void CellsMover::emptyColumns(int c) const { std::set<int> ii; for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) ii.insert(c + i); ColumnCmd::deleteColumns(ii, false, true); TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) xsh->insertColumn(c); }
void InsertEmptyColumnsUndo::redo() const { TApp *app = TApp::instance(); TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); // If this is the very first column, add one now since there is always // 1 visible on the screen but its not actually there yet. if (!xsh->getColumnCount()) xsh->insertColumn(0); std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>::const_reverse_iterator bt, bEnd = m_columnBlocks.rend(); for (bt = m_columnBlocks.rbegin(); bt != bEnd; ++bt) for (int n = 0; n != bt->second; ++n) xsh->insertColumn(bt->first); app->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); app->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); app->getCurrentObject()->notifyObjectIdSwitched(); }
void redo() const override { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); xsh->insertColumn(m_columnIndex); int frameCount = m_childLevel->getXsheet()->getFrameCount(); if (frameCount < 1) frameCount = 1; for (int r = 0; r < frameCount; r++) xsh->setCell(r, m_columnIndex, TXshCell(m_childLevel.getPointer(), TFrameId(r + 1))); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
void ColumnCmd::cloneChild(int index) { if (!canResequence(index)) return; /*-- カラムを取得 --*/ TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); assert(column); // get the subxsheet to clone (childLevel, childXsh) /*-- SubXsheetレベルを取得 --*/ TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); assert(lcolumn); int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); /*-- SubXsheetの一番頭のセル --*/ TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); /*- cell内に格納されているLevelを取得 -*/ TXshChildLevel *childLevel = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); assert(childLevel); /*- SubXsheetのXsheetを取得 -*/ TXsheet *childXsh = childLevel->getXsheet(); // insert a new empty column /*- 隣に空きColumnをInsertしてCloneに備える -*/ int newColumnIndex = index + 1; xsh->insertColumn(newColumnIndex); // create a subxsheet (newChildLevel, newChildXsh) ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); ChildStack *childStack = scene->getChildStack(); TXshChildLevel *newChildLevel = childStack->createChild(0, newColumnIndex); TXsheet *newChildXsh = newChildLevel->getXsheet(); // copy columns. std::set<int> indices; for (int i = 0; i < childXsh->getColumnCount(); i++) indices.insert(i); StageObjectsData *data = new StageObjectsData(); data->storeColumns(indices, childXsh, 0); data->storeColumnFxs(indices, childXsh, 0); std::list<int> restoredSplineIds; data->restoreObjects(indices, restoredSplineIds, newChildXsh, StageObjectsData::eDoClone); delete data; cloneNotColumnLinkedFxsAndOutputsFx(childXsh, newChildXsh); cloneXsheetTStageObjectTree(childXsh, newChildXsh); /*--以下は、Clone SubXsheet するときに、SubXsheet内にある子SubXsheetをクローンする関数 クローンされた中にある子SubXsheetは、同じもので良いので、スキップする --*/ // cloneSubXsheets(newChildXsh); /*-- XSheetノードのFxSchematicでのDagNodePosを再現 FxやColumnノードの位置の再現は上のsetColumnで行っている --*/ newChildXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos( childXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); newChildXsh->updateFrameCount(); /*-- TXshChildLevel作成時にsetCellした1つ目のセルを消去 --*/ xsh->removeCells(0, newColumnIndex); /*-- CloneしたColumnのセル番号順を再現 --*/ for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r); if (cell.isEmpty()) continue; cell.m_level = newChildLevel; xsh->setCell(r, newColumnIndex, cell); } TStageObjectId currentObjectId = TApp::instance()->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId(); xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(newColumnIndex)) ->setParent(xsh->getStageObjectParent(currentObjectId)); xsh->updateFrameCount(); TUndoManager::manager()->add( new CloneChildUndo(newChildLevel, newColumnIndex)); // notify changes TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
