TiledContentHost::RenderLayerBuffer(TiledLayerBufferComposite& aLayerBuffer,
                                    const nsIntRegion& aValidRegion,
                                    EffectChain& aEffectChain,
                                    float aOpacity,
                                    const gfx::Point& aOffset,
                                    const gfx::Filter& aFilter,
                                    const gfx::Rect& aClipRect,
                                    const nsIntRegion& aMaskRegion,
                                    nsIntRect aVisibleRect,
                                    gfx::Matrix4x4 aTransform)
  float resolution = aLayerBuffer.GetResolution();
  gfxSize layerScale(1, 1);
  // We assume that the current frame resolution is the one used in our primary
  // layer buffer. Compensate for a changing frame resolution.
  if (aLayerBuffer.GetFrameResolution() != mVideoMemoryTiledBuffer.GetFrameResolution()) {
    const gfxSize& layerResolution = aLayerBuffer.GetFrameResolution();
    const gfxSize& localResolution = mVideoMemoryTiledBuffer.GetFrameResolution();
    layerScale.width = layerResolution.width / localResolution.width;
    layerScale.height = layerResolution.height / localResolution.height;
    aVisibleRect.ScaleRoundOut(layerScale.width, layerScale.height);
  aTransform.Scale(1/(resolution * layerScale.width),
                   1/(resolution * layerScale.height), 1);

  uint32_t rowCount = 0;
  uint32_t tileX = 0;
  for (int32_t x = aVisibleRect.x; x < aVisibleRect.x + aVisibleRect.width;) {
    int32_t tileStartX = aLayerBuffer.GetTileStart(x);
    int32_t w = aLayerBuffer.GetScaledTileLength() - tileStartX;
    if (x + w > aVisibleRect.x + aVisibleRect.width) {
      w = aVisibleRect.x + aVisibleRect.width - x;
    int tileY = 0;
    for (int32_t y = aVisibleRect.y; y < aVisibleRect.y + aVisibleRect.height;) {
      int32_t tileStartY = aLayerBuffer.GetTileStart(y);
      int32_t h = aLayerBuffer.GetScaledTileLength() - tileStartY;
      if (y + h > aVisibleRect.y + aVisibleRect.height) {
        h = aVisibleRect.y + aVisibleRect.height - y;

      TiledTexture tileTexture = aLayerBuffer.
      if (tileTexture != aLayerBuffer.GetPlaceholderTile()) {
        nsIntRegion tileDrawRegion;
                           nsIntRect(x * layerScale.width,
                                     y * layerScale.height,
                                     w * layerScale.width,
                                     h * layerScale.height));
        tileDrawRegion.Sub(tileDrawRegion, aMaskRegion);

        if (!tileDrawRegion.IsEmpty()) {
          tileDrawRegion.ScaleRoundOut(resolution / layerScale.width,
                                       resolution / layerScale.height);

          nsIntPoint tileOffset((x - tileStartX) * resolution,
                                (y - tileStartY) * resolution);
          uint32_t tileSize = aLayerBuffer.GetTileLength();
          RenderTile(tileTexture, aEffectChain, aOpacity, aTransform, aOffset, aFilter, aClipRect, tileDrawRegion,
                     tileOffset, nsIntSize(tileSize, tileSize));
      y += h;
    x += w;
TiledContentHost::RenderLayerBuffer(TiledLayerBufferComposite& aLayerBuffer,
                                    const gfxRGBA* aBackgroundColor,
                                    EffectChain& aEffectChain,
                                    float aOpacity,
                                    const gfx::Filter& aFilter,
                                    const gfx::Rect& aClipRect,
                                    nsIntRegion aVisibleRegion,
                                    gfx::Matrix4x4 aTransform)
  if (!mCompositor) {
    NS_WARNING("Can't render tiled content host - no compositor");
  float resolution = aLayerBuffer.GetResolution();
  gfx::Size layerScale(1, 1);

  // We assume that the current frame resolution is the one used in our high
  // precision layer buffer. Compensate for a changing frame resolution when
  // rendering the low precision buffer.
  if (aLayerBuffer.GetFrameResolution() != mTiledBuffer.GetFrameResolution()) {
    const CSSToParentLayerScale& layerResolution = aLayerBuffer.GetFrameResolution();
    const CSSToParentLayerScale& localResolution = mTiledBuffer.GetFrameResolution();
    layerScale.width = layerScale.height = layerResolution.scale / localResolution.scale;
    aVisibleRegion.ScaleRoundOut(layerScale.width, layerScale.height);

  // If we're drawing the low precision buffer, make sure the high precision
  // buffer is masked out to avoid overdraw and rendering artifacts with
  // non-opaque layers.
  nsIntRegion maskRegion;
  if (resolution != mTiledBuffer.GetResolution()) {
    maskRegion = mTiledBuffer.GetValidRegion();
    // XXX This should be ScaleRoundIn, but there is no such function on
    //     nsIntRegion.
    maskRegion.ScaleRoundOut(layerScale.width, layerScale.height);

  // Make sure the resolution and difference in frame resolution are accounted
  // for in the layer transform.
  aTransform.PreScale(1/(resolution * layerScale.width),
                      1/(resolution * layerScale.height), 1);

  uint32_t rowCount = 0;
  uint32_t tileX = 0;
  nsIntRect visibleRect = aVisibleRegion.GetBounds();
  gfx::IntSize scaledTileSize = aLayerBuffer.GetScaledTileSize();
  for (int32_t x = visibleRect.x; x < visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width;) {
    int32_t tileStartX = aLayerBuffer.GetTileStart(x, scaledTileSize.width);
    int32_t w = scaledTileSize.width - tileStartX;
    if (x + w > visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width) {
      w = visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width - x;
    int tileY = 0;
    for (int32_t y = visibleRect.y; y < visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height;) {
      int32_t tileStartY = aLayerBuffer.GetTileStart(y, scaledTileSize.height);
      int32_t h = scaledTileSize.height - tileStartY;
      if (y + h > visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height) {
        h = visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height - y;

      TileHost tileTexture = aLayerBuffer.
        GetTile(nsIntPoint(aLayerBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(x, scaledTileSize.width),
                           aLayerBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(y, scaledTileSize.height)));
      if (tileTexture != aLayerBuffer.GetPlaceholderTile()) {
        nsIntRegion tileDrawRegion;
        tileDrawRegion.And(nsIntRect(x, y, w, h), aLayerBuffer.GetValidRegion());
        tileDrawRegion.And(tileDrawRegion, aVisibleRegion);
        tileDrawRegion.Sub(tileDrawRegion, maskRegion);

        if (!tileDrawRegion.IsEmpty()) {
          tileDrawRegion.ScaleRoundOut(resolution, resolution);
          nsIntPoint tileOffset((x - tileStartX) * resolution,
                                (y - tileStartY) * resolution);
          gfx::IntSize tileSize = aLayerBuffer.GetTileSize();
          RenderTile(tileTexture, aBackgroundColor, aEffectChain, aOpacity, aTransform,
                     aFilter, aClipRect, tileDrawRegion, tileOffset,
                     nsIntSize(tileSize.width, tileSize.height));
      y += h;
    x += w;
  gfx::Rect rect(visibleRect.x, visibleRect.y,
                 visibleRect.width, visibleRect.height);
                                   rect, aClipRect, aTransform, mFlashCounter);