TrajectoryPoint  kinova_controller::ConvertControl(State & value, int type)
	TrajectoryPoint pointToSend;
	if(type == -1)
		pointToSend.Position.Type = this->controltype;
		pointToSend.Position.Type = this->InitPositionType(type);
	pointToSend.Position.HandMode = HAND_NOMOVEMENT;
	if(controltype==ANGULAR_POSITION || controltype==ANGULAR_VELOCITY)
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = (float)value[0];
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = (float)value[1];
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = (float)value[2];
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = (float)value[3];
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = (float)value[4];
		pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = (float)value[5];
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.X = (float)value[0];
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Y = (float)value[1];
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Z = (float)value[2];
		//We set the orientation part of the position (unit is RAD)
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaX = (float)value[3];
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaY = (float)value[4];
		pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaZ = (float)value[5];
	return pointToSend;
    void JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback(const control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryGoalConstPtr &goal) {
        try {
            if (arm_comm_.isStopped()) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not complete joint angle action because the arm is 'stopped'.");

            // Clear all previous trajectories and points

            trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint goal_waypoint =
                    goal->trajectory.points[goal->trajectory.points.size() - 1];

            trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint start_waypoint =

            JacoAngles current_joint_angles, goal_joint_angles, start_joint_angles;
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator1 = goal_waypoint.positions[0] * (180 / PI);
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator2 = goal_waypoint.positions[1] * (180 / PI);
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator3 = goal_waypoint.positions[2] * (180 / PI);
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator4 = goal_waypoint.positions[3] * (180 / PI);
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator5 = goal_waypoint.positions[4] * (180 / PI);
            goal_joint_angles.Actuator6 = goal_waypoint.positions[5] * (180 / PI);

            start_joint_angles.Actuator1 = start_waypoint.positions[0] * (180 / PI);
            start_joint_angles.Actuator2 = start_waypoint.positions[1] * (180 / PI);
            start_joint_angles.Actuator3 = start_waypoint.positions[2] * (180 / PI);
            start_joint_angles.Actuator4 = start_waypoint.positions[3] * (180 / PI);
            start_joint_angles.Actuator5 = start_waypoint.positions[4] * (180 / PI);
            start_joint_angles.Actuator6 = start_waypoint.positions[5] * (180 / PI);

            //Sanity Check that arm is actually starting from the first waypoint in the trajectory
            AngularInfo error = computeError(start_joint_angles, current_joint_angles);
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator1) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 1 before even starting, setting to aborted");
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator2) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 2 before even starting, setting to aborted");
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator3) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 3 before even starting, setting to aborted");
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator4) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 4 before even starting, setting to aborted");
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator5) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 5 before even starting, setting to aborted");
            if (std::abs(error.Actuator6) > MAX_ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator 6 before even starting, setting to aborted");
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");

            ros::Time start_time = ros::Time::now();
            bool stop = false;
            bool read_joint_angles = false;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < goal->trajectory.points.size(); i++) {

                // Get the waypoint to be reached
                trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint waypoint =

                // Initialize a trajectory point which we will be constantly
                // feeding to the robot until the waypoint time's up or until
                // we are in the final configuration.
                TrajectoryPoint point;
                memset(&point, 0, sizeof (point));

                // The trajectory consists of angular velocity waypoints
                point.Position.Type = ANGULAR_VELOCITY;
                // Set up the trajectory point with waypoint values converted
                // from [rad/s] to [deg/s]
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = -waypoint.velocities[0] * (180 / PI);
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = +waypoint.velocities[1] * (180 / PI);
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = -waypoint.velocities[2] * (180 / PI);
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = -waypoint.velocities[3] * (180 / PI);
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = -waypoint.velocities[4] * (180 / PI);
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = -waypoint.velocities[5] * (180 / PI);

                JacoAngles current_waypoint_angles;
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator1 = waypoint.positions[0] * (180 / PI);
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator2 = waypoint.positions[1] * (180 / PI);
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator3 = waypoint.positions[2] * (180 / PI);
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator4 = waypoint.positions[3] * (180 / PI);
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator5 = waypoint.positions[4] * (180 / PI);
                current_waypoint_angles.Actuator6 = waypoint.positions[5] * (180 / PI);

                read_joint_angles = false;
                        read_joint_angles = true;
                    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Carrying on anyway!");

                error = computeError(current_waypoint_angles, current_joint_angles);

                stop = false;
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator1, stop);
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator2, stop);
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator3, stop);
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator4, stop);
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator5, stop);
                checkCurrentWayPointError(error.Actuator6, stop);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Inside Open Loop Velocity Controller: Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator setting to aborted");
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator1: " << error.Actuator1 << std::endl);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator2: " << error.Actuator2 << std::endl);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator3: " << error.Actuator3 << std::endl);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator4: " << error.Actuator4 << std::endl);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator5: " << error.Actuator5 << std::endl);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("error.Actuator6: " << error.Actuator6 << std::endl);

                ros::Rate r(100);   // The loop below will run at 100Hz
                while ((waypoint.time_from_start >= ros::Time::now() - start_time)) {

