    : wrapperType (wrapperTypeBeingCreated.get()),
      playHead (nullptr),
      sampleRate (0),
      blockSize (0),
      latencySamples (0),
     #if JUCE_DEBUG
      textRecursionCheck (false),
      suspended (false),
      nonRealtime (false),
      processingPrecision (singlePrecision)
  #if ! JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
   #ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
    const short channelConfigs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
    const short channelConfigs[][2] = { {2, 2} };
    int numChannelConfigs = sizeof (channelConfigs) / sizeof (*channelConfigs);

    if (numChannelConfigs > 0)
       #if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth
        busArrangement.inputBuses.add  (AudioProcessorBus ("Input",    AudioChannelSet::canonicalChannelSet (channelConfigs[0][0])));
        busArrangement.outputBuses.add (AudioProcessorBus ("Output",   AudioChannelSet::canonicalChannelSet (channelConfigs[0][1])));

JNIEnv* getEnv() noexcept
    JNIEnv* env = androidJNIEnv.get();
    jassert (env != nullptr);

    return env;
void AudioProcessor::initialise (const BusesProperties& ioConfig)
    cachedTotalIns  = 0;
    cachedTotalOuts = 0;

    wrapperType = wrapperTypeBeingCreated.get();
    playHead = nullptr;
    currentSampleRate = 0;
    blockSize = 0;
    latencySamples = 0;

    textRecursionCheck = false;

    suspended = false;
    nonRealtime = false;

    processingPrecision = singlePrecision;

    const int numInputBuses  = ioConfig.inputLayouts.size();
    const int numOutputBuses = ioConfig.outputLayouts.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < numInputBuses;  ++i)
        createBus (true,  ioConfig.inputLayouts. getReference (i));

    for (int i = 0; i < numOutputBuses; ++i)
        createBus (false, ioConfig.outputLayouts.getReference (i));

BSONObj JSRand(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(12519, "rand accepts no arguments", a.nFields() == 0);
    unsigned r;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
    r = rand_r(&_randomSeed.getRef());
    r = rand();
    return BSON("" << double(r) / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1));
        BSONObj JSSrand( const BSONObj &a, void* data ) {
            uassert( 12518, "srand requires a single numeric argument",
                     a.nFields() == 1 && a.firstElement().isNumber() );
#if !defined(_WIN32)
            _randomSeed.set( static_cast< unsigned int >( a.firstElement().numberLong() ) ); // grab least significant digits
            srand( static_cast< unsigned int >( a.firstElement().numberLong() ) );
            return undefinedReturn;
    : wrapperType (wrapperTypeBeingCreated.get()),
      playHead (nullptr),
      currentSampleRate (0),
      blockSize (0),
      latencySamples (0),
     #if JUCE_DEBUG
      textRecursionCheck (false),
      suspended (false),
      nonRealtime (false),
      processingPrecision (singlePrecision)
   #ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
    const short channelConfigs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
    const short channelConfigs[][2] = { {2, 2} };

   #ifdef JucePlugin_MaxNumInputChannels
    const int maxInChannels = JucePlugin_MaxNumInputChannels;
    const int maxInChannels = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    ignoreUnused (maxInChannels);

   #ifdef JucePlugin_MaxNumOutputChannels
    const int maxOutChannels = JucePlugin_MaxNumOutputChannels;
    const int maxOutChannels = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    ignoreUnused (maxOutChannels);

 #if ! JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
//   #if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth
    const int numInChannels = jmin (maxInChannels, (int) channelConfigs[0][0]);

    if (numInChannels > 0)
        busArrangement.inputBuses.add  (AudioProcessorBus ("Input",  AudioChannelSet::canonicalChannelSet (numInChannels)));
//   #endif

    const int numOutChannels = jmin (maxOutChannels, (int) channelConfigs[0][1]);
    if (numOutChannels > 0)
        busArrangement.outputBuses.add (AudioProcessorBus ("Output", AudioChannelSet::canonicalChannelSet (numOutChannels)));

