void updateLayout (const int width) { TextLayout text; text.appendText (getText(), getFont()); text.layout (width - 8, Justification::topLeft, true); setSize (width, jmin (width, text.getHeight() + (int) getFont().getHeight())); }
AboutPage() { logo = ImageCache::getFromMemory (BinaryData::jules_jpg, BinaryData::jules_jpgSize); text1.appendText ("Programmer Julian Storer, seen here demonstrating a beard designed to " "gain approval from the Linux programming community. Each hair of the beard " "represents one line of source code from the ", Font (13.0f)); text1.appendText ("Jucer", Font (13.0f, Font::bold)); text1.appendText (" component design tool.", Font (13.0f)); text2.appendText ("Jucer v" + JUCEApplication::getInstance()->getApplicationVersion() + ", " + SystemStats::getJUCEVersion(), Font (14.0f, Font::bold)); addAndMakeVisible (link = new HyperlinkButton ("www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce", URL ("http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce"))); link->setFont (Font (10.0f, Font::bold | Font::underlined), true); }