                    // If preempted, stop the motion, enable the arm again and
                    // send a notification of preemption
                    if (action_server_.isPreemptRequested() || !ros::ok()) {
                    } else if (arm_comm_.isStopped()) {

                    // Get the current real angles and normalize them for comparing
                    // with the target and adjusting the execution
//                    arm_comm_.getJointAngles(current_joint_angles);
//                    normalizeAngles(current_joint_angles);

                    // Adjust actuator velocities accordingly

                    // Ensures executing at 100Hz

            stop = false;

            ros::Rate r(100); // The loop below will run at 100Hz (every 10ms)
            // This loop finalizes the movement by checking angular distance
            // of joints from the desired configuration. Instead of moving
            // to the last waypoint, we move and check each joint separately
            // to ensure we are at the right position.
            bool reached_goal = false;
            while (!reached_goal) {
                // Get the current real angles and normalize them for comparing
                // with the target and adjusting the execution
                AngularInfo error = computeError(goal_joint_angles, current_joint_angles);
                // Initialize a trajectory point which we will be constantly
                // feeding to the robot untilwe are in the final configuration.
                TrajectoryPoint point;
                memset(&point, 0, sizeof (point));
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = 0.0;
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = 0.0;
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = 0.0;
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = 0.0;
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = 0.0;
                point.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = 0.0;

                // The trajectory consists of angular velocity waypoints
                point.Position.Type = ANGULAR_VELOCITY;
                reached_goal = true;
                bool exit_now = false;//is something really wrong
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator1, error.Actuator1,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator2, error.Actuator2,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator3, error.Actuator3,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator4, error.Actuator4,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator5, error.Actuator5,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                setPControllerJointVelocity(point.Position.Actuators.Actuator6, error.Actuator6,  reached_goal, exit_now);
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Way to large of error in JacoTrajectoryActionServer actuator setting to aborted");
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("Leaving: JacoTrajectoryActionServer::actionCallback\n");
                // Adjust actuator velocities accordingly
                // Ensure execution at 100Hz
            // If we got here, it seems that we succeeded

        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            // Something rather terrible has happened - report it!
int main()
	int result;

	CartesianPosition currentCommand;

	//Handle for the library's command layer.
	void * commandLayer_handle;

	//Function pointers to the functions we need
	int (*MyInitAPI)();
	int (*MyCloseAPI)();
	int (*MySendBasicTrajectory)(TrajectoryPoint command);
	int (*MyGetDevices)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result);
	int (*MySetActiveDevice)(KinovaDevice device);
	int (*MyMoveHome)();
	int (*MyInitFingers)();
	int (*MyGetQuickStatus)(QuickStatus &);
	int (*MyGetCartesianCommand)(CartesianPosition &);

	//We load the library
	commandLayer_handle = dlopen("",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);

	//We load the functions from the library (Under Windows, use GetProcAddress)
	MyInitAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"InitAPI");
	MyCloseAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"CloseAPI");
	MyMoveHome = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"MoveHome");
	MyInitFingers = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"InitFingers");
	MyGetDevices = (int (*)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetDevices");
	MySetActiveDevice = (int (*)(KinovaDevice devices)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetActiveDevice");
	MySendBasicTrajectory = (int (*)(TrajectoryPoint)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SendBasicTrajectory");
	MyGetQuickStatus = (int (*)(QuickStatus &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetQuickStatus");
	MyGetCartesianCommand = (int (*)(CartesianPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetCartesianCommand");

	if((MyInitAPI == NULL) || (MyCloseAPI == NULL) ||
	   (MyGetQuickStatus == NULL) || (MySendBasicTrajectory == NULL) ||
	   (MySendBasicTrajectory == NULL) || (MyMoveHome == NULL) || (MyInitFingers == NULL) ||
	   (MyGetCartesianCommand == NULL))
		cout << "* * *  E R R O R   D U R I N G   I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N  * * *" << endl;
		cout << "I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N   C O M P L E T E D" << endl << endl;

		result = (*MyInitAPI)();

		cout << "Initialization's result :" << result << endl;

