MusicPlaying( RageSound *Music )
		m_Timing.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0,120) );
		m_NewTiming.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0,120) );
		m_HasTiming = false;
		m_TimingDelayed = false;
		m_Music = Music;
void SMLoader::LoadTimingFromSMFile( const MsdFile &msd, TimingData &out )
	out.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = 0;

	for( unsigned i=0; i<msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
		const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
		const CString sValueName = sParams[0];

		if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"OFFSET") )
			out.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STOPS") || 0==stricmp(sValueName,"FREEZES") )
			CStringArray arrayFreezeExpressions;
			split( sParams[1], ",", arrayFreezeExpressions );

			for( unsigned f=0; f<arrayFreezeExpressions.size(); f++ )
				CStringArray arrayFreezeValues;
				split( arrayFreezeExpressions[f], "=", arrayFreezeValues );
				/* XXX: Once we have a way to display warnings that the user actually
				 * cares about (unlike most warnings), this should be one of them. */
				if( arrayFreezeValues.size() != 2 )
					LOG->Warn( "Invalid #%s value \"%s\" (must have exactly one '='), ignored",
						sValueName.c_str(), arrayFreezeExpressions[f].c_str() );

				const float fFreezeBeat = strtof( arrayFreezeValues[0], NULL );
				const float fFreezeSeconds = strtof( arrayFreezeValues[1], NULL );
				StopSegment new_seg;
				new_seg.m_fStartBeat = fFreezeBeat;
				new_seg.m_fStopSeconds = fFreezeSeconds;

//				LOG->Trace( "Adding a freeze segment: beat: %f, seconds = %f", new_seg.m_fStartBeat, new_seg.m_fStopSeconds );

				out.AddStopSegment( new_seg );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPMS") )
			CStringArray arrayBPMChangeExpressions;
			split( sParams[1], ",", arrayBPMChangeExpressions );

			for( unsigned b=0; b<arrayBPMChangeExpressions.size(); b++ )
				CStringArray arrayBPMChangeValues;
				split( arrayBPMChangeExpressions[b], "=", arrayBPMChangeValues );
				/* XXX: Once we have a way to display warnings that the user actually
				 * cares about (unlike most warnings), this should be one of them. */
				if(arrayBPMChangeValues.size() != 2)
					LOG->Warn( "Invalid #%s value \"%s\" (must have exactly one '='), ignored",
						sValueName.c_str(), arrayBPMChangeExpressions[b].c_str() );

				const float fBeat = strtof( arrayBPMChangeValues[0], NULL );
				const float fNewBPM = strtof( arrayBPMChangeValues[1], NULL );
				BPMSegment new_seg;
				new_seg.m_fStartBeat = fBeat;
				new_seg.m_fBPM = fNewBPM;
				out.AddBPMSegment( new_seg );
void run()
#define CHECK(call, exp) \
{ \
	float ret = call; \
	if( call != exp ) { \
		LOG->Warn( "Line %i: Got %f, expected %f", __LINE__, ret, exp); \
		return; \
	} \

	TimingData test;
	test.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, 60) );
	/* First, trivial sanity checks. */
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(60), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(60), 60.0f );

	/* The first BPM segment extends backwards in time. */
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-60), -60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-60), -60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(100000), 100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(100000), 100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-100000), -100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-100000), -100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(0), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(100000), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(-100000), 60.0f );

	/* 120BPM at beat 10: */
	test.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(10, 120) );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10.5), 11.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(11), 10.5f );

	/* Add a 5-second stop at beat 10. */
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(10, 5) );

	/* The stop shouldn't affect GetBPMAtBeat at all. */
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(12), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15.5), 11.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(11), 15.5f );

	/* Add a 2-second stop at beat 5 and a 5-second stop at beat 15. */
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(5, 2) );
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(15, 5) );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(1), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(2), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(5), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(6), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(7), 5.0f ); // stop finished
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(8), 6.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(12), 10.0f ); // bpm changes to 120
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(13), 12.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14), 14.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14.5f), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(17), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(19.5f), 15.0f ); // stop finished
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(20), 16.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(1), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(2), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(5), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(6), 8.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 12.0f ); // bpm changes to 120
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(12), 13.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(14), 14.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(15.0f), 14.5f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(16), 20.0f );

RageTimer foobar;
	/* We can look up the time of any given beat, then look up the beat of that
	 * time and get the original value.  (We can't do this in reverse; the beat
	 * doesn't move during stop segments.) */
int q = 0;
	for( float f = -10; f < 250; f += 0.002 )
//		const float t = test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat( f );
		const float b = test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( f );

		/* b == f */
//		if( fabsf(b-f) > 0.001 )
//		{
//			LOG->Warn( "%f != %f", b, f );
//			return;
//		}
LOG->Trace("... %i in %f", q, foobar.GetDeltaTime());

	TimingData test2;
	test2.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, 60) );
	test2.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(0, 1) );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-1), -1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(0), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(1), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(2), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-1), -1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(0), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(1), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(2), 3.0f );