SymVarConst* Parser::ParseConst() { SymType* type = NULL; string Value = ""; while (true) { if(t.GetValue() == "+" || t.GetValue() == "-") { Value = t.GetValue() + Value; t = sc.GetNextToken(); } else if(t.GetType() == int_const_dec) return new SymVarConst(Value + t.GetValue(), Value + t.GetValue(), (SymType*)mainTable->find("integer")->second); else if (t.GetType() == float_const) return new SymVarConst(Value + t.GetValue(), Value + t.GetValue(), (SymType*)mainTable->find("real")->second); else { bool found = false; _Table::iterator it = TableStack.Find(t.GetValue(), found); if (t.GetType() != identifier) throw Error("wrongConst", t); if (!found) throw Error("NotConst", t); if (!it->second->IsConst()) throw Error("wrongConstType",t); return new SymVarConst(t.GetValue(), Value + ((SymVarConst*)it->second)->GetValue(), ((SymVarConst*)it->second)->GetType()); } } }
int main() { ifstream in;"C:/Users/taoyanqi/Desktop/Êý¾Ý½á¹¹/ImproveLexer/ImproveLexer/aa.txt"); Scanner scan(in); for (Token t; t.GetType() != END_OF_FILE;) { // cout << ( t = scan.NextToken() ); t = scan.GetNextToken(); cout << t.GetRow() << ':' << t.GetColumn() << '\t' << TOKEN_DESCRIPTION[t.GetType()] << '\t' << TOKEN_VALUE_DESCRIPTION[t.GetValue()] << '\t' << t.GetName() << endl; } }
NodeWrite* Parser::ParseWrite(bool isFirst, bool isWriteln) { NodeWrite* ans = NULL; t = sc.GetNextToken(); if (isFirst) t = RequireToken("(", "\"(\" expected"); if (t.GetType() == string_const) { ans = new NodeWriteStr(STR, "\""+t.GetValue().substr(1, t.GetValue().size()-2)+"\""); t = sc.GetNextToken(); } else { NodeExpression* exp = ParseComparision(); OutputType T; if (exp->GetType()->IsInt()) T = INT; else T = FLOAT; ans = new NodeWriteExp(T, exp); } if (t.GetValue() == ",") ans->SetNext(ParseWrite(false, isWriteln)); else { t = RequireToken(")", "\")\" expected"); if (isWriteln) ans->SetNext(new NodeWriteln()); } return ans; }
int FAO::GetPrecedence() { if (cur_token_.GetType() == TokenType::TOKEN_OPERATION){ return this->binary_op_precedence_[cur_token_.GetOperation()]; } return -1; }
// **************************************************************************** // Method: ExprParser::Parse // // Purpose: // Main external routine for clients. // Re-initialize the parser and scanner, and process one at a time until // we get an error or acceptance. Return the parse tree when finished. // // Programmer: Jeremy Meredith // Creation: April 5, 2002 // // Modifications: // Jeremy Meredith, Mon Jul 28 16:13:35 PDT 2003 // Made it report normal parse errors through the viewer window // mechanism if needed. Unhandled reductions will only occur during // debugging and can still go to cerr. // // Hank Childs, Fri Aug 8 08:13:21 PDT 2003 // Have error messages be issued in a way that it is independent of // component. // // Jeremy Meredith, Fri Aug 15 12:49:01 PDT 2003 // Added the EMT_EXCEPTION type, and renamed EMT_VIEWER to EMT_COMPONENT. // // Jeremy Meredith, Wed Nov 24 11:51:59 PST 2004 // Refactored. There's a new base class for the ExprParser and the // return types became more general. // // Jeremy Meredith, Tue Dec 28 11:18:37 PST 2004 // Made the current text a data member to help with macro support. // // Hank Childs, Tue Dec 28 16:14:47 PST 2004 // Rename GetText and PrintText to GetErrorText and PrintErrorText. // // Hank Childs, Fri Jan 28 14:07:18 PST 2005 // Use exception macros. // // Jeremy Meredith, Mon Jun 13 16:17:14 PDT 2005 // Delete the tokens that have not taken part in a rule reduction -- in // this case that means Space tokens and the final EOF token. // // **************************************************************************** ParseTreeNode* ExprParser::Parse(const std::string &s) { text = s; // Change weird spacing (tabs, newlines) to