		KinovaDevice list[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE];

		int devicesCount = MyGetDevices(list, result);

		for(int i = 0; i < devicesCount; i++)
			cout << "Found a robot on the USB bus (" << list[i].SerialNumber << ")" << endl;

			//Setting the current device as the active device.

			cout << "Send the robot to HOME position" << endl;

			cout << "Initializing the fingers" << endl;

			TrajectoryPoint pointToSend;

			//We specify that this point will be used an angular(joint by joint) velocity vector.
			pointToSend.Position.Type = CARTESIAN_VELOCITY;

			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.X = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Y = -0.15; //Move along Y axis at 20 cm per second
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Z = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaX = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaY = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaZ = 0;

			pointToSend.Position.Fingers.Finger1 = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.Fingers.Finger2 = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.Fingers.Finger3 = 0;

			for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
				//We send the velocity vector every 5 ms as long as we want the robot to move along that vector.

			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Y = 0;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Z = 0.1;

			for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
				//We send the velocity vector every 5 ms as long as we want the robot to move along that vector.

			cout << "Send the robot to HOME position" << endl;

			//We specify that this point will be an angular(joint by joint) position.
			pointToSend.Position.Type = CARTESIAN_POSITION;

			//We get the actual angular command of the robot.

			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.X = currentCommand.Coordinates.X;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Y = currentCommand.Coordinates.Y - 0.1f;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Z = currentCommand.Coordinates.Z;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaX = currentCommand.Coordinates.ThetaX;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaY = currentCommand.Coordinates.ThetaY;
			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.ThetaZ = currentCommand.Coordinates.ThetaZ;

			cout << "*********************************" << endl;
			cout << "Sending the first point to the robot." << endl;

			pointToSend.Position.CartesianPosition.Z = currentCommand.Coordinates.Z + 0.1f;
			cout << "Sending the second point to the robot." << endl;

			cout << "*********************************" << endl << endl << endl;

		cout << endl << "C L O S I N G   A P I" << endl;
		result = (*MyCloseAPI)();


	return 0;
void ToolSemiTracking::mousePress( QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
	if (Qt::LeftButton == mouseEvent->button())    // left mouse button, add point and line 
		// check if the current vechleID is ok, same vehicle cannot appear two time at same time instance
		int frmIndex = mView->mCurrentFrameIndex;
		QPair<TrajectoryPoint*, QGraphicsTextItem*> pt_text_old = mView->mMainWind->findTrajPoint( mView, frmIndex, mCurrentVehicleID);
		if( pt_text_old.first != NULL )  // two vehicle appear at same time
			QMessageBox::information(mView, "same vehicle existed", "please change vehicle ID!");
		// add one point
		// save point to list
		QPointF pt = mView->mapToScene( QPoint(mouseEvent->x(), mouseEvent->y()) );
		float x = pt.x();
		float y = pt.y();

		// if point not on image, return
		if (x<0 || x>mView->mCurrentFrame.cols || y<0 || y>mView->mCurrentFrame.rows)
		// add sum image to Image Window
		int xMin = (x - mSubWndWidth)>=0 ? x-mSubWndWidth : 0;
		int yMin = (y - mSubWndWidth)>=0 ? y-mSubWndWidth : 0;

		int xMax = (x + mSubWndWidth)>=mView->mCurrentFrame.cols ? mView->mCurrentFrame.cols : (x+mSubWndWidth);
		int yMax = (y + mSubWndWidth)>=mView->mCurrentFrame.rows ? mView->mCurrentFrame.rows : (y+mSubWndWidth);
		if ( xMax<=0 )

		if ( yMax<=0 )

		if ( xMax-xMin == 0)
		if ( yMax-yMin == 0)

		Mat mSubImage = mView->mCurrentFrame.colRange(xMin,xMax).rowRange(yMin,yMax);
		Mat subImg = Mat( mSubImage.size(), mSubImage.type(), Scalar(0, 0, 0) );
		mSubImage.copyTo( subImg );

		// draw center and show in small window
		resize( subImg, subImg, subImg.size()*mEnlargeRate );
		circle( subImg, Point( subImg.cols/2, subImg.rows/2), 1, Scalar(230, 0, 0) );
		circle( subImg, Point( subImg.cols/2, subImg.rows/2), 5, Scalar(230, 0, 0) );
		mView->mMainWind->mMatWnd->showMatUp( subImg );

		// create point item and show
		TrajectoryPoint *pointItem = new TrajectoryPoint( mCurrentVehicleID, mView->mMainWind->getBikeType() );
		pointItem->setPosition( pt.x(), pt.y() );  // 1, 1  
		//pointItem->setPos( pt );    this will cause point lost in GUI       ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
		pointItem->setPen( QPen(Qt::red) );
		mPointItems.append( pointItem );
		mView->scene()->addItem( pointItem );      // show line	

