void ThreadSearchLoggerList::OnThreadSearchEvent(const ThreadSearchEvent& event) { // A search event has been sent by the worker thread. // List log upddate const wxArrayString& words = event.GetLineTextArray(); const wxFileName& filename(event.GetString()); bool setFocus(false); m_TotalLinesFound += event.GetNumberOfMatches(); wxASSERT((words.GetCount() % 2) == 0); // Use of Freeze Thaw to enhance speed and limit blink effect m_pListLog->Freeze(); long index = m_IndexManager.GetInsertionIndex(filename.GetFullPath(), words.GetCount()/2); index += m_IndexOffset; for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < words.GetCount(); i += 2) { m_pListLog->InsertItem(index, filename.GetPath()); // Directory m_pListLog->SetItem(index, 1, filename.GetFullName()); // File name m_pListLog->SetItem(index, 2, words[i]); // Line index starting from 1 m_pListLog->SetItem(index, 3, words[i+1]); // File line matching search expression m_pListLog->SetItemData(index, 0); // We update preview log for first list item if ( m_pListLog->GetItemCount() == 1 ) { // Gets line index long line = 0; if ( words[i].ToLong(&line) == false ) { cbMessageBox(_("Failed to convert line number from %s") + words[i], _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR); } else { m_ThreadSearchView.UpdatePreview(filename.GetFullPath(), line); // It is useful to give focus to list to navigate in results // just after running a search setFocus = true; } } index++; } size_t count = m_pListLog->GetItemCount(); size_t countPerPage = std::max<size_t>(m_pListLog->GetCountPerPage() - 1, 0); if (count > countPerPage && m_IndexOffset > 0) { size_t markerLine = m_IndexOffset - 1; if (m_TotalLinesFound <= countPerPage) { m_pListLog->EnsureVisible(markerLine + m_TotalLinesFound); } else if (m_TotalLinesFound > countPerPage && !m_MadeVisible) { m_pListLog->EnsureVisible(markerLine + countPerPage); if (static_cast<size_t>(m_pListLog->GetTopItem()) != markerLine) m_pListLog->EnsureVisible(markerLine); m_MadeVisible = true; } } m_pListLog->Thaw(); if ( setFocus == true ) { // On Linux, executing SetFocus just after UpdatePreview(0) // does not work. Probbly because of Thaw... m_pListLog->SetFocus(); } }
void ThreadSearchLoggerTree::OnThreadSearchEvent(const ThreadSearchEvent& event) { // A search event has been sent by the worker thread. // Tree log upddate const wxArrayString& words = event.GetLineTextArray(); const wxFileName& filename(event.GetString()); bool setFocus(false); wxTreeItemId rootItemId(m_pTreeLog->GetRootItem()); wxTreeItemId fileItemId; long index = m_IndexManager.GetInsertionIndex(filename.GetFullPath()); long nb_items = m_pTreeLog->GetChildrenCount(rootItemId, false); wxASSERT(index != wxNOT_FOUND); wxASSERT((words.GetCount() % 2) == 0); // Use of Freeze Thaw to enhance speed and limit blink effect m_pTreeLog->Freeze(); wxTreeItemId lineItemId; if ( index == nb_items ) { fileItemId = m_pTreeLog->AppendItem(rootItemId, wxString::Format(wxT("%s (%s)"), filename.GetFullName().c_str(), filename.GetPath().c_str())); } else { fileItemId = m_pTreeLog->InsertItem(rootItemId, index, wxString::Format(wxT("%s (%s)"), filename.GetFullName().c_str(), filename.GetPath().c_str())); } for (size_t i = 0; i < words.GetCount(); i += 2) { lineItemId = m_pTreeLog->AppendItem(fileItemId, wxString::Format(wxT("%s: %s"), words[i].c_str(), // Line index starting from 1 words[i+1].c_str())); // File line matching search expression //(pecan 2008/7/31) Dont do the following, else Ctrl-MouseWheel cannot change fonts //-m_pTreeLog->SetItemFont(fileItemId, m_ThreadSearchPlugin.m_Conf_font); //(pecan 2008/3/06) //-m_pTreeLog->SetItemFont(lineItemId, m_ThreadSearchPlugin.m_Conf_font); //(pecan 2008/3/06) // We update preview log for first list item if ( (m_FirstItemProcessed == false) && (m_pTreeLog->GetChildrenCount(fileItemId, false) == 1) && (m_pTreeLog->GetChildrenCount(rootItemId, false) == 1) ) { // Expand first file item m_pTreeLog->Expand(fileItemId); // Select first item (generates selection event to update ThreadSearchView code preview) m_pTreeLog->SelectItem(lineItemId); // to avoid lots of preview that freezes app m_FirstItemProcessed = true; // It is useful to give focus to tree to navigate in results // just after running a search setFocus = true; } } m_pTreeLog->Thaw(); if ( setFocus == true ) { // On Linux, executing SetFocus just after SelectItem // does not work. Probbly because of Thaw... m_pTreeLog->SetFocus(); } }
void ThreadSearchView::OnThreadSearchErrorEvent(const ThreadSearchEvent& event) { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->Log(F(_T("ThreadSearch: %s"), event.GetString().wx_str())); InfoWindow::Display(_("Thread Search Error"), event.GetString()); }