normal ones. // This will make printing error messages later much easier. for (size_t i=0; i<text.length(); i++) if (text[i] == '\t' || text[i] == '\n') text[i] = ' '; TRY { Init(); scanner.SetInput(text); Token *token = NULL; while (!Accept()) { token = scanner.ScanOneToken(); if (token->GetType() != TT_Space) ParseOneToken(token); else delete token; } delete token; } CATCH2(UnhandledReductionException, e) { // This should only occur during debugging; print to cerr anyway cerr << e.Message() << endl; cerr << "Rule = " << *(e.GetRule()) << endl; e.GetPos().PrintErrorText(cerr, text); CATCH_RETURN2(1, NULL); }
int CompilerMain::GetNextToken() { Token* token = tokenList->at(nextTokenIndex); yylval = token->GetValue().toStdString(); //qDebug()<<("Next Token is " + token->GetValue()); nextTokenIndex++; return token->GetType(); }
ExprAST * FAO::ParsePrimary() { switch (cur_token_.GetType()){ case TokenType::TOKEN_INTEGER: return ParseNumberExpr(); case TokenType::TOKEN_LEFT_PARAM: return ParseParentExpr(); default: return Error("unknow token when expecting an expression"); } }
ExprAST * FAO::ParseParentExpr() { Advance(); // eat "(" ExprAST * ret = ParseExpression(); if (ret == nullptr)return 0; if (cur_token_.GetType() != TokenType::TOKEN_RIGHT_PARAM){ return Error("expected ')'"); } Advance(); // eat ")" return ret; }
SymTable* Parser::ParseArguments(vector<string>* &arguments) { SymTable* argTable = new SymTable; if (t.GetValue() != "(") return argTable; vector<string> argNames; bool isVar = false; do { t = sc.GetNextToken(); if (t.GetValue() == "var") { isVar = true; t = sc.GetNextToken(); } if (t.GetType() != identifier) throw Error("incorrect name of argument", t); argNames.push_back(t.GetValue()); arguments->push_back(t.GetValue()); t = sc.GetNextToken(); if (t.GetValue() == ",") continue; if (t.GetValue() == ":") { SymType* Type = ParseType(false); if (IsExplType(Type->GetName())) throw Error("arguments type mismatch", t); t = sc.GetNextToken(); for(vector<string>::iterator it= argNames.begin(); it != argNames.end(); ++it) { if (argTable->find(*it) != argTable->end()) throw Error("identifier already declared",t); if (isVar) argTable->insert(pair<string, SymVar*> (*it, new SymVarParam_var(*it, Type))); else argTable->insert(pair<string, SymVar*> (*it, new SymVarParam(*it, Type))); } isVar = false; argNames.clear(); if (t.GetValue() != ";" && t.GetValue() != ")") throw Error("incorrect function defenition", t); } } while(t.GetValue() != ")"); t = sc.GetNextToken(); return argTable; }
void MainWindow::on_selectFile_clicked() { QFileDialog dialog; if (dialog.exec()) { if (!dialog.selectedFiles().size()) return; int counter = 0; QFile file(dialog.selectedFiles()[0]);; Tokenizer tokenizer(file); Token tok; QString sb; QString sb1k; QString sb32k; do { tok = tokenizer.Next(); if (tok.GetType() == Token::eof) break; if (!(counter++ % 256)) { std::cout << "counter: " << counter << std::endl; } sb1k = sb1k % tok.GetText(); if (sb1k.size() == 256) { sb32k = sb32k % sb1k; sb1k.clear(); if (sb32k.size() == 32768) { sb = sb % sb32k; sb32k.clear(); } } } while (true); if (sb1k.size()) { sb32k = sb32k % sb1k; } if (sb32k.size()) { sb = sb % sb32k; } ui->textBrowser->setText(sb); file.close(); } }
Token & Compiler:: Parse() { Token * ret; bool real = false; for ( ; ; ) { ret = &m_parser.Statement(); // We need to make sure this // is really the end of the // stream. When a new file // is added after all the // others have been done, then // end of stream token is // still in the system, even // though it's no longer the // end of the stream. TokenType::E_TYPE type = ret->GetType(); if (type == TokenType::TT__END) { if (real) { // Really is the end break; } else { real = true; } } else if (type != TokenType::TT__EOF) { break; } } return *ret; }