		// create label for ID of vehicle and show
		QGraphicsTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsTextItem( QString("%1").arg(mCurrentVehicleID) );
		//textItem->setPen( QPen(Qt::red) );
		textItem->setPos( pt );
		QFont font;
		font.setPointSize( 6 );
		textItem->setFont( font );
		textItem->setOpacity( 0.6 );
		mView->scene()->addItem( textItem );

		// save trajectory point into main window
		QPair<TrajectoryPoint*, QGraphicsTextItem*> pair;
		pair.first = pointItem;
		pair.second = textItem;
		if ( !mView->mMainWind->mPrjFileObj.mTrajectory.contains(frmIndex) ) // not found points at time instance
			QMap<int, QPair<TrajectoryPoint*, QGraphicsTextItem*>> timePoints;

			timePoints[ mCurrentVehicleID ] = pair;
			mView->mMainWind->mPrjFileObj.mTrajectory[frmIndex] = timePoints;
		} else {   //found point at given time instance
			mView->mMainWind->mPrjFileObj.mTrajectory[frmIndex][ mCurrentVehicleID ] = pair ;
int main()
        cout << endl << endl;
        cout << "======================================================" << endl;
        cout << "=====  Simulating A Spring Damper with Jaco2     =====" << endl;
        cout << "======================================================" << endl;
        cout << "code: Reza Ahmadzadeh (IRIM, 2016)." << endl;

        int result;
        int programResult = 0;
        //Handle for the library's command layer.
        void * commandLayer_handle;
        //Function pointers to the functions we need
        int(*MyGetAngularCommand)(AngularPosition &);
        int(*MyGetAngularPosition)(AngularPosition &);
        int(*MyGetDevices)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result);
        int(*MySetActiveDevice)(KinovaDevice device);
        int(*MyGetActuatorAcceleration)(AngularAcceleration &Response);
        int(*MyGetAngularVelocity)(AngularPosition &Response);
        int(*MyRunGravityZEstimationSequence)(ROBOT_TYPE type, double OptimalzParam[OPTIMAL_Z_PARAM_SIZE]);
        int(*MySetTorqueSafetyFactor)(float factor);
        int(*MySendAngularTorqueCommand)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE]);
        int(*MySendCartesianForceCommand)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE]);
        int(*MySetGravityVector)(float Command[3]);
        int(*MySetGravityPayload)(float Command[GRAVITY_PAYLOAD_SIZE]);
        int(*MySetGravityOptimalZParam)(float Command[GRAVITY_PARAM_SIZE]);
        int(*MySetGravityType)(GRAVITY_TYPE Type);
        int(*MySetTorqueVibrationController)(float value);
        int(*MyGetAngularForceGravityFree)(AngularPosition &);
        int(*MyGetCartesianForce)(CartesianPosition &);
        int(*MySetTorqueControlType)(TORQUECONTROL_TYPE type);
        int(*MySetTorqueActuatorDamping)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE]);
        int (*MySetTorqueRobotProtection)(int);
        int (*MySendBasicTrajectory)(TrajectoryPoint angcommand);
        //We load the library (Under Windows, use the function LoadLibrary)
        commandLayer_handle = dlopen("",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
        MyInitAPI = (int(*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "InitAPI");
        MyCloseAPI = (int(*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "CloseAPI");
        MyGetAngularCommand = (int(*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetAngularCommand");
        MyGetAngularPosition = (int(*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetAngularPosition");
        MyGetDevices = (int(*)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetDevices");
        MySetActiveDevice = (int(*)(KinovaDevice devices)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetActiveDevice");
        MyGetActuatorAcceleration = (int(*)(AngularAcceleration &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetActuatorAcceleration");
        MyGetAngularVelocity = (int(*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetAngularVelocity");
        MyRunGravityZEstimationSequence = (int(*)(ROBOT_TYPE, double OptimalzParam[OPTIMAL_Z_PARAM_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "RunGravityZEstimationSequence");
        MySwitchTrajectoryTorque = (int(*)(GENERALCONTROL_TYPE)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SwitchTrajectoryTorque");
        MySetTorqueSafetyFactor = (int(*)(float)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetTorqueSafetyFactor");
        MySendAngularTorqueCommand = (int(*)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SendAngularTorqueCommand");
        MySendCartesianForceCommand = (int(*)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SendCartesianForceCommand");
        MySetGravityVector = (int(*)(float Command[3])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetGravityVector");
        MySetGravityPayload = (int(*)(float Command[GRAVITY_PAYLOAD_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetGravityPayload");
        MySetGravityOptimalZParam = (int(*)(float Command[GRAVITY_PARAM_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetGravityOptimalZParam");
        MySetGravityType = (int(*)(GRAVITY_TYPE Type)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetGravityType");
        MyGetAngularForceGravityFree = (int(*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetAngularForceGravityFree");
        MyGetCartesianForce = (int(*)(CartesianPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "GetCartesianForce");
        MySetTorqueVibrationController = (int(*)(float)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetTorqueVibrationController");
        MySetTorqueControlType = (int(*)(TORQUECONTROL_TYPE)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetTorqueControlType");
        MyMoveHome = (int(*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "MoveHome");
        MySetTorqueActuatorDamping = (int(*)(float Command[COMMAND_SIZE])) dlsym(commandLayer_handle, "SetTorqueActuatorDamping");
        MySetTorqueRobotProtection = (int (*)(int)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetTorqueRobotProtection");
        MySendBasicTrajectory = (int (*)(TrajectoryPoint)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SendBasicTrajectory");

