 * If txnId represents a new transaction, commit previous data.
 * Always serialize the supplied tuple in to the stream.
 * Return m_uso before this invocation - this marks the point
 * in the stream the caller can rollback to if this append
 * should be rolled back.
size_t TupleStreamWrapper::appendTuple(int64_t lastCommittedTxnId,
                                       int64_t txnId,
                                       int64_t seqNo,
                                       int64_t timestamp,
                                       TableTuple &tuple,
                                       TupleStreamWrapper::Type type)
    size_t rowHeaderSz = 0;
    size_t tupleMaxLength = 0;

    assert(txnId >= m_openTransactionId);
    commit(lastCommittedTxnId, txnId);

    // Compute the upper bound on bytes required to serialize tuple.
    // exportxxx: can memoize this calculation.
    tupleMaxLength = computeOffsets(tuple, &rowHeaderSz);
    if (!m_currBlock) {

    if ((m_currBlock->offset() + tupleMaxLength) > m_defaultCapacity) {

    // initialize the full row header to 0. This also
    // has the effect of setting each column non-null.
    ::memset(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(), 0, rowHeaderSz);

    // the nullarray lives in rowheader after the 4 byte header length prefix
    uint8_t *nullArray =
      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + sizeof (int32_t));

    // position the serializer after the full rowheader
    ExportSerializeOutput io(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + rowHeaderSz,
                             m_currBlock->remaining() - rowHeaderSz);

    // write metadata columns

    // use 1 for INSERT EXPORT op, 0 for DELETE EXPORT op
    io.writeLong((type == INSERT) ? 1L : 0L);

    // write the tuple's data
    tuple.serializeToExport(io, METADATA_COL_CNT, nullArray);

    // write the row size in to the row header
    // rowlength does not include the 4 byte row header
    // but does include the null array.
    ExportSerializeOutput hdr(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(), 4);
    hdr.writeInt((int32_t)(io.position()) + (int32_t)rowHeaderSz - 4);

    // update m_offset
    m_currBlock->consumed(rowHeaderSz + io.position());

    // update uso.
    const size_t startingUso = m_uso;
    m_uso += (rowHeaderSz + io.position());
    return startingUso;
 * If SpHandle represents a new transaction, commit previous data.
 * Always serialize the supplied tuple in to the stream.
 * Return m_uso before this invocation - this marks the point
 * in the stream the caller can rollback to if this append
 * should be rolled back.
size_t DRTupleStream::appendTuple(int64_t lastCommittedSpHandle,
                                  char *tableHandle,
                                  int64_t txnId,
                                  int64_t spHandle,
                                  int64_t uniqueId,
                                  TableTuple &tuple,
                                  DRRecordType type)
    //Drop the row, don't move the USO
    if (!m_enabled) return m_uso;

    size_t rowHeaderSz = 0;
    size_t tupleMaxLength = 0;

    // Transaction IDs for transactions applied to this tuple stream
    // should always be moving forward in time.
    if (spHandle < m_openSpHandle)
                "Active transactions moving backwards: openSpHandle is %jd, while the truncate spHandle is %jd",
                (intmax_t)m_openSpHandle, (intmax_t)spHandle

    size_t startingUso = commit(lastCommittedSpHandle, spHandle, txnId, uniqueId, false, false);

    // Compute the upper bound on bytes required to serialize tuple.
    // exportxxx: can memoize this calculation.
    tupleMaxLength = computeOffsets(tuple, &rowHeaderSz) + TXN_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE;

    if (!m_currBlock) {

    if (m_currBlock->remaining() < tupleMaxLength) {

    ExportSerializeOutput io(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(),

    // initialize the full row header to 0. This also
    // has the effect of setting each column non-null.
    ::memset(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + io.position(), 0, rowHeaderSz);

    // the nullarray lives in rowheader after the 4 byte header length prefix
    uint8_t *nullArray =
        reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + io.position() + sizeof(int32_t));

    // Reserve the row header by moving the position beyond the row header.
    // The row header includes the 4 byte length prefix and the null array.
    const size_t lengthPrefixPosition = io.reserveBytes(rowHeaderSz);

    // write the tuple's data
    tuple.serializeToExport(io, 0, nullArray);

    // write the row size in to the row header
    // rowlength does not include the 4 byte length prefix or record header
    // but does include the null array.
    ExportSerializeOutput hdr(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + lengthPrefixPosition, 4);
    //The TXN_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE is 4 bytes longer because it includes the checksum at the end
    //so there is no need to subtract and additional 4 bytes to make the length prefix not inclusive
    hdr.writeInt((int32_t)(io.position() - TXN_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE));

    uint32_t crc = vdbcrc::crc32cInit();
    crc = vdbcrc::crc32c( crc, m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(), io.position());
    crc = vdbcrc::crc32cFinish(crc);

    // update m_offset

    // No BEGIN TXN entry was written, use the current USO
    if (startingUso == SIZE_MAX) {
        startingUso = m_uso;
    // update uso.
    m_uso += io.position();

