Theorem TheoryArith::canonSimp(const Expr& e) { DebugAssert(canonRec(e).getRHS() == e, "canonSimp expects input to be canonized"); int ar = e.arity(); if (isLeaf(e)) return find(e); if (ar > 0) { vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm; vector<unsigned> changed; Theorem thm; for (int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) { thm = canonSimp(e[k]); if (thm.getLHS() != thm.getRHS()) { newChildrenThm.push_back(thm); changed.push_back(k); } } if(changed.size() > 0) { thm = canonThm(substitutivityRule(e, changed, newChildrenThm)); return transitivityRule(thm, find(thm.getRHS())); } else return find(e); } return find(e); }
Theorem TheoryArith::canonRec(const Expr& e) { if (isLeaf(e)) return reflexivityRule(e); int ar = e.arity(); if (ar > 0) { vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm; vector<unsigned> changed; for(int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) { // Recursively canonize the kids Theorem thm = canonRec(e[k]); if (thm.getLHS() != thm.getRHS()) { newChildrenThm.push_back(thm); changed.push_back(k); } } if(changed.size() > 0) { return canonThm(substitutivityRule(e, changed, newChildrenThm)); } } return canon(e); }
Lit CNF_Manager::translateExprRec(const Expr& e, CNF_Formula& cnf, const Theorem& thmIn) { if (e.isFalse()) return Lit::getFalse(); if (e.isTrue()) return Lit::getTrue(); if (e.isNot()) return !translateExprRec(e[0], cnf, thmIn); ExprHashMap<Var>::iterator iMap = d_cnfVars.find(e); if (e.isTranslated()) { DebugAssert(iMap != d_cnfVars.end(), "Translated expr should be in map"); return Lit((*iMap).second); } else e.setTranslated(d_bottomScope); Var v(int(d_varInfo.size())); bool translateOnly = false; if (iMap != d_cnfVars.end()) { v = (*iMap).second; translateOnly = true; d_varInfo[v].fanouts.clear(); } else { d_varInfo.resize(v+1); d_varInfo.back().expr = e; d_cnfVars[e] = v; } Expr::iterator i, iend; bool isAnd = false; switch (e.getKind()) { case AND: isAnd = true; case OR: { vector<Lit> lits; unsigned idx; for (i = e.begin(), iend = e.end(); i != iend; ++i) { lits.push_back(translateExprRec(*i, cnf, thmIn)); } // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e,Lit(v)) == e,"why here"); for (idx = 0; idx < lits.size(); ++idx) { cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),isAnd); cnf.addLiteral(lits[idx], !isAnd); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[idx],lits[idx]) == e[idx], "why here"); std::string reasonStr = (isAnd ? "and_mid" : "or_mid"); Expr after = e[idx] ; cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, after, reasonStr, idx)); // by yeting } cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),!isAnd); for (idx = 0; idx < lits.size(); ++idx) { cnf.addLiteral(lits[idx], isAnd); } std::string reasonStr = (isAnd ? "and_final" : "or_final") ; Expr after = e ; cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, after, reasonStr, 0)); // by yeting break; } case IMPLIES: { Lit arg0 = translateExprRec(e[0], cnf, thmIn); Lit arg1 = translateExprRec(e[1], cnf, thmIn); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e, Lit(v)) == e, "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[0], arg0) == e[0], "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[1], arg1) == e[1], "why here"); cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem( d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "imp", 0)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem( d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "imp", 1)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem( d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "imp", 2)); // by yeting break; } case IFF: { Lit arg0 = translateExprRec(e[0], cnf, thmIn); Lit arg1 = translateExprRec(e[1], cnf, thmIn); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e, Lit(v)) == e, "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[0], arg0) == e[0], "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[1], arg1) == e[1], "why here"); cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "iff", 0)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "iff", 1)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "iff", 