//[NOTE] In addition to some Ogre setup, this function configures PagedGeometry in the scene.
void World::load()
	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TERRAIN --------------------------------------
	//Setup the fog up to 500 units away
	sceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, viewport->getBackgroundColour(), 0, 100, 700);

	//Load the terrain

	//Start off with the camera at the center of the terrain
	camera->setPosition(700, 100, 700);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TREES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance
	trees = new PagedGeometry();
	trees->setCamera(camera);	//Set the camera so PagedGeometry knows how to calculate LODs
	trees->setPageSize(80);	//Set the size of each page of geometry
	trees->setInfinite();		//Use infinite paging mode
	trees->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(150, 50);		//Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units
	trees->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(500, 50);	//Use impostors up to 400 units, and for for 50 more units

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object
	TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(trees, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));
	trees->setPageLoader(treeLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

	//Supply a height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values

	//Load a tree entity
	Entity *myEntity = sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree", "tree2.mesh");

	//Randomly place 20,000 copies of the tree on the terrain
	Vector3 position = Vector3::ZERO;
	Radian yaw;
	Real scale;
	for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));

		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.5f, 0.6f);

		//[NOTE] Unlike TreeLoader3D, TreeLoader2D's addTree() function accepts a Vector2D position (x/z)
		//The Y value is calculated during runtime (to save memory) from the height function supplied (above)
		treeLoader->addTree(myEntity, position, yaw, scale);
//[NOTE] In addition to some Ogre setup, this function configures PagedGeometry in the scene.
void World::load()
	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TERRAIN --------------------------------------
	//Setup the fog up to 1500 units away
	sceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, viewport->getBackgroundColour(), 0, 100, 900);

	//Load the terrain

	//Start off with the camera at the center of the terrain
	camera->setPosition(700, 100, 700);

	//Setup a skybox
	sceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "3D-Diggers/SkyBox", 2000);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD GRASS --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for grass
	grass = new PagedGeometry(camera, 30);

	//Create a GrassLoader object
	grassLoader = new GrassLoader(grass);
	grass->setPageLoader(grassLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

	//Supply a height function to GrassLoader so it can calculate grass Y values

	//Add some grass to the scene with GrassLoader::addLayer()
	GrassLayer *l = grassLoader->addLayer("3D-Diggers/plant1sprite");

	//Configure the grass layer properties (size, density, animation properties, fade settings, etc.)
	l->setMinimumSize(0.7f, 0.7f);
	l->setMaximumSize(0.9f, 0.9f);
	l->setAnimationEnabled(true);		//Enable animations
	l->setSwayDistribution(7.0f);		//Sway fairly unsynchronized
	l->setSwayLength(0.1f);				//Sway back and forth 0.5 units in length
	l->setSwaySpeed(0.4f);				//Sway 1/2 a cycle every second
	l->setDensity(3.0f);				//Relatively dense grass
	l->setFadeTechnique(FADETECH_GROW);	//Distant grass should slowly raise out of the ground when coming in range

	//[NOTE] This sets the color map, or lightmap to be used for grass. All grass will be colored according
	//to this texture. In this case, the colors of the terrain is used so grass will be shadowed/colored
	//just as the terrain is (this usually makes the grass fit in very well).

	//This sets the density map that will be used to determine the density levels of grass all over the
	//terrain. This can be used to make grass grow anywhere you want to; in this case it's used to make
	//grass grow only on fairly level ground (see densitymap.png to see how this works).

	//setMapBounds() must be called for the density and color maps to work (otherwise GrassLoader wouldn't
	//have any knowledge of where you want the maps to be applied). In this case, the maps are applied
	//to the same boundaries as the terrain.
	l->setMapBounds(TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));	//(0,0)-(1500,1500) is the full boundaries of the terrain

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TREES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance
	trees = new PagedGeometry();
	trees->setCamera(camera);	//Set the camera so PagedGeometry knows how to calculate LODs
	trees->setPageSize(50);	//Set the size of each page of geometry
	trees->setInfinite();		//Use infinite paging mode

#ifdef WIND
	//WindBatchPage is a variation of BatchPage which includes a wind animation shader
	trees->addDetailLevel<WindBatchPage>(90, 30);		//Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units
	trees->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(90, 30);		//Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units
	trees->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(700, 50);	//Use impostors up to 400 units, and for for 50 more units

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object
	TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(trees, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));
	trees->setPageLoader(treeLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

	//Supply a height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values

	//[NOTE] This sets the color map, or lightmap to be used for trees. All trees will be colored according
	//to this texture. In this case, the shading of the terrain is used so trees will be shadowed
	//just as the terrain is (this should appear like the terrain is casting shadows on the trees).
	//You may notice that TreeLoader2D / TreeLoader3D doesn't have a setMapBounds() function as GrassLoader
	//does. This is because the bounds you specify in the TreeLoader2D constructor are used to apply
	//the color map.