bool LevelCreatePopup::apply() { TApp *app = TApp::instance(); int row = app->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame(); int col = app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); int i, j; ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); TXsheet *xsh = scene->getXsheet(); bool validColumn = true; if (xsh->getColumn(col)) validColumn = xsh->getColumn(col)->getColumnType() == TXshColumn::eLevelType; int from = (int)m_fromFld->getValue(); int to = (int)m_toFld->getValue(); int inc = (int)m_incFld->getValue(); int step = (int)m_stepFld->getValue(); double w = m_widthFld->getValue(); double h = m_heightFld->getValue(); double dpi = m_dpiFld->getValue(); int xres = std::max(tround(w * dpi), 1); int yres = std::max(tround(h * dpi), 1); int lType = getLevelType(); std::wstring levelName = m_nameFld->text().toStdWString(); // tolgo i blanks prima e dopo i = levelName.find_first_not_of(L' '); if (i == (int)std::wstring::npos) levelName = L""; else { int j = levelName.find_last_not_of(L' '); assert(j != (int)std::wstring::npos); levelName = levelName.substr(i, j - i + 1); } if (levelName.empty()) { error(tr("No level name specified: please choose a valid level name")); return false; } if (from > to) { error(tr("Invalid frame range")); return false; } if (inc <= 0) { error(tr("Invalid increment value")); return false; } if (step <= 0) { error(tr("Invalid step value")); return false; } int numFrames = step * (((to - from) / inc) + 1); if (scene->getLevelSet()->getLevel(levelName)) { error( tr("The level name specified is already used: please choose a " "different level name")); m_nameFld->selectAll(); return false; } TFilePath parentDir(m_pathFld->getPath().toStdWString()); TFilePath fp = scene->getDefaultLevelPath(lType, levelName).withParentDir(parentDir); TFilePath actualFp = scene->decodeFilePath(fp); if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualFp)) { error( tr("The level name specified is already used: please choose a " "different level name")); m_nameFld->selectAll(); return false; } parentDir = scene->decodeFilePath(parentDir); if (!TFileStatus(parentDir).doesExist()) { QString question; /*question = "Folder " +toQString(parentDir) + " doesn't exist.\nDo you want to create it?";*/ question = tr("Folder %1 doesn't exist.\nDo you want to create it?") .arg(toQString(parentDir)); int ret = DVGui::MsgBox(question, QObject::tr("Yes"), QObject::tr("No")); if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return false; try { TSystem::mkDir(parentDir); DvDirModel::instance()->refreshFolder(parentDir.getParentDir()); } catch (...) { error(tr("Unable to create") + toQString(parentDir)); return false; } } TXshLevel *level = scene->createNewLevel(lType, levelName, TDimension(), 0, fp); TXshSimpleLevel *sl = dynamic_cast<TXshSimpleLevel *>(level); assert(sl); sl->setPath(fp, true); if (lType == TZP_XSHLEVEL || lType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) { sl->getProperties()->setDpiPolicy(LevelProperties::DP_ImageDpi); sl->getProperties()->setDpi(dpi); sl->getProperties()->setImageDpi(TPointD(dpi, dpi)); sl->getProperties()->setImageRes(TDimension(xres, yres)); } /*-- これからLevelを配置しようとしているセルが空いているかどうかのチェック * --*/ bool areColumnsShifted = false; TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col); bool isInRange = true; for (i = row; i < row + numFrames; i++) { if (!cell.isEmpty()) { isInRange = false; break; } cell = xsh->getCell(i, col); } if (!validColumn) { isInRange = false; } /*-- 別のLevelに占有されていた場合、Columnを1つ右に移動 --*/ if (!isInRange) { col += 1; TApp::instance()->getCurrentColumn()->setColumnIndex(col); areColumnsShifted = true; xsh->insertColumn(col); } CreateLevelUndo *undo = new CreateLevelUndo(row, col, numFrames, step, areColumnsShifted); TUndoManager::manager()->add(undo); for (i = from; i <= to; i += inc) { TFrameId fid(i); TXshCell cell(sl, fid); if (lType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) sl->setFrame(fid, new TVectorImage()); else if (lType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) { TRasterCM32P raster(xres, yres); raster->fill(TPixelCM32()); TToonzImageP ti(raster, TRect()); ti->setDpi(dpi, dpi); sl->setFrame(fid, ti); ti->setSavebox(TRect(0, 0, xres - 1, yres - 1)); } else if (lType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) { TRaster32P raster(xres, yres); raster->clear(); TRasterImageP ri(raster); ri->setDpi(dpi, dpi); sl->setFrame(fid, ri); } for (j = 0; j < step; j++) xsh->setCell(row++, col, cell); } if (lType == TZP_XSHLEVEL || lType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) { sl->save(fp); DvDirModel::instance()->refreshFolder(fp.getParentDir()); } undo->onAdd(sl); app->getCurrentScene()->notifySceneChanged(); app->getCurrentScene()->notifyCastChange(); app->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); // Cambia l'immagine corrente ma non cambiano ne' il frame ne' la colonna // corrente // (entrambi notificano il cambiamento dell'immagine al tool). // devo verfificare che sia settato il tool giusto. app->getCurrentTool()->onImageChanged( (TImage::Type)app->getCurrentImageType()); return true; }