  #ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
//   #if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth
    AudioProcessor::setPreferredBusArrangement (true,  0, AudioChannelSet::stereo());
//   #endif
    AudioProcessor::setPreferredBusArrangement (false, 0, AudioChannelSet::stereo());
 static void check(const char *tname) { 
     StackChecker *sc = checker.get();
     const char *p = sc->buf;
     int i = 0;
     for( ; i < SZ; i++ ) { 
         if( p[i] != 42 )
     log() << "thread " << tname << " stack usage was " << SZ-i << " bytes" << endl;
     wassert( i > 16000 );
    : wrapperType (wrapperTypeBeingCreated.get()),
      playHead (nullptr),
      sampleRate (0),
      blockSize (0),
      numInputChannels (0),
      numOutputChannels (0),
      latencySamples (0),
      suspended (false),
      nonRealtime (false)
BSONObj JSSrand(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    unsigned int seed;
    // grab the least significant bits of either the supplied argument or
    // a random number from SecureRandom.
    if (a.nFields() == 1 && a.firstElement().isNumber())
        seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(a.firstElement().numberLong());
    else {
        std::unique_ptr<SecureRandom> rand(SecureRandom::create());
        seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(rand->nextInt64());
#if !defined(_WIN32)
    return BSON("" << static_cast<double>(seed));
void setEnv (JNIEnv* env) noexcept
    androidJNIEnv.get() = env;
namespace shell_utils {

std::string _dbConnect;
std::string _dbAuth;

const char* argv0 = 0;
void RecordMyLocation(const char* _argv0) {
    argv0 = _argv0;

// helpers

BSONObj makeUndefined() {
    BSONObjBuilder b;
    return b.obj();
const BSONObj undefinedReturn = makeUndefined();

BSONElement singleArg(const BSONObj& args) {
    uassert(12597, "need to specify 1 argument", args.nFields() == 1);
    return args.firstElement();

const char* getUserDir() {
#ifdef _WIN32
    return getenv("USERPROFILE");
    return getenv("HOME");

// real methods

BSONObj JSGetMemInfo(const BSONObj& args, void* data) {
    ProcessInfo pi;
    uassert(10258, "processinfo not supported", pi.supported());

    BSONObjBuilder e;
    e.append("virtual", pi.getVirtualMemorySize());
    e.append("resident", pi.getResidentSize());

    BSONObjBuilder b;
    b.append("ret", e.obj());

    return b.obj();

#if !defined(_WIN32)
ThreadLocalValue<unsigned int> _randomSeed;

BSONObj JSSrand(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    unsigned int seed;
    // grab the least significant bits of either the supplied argument or
    // a random number from SecureRandom.
    if (a.nFields() == 1 && a.firstElement().isNumber())
        seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(a.firstElement().numberLong());
    else {
        std::unique_ptr<SecureRandom> rand(SecureRandom::create());
        seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(rand->nextInt64());
#if !defined(_WIN32)
    return BSON("" << static_cast<double>(seed));

BSONObj JSRand(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(12519, "rand accepts no arguments", a.nFields() == 0);
    unsigned r;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
    r = rand_r(&_randomSeed.getRef());
    r = rand();
    return BSON("" << double(r) / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1));

BSONObj isWindows(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(13006, "isWindows accepts no arguments", a.nFields() == 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
    return BSON("" << true);
    return BSON("" << false);

BSONObj getBuildInfo(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(16822, "getBuildInfo accepts no arguments", a.nFields() == 0);
    BSONObjBuilder b;
    return BSON("" << b.done());

BSONObj isKeyTooLarge(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(17428, "keyTooLarge takes exactly 2 arguments", a.nFields() == 2);
    BSONObjIterator i(a);
    BSONObj index =;
    BSONObj doc =;

    return BSON("" << isAnyIndexKeyTooLarge(index, doc));