NodeStatement* Parser::ParseElement() { if (t.GetValue() == "begin") return ParseBlock(); if (t.GetValue() == "if") return ParseIf(); if (t.GetValue() == "while") return ParseWhile(); if (t.GetValue() == "repeat") return ParseRepeat(); if (t.GetValue() == "for") return ParseFor(); if (t.GetValue() == "write") return ParseWrite(true, false); if (t.GetValue() == "writeln") return ParseWrite(true, true); if (t.GetValue() == "exit") { t = sc.GetNextToken(); return new StatementExit(true); } if (t.GetType() == identifier) { bool found = false; _Table::iterator it = TableStack.Find(t.GetValue(), found); if (found) { if (it->second->IsProc() || it->second->IsFunc()) { t = sc.GetNextToken(); return ParseSub((SymProc*)it->second); } } return ParseAssignment(); } if (t.GetValue() == "(") { return ParseAssignment(); } throw Error("Statement error", t); }
Statement *Statement::GetNext(Tokenizer &program) { Token token = program.Look(); if (token.GetType() == "UNKNOWN") MalformedExpressionError::Raise(token, __FILE__, __LINE__); Statement *statement; if (token.Match("INTEGER_TYPE") || token.Match("STRING_TYPE")) statement = new AssignStatement(); else if (token.Match("OUTPUT")) statement = new OutputStatement(); else if (token.Match("IF")) statement = new IfStatement(); else if (token.Match("SPAWN")) statement = new SpawnStatement(); else if (token.Match("READ_LINE")) statement = new ReadLineStatement(); statement->Read(program); LOG(INFO) << (std::string) typeid(*statement).name() << " load"; return statement; }
sint32 FilenameDB::Parse(char *filename) { Token *token = new Token(filename, C3DIR_GAMEDATA); Assert(token); if (token->GetType() != TOKEN_NUMBER) { c3errors_ErrorDialog (token->ErrStr(), "Missing number of filenames"); g_abort_parse = TRUE; delete token; return FALSE; } else { sint32 n; token->GetNumber(n); token->Next(); if (n <0) { c3errors_ErrorDialog(token->ErrStr(), "Number of filename is negative"); g_abort_parse = TRUE; delete token; return FALSE; } SetSize(n); } int count = 0; while (ParseAFilename(token, count)) { count++; } if (g_abort_parse) { delete token; return FALSE; } delete token; return TRUE; }
SymProc* Parser::ProcFunc(bool isFunc) { t = sc.GetNextToken(); SymType* Type = NULL; SymProc* sub = NULL; if (t.GetType() != identifier) throw Error("incorrect procedure name", t); SymTable* argTable = NULL; vector<string>* argNames = new vector<string>; _Table::iterator it = table->find(t.GetValue()); string name = t.GetValue(); t = sc.GetNextToken(); argTable = ParseArguments(argNames); TableStack.PushTable(argTable); if (isFunc) { if (t.GetValue() != ":") throw Error("type expected", t); Type = ParseType(false); t = sc.GetNextToken(); } t = RequireToken(";", "\";\" expected"); if (it != table->end()) { if (!(it->second->IsProc()) || !(((SymProc*)it->second)->IsForward())) throw Error("incorrect procedure definition", t); SymTable* argTableF = ((SymProc*)it->second)->GetArgTable(); vector<string>* argNamesF = ((SymProc*)it->second)->GetArgNames(); for (size_t i=0; i<argNames->size(); ++i) { if ((*argNames)[i] != (*argNamesF)[i] || !SymComp(argTable->find((*argNames)[i])->second , argTableF->find((*argNamesF)[i])->second)) throw Error("Header does not match previouse definition", t); } if (isFunc) sub = ParseProcDecl(name, argNames, argTable, true, Type); else sub = ParseProcDecl(name, argNames, argTable, false, Type); t = RequireToken(";", "\";\" expected"); } else { if (t.GetValue() == "forward") { t = sc.GetNextToken(); if (t.GetValue() != ";") throw Error("\";\" expected", t); if (isFunc) { sub = new SymFunc(name, argNames, argTable, NULL, true, NULL); ((SymFunc*)sub)->SetType(Type); } else sub = new