        //Verify that all functions has been loaded correctly
        if ((MyInitAPI == NULL) || (MyCloseAPI == NULL) || (MyGetAngularCommand == NULL) || (MyGetAngularPosition == NULL)
                || (MySetActiveDevice == NULL) || (MyGetDevices == NULL) || (MyGetAngularVelocity == NULL))
                cout << "***  Initialization Failed!  ***" << endl;
                programResult = 0;
                result = (*MyInitAPI)();
                int resultComm;
                AngularPosition DataCommand;
                // Get the angular command to test the communication with the robot
                resultComm = MyGetAngularCommand(DataCommand);
                string strResult = "Failed";
                cout << "Initialization's result :" << strResult << endl;
                cout << "Communication result :" << strResult << endl;
                cout << "current angular data: " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator1 << ", " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator2 <<
                        ", " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator3 << ", " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator4 << ", " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator5 << ", " << DataCommand.Actuators.Actuator6 << endl;
                // If the API is initialized and the communication with the robot is working
                if (result == 1 && resultComm == 1)
                        cout << "API initialized: OK" << endl;
                        result = MySwitchTrajectoryTorque(POSITION);
                        cout << "switched to position mode: " << strResult << endl;
                        // Get the reference position

                        cout << "sending the robot to the inital pose ..." << endl;

                        TrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Type = ANGULAR_POSITION; //226.287  202.525  97.8848  178.22  29.9561  75.1491  0.509246
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = -60;//-60;//-50;//-59;//-227;//-245; //312;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = 180;//239;//180;//230;//205;//135; //164; //245;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = 102;//112;//148;//139;//292;//300;//117;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = 270;//314;//316;//160.6;//208;//-15;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = 0;//480;//495;//273.6;//308;//61;
                        trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = 90;//132;//118;//29;//0;//112     -59.7233	180.358	101.769	269.942

                        cout << "Done." << endl;
                        //result = (*MyCloseAPI)();
                        //return 0;
                        AngularPosition PositionReference;
                        cout << "Reference position: " << PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator1 << " ," <<  PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator2 << " ," <<  PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator3
                                 << " ," <<  PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator4 << " ," <<  PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator5 << " ," <<  PositionReference.Actuators.Actuator6 << endl;

                         //result = (*MyCloseAPI)();
                         //return 0;

                        cout << "Enter the filename to execute the trajectory from: " << endl;
                        string fileName;
                        getline(cin, fileName);
                        ifstream ifs;
                        if (!ifs.is_open())
                            cout << "no such file! try again." << endl;
                            result = (*MyCloseAPI)();
                            return 0;
                        int count;
                        float j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6,x,y,z,tx,ty,tz;
                        float M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz;

                        ifs >> count >> j1 >> j2 >> j3 >> j4 >> j5 >> j6 >> x >> y >> z >> tx >> ty >> tz >> M1 >> M2 >> M3 >> M4 >> M5 >> M6 >> Fx >> Fy >> Fz >> Mx >> My >> Mz;
                        printf("First Desired Pose: [%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f]\n", x,y,z,tx,ty,tz);
                        printf("First Desired Angle: [%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f]\n", j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6);

                        std::string answer;
                        std::string yes = "y"; //.c_str();

                        result = MySwitchTrajectoryTorque(TORQUE);
                        cout << "switched to torque mode: " << strResult << endl;

