static void parseAudio(){ char warning[1024]; bool speech; DataBuffer<float> *buf = ConfigManager::parseFloatSource(); switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_SAMPLE:speech=false;break; case T_SPEECH:speech=true;break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"'speech' or 'sample'"); } tok.getnextstring(warning); getApp()->addAudio(warning,buf,speech); }
static void parseAVar(bool diamond){ // it's a valid type char buf[256]; bool autoRange=false; float mn=0,mx=0; int size; RawDataBuffer *b; tok.getnextident(buf); // get name // if diamond, get topic and datum index char tname[256]; int idx; #if DIAMOND if(diamond){ tok.getnextcheck(T_TOPIC); tok.getnextstring(tname); tok.getnextcheck(T_COMMA); idx = tok.getnextint(); diamondMap[DiamondTopicKey(tname,idx)]=QString(buf); diamondapparatus::subscribe(tname); if(!diamondSet.contains(tname)) diamondSet.insert(tname); } #endif size = tok.getnextint(); // and size // now get the range tok.getnextcheck(T_RANGE); switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_INT: case T_FLOAT: mn = tok.getfloat(); tok.getnextcheck(T_TO); mx = tok.getnextfloat(); break; case T_AUTO: autoRange=true; break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"number or 'auto'"); break; } b=createVar(T_NAMEFLOAT,buf,size,mn,mx); if(autoRange) ((DataBuffer<float>*)b)->setAutoRange(); }
DataBuffer<float> *ConfigManager::parseFloatSource(){ DataBuffer<float> *b; char buf[256]; switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_VAR: tok.getnextident(buf); b = DataManager::findFloatBuffer(buf); if(!b) throw ParseException(&tok).set("undefined variable '%s'",buf); break; case T_EXPR: tok.getnextstring(buf); // OK, we're going to lose a reference to this, but such is life. // In this version we never delete expressions anyway. try { b = (new Expression(buf))->buffer; } catch(Exception& e){ throw Exception(e,tok.getline()); } // now parse the extra bits tok.getnextcheck(T_RANGE); float mn,mx; switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_INT: case T_FLOAT: mn = tok.getfloat(); tok.getnextcheck(T_TO); mx = tok.getnextfloat(); b->setMinMax(mn,mx); break; case T_AUTO: b->setAutoRange(); break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"expected number or 'auto'"); } break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"'var' or 'expr'"); } return b; }
void ConfigManager::parseFile(QString fname){ tok.init(); tok.seterrorhandler(&tokerrorhandler); tok.settokens(tokens); tok.setcommentlinesequence("#"); // read the entire file! QFile file(fname); if(! throw Exception().set("could not open config file"); QByteArray b = file.readAll(); if(b.isNull() || b.isEmpty()) throw Exception().set("could not read config file"); b.append((char)0); file.close(); const char *data = b.constData(); tok.reset(data); bool done = false; while(!done){ // at the top level we parse frames and // variables int t = tok.getnext(); switch(t){ case T_VAR: parseVars(); break; case T_WINDOW: parseWindow(); break; case T_END: done=true; break; case T_PORT: port = tok.getnextint(); break; case T_SENDPORT: udpSendPort = tok.getnextint(); break; // the UDP client now sets its address from the first packet received // but this will override it case T_SENDADDR: tok.getnextstring(udpSendAddr); UDPClient::getInstance()->setAddress(udpSendAddr); break; case T_VALIDTIME: DataManager::dataValidInterval = tok.getnextfloat(); break; case T_SENDINTERVAL: sendInterval = tok.getnextfloat(); break; case T_UPDATEINTERVAL: graphicalUpdateInterval = tok.getnextfloat()*1000; break; case T_AUDIO: parseAudio(); break; case T_WAYPOINT: parseWaypoint(); break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"'var', 'frame', config data or end of file"); } } }