SymProc(name, argNames, argTable, NULL, true); sub->print(os, false); table->insert(pair<string, SymProc*> (name, sub)); TableStack.PopTable(); } else { sub = ParseProcDecl(name, argNames, argTable, isFunc, Type); if (isFunc) ((SymFunc*)sub)->SetType(Type); sub->GetBody()->print(os, 0); } t = sc.GetNextToken(); } return sub; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { PrintHelp(); return 0; } try { if (argc > 3) throw CompilerException("too many parametrs"); if (argc == 2) { if (argv[1][1] == 'h') { PrintHelp(); return 0; } if (argv[1][1] == 'l' || argv[1][1] == 's') throw CompilerException("no files specified"); else throw CompilerException("uncknown option"); } ifstream in;[2], ios::in); if (!in.good()) throw CompilerException("can't open file"); if (argv[1][0] != '-') throw CompilerException("invalid option"); else { if (!argv[1][1] || argv[1][2]) throw CompilerException("invalid option"); bool optimize = isupper(argv[1][1]); switch (tolower(argv[1][1])) { case 'b': { Scanner scan(in); Parser parser(scan, optimize); parser.PrintSymTable(std::cout); parser.PrintSyntaxTree(std::cout); } break; case 's': { Scanner scan(in); Parser parser(scan, optimize); parser.PrintSyntaxTree(std::cout); } break; case 't': { Scanner scan(in); Parser parser(scan, optimize); parser.PrintSymTable(std::cout); } break; case 'g': { Scanner scan(in); Parser parser(scan, optimize); parser.Generate(std::cout); } break; case 'l': { Scanner scan(in); for (Token t; t.GetType() != END_OF_FILE;) { cout << ( t = scan.NextToken() ); } } break; } } } catch (CompilerException& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; return 1; } catch (exception& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; return 1; } return 0; }
std::vector<FunctionModel> ConvertToFunctionModel(const std::vector<Token>& input, std::string& LibraryName) { std::vector<FunctionModel> output; bool timeDefault=false; std::vector<Token>::const_iterator it = input.begin(); while (it != input.end()) { Token ThisToken = *it; switch (ThisToken.GetType()) { case Token::preprocessor : ++it; break; // ignore preprocessor directives case Token::curlyleft : throw("curly bracket found, only functions can be coped with"); break; case Token::curlyright : throw("curly bracket found, only functions can be coped with"); break; case Token::ampersand : throw("unexpected ampersand found, return type expected"); break; case Token::comma : throw("unexpected comma found, return type expected"); break; case Token::right : throw("unexpected ) found, return type expected"); break; case Token::left : throw("unexpected ( found, return type expected"); break; case Token::semicolon : ++it; break; case Token::comment : { std::string val = it->GetValue(); if (LeftString(val,5) == "<xlw:") { bool found = false; if (val.size()>= 19 && val.substr(0,17) == "<xlw:libraryname=") { LibraryName = val.substr(17,val.size()); found =true; } if (LeftString(val,12) == "<xlw:timeall") { timeDefault = true; found =true; } if (LeftString(val,13) == "<xlw:timenone") { timeDefault = false; found =true; } if (!found) std::cout << "Unknown xlw command "+val+"\n"; } ++it; //ignore comment unless in function definition } break; case Token::identifier : if (it->GetValue() == "using") { // Ignore 'using namespace xxx;' ++it; if (it == input.end() || it->GetType() != Token::identifier || it->GetValue() != "namespace") throw("invalid syntax for declaration : 'using namespace xxx;'"); ++it; if (it == input.end() || it->GetType() != Token::identifier) throw("invalid syntax for declaration : 'using namespace xxx;'"); ++it; } else { // Process a function declaration output.push_back(FunctionFind(it,input.end(),timeDefault)); } break; default: throw("unknown token type found"); } } return output; }