2)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "iff", 3)); // by yeting break; } case XOR: { Lit arg0 = translateExprRec(e[0], cnf, thmIn); Lit arg1 = translateExprRec(e[1], cnf, thmIn); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e, Lit(v)) == e, "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[0], arg0) == e[0], "why here"); // DebugAssert(concreteExpr(e[1], arg1) == e[1], "why here"); cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "xor", 0)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "xor", 1)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "xor", 2)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFtranslate(e, e, "xor", 3)); // by yeting break; } case ITE: { Lit arg0 = translateExprRec(e[0], cnf, thmIn); Lit arg1 = translateExprRec(e[1], cnf, thmIn); Lit arg2 = translateExprRec(e[2], cnf, thmIn); Expr aftere0 = concreteExpr(e[0], arg0); Expr aftere1 = concreteExpr(e[1], arg1); Expr aftere2 = concreteExpr(e[2], arg2); vector<Expr> after ; after.push_back(aftere0); after.push_back(aftere1); after.push_back(aftere2); Theorem e0thm; Theorem e1thm; Theorem e2thm; { e0thm = d_iteMap[e[0]]; if (e0thm.isNull()) e0thm = d_commonRules->reflexivityRule(e[0]); e1thm = d_iteMap[e[1]]; if (e1thm.isNull()) e1thm = d_commonRules->reflexivityRule(e[1]); e2thm = d_iteMap[e[2]]; if (e2thm.isNull()) e2thm = d_commonRules->reflexivityRule(e[2]); } vector<Theorem> thms ; thms.push_back(e0thm); thms.push_back(e1thm); thms.push_back(e2thm); cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg2); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 1)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0); cnf.addLiteral(arg2,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 2)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 3)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg0,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 4)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v)); cnf.addLiteral(arg1,true); cnf.addLiteral(arg2,true); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 5)); // by yeting cnf.newClause(); cnf.addLiteral(Lit(v),true); cnf.addLiteral(arg1); cnf.addLiteral(arg2); cnf.getCurrentClause().setClauseTheorem(d_rules->CNFITEtranslate(e, after,thms, 6)); // by yeting break; } default: { DebugAssert(!e.isAbsAtomicFormula() || d_varInfo[v].expr == e, "Corrupted Varinfo"); if (e.isAbsAtomicFormula()) { registerAtom(e, thmIn); return Lit(v); } Theorem thm = replaceITErec(e, v, translateOnly); const Expr& e2 = thm.getRHS(); DebugAssert(e2.isAbsAtomicFormula(), "Expected AbsAtomicFormula"); if (e2.isTranslated()) { // Ugly corner case: we happen to create an expression that has been // created before. We remove the current variable and fix up the // translation stack. if (translateOnly) { DebugAssert(v == d_cnfVars[e2], "Expected literal match"); } else { d_varInfo.resize(v); while (!d_translateQueueVars.empty() && d_translateQueueVars.back() == v) { d_translateQueueVars.pop_back(); } DebugAssert(d_cnfVars.find(e2) != d_cnfVars.end(), "Expected existing literal"); v = d_cnfVars[e2]; d_cnfVars[e] = v; while (d_translateQueueVars.size() < d_translateQueueThms.size()) { d_translateQueueVars.push_back(v); } } } else { e2.setTranslated(d_bottomScope); // Corner case: don't register reflexive equality if (!e2.isEq() || e2[0] != e2[1]) registerAtom(e2, thmIn); if (!translateOnly) { if (d_cnfVars.find(e2) == d_cnfVars.end()) { d_varInfo[v].expr = e2; d_cnfVars[e2] = v; } else { // Same corner case in an untranslated expr d_varInfo.resize(v); while (!d_translateQueueVars.empty() && d_translateQueueVars.back() == v) { d_translateQueueVars.pop_back(); } v = d_cnfVars[e2]; d_cnfVars[e] = v; while (d_translateQueueVars.size() < d_translateQueueThms.size()) { d_translateQueueVars.push_back(v); } } } } return Lit(v); } } // Record fanins / fanouts Lit l; for (i = e.begin(), iend = e.end(); i != iend; ++i) { l = getCNFLit(*i); DebugAssert(!l.isNull(), "Expected non-null literal"); if (!translateOnly) d_varInfo[v].fanins.push_back(l); if (l.isVar()) d_varInfo[l.getVar()].fanouts.push_back(v); } return Lit(v); }