	//Load a tree entity
	Entity *tree1 = sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree1", "fir05_30.mesh");

	Entity *tree2 = sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree2", "fir14_25.mesh");

#ifdef WIND
	trees->setCustomParam(tree1->getName(), "windFactorX", 15);
	trees->setCustomParam(tree1->getName(), "windFactorY", 0.01);
	trees->setCustomParam(tree2->getName(), "windFactorX", 22);
	trees->setCustomParam(tree2->getName(), "windFactorY", 0.013);

	//Randomly place 10000 copies of the tree on the terrain
	Ogre::Vector3 position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;
	Radian yaw;
	Real scale;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));

		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.07f, 0.12f);

		float rnd = Math::UnitRandom();
		if (rnd < 0.5f)
		//[NOTE] Unlike TreeLoader3D, TreeLoader2D's addTree() function accepts a Vector2D position (x/z)
		//The Y value is calculated during runtime (to save memory) from the height function supplied (above)
		if (Math::UnitRandom() < 0.5f)
			treeLoader->addTree(tree1, position, yaw, scale);
		//	treeLoader->addTree(tree2, position, yaw, scale);
			treeLoader->addTree(tree2, position, yaw, scale);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD BUSHES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for bushes
	bushes = new PagedGeometry(camera, 50);

#ifdef WIND
	bushes->addDetailLevel<WindBatchPage>(80, 50);
	bushes->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(80, 50);

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object for the bushes
	TreeLoader2D *bushLoader = new TreeLoader2D(bushes, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));

	//Supply the height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values


	//Load a bush entity
	Entity *fern = sceneMgr->createEntity("Fern", "farn1.mesh");

	Entity *plant = sceneMgr->createEntity("Plant", "plant2.mesh");

	Entity *mushroom = sceneMgr->createEntity("Mushroom", "shroom1_1.mesh");

#ifdef WIND
	bushes->setCustomParam(fern->getName(), "factorX", 1);
	bushes->setCustomParam(fern->getName(), "factorY", 0.01);

	bushes->setCustomParam(plant->getName(), "factorX", 0.6);
	bushes->setCustomParam(plant->getName(), "factorY", 0.02);

	//Randomly place 20,000 bushes on the terrain
	for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));
		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		float rnd = Math::UnitRandom();
		if (rnd < 0.8f) {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.3f, 0.4f);
			bushLoader->addTree(fern, position, yaw, scale);
		} else if (rnd < 0.9) {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.2f, 0.6f);
			bushLoader->addTree(mushroom, position, yaw, scale);
		} else {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.3f, 0.5f);
			bushLoader->addTree(plant, position, yaw, scale);

//[NOTE] In addition to some Ogre setup, this function configures PagedGeometry in the scene.
void World::load()
	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TERRAIN --------------------------------------
	//Setup the fog up to 500 units away
	sceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, viewport->getBackgroundColour(), 0, 100, 700);

	//Load the terrain

	//Start off with the camera at the center of the terrain
	camera->setPosition(700, 100, 700);
	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TREES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for trees
	trees = new PagedGeometry(camera, 80);
	trees->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(150, 50);
	trees->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(500, 50);

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object
	TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(trees, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));

	//Supply the height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values

	//Load a tree entity
	Entity *myTree = sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree", "tree2.mesh");

	//Randomly place 10,000 copies of the tree on the terrain
	Vector3 position = Vector3::ZERO;
	Radian yaw;
	Real scale;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));
		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.5f, 0.6f);

		treeLoader->addTree(myTree, position, yaw, scale);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD BUSHES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for bushes
	bushes = new PagedGeometry(camera, 50);
	bushes->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(80, 50);

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object for the bushes
	TreeLoader2D *bushLoader = new TreeLoader2D(bushes, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));

	//Supply the height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values

	//Load a bush entity
	Entity *myBush = sceneMgr->createEntity("Bush", "Bush.mesh");