BSONObj validateIndexKey(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    BSONObj key = a[0].Obj();
    Status indexValid = validateKeyPattern(key);
    if (!indexValid.isOK()) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false << "type" << indexValid.codeString() << "errmsg"
                                    << indexValid.reason()));
    return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << true));

BSONObj replMonitorStats(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
            "replMonitorStats requires a single string argument (the ReplSet name)",
            a.nFields() == 1 && a.firstElement().type() == String);

    ReplicaSetMonitorPtr rsm = ReplicaSetMonitor::get(a.firstElement().valuestrsafe());
    if (!rsm) {
        return BSON(""
                    << "no ReplSetMonitor exists by that name");

    BSONObjBuilder result;
    return result.obj();

BSONObj useWriteCommandsDefault(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    return BSON("" << shellGlobalParams.useWriteCommandsDefault);

BSONObj writeMode(const BSONObj&, void*) {
    return BSON("" << shellGlobalParams.writeMode);

BSONObj readMode(const BSONObj&, void*) {
    return BSON("" << shellGlobalParams.readMode);

BSONObj interpreterVersion(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    uassert(16453, "interpreterVersion accepts no arguments", a.nFields() == 0);
    return BSON("" << getGlobalScriptEngine()->getInterpreterVersionString());

BSONObj createCertificateRequest(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
    return BSON(
        "" << BSON("ok" << false << "errmsg"
                        << "Cannot create a certificate signing request without SSL support"));
    if (a.nFields() != 1 || a.firstElement().type() != Object) {
        return BSON(
            "" << BSON("ok" << false << "errmsg"
                            << "createCertificateRequest requires a single object argument"));

    // args can optionally contain some to be determined fields...
    BSONObj args = a.firstElement().embeddedObject();
    if (!args.hasField("CN")) {
        return BSON(
            "" << BSON("ok" << false << "errmsg"
                            << "createCertificateRequest requires a Common Name (\"CN\") field"));

    // Generate key pair and certificate signing request
    RSA* rsa;
    EVP_PKEY* pkey;
    X509_REQ* x509req;
    X509_NAME* name;
    BIO* out;
    char client_key[2048];
    char client_csr[2048];

    pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
    if (!pkey) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false));
        // fail("couldn't generate key");

    rsa = RSA_generate_key(2048, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL);
    if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, rsa)) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false));
        // fail("couldn't assign the key");

    x509req = X509_REQ_new();
    X509_REQ_set_pubkey(x509req, pkey);

    name = X509_NAME_new();
    X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, "C", MBSTRING_ASC, (const unsigned char*)"IS", -1, -1, 0);
    X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, "O", MBSTRING_ASC, (const unsigned char*)"MongoDB", -1, -1, 0);
        name, "OU", MBSTRING_ASC, (const unsigned char*)"SkunkWorks client", -1, -1, 0);
        name, "CN", MBSTRING_ASC, (const unsigned char*)args.getStringField("CN"), -1, -1, 0);

    X509_REQ_set_subject_name(x509req, name);
    X509_REQ_set_version(x509req, 2);

    if (!X509_REQ_sign(x509req, pkey, EVP_sha1())) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false));

    // out = BIO_new_file("client.key.pem", "wb");
    out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    if (!PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(out, pkey, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false));
        // fail("can't write private key");
    int i = BIO_read(out, &client_key, sizeof client_key);
    client_key[i] = '\0';

    out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    if (!PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW(out, x509req)) {
        return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << false));
        // fail("coudln't write csr");
    i = BIO_read(out, &client_csr, sizeof client_csr);
    client_csr[i] = '\0';


    return BSON("" << BSON("ok" << true << "certificateRequest" << client_csr << "privateKey"
                                << client_key));

void installShellUtils(Scope& scope) {
    scope.injectNative("getMemInfo", JSGetMemInfo);
    scope.injectNative("_replMonitorStats", replMonitorStats);
    scope.injectNative("_srand", JSSrand);
    scope.injectNative("_rand", JSRand);
    scope.injectNative("_isWindows", isWindows);
    scope.injectNative("interpreterVersion", interpreterVersion);
    scope.injectNative("getBuildInfo", getBuildInfo);
    scope.injectNative("isKeyTooLarge", isKeyTooLarge);
    scope.injectNative("validateIndexKey", validateIndexKey);
    scope.injectNative("createCertificateRequest", createCertificateRequest);