//    std::cout << "Appending row " << io.position() << " at " << m_currBlock->offset() << std::endl;
    return startingUso;
 * If SpHandle represents a new transaction, commit previous data.
 * Always serialize the supplied tuple in to the stream.
 * Return m_uso before this invocation - this marks the point
 * in the stream the caller can rollback to if this append
 * should be rolled back.
size_t ExportTupleStream::appendTuple(int64_t lastCommittedSpHandle,
                                       int64_t spHandle,
                                       int64_t seqNo,
                                       int64_t uniqueId,
                                       int64_t timestamp,
                                       TableTuple &tuple,
                                       ExportTupleStream::Type type)
    size_t rowHeaderSz = 0;
    size_t tupleMaxLength = 0;

    // Transaction IDs for transactions applied to this tuple stream
    // should always be moving forward in time.
    if (spHandle < m_openSpHandle)
                "Active transactions moving backwards: openSpHandle is %jd, while the append spHandle is %jd",
                (intmax_t)m_openSpHandle, (intmax_t)spHandle

    //Most of the transaction id info and unique id info supplied to commit
    //is nonsense since it isn't currently supplied with a transaction id
    //but it is fine since export isn't currently using the info
    commit(lastCommittedSpHandle, spHandle, spHandle, uniqueId, false, false);

    // Compute the upper bound on bytes required to serialize tuple.
    // exportxxx: can memoize this calculation.
    tupleMaxLength = computeOffsets(tuple, &rowHeaderSz);

    if (!m_currBlock) {

    if (m_currBlock->remaining() < tupleMaxLength) {

    // initialize the full row header to 0. This also
    // has the effect of setting each column non-null.
    ::memset(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(), 0, rowHeaderSz);

    // the nullarray lives in rowheader after the 4 byte header length prefix
    uint8_t *nullArray =
      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + sizeof (int32_t));

    // position the serializer after the full rowheader
    ExportSerializeOutput io(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr() + rowHeaderSz,
                             m_currBlock->remaining() - rowHeaderSz);

    // write metadata columns

    // use 1 for INSERT EXPORT op, 0 for DELETE EXPORT op
    io.writeByte(static_cast<int8_t>((type == INSERT) ? 1L : 0L));

    // write the tuple's data
    tuple.serializeToExport(io, METADATA_COL_CNT, nullArray);

    // write the row size in to the row header
    // rowlength does not include the 4 byte row header
    // but does include the null array.
    ExportSerializeOutput hdr(m_currBlock->mutableDataPtr(), 4);
    hdr.writeInt((int32_t)(io.position()) + (int32_t)rowHeaderSz - 4);

    // update m_offset
    m_currBlock->consumed(rowHeaderSz + io.position());

    // update uso.
    const size_t startingUso = m_uso;
    m_uso += (rowHeaderSz + io.position());
//    std::cout << "Appending row " << rowHeaderSz + io.position() << " to uso " << m_currBlock->uso() << " offset " << m_currBlock->offset() << std::endl;
    return startingUso;
// helper to make a schema, a tuple and serialize to a buffer
TableTupleExportTest::serElSize(std::vector<uint16_t> &keep_offsets,
                             uint8_t *nullArray, char *dataPtr, bool nulls)
    TableTuple *tt;
    TupleSchema *ts;
    char buf[1024]; // tuple data

    ts = TupleSchema::createTupleSchema(m_schema, keep_offsets);
    tt = new TableTuple(buf, ts);

    // assuming all Export tuples were allocated for persistent
    // storage and choosing set* api accordingly here.

    switch (ts->columnCount()) {
        // note my sophisticated and clever use of fall through
      case 8:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getStringValue("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"); // 20 char
          if (nulls) { nv.free(); nv.setNull(); }
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(7, nv, NULL);
      case 7:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getStringValue("ABCDEabcde"); // 10 char
          if (nulls) { nv.free(); nv.setNull(); }
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(6, nv, NULL);
      case 6:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getDecimalValueFromString("-12.34");
          if (nulls) { nv.free(); nv.setNull(); }
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(5, nv, NULL);
      case 5:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getTimestampValue(9999);
          if (nulls) nv.setNull();
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(4, nv, NULL);
      case 4:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getBigIntValue(1024);
          if (nulls) nv.setNull();
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(3, nv, NULL);
      case 3:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getIntegerValue(512);
          if (nulls) nv.setNull();
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(2, nv, NULL);
      case 2:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getSmallIntValue(256);
          if (nulls) nv.setNull();
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(1, nv, NULL);
      case 1:
          NValue nv = ValueFactory::getTinyIntValue(120);
          if (nulls) nv.setNull();
          tt->setNValueAllocateForObjectCopies(0, nv, NULL);

        // this is an error in the test fixture.

    // The function under test!
    ExportSerializeOutput io(dataPtr, 2048);
    tt->serializeToExport(io, 0, nullArray);

    // and cleanup
    delete tt;
    return io.position();