static void parseWindow(){ // option defaults bool fullScreen = false; // should it be fullscreen? bool disabled = false; // what size? (default is fit around widgets. Ignored for fullscreen.) int width=-1,height=-1; // if set, move the window to a screen of the given dimensions int swidth=-1,sheight=-1; // title if any char title[256]; // "tab" number - used to generate a shortcut to pull this window // to the front int number=-1; title[0]=0; int screensetline=-1; // set this window to not inverse ConfigManager::inverse=false; // get window options bool done = false; while(!done){ switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_OCURLY: done = true; break; case T_TITLE: tok.getnextstring(title); break; case T_NUMBER: number = tok.getnextint(); break; case T_INVERSE: ConfigManager::inverse=true; break; case T_FULLSCREEN: fullScreen = true; break; case T_SIZE: // size of window if not fullscreen width = tok.getnextint(); tok.getnextcheck(T_COMMA); height = tok.getnextint(); break; case T_SCREEN: // move to a screen of given dimensions swidth = tok.getnextint(); tok.getnextcheck(T_COMMA); screensetline = tok.getline(); sheight = tok.getnextint(); break; case T_DISABLE: // the window is disabled and should be immediately closed disabled=true; break; } } // create a window Window *w = getApp()->createWindow(); if(number>=0) getApp()->setWindowKey(number,w); ConfigManager::setStyle(w); // and parse the contents parseContainer(w->centralWidget()); if(*title){ w->setWindowTitle(title); } // move the window if we want to if(swidth>0){ QDesktopWidget *dt = QApplication::desktop(); QRect r; int i; for(i=0;i<dt->screenCount();i++){ r = dt->screenGeometry(i); printf("Found display : %d x %d\n",r.width(),r.height()); if(r.width() == swidth && r.height()==sheight) break; } if(i==dt->screenCount()) throw Exception(screensetline).set("could not find display of %d x %d",swidth,sheight); w->move(r.topLeft()); } // finally show the window and resize if required if(disabled){ w->hide(); // marked "disabled" in the config } else { w->setWindowState(Qt::WindowActive); w->raise(); w->activateWindow(); if(fullScreen){ w->showFullScreen(); } else { if(width>0) w->resize(width,height); w->showNormal(); } } }
static void parseFrame(QWidget *parent){ // first parse the pos block ConfigRect pos = ConfigManager::parseRect(); // followed by some optional stuff bool borderless=false; int spacing=2; bool done=false; char label[256]; bool hasLabel=false; while(!done){ switch(tok.getnext()){ case T_BORDERLESS: borderless=true; break; case T_LABEL: if(!tok.getnextstring(label)) throw UnexpException(&tok,"frame label"); hasLabel=true; break; case T_SPACING: spacing=tok.getnextint(); break; case T_OCURLY: done = true; break; default: throw UnexpException(&tok,"frame option or {"); } } // create frame and layout QFrame *f = new QFrame; f->setFrameStyle(borderless? QFrame::NoFrame: QFrame::Panel); QGridLayout *l = new QGridLayout; l->setSpacing(spacing); f->setLayout(l); parseContainer(f); // if there's a label, we need a containing vbox if(hasLabel){ QFrame *cont = new QFrame; QVBoxLayout *bl = new QVBoxLayout; cont->setLayout(bl); QLabel *lab = new QLabel(label); lab->setMaximumSize(10000,20); bl->addWidget(lab); bl->addWidget(f); f=cont; } // add to the parent's layout ((QGridLayout*)parent->layout())->addWidget(f,pos.y,pos.x,pos.h,pos.w); }
void parseLinkedVars(bool diamond){ char buf[256]; int size,type; RawDataBuffer *linkvar,*b; if(tok.getnext()!=T_OPREN) throw UnexpException(&tok,"( after linked"); linkedVars.clear(); for(;;){ double mn,mx; char buf[256]; // get type type = tok.getnext(); // get name tok.getnextident(buf); // if diamond, get topic and datum index char tname[256]; int idx; #if DIAMOND if(diamond){ tok.getnextcheck(T_TOPIC); tok.getnextstring(tname); tok.getnextcheck(T_COMMA); idx = tok.getnextint(); diamondMap[DiamondTopicKey(tname,idx)]=QString(buf); if(!diamondSet.contains(tname)) diamondSet.insert(tname); diamondapparatus::subscribe(tname); } #endif // now the range tok.getnextcheck(T_RANGE); mn = tok.getnextfloat(); tok.getnextcheck(T_TO); mx = tok.getnextfloat(); // add to a list! linkedVars.append(LinkedVarEntry(buf,type,mn,mx)); if(tok.getnext()!=T_COMMA){ tok.rewind(); break; } } if(tok.getnext()!=T_CPREN) throw UnexpException(&tok,") after linked var list"); if(tok.getnext()!=T_INT) throw UnexpException(&tok,"buffer size after linked var list"); size = tok.getint(); linkvar = NULL; for(int i=0;i<linkedVars.size();i++){ b = createVar(linkedVars[i].type, linkedVars[i].name, size, linkedVars[i].minVal, linkedVars[i].maxVal); if(linkvar) linkvar->link(b); else linkvar = b; } }