	//Randomly place 30,000 copies of the bush on the terrain
	for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));
		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.7f, 0.8f);

		bushLoader->addTree(myBush, position, yaw, scale);
int PGChapter::Init()
	//	Create Scene manager (TerrainSceneManager)
	m_pkSceneManager = m_pkRoot->createSceneManager("TerrainSceneManager");

	//	Create Camera
	m_pkCamera = m_pkSceneManager->createCamera("Default");
	m_pkCamera->setPosition(0, 100, 0);
	m_pkCamera->setDirection(1, 0, 0);

	//	Add view port
	m_pkViewport = m_pkWindow->addViewport(m_pkCamera);
	m_pkViewport->setBackgroundColour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	//	Add lights
	m_pkSceneManager->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
	m_pkLight = m_pkSceneManager->createLight("LightD");
	m_pkLight->setDirection(Ogre::Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f));
	m_pkLight->setDiffuseColour(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);

	//	load resource

	m_pkSceneManager->setFog(Ogre::FOG_LINEAR,  Ogre::ColourValue(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 0, 2, 100);

	m_pkCamera->setPosition(700, 100, 700);
	m_pkSceneManager->setSkyBox(true, "3D-Diggers/SkyBox", 2000);

	m_pkGrass = new PagedGeometry(m_pkCamera, 30);

	m_pkGrassLoader = new GrassLoader(m_pkGrass);


	GrassLayer *pklayer = m_pkGrassLoader->addLayer("3D-Diggers/plant1sprite");

	pklayer->setMinimumSize(0.7f, 0.7f);
	pklayer->setMaximumSize(0.9f, 0.9f);
	pklayer->setAnimationEnabled(true);		//Enable animations
	pklayer->setSwayDistribution(7.0f);		//Sway fairly unsynchronized
	pklayer->setSwayLength(0.1f);				//Sway back and forth 0.5 units in length
	pklayer->setSwaySpeed(0.4f);				//Sway 1/2 a cycle every second
	pklayer->setDensity(3.0f);				//Relatively dense m_pkGrass

	pklayer->setMapBounds(TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));

	m_pkTrees = new PagedGeometry();
	m_pkTrees->setCamera(m_pkCamera);	//Set the m_pkCamera so PagedGeometry knows how to calculate LODs
	m_pkTrees->setPageSize(50);	//Set the size of each page of geometry

	m_pkTrees->addDetailLevel<WindBatchPage>(90, 30);		//Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units

	TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(m_pkTrees, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));
	m_pkTrees->setPageLoader(treeLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance



	//Load a tree entity
	Entity *tree1 = m_pkSceneManager->createEntity("Tree1", "fir05_30.mesh");

	Entity *tree2 = m_pkSceneManager->createEntity("Tree2", "fir14_25.mesh");

	m_pkTrees->setCustomParam(tree1->getName(), "windFactorX", 15);
	m_pkTrees->setCustomParam(tree1->getName(), "windFactorY", 0.01);
	m_pkTrees->setCustomParam(tree2->getName(), "windFactorX", 22);
	m_pkTrees->setCustomParam(tree2->getName(), "windFactorY", 0.013);

	//Randomly place 10000 copies of the tree on the terrain
	Ogre::Vector3 position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;
	Radian yaw;
	Real scale;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));

		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.07f, 0.12f);

		float rnd = Math::UnitRandom();
		if (rnd < 0.5f)
		//[NOTE] Unlike TreeLoader3D, TreeLoader2D's addTree() function accepts a Vector2D position (x/z)
		//The Y value is calculated during runtime (to save memory) from the height function supplied (above)
		if (Math::UnitRandom() < 0.5f)
			treeLoader->addTree(tree1, position, yaw, scale);
		//	treeLoader->addTree(tree2, position, yaw, scale);
			treeLoader->addTree(tree2, position, yaw, scale);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD BUSHES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for m_pkBushes
	m_pkBushes = new PagedGeometry(m_pkCamera, 50);
	m_pkBushes->addDetailLevel<WindBatchPage>(80, 50);

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object for the m_pkBushes
	TreeLoader2D *bushLoader = new TreeLoader2D(m_pkBushes, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));

	//Supply the height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values


	//Load a bush entity
	Entity *fern = m_pkSceneManager->createEntity("Fern", "farn1.mesh");

	Entity *plant = m_pkSceneManager->createEntity("Plant", "plant2.mesh");