    // can't launch programs

void initScope(Scope& scope) {
    // Need to define this method before JSFiles::utils is executed.
    scope.injectNative("_useWriteCommandsDefault", useWriteCommandsDefault);
    scope.injectNative("_writeMode", writeMode);
    scope.injectNative("_readMode", readMode);

    scope.injectNative("benchRun", BenchRunner::benchRunSync);
    scope.injectNative("benchRunSync", BenchRunner::benchRunSync);
    scope.injectNative("benchStart", BenchRunner::benchStart);
    scope.injectNative("benchFinish", BenchRunner::benchFinish);

    if (!_dbConnect.empty()) {
        uassert(12513, "connect failed", scope.exec(_dbConnect, "(connect)", false, true, false));
    if (!_dbAuth.empty()) {
        uassert(12514, "login failed", scope.exec(_dbAuth, "(auth)", true, true, false));

Prompter::Prompter(const string& prompt) : _prompt(prompt), _confirmed() {}

bool Prompter::confirm() {
    if (_confirmed) {
        return true;

    // The printf and scanf functions provide thread safe i/o.

    printf("\n%s (y/n): ", _prompt.c_str());

    char yn = '\0';
    int nScanMatches = scanf("%c", &yn);
    bool matchedY = (nScanMatches == 1 && (yn == 'y' || yn == 'Y'));

    return _confirmed = matchedY;

ConnectionRegistry::ConnectionRegistry() = default;

void ConnectionRegistry::registerConnection(DBClientWithCommands& client) {
    BSONObj info;
    if (client.runCommand("admin", BSON("whatsmyuri" << 1), info)) {
        string connstr = dynamic_cast<DBClientBase&>(client).getServerAddress();
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

void ConnectionRegistry::killOperationsOnAllConnections(bool withPrompt) const {
    Prompter prompter("do you want to kill the current op(s) on the server?");
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
    for (map<string, set<string>>::const_iterator i = _connectionUris.begin();
         i != _connectionUris.end();
         ++i) {
        auto status = ConnectionString::parse(i->first);
        if (!status.isOK()) {

        const ConnectionString cs(status.getValue());

        string errmsg;
        std::unique_ptr<DBClientWithCommands> conn(cs.connect("MongoDB Shell", errmsg));
        if (!conn) {

        const set<string>& uris = i->second;

        BSONObj currentOpRes;
        conn->runPseudoCommand("admin", "currentOp", "$cmd.sys.inprog", {}, currentOpRes);
        if (!currentOpRes["inprog"].isABSONObj()) {
            // We don't have permissions (or the call didn't succeed) - go to the next connection.
        auto inprog = currentOpRes["inprog"].embeddedObject();
        for (const auto op : inprog) {
            // For sharded clusters, `client_s` is used instead and `client` is not present.
            string client;
            if (auto elem = op["client"]) {
                // mongod currentOp client
                if (elem.type() != String) {
                    warning() << "Ignoring operation " << op["opid"].toString(false)
                              << "; expected 'client' field in currentOp response to have type "
                                 "string, but found "
                              << typeName(elem.type());
                client = elem.str();
            } else if (auto elem = op["client_s"]) {
                // mongos currentOp client
                if (elem.type() != String) {
                    warning() << "Ignoring operation " << op["opid"].toString(false)
                              << "; expected 'client_s' field in currentOp response to have type "
                                 "string, but found "
                              << typeName(elem.type());
                client = elem.str();
            } else {
                // Internal operation, like TTL index.
            if (uris.count(client)) {
                if (!withPrompt || prompter.confirm()) {
                    BSONObjBuilder cmdBob;
                    BSONObj info;
                    cmdBob.appendAs(op["opid"], "op");
                    auto cmdArgs = cmdBob.done();
                    conn->runPseudoCommand("admin", "killOp", "$cmd.sys.killop", cmdArgs, info);
                } else {