                        result = MySetTorqueSafetyFactor(0.6); //0.6
                        cout << "safety factor set: " << strResult << endl;
                        result = MySetTorqueRobotProtection(1);
                        cout << "Protection zones off: " << strResult << endl;
                        result = MySetTorqueVibrationController(0.5); //0.5
                        cout << "vibration controller set: " << strResult << endl;

                        float ActuatorDamping[COMMAND_SIZE];
                        for (int i = 0; i < COMMAND_SIZE; i++){ActuatorDamping[i] = 0;}
                        ActuatorDamping[0] = 0.4;
                        ActuatorDamping[1] = 0.4;
                        ActuatorDamping[2] = 0.4;
                        ActuatorDamping[3] = 0.4;
                        ActuatorDamping[4] = 0.4;
                        ActuatorDamping[5] = 0.4;

                        result = MySetTorqueActuatorDamping(ActuatorDamping);
                        cout << "Dampings are set: " << strResult << endl;
                        // Get the actual position
                        AngularPosition PositionActual;
                        // Initialize the torque command
                        float TorqueCommand[COMMAND_SIZE];
                        for (int i = 0; i < COMMAND_SIZE; i++){TorqueCommand[i] = 0;}

                        float Stiffness[COMMAND_SIZE];
                        for (int i = 0; i < COMMAND_SIZE; i++){Stiffness[i] = 0.5;} // initialize the stiffness to 0.5
                        Stiffness[0] = 0.4;
                        Stiffness[1] = 0.4;
                        Stiffness[2] = 0.4;
                        Stiffness[3] = 0.4;
                        Stiffness[4] = 0.4;
                        Stiffness[5] = 0.4;

                        cout << "Start executing the trajectory?";
                        getline(cin, answer);
                        if ( == 0 )

                            while (ifs.is_open() &&  ifs >> count >> j1 >> j2 >> j3 >> j4 >> j5 >> j6 >> x >> y >> z >> tx >> ty >> tz >> M1 >> M2 >> M3 >> M4 >> M5 >> M6 >> Fx >> Fy >> Fz >> Mx >> My >> Mz)

                                TorqueCommand[0] = 0; TorqueCommand[1] = 0; TorqueCommand[2] = 0; TorqueCommand[3] = 0; TorqueCommand[4] = 0; TorqueCommand[5] = 0;
                                cout << "Reference:" << j1 << "," << j2 << "," << j3 << "," << j4 << "," << j5 << "," << j6 << endl;
                                cout << "error:" << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator1 - j1 << "," << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator2 - j2 << "," << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator3 - j3 << "," << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator4 - j4 << "," << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator5 - j5 << "," << PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator6 - j6 << endl;

                                TorqueCommand[0] = -Stiffness[0] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator1) - (j1));
                                TorqueCommand[1] = -Stiffness[1] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator2) - (j2));
                                TorqueCommand[2] = -Stiffness[2] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator3) - (j3));
                                TorqueCommand[3] = -Stiffness[3] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator4) - (j4));
                                TorqueCommand[4] = -Stiffness[4] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator5) - (j5));
                                TorqueCommand[5] = -Stiffness[5] * ((PositionActual.Actuators.Actuator6) - (j6));


                            result = (*MyCloseAPI)();
                            return 0;

                        result = MySetTorqueRobotProtection(2);
                        cout << endl << "Protection zones on: " << strResult << endl;

                        result = MySwitchTrajectoryTorque(POSITION);
                        cout << "switch to position mode: " << strResult << endl;
                        if (result != 1)
                            cout << "could not switch back to position mode." << endl;


                        // Set the damping back to zero
                        for (int i = 0; i < COMMAND_SIZE; i++){ActuatorDamping[i] = 0;}

                        result = MySetTorqueActuatorDamping(ActuatorDamping);
                        cout << "set damping back to normal: " << strResult << endl;

int main()
    int result;
    bool singlePointTest, incrementalTest, trajectoryTest, homeTorqueTest, homePoseTest;
    CartesianPosition data;
    AngularPosition angles;
    cout << "Executing trajectories using SendBasicTrajectory" << endl;
    //Handle for the library's command layer.
    void * commandLayer_handle;
    //Function pointers to the functions we need
    int (*MyInitAPI)();
    int (*MyCloseAPI)();
    int (*MySendBasicTrajectory)(TrajectoryPoint command);
    int (*MyStartControlAPI)();
    int (*MyMoveHome)();
    int (*MyGetCartesianCommand)(CartesianPosition &);
    int (*MyGetCartesianPosition)(CartesianPosition &);
    int (*MyGetAngularPosition)(AngularPosition &);