	Entity *mushroom = m_pkSceneManager->createEntity("Mushroom", "shroom1_1.mesh");

	m_pkBushes->setCustomParam(fern->getName(), "factorX", 1);
	m_pkBushes->setCustomParam(fern->getName(), "factorY", 0.01);

	m_pkBushes->setCustomParam(plant->getName(), "factorX", 0.6);
	m_pkBushes->setCustomParam(plant->getName(), "factorY", 0.02);

	//Randomly place 20,000 m_pkBushes on the terrain
	for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));
		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		float rnd = Math::UnitRandom();
		if (rnd < 0.8f) {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.3f, 0.4f);
			bushLoader->addTree(fern, position, yaw, scale);
		} else if (rnd < 0.9) {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.2f, 0.6f);
			bushLoader->addTree(mushroom, position, yaw, scale);
		} else {
			scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.3f, 0.5f);
			bushLoader->addTree(plant, position, yaw, scale);

	return 0;
//[NOTE] In addition to some Ogre setup, this function configures PagedGeometry in the scene.
void World::load()
	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TERRAIN --------------------------------------
	//Setup the fog up to 500 units away
	sceneMgr->setFog(FOG_LINEAR, viewport->getBackgroundColour(), 0, 100, 700);

	//Load the terrain
	auto terrain = loadLegacyTerrain("terrain2.cfg", sceneMgr);

	//Start off with the camera at the center of the terrain
	cameraNode->setPosition(700, 100, 700);

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD GRASS --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance for grass
	grass = new PagedGeometry(camera, 50);

	//Create a GrassLoader object
	grassLoader = new GrassLoader(grass);
	grass->setPageLoader(grassLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

	//Supply a height function to GrassLoader so it can calculate grass Y values

	//Add some grass to the scene with GrassLoader::addLayer()
	GrassLayer *l = grassLoader->addLayer("grass");

	//Configure the grass layer properties (size, density, animation properties, fade settings, etc.)
	l->setMinimumSize(2.0f, 1.5f);
	l->setMaximumSize(2.5f, 1.9f);
	l->setAnimationEnabled(true);		//Enable animations
	l->setSwayDistribution(10.0f);		//Sway fairly unsynchronized
	l->setSwayLength(0.5f);				//Sway back and forth 0.5 units in length
	l->setSwaySpeed(0.5f);				//Sway 1/2 a cycle every second
	l->setDensity(2.0f);				//Relatively dense grass
	l->setFadeTechnique(FADETECH_GROW);	//Distant grass should slowly raise out of the ground when coming in range

	//[NOTE] This sets the color map, or lightmap to be used for grass. All grass will be colored according
	//to this texture. In this case, the colors of the terrain is used so grass will be shadowed/colored
	//just as the terrain is (this usually makes the grass fit in very well).

	//This sets the density map that will be used to determine the density levels of grass all over the
	//terrain. This can be used to make grass grow anywhere you want to; in this case it's used to make
	//grass grow only on fairly level ground (see densitymap.png to see how this works).

	//setMapBounds() must be called for the density and color maps to work (otherwise GrassLoader wouldn't
	//have any knowledge of where you want the maps to be applied). In this case, the maps are applied
	//to the same boundaries as the terrain.
	l->setMapBounds(TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));	//(0,0)-(1500,1500) is the full boundaries of the terrain

	//-------------------------------------- LOAD TREES --------------------------------------
	//Create and configure a new PagedGeometry instance
	trees = new PagedGeometry();
	trees->setCamera(camera);	//Set the camera so PagedGeometry knows how to calculate LODs
	trees->setPageSize(80);	//Set the size of each page of geometry
	trees->setInfinite();		//Use infinite paging mode
	trees->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(150, 50);		//Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units
	trees->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(500, 50);	//Use impostors up to 400 units, and for for 50 more units

	//Create a new TreeLoader2D object
	TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(trees, TBounds(0, 0, 1500, 1500));
	trees->setPageLoader(treeLoader);	//Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

	//Supply a height function to TreeLoader2D so it can calculate tree Y values

	//[NOTE] This sets the color map, or lightmap to be used for trees. All trees will be colored according
	//to this texture. In this case, the shading of the terrain is used so trees will be shadowed
	//just as the terrain is (this should appear like the terrain is casting shadows on the trees).
	//You may notice that TreeLoader2D / TreeLoader3D doesn't have a setMapBounds() function as GrassLoader
	//does. This is because the bounds you specify in the TreeLoader2D constructor are used to apply
	//the color map.