ConnectionRegistry connectionRegistry;

bool _nokillop = false;
void onConnect(DBClientWithCommands& c) {
    if (_nokillop) {

    // Only override the default rpcProtocols if they were set on the command line.
    if (shellGlobalParams.rpcProtocols) {


bool fileExists(const std::string& file) {
    try {
#ifdef _WIN32
        boost::filesystem::path p(toWideString(file.c_str()));
        boost::filesystem::path p(file);
        return boost::filesystem::exists(p);
    } catch (...) {
        return false;

stdx::mutex& mongoProgramOutputMutex(*(new stdx::mutex()));
 StackChecker() { 
namespace mongo {

    Client* Client::syncThread;
    mongo::mutex Client::clientsMutex("clientsMutex");
    set<Client*> Client::clients; // always be in clientsMutex when manipulating this
    boost::thread_specific_ptr<Client> currentClient;

#if defined(_DEBUG)
    struct StackChecker;
    ThreadLocalValue<StackChecker *> checker;

    struct StackChecker { 
        enum { SZ = 256 * 1024 };
        char buf[SZ];
        StackChecker() { 
        void init() { 
            memset(buf, 42, sizeof(buf)); 
        static void check(const char *tname) { 
            StackChecker *sc = checker.get();
            const char *p = sc->buf;
            int i = 0;
            for( ; i < SZ; i++ ) { 
                if( p[i] != 42 )
            log() << "thread " << tname << " stack usage was " << SZ-i << " bytes" << endl;
            wassert( i > 16000 );

    /* each thread which does db operations has a Client object in TLS.
       call this when your thread starts.
    Client& Client::initThread(const char *desc, AbstractMessagingPort *mp) {
#if defined(_DEBUG)
            if( sizeof(void*) == 8 ) {
                StackChecker sc;
        assert( currentClient.get() == 0 );
        Client *c = new Client(desc, mp);
        return *c;

    Client::Client(const char *desc, AbstractMessagingPort *p) :
        _mp(p) {
        _connectionId = setThreadName(desc);
        _curOp = new CurOp( this );
        scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex);

    Client::~Client() {
        _god = 0;

        if ( _context )
            error() << "Client::~Client _context should be null but is not; client:" << _desc << endl;

        if ( ! _shutdown ) {
            error() << "Client::shutdown not called: " << _desc << endl;

        scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex);
        if ( ! _shutdown )
        delete _curOp;

    bool Client::shutdown() {
#if defined(_DEBUG)
            if( sizeof(void*) == 8 ) {
                StackChecker::check( desc() );
        _shutdown = true;
        if ( inShutdown() )
            return false;
            scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex);
            if ( isSyncThread() ) {
                syncThread = 0;

        return false;

    BSONObj CachedBSONObj::_tooBig = fromjson("{\"$msg\":\"query not recording (too large)\"}");
    AtomicUInt CurOp::_nextOpNum;

    Client::Context::Context( string ns , Database * db, bool doauth )
        : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ) ,
          _path( dbpath ) , _lock(0) , _justCreated(false) {
        assert( db && db->isOk() );
        _ns = ns;
        _db = db;
        _client->_context = this;
        if ( doauth )

    Client::Context::Context(const string& ns, string path , mongolock * lock , bool doauth )
        : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ) ,
          _path( path ) , _lock( lock ) ,
          _ns( ns ), _db(0) {
        _finishInit( doauth );

    /* this version saves the context but doesn't yet set the new one: */

        : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ),
          _path( dbpath ) , _lock(0) , _justCreated(false), _db(0) {
        _client->_context = this;

    void Client::Context::_finishInit( bool doauth ) {
        int lockState = dbMutex.getState();
        assert( lockState );
        if ( lockState > 0 && FileAllocator::get()->hasFailed() ) {
            uassert(14031, "Can't take a write lock while out of disk space", false);