bool VectorizerPopup::apply() { std::set<TXshLevel *> levels; ToonzScene *scene = m_sceneHandle->getScene(); if (!scene) { assert(scene); return false; } TSceneProperties *sceneProp = scene->getProperties(); if (!sceneProp) return false; VectorizerParameters *vectorizerParameters = sceneProp->getVectorizerParameters(); if (!vectorizerParameters) return false; int r0 = 0; int c0 = 0; int r1 = 0; int c1 = 0; bool isCellSelection = getSelectedLevels(levels, r0, c0, r1, c1); if (levels.empty()) { error(tr("The current selection is invalid.")); return false; } //Initialize Progress bar m_progressDialog = new DVGui::ProgressDialog("", "Cancel", 0, 1); m_progressDialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowTitleHint); //Don't show ? and X buttons m_progressDialog->setWindowTitle(QString("Convert To Vector...")); m_progressDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); m_progressDialog->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); //No user interaction is allowed during vectorization m_progressDialog->setFixedSize(200, 100); //Initialize vectorizer m_vectorizer = new Vectorizer; m_vectorizer->setParameters(*vectorizerParameters); connect(m_vectorizer, SIGNAL(frameName(QString)), this, SLOT(onFrameName(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_vectorizer, SIGNAL(frameDone(int)), this, SLOT(onFrameDone(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(m_vectorizer, SIGNAL(partialDone(int, int)), this, SLOT(onPartialDone(int, int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); //We DON'T want the progress bar to be hidden at cancel press - since its modal //behavior prevents the user to interfere with a possibly still active vectorization. disconnect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), m_progressDialog, SLOT(onCancel())); //We first inform the vectorizer of a cancel press; bool ret = connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), m_vectorizer, SLOT(cancel())); //which eventually transmits the command to vectorization core, allowing full-time cancels ret = ret && connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), m_vectorizer, SIGNAL(transmitCancel())); //Only after the vectorizer has terminated its process - or got cancelled, we are allowed //to proceed here. ret = ret && connect(m_vectorizer, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection); assert(ret); int newIndexColumn = c1 + 1; std::set<TXshLevel *>::iterator it = levels.begin(); for (it; it != levels.end(); it++) { TXshSimpleLevel *sl = dynamic_cast<TXshSimpleLevel *>(*it); if (!sl || !sl->getSimpleLevel() || !isLevelToConvert(sl)) { QString levelName = tr(toString(sl->getName()).c_str()); QString errorMsg = tr("Cannot convert to vector the current selection.") + levelName; error(errorMsg); continue; } std::vector<TFrameId> fids; if (isCellSelection) getSelectedFids(fids, sl, r0, c0, r1, c1); else sl->getFids(fids); assert(fids.size() > 0); close(); // Re-initialize progress Bar m_progressDialog->setMaximum(fids.size() * 100); m_progressDialog->setValue(0); m_currFrame = 0; // Re-initialize vectorizer m_vectorizer->setLevel(sl); m_vectorizer->setFids(fids); // Start vectorizing m_vectorizer->start(); m_progressDialog->show(); // Wait the vectorizer... while (!l_quitLoop) QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); l_quitLoop = false; // Assign output X-sheet cells TXshSimpleLevel *vl = m_vectorizer->getVectorizedLevel(); if (isCellSelection && vl) { TXsheet *xsheet = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); xsheet->insertColumn(newIndexColumn); int r, c; for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) { for (r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { TXshCell cell = xsheet->getCell(r, c); TXshSimpleLevel *level = (!cell.isEmpty()) ? cell.getSimpleLevel() : 0; if (level != sl) continue; TFrameId curFid = cell.getFrameId(); std::vector<TFrameId> newFids; vl->getFids(newFids); std::vector<TFrameId>::iterator it1 = newFids.begin(); for (it1; it1 != newFids.end(); it1++) { TFrameId id = *it1; if (id.getNumber() == curFid.getNumber() || // Hanno stesso numero di frame (id.getNumber() == 1 && curFid.getNumber() == -2)) // La vecchia cella non ha numero di frame xsheet->setCell(r, newIndexColumn, TXshCell(vl, id)); } } } newIndexColumn += 1; } else if (vl) { std::vector<TFrameId> gomi; scene->getXsheet()->exposeLevel(0, scene->getXsheet()->getFirstFreeColumnIndex(), vl, gomi); } if (m_vectorizer->isCanceled()) break; } m_progressDialog->close(); delete m_vectorizer; TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->notifyCastChange(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); return true; }