	//Load a tree entity
	Entity *myEntity = sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree", "tree2.mesh");

	//Randomly place 20,000 copies of the tree on the terrain
	Ogre::Vector3 position = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;
	Radian yaw;
	Real scale;
	for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++){
		yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));

		position.x = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);
		position.z = Math::RangeRandom(0, 1500);

		scale = Math::RangeRandom(0.9f, 1.1f);

		//[NOTE] Unlike TreeLoader3D, TreeLoader2D's addTree() function accepts a Vector2D position (x/z)
		//The Y value is calculated during runtime (to save memory) from the height function supplied (above)
		treeLoader->addTree(myEntity, position, yaw, scale);
void TerrainObjectManager::loadObjectConfigFile(Ogre::String odefname)
	proceduralManager = new ProceduralManager();

	objcounter = 0;
	free_localizer = 0;

	ProceduralObject po;
	po.loadingState = -1;
	int r2oldmode = 0;
	int lastprogress = -1;
	bool proroad = false;

	DataStreamPtr ds;
		ds = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(odefname, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
		LOG("Error opening object configuration: " + odefname);

	int mapsizex = terrainManager->getGeometryManager()->getMaxTerrainSize().x;
	int mapsizez = terrainManager->getGeometryManager()->getMaxTerrainSize().z;

	Vector3 r2lastpos=Vector3::ZERO;
	Quaternion r2lastrot=Quaternion::IDENTITY;
	int r2counter=0;

	//long line = 0;
	char line[4096] = "";

	while (!ds->eof())
		int progress = ((float)(ds->tell()) / (float)(ds->size())) * 100.0f;
		if (progress-lastprogress > 20)
#ifdef USE_MYGUI
			LoadingWindow::getSingleton().setProgress(progress, _L("Loading Terrain Objects"));
#endif //MYGUI
			lastprogress = progress;

		char oname[1024] = {};
		char type[256] = {};
		char name[256] = {};
		Vector3 pos(Vector3::ZERO);
		Vector3 rot(Vector3::ZERO);

		size_t ll = ds->readLine(line, 1023);
		if (line[0]=='/' || line[0]==';' || ll==0) continue; //comments
		if (!strcmp("end",line)) break;

		if (!strncmp(line,"collision-tris", 14))
			long amount = Collisions::MAX_COLLISION_TRIS;
			sscanf(line, "collision-tris %ld", &amount);

		if (!strncmp(line,"grid", 4))
			sscanf(line, "grid %f, %f, %f", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z);

			Ogre::ColourValue BackgroundColour = Ogre::ColourValue::White;//Ogre::ColourValue(0.1337f, 0.1337f, 0.1337f, 1.0f);
			Ogre::ColourValue GridColour = Ogre::ColourValue(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);

			Ogre::ManualObject *mReferenceObject = new Ogre::ManualObject("ReferenceGrid");

			mReferenceObject->begin("BaseWhiteNoLighting", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST);

			Ogre::Real step = 1.0f;
			unsigned int count = 50;
			unsigned int halfCount = count / 2;
			Ogre::Real full = (step * count);
			Ogre::Real half = full / 2;
			Ogre::Real y = 0;
			Ogre::ColourValue c;
			for (unsigned i=0;i < count+1;i++)
				if (i == halfCount)
					c = Ogre::ColourValue(1,0,0,1.0f);
					c = GridColour;


				if (i == halfCount)
					c = Ogre::ColourValue(0,0,1,1.0f);
					c = GridColour;

				mReferenceObject->position(-half+(step*i),y, half);

			SceneNode *n = gEnv->sceneManager->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
#ifdef USE_PAGED
		//ugly stuff to parse trees :)
		if (!strncmp("trees", line, 5))
			if (terrainManager->getPagedMode() == 0) continue;
			char ColorMap[256] = {};
			char DensityMap[256] = {};
			char treemesh[256] = {};
			char treeCollmesh[256] = {};
			float gridspacing = 0.0f;
			float yawfrom = 0.0f, yawto = 0.0f;
			float scalefrom = 0.0f, scaleto = 0.0f;
			float highdens = 1.0f;
			int minDist = 90, maxDist = 700;
			sscanf(line, "trees %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d, %d, %s %s %s %f %s", &yawfrom, &yawto, &scalefrom, &scaleto, &highdens, &minDist, &maxDist, treemesh, ColorMap, DensityMap, &gridspacing, treeCollmesh);
			if (strnlen(ColorMap, 3) == 0)
				LOG("tree ColorMap map zero!");
			if (strnlen(DensityMap, 3) == 0)
				LOG("tree DensityMap zero!");
			Forests::DensityMap *densityMap = Forests::DensityMap::load(DensityMap, Forests::CHANNEL_COLOR);
			if (!densityMap)
				LOG("could not load densityMap: "+String(DensityMap));
			//densityMap->setMapBounds(TRect(0, 0, mapsizex, mapsizez));