    //We load the library (Under Windows, use the function LoadLibrary)
    commandLayer_handle = dlopen("",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    //We load the functions from the library (Under Windows, use GetProcAddress)
    MyInitAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"InitAPI");
    MyCloseAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"CloseAPI");
    MySendBasicTrajectory = (int (*)(TrajectoryPoint)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SendBasicTrajectory");
    MyStartControlAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"StartControlAPI");
    MyGetCartesianCommand = (int (*)(CartesianPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetCartesianCommand");
    MyGetCartesianPosition = (int (*)(CartesianPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetCartesianPosition");
    MyGetAngularPosition = (int(*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetAngularPosition");
    MyMoveHome = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"MoveHome");

    //If the was loaded correctly
    if((MyInitAPI == NULL) || (MyCloseAPI == NULL) || (MySendBasicTrajectory == NULL) || (MyStartControlAPI == NULL) || 
            (MyMoveHome == NULL) || (MyGetCartesianCommand == NULL) || (MyGetCartesianPosition == NULL))
        cout << "Unable to initialize the command layer." << endl;
        result = (*MyInitAPI)();

        result = (*MyGetCartesianPosition)(data);
        cout << " Home: [ " << data.Coordinates.X << "," << data.Coordinates.Y << "," << data.Coordinates.Z << " ]" << endl;
        TrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint;

        // MyMoveHome(); //TODO Uncomment if you want to start from this position at each test.
        ifstream ifs;;
        if (!ifs.is_open())
            cout << "no such file! try again." << endl;
        int count=0;
        double j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6,x,y,z,tx,ty,tz;
        int iter=0;

        while (ifs.is_open() &&  ifs >> j1 >> j2 >> j3 >> j4 >> j5 >> j6 /*&& iter<ITER_MAX*/)
            printf("%i\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", count,j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6);
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Type = ANGULAR_POSITION;
            // get the current pose of the end-effector
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = j1*R2D;
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = j2*R2D;
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = j3*R2D;
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = j4*R2D;
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = j5*R2D;
            trajectoryPoint.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = j6*R2D;

        result = (*MyCloseAPI)();

    return 0;
int main()

        AngularPosition currentCommand;
        int result;
        cout << "SetCartesianForceMinMax function example" << endl;
        //Handle for the library's command layer.
        void * commandLayer_handle;
        //Function pointers to the functions we need
        int (*MyInitAPI)();
        int (*MyCloseAPI)();
        int (*MyStartForceControl)();
        int (*MySetCartesianForceMinMax)(CartesianInfo, CartesianInfo);    // min and max forces
        int (*MySetCartesianInertiaDamping)(CartesianInfo, CartesianInfo); // inertia and damping
        int (*MySetAngularInertiaDamping)(AngularInfo, AngularInfo);
        int (*MySendBasicTrajectory)(TrajectoryPoint command);
        int (*MyGetDevices)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result);
        int (*MySetActiveDevice)(KinovaDevice device);
        int (*MyMoveHome)();
        int (*MyInitFingers)();
        int (*MyGetAngularCommand)(AngularPosition &);

        //We load the library (Under Windows, use the function LoadLibrary)
        commandLayer_handle = dlopen("",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
        //We load the functions from the library (Under Windows, use GetProcAddress)
        MyInitAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"InitAPI");
        MyCloseAPI = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"CloseAPI");
        MySetCartesianForceMinMax = (int (*)(CartesianInfo, CartesianInfo)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetCartesianForceMinMax");
        MySetCartesianInertiaDamping = (int (*)(CartesianInfo, CartesianInfo))dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetCartesianInertiaDamping");
        MySetAngularInertiaDamping = (int (*)(AngularInfo, AngularInfo)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetAngularInertiaDamping");
        MyStartForceControl = (int(*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"StartForceControl");
        MyMoveHome = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"MoveHome");
        MyInitFingers = (int (*)()) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"InitFingers");
        MyGetDevices = (int (*)(KinovaDevice devices[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE], int &result)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetDevices");
        MySetActiveDevice = (int (*)(KinovaDevice devices)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SetActiveDevice");
        MySendBasicTrajectory = (int (*)(TrajectoryPoint)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"SendBasicTrajectory");
        MyGetAngularCommand = (int (*)(AngularPosition &)) dlsym(commandLayer_handle,"GetAngularCommand");

