/// When the gadget window receives a WM_COMMAND message, it is likely from a gadget
/// or control within a TControlGadget. This reroutes it to the command target.
TGadgetWindow::EvCommand(uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode) 
  TRACEX(OwlCmd, 1, "TGadgetWindow::EvCommand - id(" << id << "), ctl(" <<\
                     hex << uint(hWndCtl) << "), code(" << notifyCode  << ")");

  // First allow any derived class that wants to handle the command
  // NOTE: This search only caters for menu-style WM_COMMANDs (not those
  //       sent by controls)
  TEventInfo  eventInfo(0, id);
  if (Find(eventInfo)) {
    Dispatch(eventInfo, id);
    return 0;

#if 0
  // Prior versions of TGadgetWindow relied on TWindow's EvCommand for
  // dispatching WM_COMMAND events. This required that one derives from
  // a decoration class (eg. TControlbar, TToolbox) to handle control
  // notifications. The current version uses a more generalized logic
  // involving the CommandTarget and a frame ancestor class. This allows
  // a client window to handle notifications of a control in a toolbar
  // without using a TControlbar-derived class.
  // However, if you need to previous behaviour, simply invoke TWindow's
  // EvCommand from this handler.

  return TWindow::EvCommand(id, hWndCtl, notifyCode);

  TWindow* target;
  TFrameWindow* frame;

  // Find the frame who is our latest ancestor and make it our command target
  for (target = GetParentO(); target; target = target->GetParentO()) {
    frame = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(target, TFrameWindow);
    if (frame || !target->GetParentO())

  // Make sure the frame doesn't think we are its command target, or a BAD
  // loop will happen
  if (target && (!frame || frame->GetCommandTarget() != GetHandle())) {
    return target->EvCommand(id, hWndCtl, notifyCode);

  // If all command routing fails, go back to basic dispatching of TWindow
  return TWindow::EvCommand(id, hWndCtl, notifyCode);
/// Sets the text of the gadget. If the given text is blank, then we attempt to
/// load the text from the menu or tooltip.
TButtonTextGadget::SetText(const tstring& text, bool repaint)
  if (text == Text) return;
  Text = text;

  if (Text.length() == 0 && (Style & sText) && GetGadgetWindow())
    TWindow* parent = GetGadgetWindow()->GetParentO();
    TDecoratedFrame* frame= parent ? dynamic_cast<TDecoratedFrame*>(parent) : 0;
    while (parent && !frame){
      parent = parent->GetParentO();
      if (parent)
        frame = dynamic_cast<TDecoratedFrame*>(parent);
    Text = frame->GetHintText(GetResId().GetInt(), htTooltip);

  if (GetGadgetWindow() && repaint)
TGadgetWindow::EnableTooltip(bool enable)
  if (!Tooltip) {

    // Find a parent for the tooltip: It's attractive to make the
    // gadgetwindow the owner of the tooltip, a popup window. However, this
    // will typically fail since the gadget window is invariably a child
    // window. Windows seems to accomodate this situation by simply making
    // the tooltip's owner the gadgetwindow's owner. This works fine until
    // the owner of the gadgetwindow is destroyed before the gadgetwindow
    // is destroyed, such as in the case of a gadgetwindow initally created
    // as a floating docking toolbar; When it's docked, the floating slip,
    // it's original owner, is destroyed and the gadget window is reparented
    // to an edge slip. In this scenario, the tooltip is silently destroyed
    // along with the floating slip [it's real owner!] and the docked
    // gadgetwindow no longer provide tool tips!

    // To circumvent this scenario, we'll look for a window which is fairly
    // stable/rooted as owner of the tooltip. Ideally, we'll get the
    // application's main window.
    TWindow* tipParent = this;
    while (tipParent->GetParentO()) {
      tipParent = tipParent->GetParentO();
      if (tipParent->IsFlagSet(wfMainWindow))

    // Create and initialize tooltip
    SetTooltip(new TTooltip(tipParent));
  else {
    if (Tooltip->GetHandle())