			paged_geometry_t paged;
			paged.geom = new PagedGeometry();
			paged.geom->setTempDir(SSETTING("User Path", "") + "cache" + SSETTING("dirsep", "\\"));
			Ogre::TRect<Ogre::Real> bounds = TBounds(0, 0, mapsizex, mapsizez);

			//Set up LODs
			float min = minDist * terrainManager->getPagedDetailFactor();
			if (min<10) min = 10;
			paged.geom->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(min, min/2);
			float max = maxDist * terrainManager->getPagedDetailFactor();
			if (max<10) max = 10;
			paged.geom->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(max, max/10);
			TreeLoader2D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader2D(paged.geom, TBounds(0, 0, mapsizex, mapsizez));
			if (String(ColorMap) != "none")

			Entity *curTree = gEnv->sceneManager->createEntity(String("paged_")+treemesh+TOSTRING(pagedGeometry.size()), treemesh);

			if (gridspacing > 0)
				// grid style
				for (float x=0; x < mapsizex; x += gridspacing)
					for (float z=0; z < mapsizez; z += gridspacing)
						float density = densityMap->_getDensityAt_Unfiltered(x, z, bounds);
						if (density < 0.8f) continue;
						float nx = x + gridspacing * 0.5f;
						float nz = z + gridspacing * 0.5f;
						float yaw = Math::RangeRandom(yawfrom, yawto);
						float scale = Math::RangeRandom(scalefrom, scaleto);
						Vector3 pos = Vector3(nx, 0, nz);
						treeLoader->addTree(curTree, pos, Degree(yaw), (Ogre::Real)scale);
						if (strlen(treeCollmesh))
							pos.y = gEnv->terrainManager->getHeightFinder()->getHeightAt(pos.x, pos.z);
							scale *= 0.1f;
							gEnv->collisions->addCollisionMesh(String(treeCollmesh), pos, Quaternion(Degree(yaw), Vector3::UNIT_Y), Vector3(scale, scale, scale));

			} else
				float gridsize = 10;
				if (gridspacing < 0 && gridspacing != 0)
					gridsize = -gridspacing;
				float hd = highdens;
				// normal style, random
				for (float x=0; x < mapsizex; x += gridsize)
					for (float z=0; z < mapsizez; z += gridsize)
						if (highdens < 0) hd = Math::RangeRandom(0, -highdens);
						float density = densityMap->_getDensityAt_Unfiltered(x, z, bounds);
						int numTreesToPlace = (int)((float)(hd) * density * terrainManager->getPagedDetailFactor());
						float nx=0, nz=0;
							nx = Math::RangeRandom(x, x + gridsize);
							nz = Math::RangeRandom(z, z + gridsize);
							float yaw = Math::RangeRandom(yawfrom, yawto);
							float scale = Math::RangeRandom(scalefrom, scaleto);
							Vector3 pos = Vector3(nx, 0, nz);
							treeLoader->addTree(curTree, pos, Degree(yaw), (Ogre::Real)scale);
							if (strlen(treeCollmesh))
								pos.y = gEnv->terrainManager->getHeightFinder()->getHeightAt(pos.x, pos.z);
								gEnv->collisions->addCollisionMesh(String(treeCollmesh),pos, Quaternion(Degree(yaw), Vector3::UNIT_Y), Vector3(scale, scale, scale));
			paged.loader = (void*)treeLoader;