        _db = dbHolder.get( _ns , _path );
        if ( _db ) {
            _justCreated = false;
        else if ( lockState > 0 ) {
            // already in a write lock
            _db = dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated );
            assert( _db );
        else if ( lockState < -1 ) {
            // nested read lock :(
            assert( _lock );
            _db = dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated );
            assert( _db );
        else {
            // we have a read lock, but need to get a write lock for a bit
            // we need to be in a write lock since we're going to create the DB object
            // to do that, we're going to unlock, then get a write lock
            // this is so that if this is the first query and its long doesn't block db
            // we just have to check that the db wasn't closed in the interim where we unlock
            for ( int x=0; x<2; x++ ) {
                    dbtemprelease unlock;
                    writelock lk( _ns );
                    dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated );

                _db = dbHolder.get( _ns , _path );

                if ( _db )

                log() << "db was closed on us right after we opened it: " << _ns << endl;

            uassert( 13005 , "can't create db, keeps getting closed" , _db );

        switch ( _client->_curOp->getOp() ) {
        case dbGetMore: // getMore's are special and should be handled else where
        case dbUpdate: // update & delete check shard version in instance.cpp, so don't check here as well
        case dbDelete:
        default: {
            string errmsg;
            if ( ! shardVersionOk( _ns , errmsg ) ) {
                ostringstream os;
                os << "[" << _ns << "] shard version not ok in Client::Context: " << errmsg;
                msgassertedNoTrace( StaleConfigInContextCode , os.str().c_str() );

        _client->_context = this;
        _client->_curOp->enter( this );
        if ( doauth )
            _auth( lockState );

    void Client::Context::_auth( int lockState ) {
        if ( _client->_ai.isAuthorizedForLock( _db->name , lockState ) )

        // before we assert, do a little cleanup
        _client->_context = _oldContext; // note: _oldContext may be null

        stringstream ss;
        ss << "unauthorized db:" << _db->name << " lock type:" << lockState << " client:" << _client->clientAddress();
        uasserted( 10057 , ss.str() );

    Client::Context::~Context() {
        DEV assert( _client == currentClient.get() );
        _client->_curOp->leave( this );
        _client->_context = _oldContext; // note: _oldContext may be null

    bool Client::Context::inDB( const string& db , const string& path ) const {
        if ( _path != path )
            return false;

        if ( db == _ns )
            return true;

        string::size_type idx = _ns.find( db );
        if ( idx != 0 )
            return false;

        return  _ns[db.size()] == '.';

    void Client::appendLastOp( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const {
        if( theReplSet ) {
            b.append("lastOp" , (long long) _lastOp);
        else {
            OpTime lo(_lastOp);
            if ( ! lo.isNull() )
                b.appendTimestamp( "lastOp" , lo.asDate() );

    string Client::clientAddress(bool includePort) const {
        if( _curOp )
            return _curOp->getRemoteString(includePort);
        return "";

    string Client::toString() const {
        stringstream ss;
        if ( _curOp )
            ss << _curOp->infoNoauth().jsonString();
        return ss.str();

    string sayClientState() {
        Client* c = currentClient.get();
        if ( !c )
            return "no client";
        return c->toString();

    Client* curopWaitingForLock( int type ) {
        Client * c = currentClient.get();
        assert( c );
        CurOp * co = c->curop();
        if ( co ) {
            co->waitingForLock( type );
        return c;
    void curopGotLock(Client *c) {
        CurOp * co = c->curop();
        if ( co )

    void KillCurrentOp::interruptJs( AtomicUInt *op ) {
        if ( !globalScriptEngine )
        if ( !op ) {
        else {
            globalScriptEngine->interrupt( *op );

    void KillCurrentOp::killAll() {
        _globalKill = true;
        interruptJs( 0 );

    void KillCurrentOp::kill(AtomicUInt i) {
        bool found = false;
            scoped_lock l( Client::clientsMutex );
            for( set< Client* >::const_iterator j = Client::clients.begin(); !found && j != Client::clients.end(); ++j ) {
                for( CurOp *k = ( *j )->curop(); !found && k; k = k->parent() ) {
                    if ( k->opNum() == i ) {
                        for( CurOp *l = ( *j )->curop(); l != k; l = l->parent() ) {
                        found = true;
        if ( found ) {
            interruptJs( &i );

