void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::setCellValues
    TrackData& td,
    const scalar dt,
    const label cellI
    ParcelType::setCellValues(td, dt, cellI);

    tetIndices tetIs = this->currentTetIndices();

    Cpc_ = td.CpInterp().interpolate(this->position(), tetIs);

    Tc_ = td.TInterp().interpolate(this->position(), tetIs);

    if (Tc_ < td.cloud().constProps().TMin())
        if (debug)
                "void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::setCellValues"
                    "TrackData&, "
                    "const scalar, "
                    "const label"
            )   << "Limiting observed temperature in cell " << cellI << " to "
                << td.cloud().constProps().TMin() <<  nl << endl;

        Tc_ = td.cloud().constProps().TMin();
void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::setCellValues
    TrackData& td,
    const scalar dt,
    const label cellI
    KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::setCellValues(td, dt, cellI);

    cpc_ = td.cpInterp().interpolate(this->position(), cellI);

    Tc_ = td.TInterp().interpolate(this->position(), cellI);

    if (Tc_ < td.constProps().TMin())
            "void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::setCellValues"
            "TrackData&, "
            "const scalar, "
            "const label"
        )   << "Limiting observed temperature in cell " << cellI << " to "
            << td.constProps().TMin() <<  nl << endl;

        Tc_ = td.constProps().TMin();
void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcSurfaceValues
    TrackData& td,
    const label cellI,
    const scalar T,
    scalar& Ts,
    scalar& rhos,
    scalar& mus,
    scalar& Pr,
    scalar& kappa
) const
    // Surface temperature using two thirds rule
    Ts = (2.0*T + Tc_)/3.0;

    // Assuming thermo props vary linearly with T for small dT
    scalar factor = td.TInterp().interpolate(this->position(), cellI)/Ts;
    rhos = this->rhoc_*factor;
    mus = td.muInterp().interpolate(this->position(), cellI)/factor;

    Pr = td.constProps().Pr();
    kappa = cpc_*mus/Pr;