		//ugly stuff to parse grass :)
		if (!strncmp("grass", line, 5) || !strncmp("grass2", line, 6))
			// is paged geometry disabled by configuration?
			if (terrainManager->getPagedMode() == 0) continue;
			int range = 80;
			float SwaySpeed=0.5, SwayLength=0.05, SwayDistribution=10.0, minx=0.2, miny=0.2, maxx=1, maxy=0.6, Density=0.6, minH=-9999, maxH=9999;
			char grassmat[256]="";
			char colorMapFilename[256]="";
			char densityMapFilename[256]="";
			int growtechnique = 0;
			if (!strncmp("grass2", line, 6))
				sscanf(line, "grass2 %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f, %d, %s %s %s", &range, &SwaySpeed, &SwayLength, &SwayDistribution, &Density, &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy, &growtechnique, &minH, &maxH, &techn, grassmat, colorMapFilename, densityMapFilename);
			else if (!strncmp("grass", line, 5))
				sscanf(line, "grass %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f, %s %s %s", &range, &SwaySpeed, &SwayLength, &SwayDistribution, &Density, &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy, &growtechnique, &minH, &maxH, grassmat, colorMapFilename, densityMapFilename);

			//Initialize the PagedGeometry engine
				paged_geometry_t paged;
				PagedGeometry *grass = new PagedGeometry(gEnv->mainCamera, 30);
				//Set up LODs

				grass->addDetailLevel<GrassPage>(range * terrainManager->getPagedDetailFactor()); // original value: 80

				//Set up a GrassLoader for easy use
				GrassLoader *grassLoader = new GrassLoader(grass);

				// render grass at first

				GrassLayer* grassLayer = grassLoader->addLayer(grassmat);
				grassLayer->setHeightRange(minH, maxH);


				//String grassdensityTextureFilename = String(DensityMap);

				grassLayer->setDensity(Density * terrainManager->getPagedDetailFactor());
				if (techn>10)
					grassLayer->setRenderTechnique(static_cast<GrassTechnique>(techn-10), true);
					grassLayer->setRenderTechnique(static_cast<GrassTechnique>(techn), false);

				grassLayer->setMapBounds(TBounds(0, 0, mapsizex, mapsizez));

				if (strcmp(colorMapFilename,"none") != 0)

				if (strcmp(densityMapFilename,"none") != 0)

				//grassLayer->setMaximumSize(1.0, 1.0);

				grassLayer->setMinimumSize(minx, miny);
				grassLayer->setMaximumSize(maxx, maxy);

				// growtechnique
				if (growtechnique == 0)
				else if (growtechnique == 1)
				else if (growtechnique == 2)
				paged.geom = grass;
				paged.loader = (void*)grassLoader;
			} catch(...)
				LOG("error loading grass!");

#endif //USE_PAGED

		{ // ugly stuff to parse procedural roads
			if (!strncmp("begin_procedural_roads", line, 22))
				po = ProceduralObject();
				po.loadingState = 1;
				r2oldmode = 1;
				proroad = true;
			if (!strncmp("end_procedural_roads", line, 20))
				if (r2oldmode)
					if (proceduralManager) proceduralManager->addObject(po);
					po = ProceduralObject();
				proroad = false;
			if (proroad)
				float rwidth, bwidth, bheight;
				//position x,y,z rotation rx,ry,rz, width, border width, border height, type
				int r = sscanf(line, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %s",&pos.x,&pos.y,&pos.z, &rot.x, &rot.y, &rot.z, &rwidth, &bwidth, &bheight, oname);
				Quaternion rotation = Quaternion(Degree(rot.x), Vector3::UNIT_X)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.y), Vector3::UNIT_Y)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.z), Vector3::UNIT_Z);
				int roadtype=Road2::ROAD_AUTOMATIC;
				int pillartype = 0;
				if (!strcmp(oname, "flat")) roadtype=Road2::ROAD_FLAT;
				if (!strcmp(oname, "left")) roadtype=Road2::ROAD_LEFT;
				if (!strcmp(oname, "right")) roadtype=Road2::ROAD_RIGHT;
				if (!strcmp(oname, "both")) roadtype=Road2::ROAD_BOTH;
				if (!strcmp(oname, "bridge")) {roadtype=Road2::ROAD_BRIDGE;pillartype=1;}
				if (!strcmp(oname, "monorail")) {roadtype=Road2::ROAD_MONORAIL;pillartype=2;}
				if (!strcmp(oname, "monorail2")) {roadtype=Road2::ROAD_MONORAIL;pillartype=0;}
				if (!strcmp(oname, "bridge_no_pillars")) {roadtype=Road2::ROAD_BRIDGE;pillartype=0;}

				if (r2oldmode)
					//fill object
					ProceduralPoint pp;
					pp.bheight = bheight;
					pp.bwidth = bwidth;
					pp.pillartype = pillartype;
					pp.position = pos;
					pp.rotation = rotation;
					pp.type = roadtype;
					pp.width = rwidth;