        //If the was loaded correctly

        if((MyInitAPI == NULL) || (MyCloseAPI == NULL) || (MySendBasicTrajectory == NULL) ||
           (MySendBasicTrajectory == NULL) || (MyMoveHome == NULL) || (MyInitFingers == NULL) ||
           (MySetCartesianForceMinMax == NULL) || (MySetAngularInertiaDamping == NULL) || (MySetCartesianInertiaDamping == NULL))
            cout << "* * *  E R R O R   D U R I N G   I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N  * * *" << endl;
            cout << MyInitAPI  << MyCloseAPI  << MySendBasicTrajectory << MySendBasicTrajectory  << MyMoveHome << MyInitFingers << MySetCartesianForceMinMax  << MySetAngularInertiaDamping  << MySetCartesianInertiaDamping << endl;
                cout << "The command has been initialized correctly." << endl << endl;
                cout << "Calling the method InitAPI()" << endl;
                result = (*MyInitAPI)();
                cout << "result of InitAPI() = " << result << endl << endl;

                KinovaDevice list[MAX_KINOVA_DEVICE];

                int devicesCount = MyGetDevices(list, result);

                for(int i = 0; i < devicesCount; i++)
                    cout << "Found a robot on the USB bus (" << list[i].SerialNumber << ")" << endl;

                    //Setting the current device as the active device.

                    cout << "Send the robot to HOME position" << endl;

                    TrajectoryPoint pointToSend;
                    //We specify that this point will be an angular(joint by joint) position.
                    pointToSend.Position.Type = ANGULAR_POSITION;

                    //We get the actual angular command of the robot.

                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator1 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator1 + 30;
                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator2 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator2;
                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator3 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator3;
                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator4 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator4;
                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator5 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator5;
                    pointToSend.Position.Actuators.Actuator6 = currentCommand.Actuators.Actuator6;

                    cout << "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout << "Sending the first point to the robot." << endl;

                    CartesianInfo commandMin;
                    CartesianInfo commandMax;
                    commandMin.X = 8.0f;
                    commandMin.Y = 8.0f;
                    commandMin.Z = 8.0f;
                    commandMin.ThetaX = 1.0f;
                    commandMin.ThetaY = 1.0f;
                    commandMin.ThetaZ = 1.0f;

                    //float cmax = 200.0;
                    commandMax.X = 12.0f;
                    commandMax.Y = 15.0f;
                    commandMax.Z = 20.0f;
                    commandMax.ThetaX = 2.0f;
                    commandMax.ThetaY = 2.0f;
                    commandMax.ThetaZ = 2.0f;
                    result = (*MySetCartesianForceMinMax)(commandMin, commandMax);
                    cout << "Cartesian force min and max has been set: " << result << endl;
                    CartesianInfo Inertia;
                    CartesianInfo Damping;
                    // not setting the intertia yet

                    float inertiaValue = 1.0;  // km*m^2
                    Inertia.X = inertiaValue;
                    Inertia.Y = inertiaValue;
                    Inertia.Z = inertiaValue;
                    Inertia.ThetaX = inertiaValue;
                    Inertia.ThetaY = inertiaValue;
                    Inertia.ThetaZ = inertiaValue;

                    float dmpValue = 1.0;    // N*s/m,  N*s/RAD
                    Damping.X = dmpValue;
                    Damping.Y = dmpValue;
                    Damping.Z = dmpValue;
                    Damping.ThetaX = dmpValue;
                    Damping.ThetaY = dmpValue;
                    Damping.ThetaZ = dmpValue;

                    cout << "reached here" << endl;
                    //result = (*MySetCartesianInertiaDamping)(Inertia,Damping);
                    cout << "Cartesian inertial and damping values have been set." << endl;

                    AngularInfo Inertia;
                    AngularInfo Damping;

                    Inertia.Actuator1 = 0.006f;
                    Inertia.Actuator2 = 0.006f;
                    Inertia.Actuator3 = 0.005f;
                    Inertia.Actuator4 = 0.005f; //0.050f;
                    Inertia.Actuator5 = 0.005f; //0.050f;
                    Inertia.Actuator6 = 0.005f; //0.050f;

                    Damping.Actuator1 = 0.015f;
                    Damping.Actuator2 = 0.015f;
                    Damping.Actuator3 = 0.01f;
                    Damping.Actuator4 = 0.01f;
                    Damping.Actuator5 = 0.01f;
                    Damping.Actuator6 = 0.01f;

                    result = (*MySetAngularInertiaDamping)(Inertia,Damping);
                    cout << "Angular inertia and damping values have been set: " << result << endl;

                    cout << "Damping " << Damping.Actuator1 << " Inertia " << Inertia.Actuator1 << endl;
                    result = MyStartForceControl();
                    cout << "Force Control is started: " << result << endl;


                cout << endl << "WARNING: Your robot is now set to angular control. If you use the joystick, it will be a joint by joint movement." << endl;
                cout << endl << "C L O S I N G   A P I" << endl;
                result = (*MyCloseAPI)();


        return 0;