )
		if ( document )	document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_FAILED_TO_READ_ELEMENT_NAME, pErr, data, encoding );
		return 0;

    TTiXml_STRING endTag ("</");
	endTag += value;
	endTag += ">";

	// Check for and read attributes. Also look for an empty
	// tag or an end tag.
	while ( p && *p )
		pErr = p;
		p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );
		if ( !p || !*p )
			if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_READING_ATTRIBUTES, pErr, data, encoding );
			return 0;
		if ( *p == '/' )
			// Empty tag.
			if ( *p  != '>' )
				if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_PARSING_EMPTY, p, data, encoding );		
				return 0;
			return (p+1);
		else if ( *p == '>' )
			// Done with attributes (if there were any.)
			// Read the value -- which can include other
			// elements -- read the end tag, and return.
			p = ReadValue( p, data, encoding );		// Note this is an Element method, and will set the error if one happens.
			if ( !p || !*p )
				return 0;

			// We should find the end tag now
			if ( StringEqual( p, endTag.c_str(), false, encoding ) )
				p += endTag.length();
				return p;
				if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_READING_END_TAG, p, data, encoding );
				return 0;
			// Try to read an attribute:
			TTiXmlAttribute* attrib = new TTiXmlAttribute();
			if ( !attrib )
				if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, pErr, data, encoding );
				return 0;

			attrib->SetDocument( document );
			const char* pErr = p;
			p = attrib->Parse( p, data, encoding );

			if ( !p || !*p )
				if ( document ) document->SetError( TTiXml_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT, pErr, data, encoding );
				delete attrib;
				return 0;

			// Handle the strange case of double attributes:
			TTiXmlAttribute* node = attributeSet.Find( attrib->NameTStr() );
			if ( node )
				node->SetValue( attrib->Value() );
				delete attrib;
				return 0;

			attributeSet.Add( attrib );
	return p;