		} //end of the ugly (somewhat)

		strcpy(name, "generic");
		memset(oname, 0, 255);
		memset(type, 0, 255);
		memset(name, 0, 255);
		int r = sscanf(line, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %s %s %s",&pos.x,&pos.y,&pos.z, &rot.x, &rot.y, &rot.z, oname, type, name);
		if (r < 6) continue;
		if ((!strcmp(oname, "truck")) || (!strcmp(oname, "load") || (!strcmp(oname, "machine")) || (!strcmp(oname, "boat")) || (!strcmp(oname, "truck2")) ))
			if (!strcmp(oname, "boat") && !terrainManager->getWater())
				// no water so do not load boats!
			String group = "";
			String truckname(type);

			if (!RoR::Application::GetCacheSystem()->checkResourceLoaded(truckname, group))
				LOG("Error while loading Terrain: truck " + String(type) + " not found. ignoring.");

			truck_prepare_t tempTruckPreload;
			//this is a truck or load declaration
			tempTruckPreload.px = pos.x;
			tempTruckPreload.py = pos.y;
			tempTruckPreload.pz = pos.z;
			tempTruckPreload.freePosition = (!strcmp(oname, "truck2"));
			tempTruckPreload.ismachine = (!strcmp(oname, "machine"));
			tempTruckPreload.rotation = Quaternion(Degree(rot.x), Vector3::UNIT_X)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.y), Vector3::UNIT_Y)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.z), Vector3::UNIT_Z);
			strcpy(tempTruckPreload.name, truckname.c_str());

		if (   !strcmp(oname, "road")
			|| !strcmp(oname, "roadborderleft")
			|| !strcmp(oname, "roadborderright")
			|| !strcmp(oname, "roadborderboth")
			|| !strcmp(oname, "roadbridgenopillar")
			|| !strcmp(oname, "roadbridge"))
			int pillartype = !(strcmp(oname, "roadbridgenopillar") == 0);
			// okay, this is a job for roads2
			int roadtype=Road2::ROAD_AUTOMATIC;
			if (!strcmp(oname, "road")) roadtype=Road2::ROAD_FLAT;
			Quaternion rotation;
			rotation = Quaternion(Degree(rot.x), Vector3::UNIT_X)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.y), Vector3::UNIT_Y)*Quaternion(Degree(rot.z), Vector3::UNIT_Z);
			if (pos.distance(r2lastpos) > 20.0f)
				// break the road
				if (r2oldmode != 0)
					// fill object
					ProceduralPoint pp;
					pp.bheight = 0.2;
					pp.bwidth = 1.4;
					pp.pillartype = pillartype;
					pp.position = r2lastpos + r2lastrot * Vector3(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f);
					pp.rotation = r2lastrot;
					pp.type = roadtype;
					pp.width = 8;

					// finish it and start new object
					if (proceduralManager) proceduralManager->addObject(po);
					po = ProceduralObject();
					r2oldmode = 1;
				r2oldmode = 1;
				// beginning of new
				ProceduralPoint pp;
				pp.bheight = 0.2;
				pp.bwidth = 1.4;
				pp.pillartype = pillartype;
				pp.position = pos;
				pp.rotation = rotation;
				pp.type = roadtype;
				pp.width = 8;
			} else
				// fill object
				ProceduralPoint pp;
				pp.bheight = 0.2;
				pp.bwidth = 1.4;
				pp.pillartype = pillartype;
				pp.position = pos;
				pp.rotation = rotation;
				pp.type = roadtype;
				pp.width = 8;

		loadObject(oname, pos, rot, bakeNode, name, type);

	// ds closes automatically, so do not close it explicitly here: ds->close();

	// finish the last road
	if (r2oldmode != 0)
		// fill object
		ProceduralPoint pp;
		pp.bheight = 0.2;
		pp.bwidth = 1.4;
		pp.pillartype = 1;
		pp.position = r2lastpos+r2lastrot*Vector3(10.0,0,0);
		pp.rotation = r2lastrot;
		pp.type = Road2::ROAD_AUTOMATIC;
		pp.width = 8;

		// finish it and start new object
		if (proceduralManager) proceduralManager->addObject(po);