    CurOp::~CurOp() {
        if ( _wrapped ) {
            scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex);
            _client->_curOp = _wrapped;
        _client = 0;

    BSONObj CurOp::infoNoauth() {
        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.append("opid", _opNum);
        bool a = _active && _start;
        b.append("active", a);
        if ( _lockType )
            b.append("lockType" , _lockType > 0 ? "write" : "read"  );
        b.append("waitingForLock" , _waitingForLock );

        if( a ) {
            b.append("secs_running", elapsedSeconds() );

        b.append( "op" , opToString( _op ) );

        b.append("ns", _ns);

        _query.append( b , "query" );

        // b.append("inLock",  ??
        stringstream clientStr;
        clientStr << _remote.toString();
        b.append("client", clientStr.str());

        if ( _client )
            b.append( "desc" , _client->desc() );

        if ( ! _message.empty() ) {
            if ( _progressMeter.isActive() ) {
                StringBuilder buf(128);
                buf << _message.toString() << " " << _progressMeter.toString();
                b.append( "msg" , buf.str() );
                BSONObjBuilder sub( b.subobjStart( "progress" ) );
                sub.appendNumber( "done" , (long long)_progressMeter.done() );
                sub.appendNumber( "total" , (long long) );
            else {
                b.append( "msg" , _message.toString() );

        if( killed() ) 
            b.append("killed", true);

        return b.obj();

    void Client::gotHandshake( const BSONObj& o ) {
        BSONObjIterator i(o);

            BSONElement id =;
            assert( id.type() );
            _remoteId = id.wrap( "_id" );

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        while ( i.more() )
            b.append( );
        _handshake = b.obj();

    class HandshakeCmd : public Command {
        void help(stringstream& h) const { h << "internal"; }
        HandshakeCmd() : Command( "handshake" ) {}
        virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; }
        virtual bool slaveOk() const { return true; }
        virtual bool adminOnly() const { return false; }
        virtual bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            Client& c = cc();
            c.gotHandshake( cmdObj );
            return 1;

    } handshakeCmd;

    class ClientListPlugin : public WebStatusPlugin {
        ClientListPlugin() : WebStatusPlugin( "clients" , 20 ) {}
        virtual void init() {}

        virtual void run( stringstream& ss ) {
            using namespace mongoutils::html;

            ss << "\n<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>";
            ss << "<tr align='left'>"
               << th( a("", "Connections to the database, both internal and external.", "Client") )
               << th( a("", "", "OpId") )
               << "<th>Active</th>"
               << "<th>LockType</th>"
               << "<th>Waiting</th>"
               << "<th>SecsRunning</th>"
               << "<th>Op</th>"
               << th( a("", "", "Namespace") )
               << "<th>Query</th>"
               << "<th>client</th>"
               << "<th>msg</th>"
               << "<th>progress</th>"

               << "</tr>\n";
                scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex);
                for( set<Client*>::iterator i = Client::clients.begin(); i != Client::clients.end(); i++ ) {
                    Client *c = *i;
                    CurOp& co = *(c->curop());
                    ss << "<tr><td>" << c->desc() << "</td>";

                    tablecell( ss , co.opNum() );
                    tablecell( ss , );
                        int lt = co.getLockType();
                        if( lt == -1 ) tablecell(ss, "R");
                        else if( lt == 1 ) tablecell(ss, "W");
                            tablecell( ss ,  lt);
                    tablecell( ss , co.isWaitingForLock() );
                    if ( )
                        tablecell( ss , co.elapsedSeconds() );
                        tablecell( ss , "" );
                    tablecell( ss , co.getOp() );
                    tablecell( ss , co.getNS() );
                    if ( co.haveQuery() ) {
                        tablecell( ss , co.query() );
                        tablecell( ss , "" );
                    tablecell( ss , co.getRemoteString() );

                    tablecell( ss , co.getMessage() );
                    tablecell( ss , co.getProgressMeter().toString() );

                    ss << "</tr>\n";
            ss << "</table>\n";