bool Lexer::GetNextToken(Token& outToken) const { bool isOk = true; outToken = Token(Token::NO_Type); while(isOk && outToken.GetType() == Token::NO_Type) { char c = GetNextChar(); if(m_stream.eof()) { outToken = Token(Token::EOF_Type); } else if(c == '\n') { ++m_line; continue; } else if(c == ' ') { continue; } else if(c == '\t') { continue; } else if(c == '=') { outToken = Token(Token::Assign_Type); } else if(c == '{') { outToken = Token(Token::LeftBrace_Type); } else if(c == '}') { outToken = Token(Token::RightBrace_Type); } else if(c == ';') { outToken = Token(Token::SemiColon_Type); } else if(c == '$') { std::string value; char cc = GetNextChar(); if(IsValidVariableStartChar(cc)) { while(IsValidVariableChar(cc) && !m_stream.eof()) { value+=cc; cc = GetNextChar(); } } else { //throw SyntaxErrorException("Syntax error when reading variable", "Lexer::GetNextToken", __LINE__, __FILE__); isOk = false; } //Jump back one char m_stream.unget(); outToken = Token(Token::Variable_Type, value); } else if (c == '\"') { char cc = GetNextChar(); std::string value; while(cc != '\"' && !m_stream.eof()) { value += cc; cc = GetNextChar(); } if(m_stream.eof()) { //throw SyntaxErrorException("Syntax error when reading variable content", "Lexer::GetNextToken", __LINE__, __FILE__); isOk = false; } outToken = Token(Token::String_Type, value); } else //Check for reserved words { std::string value; char cc = c; if(IsValidReservedWordStartChar(cc)) { while(IsValidReservedWordChar(cc) && !m_stream.eof()) { value += cc; cc = GetNextChar(); } m_stream.unget(); if(value == "OVERRIDE") { outToken = Token(Token::Override_Type, value); } else { //Error isOk = false; } } else { //Error isOk = false; } } //if(outToken.GetType() != Token::NO_Type) //return isOk; } return isOk; }
Symbol::Symbol(Token token_) { if (token_.GetType() != STR_CONST) token_.NameToLowerCase(); token = token_; }
NodeExpression* Parser::ParseFactor() { NodeExpression* r = NULL; if (t.GetValue() == "-" || t.GetValue() == "+" || t.GetValue() == "not") { string op = t.GetValue(); t = sc.GetNextToken(); NodeExpression* _r = ParseFactor(); r = new NodeUnaryOp(new Symbol(op), _r); r->SetType(_r->GetType()); } else { if (t.GetValue() != "(" && t.GetType() != identifier && t.GetType() != int_const_dec && t.GetType() != float_const) throw Error("Syntax error : unexpected \""+t.GetValue()+"\";", t); if(t.GetValue() == "(") { t = sc.GetNextToken(); r = ParseComparision(); t = RequireToken(")" , "\")\" expected"); } switch(t.GetType()){ case int_const_dec : case float_const: { SymVarConst* _const = new SymVarConst(t.GetValue(), t.GetValue(), NULL); if (t.GetType() == int_const_dec) _const->SetType((SymType*)mainTable->find("integer")->second); else _const->SetType((SymType*)mainTable->find("real")->second); t = sc.GetNextToken(); r = new NodeConst(_const); r->SetType(_const->GetType()); return r; break; } case identifier: { Token t1 = t; bool found = false; _Table::iterator it = TableStack.Find(t1.GetValue(), found); if (!found) throw Error("unknown identifier", t); t = sc.GetNextToken(); SymVar* name = (SymVar*)it->second; SymType* Type = name->GetType(); if (t.GetValue() == "(") { if (!it->second->IsFunc()) throw Error("unexpected identifier", t); if (((SymFunc*)it->second)->IsForward()) throw Error("undefined forward ("+it->second->GetName()+")", t); r = ParseSub((SymFunc*)it->second); } else if(name->GetType()->IsRec() || name->GetType()->IsArr()) { r = new NodeVar(name); r->SetType(Type); while(name->GetType()->IsRec() || name->GetType()->IsArr()) { SymVar* name2 = name; if (name->GetType()->IsRec()) r = ParseRec(r, name); if (name->GetType()->IsArr()) r = ParseArr(r,name); if (name2 == name) break; } } else { if (name->IsConst()) r = new NodeConst(it->second); else r = new NodeVar(it->second); r->SetType(Type); } break; } } } return r; }