    } clientListPlugin;

    int Client::recommendedYieldMicros( int * writers , int * readers ) {
        int num = 0;
        int w = 0;
        int r = 0;
            scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex);
            for ( set<Client*>::iterator i=clients.begin(); i!=clients.end(); ++i ) {
                Client* c = *i;
                if ( c->curop()->isWaitingForLock() ) {
                    if ( c->curop()->getLockType() > 0 )

        if ( writers )
            *writers = w;
        if ( readers )
            *readers = r;

        int time = r * 100;
        time += w * 500;

        time = min( time , 1000000 );

        // there has been a kill request for this op - we should yield to allow the op to stop
        // This function returns empty string if we aren't interrupted
        if ( killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert( false )[0] != '\0' ) {
            return 100;

        return time;

    int Client::getActiveClientCount( int& writers, int& readers ) {
        writers = 0;
        readers = 0;

        scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex);
        for ( set<Client*>::iterator i=clients.begin(); i!=clients.end(); ++i ) {
            Client* c = *i;
            if ( ! c->curop()->active() )

            int l = c->curop()->getLockType();
            if ( l > 0 )
            else if ( l < 0 )


        return writers + readers;

    void OpDebug::reset() {

        op = 0;
        iscommand = false;
        ns = "";
        query = BSONObj();
        updateobj = BSONObj();
        cursorid = 0;
        ntoreturn = 0;
        ntoskip = 0;
        exhaust = false;

        nscanned = 0;
        idhack = false;
        scanAndOrder = false;
        moved = false;
        fastmod = false;
        fastmodinsert = false;
        upsert = false;
        keyUpdates = 0;
        executionTime = 0;
        nreturned = 0;
        responseLength = 0;

#define OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(x) if( x ) s << " " #x ":" << (x)
    string OpDebug::toString() const {
        StringBuilder s( ns.size() + 64 );
        if ( iscommand )
            s << "command ";
            s << opToString( op ) << ' ';
        s << ns.toString();

        if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( iscommand )
                s << " command: ";
                s << " query: ";
            s << query.toString();
        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() ) {
            s << " update: ";
            updateobj.toString( s );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( idhack );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( moved );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( upsert );
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( keyUpdates );
        if ( extra.len() )
            s << " " << extra.str();

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) {
            s << " exception: " << exceptionInfo.msg;
            if ( exceptionInfo.code )
                s << " code:" << exceptionInfo.code;
        OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP( nreturned );
        if ( responseLength )
            s << " reslen:" << responseLength;
        s << " " << executionTime << "ms";

        return s.str();

#define OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(x) if( x ) b.append( #x , (x) )
#define OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(x) if( x ) b.appendBool( #x , (x) )
    void OpDebug::append( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const {
        b.append( "op" , iscommand ? "command" : opToString( op ) );
        b.append( "ns" , ns.toString() );
        if ( ! query.isEmpty() )
            b.append( iscommand ? "command" : "query" , query );
        if ( ! updateobj.isEmpty() )
            b.append( "updateobj" , updateobj );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( cursorid );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoreturn );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoskip );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( exhaust );

        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nscanned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( idhack );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( scanAndOrder );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( moved );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmod );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmodinsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( upsert );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( keyUpdates );

        if ( ! exceptionInfo.empty() ) 
            exceptionInfo.append( b , "exception" , "exceptionCode" );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nreturned );
        OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( responseLength );
        b.append( "millis" , executionTime );
