int main(){ std::vector<MCSample> Samples; PkPhi.FileName="../PkphiSingle.root"; PkPhi.Description="#Lambda_b -> p K #phi background"; Samples.push_back(PkPhi); Rare.FileName="../RareMCSingle.root"; Rare.Description="#eta' -> #pi #pi #gamma"; Samples.push_back(Rare); Rare2.FileName="../Rare2MCSingle.root"; Rare2.Description="#eta' -> #pi #pi #eta"; Samples.push_back(Rare2); Control.FileName="../CCMCSingle.root"; Control.Description="Control Channel"; Samples.push_back(Control); for(auto &Sample : Samples){ TreeReader * Reader = new TreeReader("DecayTree"); Reader->AddFile(; Reader->Initialize(); Long64_t N=Reader->GetEntries(); Sample.CC=new CorrelationCoeff(Sample.Description); std::string HeadMassName="Lambda_b0_DTF_MF"; Reader->GetEntry(0); try{ Reader->GetValue("Lambda_b0_DTF_MF"); }catch(...){ HeadMassName="Bu_DTF_MF"; } for(int i=0;i<N;++i){ Reader->GetEntry(i); double HeadMass=Reader->GetValue(; double EtaMass=Reader->GetValue("eta_prime_MM"); if("Lambda_b0_DTF_MF")==0){ if(HeadMass>5200.0&&HeadMass<6000.0&&EtaMass>880.0&&EtaMass<1040.0){ Sample.CC->Fill(HeadMass,EtaMass); } }else{ if(HeadMass>5000.0&&HeadMass<5500.0&&EtaMass>880.0&&EtaMass<1040.0){ Sample.CC->Fill(HeadMass,EtaMass); } } } double NBootStraps=N*10; std::cout<<"After "<<NBootStraps<<" Boostraps"<<std::endl; std::cout<<Sample.Description<<" Coefficient = "<<Sample.CC->GetCC()<<" +/- "<<Sample.CC->GetBootstrapError(NBootStraps)<<std::endl; } TFile * Output = new TFile("Output.root","RECREATE"); for(auto &Sample : Samples){ Sample.CC->GetBootStrapHist(0)->Write(); Sample.CC->GetCorrelationPlot()->Write(); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string dataType = "12"; //if(argc > 1) if((string)argv[1] == "11") dataType = "11"; NeuroBayesTeacher* nb = NeuroBayesTeacher::Instance(); nb->NB_DEF_TASK("CLASSIFICATION"); //setup network topology int nvar = 20; // Set this to number of inputs to your NN char ** varnames = new char*[nvar]; varnames[0] = "chi2_DTF"; varnames[1] = "Lb_TAU"; varnames[2] = "Lb_DIRA_OWNPV"; varnames[3] = "Lb_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[4] = "max_mu_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[5] = "min_mu_TRACKCHI2"; varnames[6] = "min_mu_PID"; varnames[7] = "min_mu_PID"; varnames[8] = "LL_Lambda0_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[9] = "LL_Lambda0_FDCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[10] = "LL_Lambda0_PT"; varnames[11] = "DD_Lambda0_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[12] = "DD_Lambda0_FDCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[13] = "DD_Lambda0_PT"; varnames[14] = "DD_pplus_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[15] = "DD_piminus_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[16] = "DD_piminus_PT"; varnames[17] = "LL_pplus_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[18] = "LL_piminus_IPCHI2_OWNPV"; varnames[19] = "LL_piminus_PT"; nb->NB_DEF_NODE1(nvar+1); nb->NB_DEF_NODE2(nvar); // nodes in hidden layer nb->NB_DEF_NODE3(1); // nodes in output layer nb->NB_DEF_TASK("CLA"); // binominal classification nb->NB_DEF_PRE(822); // nb->NB_DEF_PRE(812); nb->NB_DEF_REG("REG"); // 'OFF','REG' (def) ,'ARD','ASR','ALL' nb->NB_DEF_LOSS("ENTROPY"); // 'ENTROPY'(def),'QUADRATIC' nb->NB_DEF_METHOD("BFGS"); nb->NB_DEF_SHAPE("DIAG"); nb->NB_DEF_LEARNDIAG(1); nb->NB_DEF_RTRAIN(1.0); // use 70% of events for training // nb->NB_DEF_EPOCH(200); // weight update after n events nb->NB_DEF_SPEED(2.0); // multiplicative factor to enhance global learning speed nb->NB_DEF_MAXLEARN(1.0); // multiplicative factor to limit the global learning speed in any direction, this number should be smaller than NB_DEF_SPEED nb->NB_DEF_ITER(100); // number of training iteration //nb->NB_DEF_ITER(0); // number of training iteration //int i = 4701; //int j = 29; //nb->NB_RANVIN(i,j,2); // random number seed initialisation, i has to be an odd number, the third argument is a debugging flag nb->SetOutputFile(("expert_"+dataType+".nb").c_str()); // expert file SetupNNPrepro(nb); // MC TreeReader* reader = new TreeReader("tree"); reader->AddFile("/afs/"); reader->Initialize(); // We take all signal and 20% of background nb->SetTarget(1); int ntot = reader->GetEntries(); int npassedMC = 0; cout << "Read in " << ntot << " events" << endl; int nstepMC = 5; //if(dataType=="11") nstepMC = 5; TFile ofile("/afs/"+(TString)dataType+".root","recreate"); TTree * sigTrainSample = new TTree("sigTrainSample",""); reader->BranchNewTree(sigTrainSample); TTree * sigTestSample = new TTree("sigTestSample",""); reader->BranchNewTree(sigTestSample); for(int event = 0; event < ntot; event++) { reader->GetEntry(event); if( TrueID(reader) && TriggerPassed(reader)) { if( event%nstepMC==0 && npassedMC <= 4e4 ) { npassedMC++; float InputArray[nvar+1]; fillInputArray(reader,InputArray); if(isnan(InputArray[0])) continue; nb->SetWeight(reader->GetValue("Lb_weight")); nb->SetNextInput(nvar,InputArray); sigTrainSample->Fill(); } else sigTestSample->Fill(); } } // Data TreeReader* reader2 = new TreeReader("tree"); reader2->AddFile("/afs/"); reader2->Initialize(); TTree * bkgTrainSample = new TTree("bkgTrainSample",""); reader2->BranchNewTree(bkgTrainSample); TTree * bkgTestSample = new TTree("bkgTestSample",""); reader2->BranchNewTree(bkgTestSample); nb->SetTarget(0); int ntot2 = reader2->GetEntries(); int npassed = 0; cout << "Read in " << ntot2 << " events" << endl; int nstep = 2; //if(dataType=="11") nstep = 2; for(int event = 0; event < ntot2; event++) { reader2->GetEntry(event); double massLb = reader2->GetValue("Lb_MassConsLambda_M",0); double massJpsi = reader2->GetValue("J_psi_1S_MM"); if(massLb > 6000 && TMath::Abs(massJpsi - 3096) > 100 && TMath::Abs(massJpsi - 3686) > 90 && TriggerPassed(reader2)) { if(event%nstep==0 && npassed <=4e4) { float InputArray[100]; npassed++; fillInputArray(reader2,InputArray); if(isnan(InputArray[0])) continue; nb->SetWeight(1.); nb->SetNextInput(nvar,InputArray); bkgTrainSample->Fill(); } else bkgTestSample->Fill(); } } bkgTrainSample->Write(); bkgTestSample->Write(); sigTestSample->Write(); sigTrainSample->Write(); ofile.Close(); cout << "\nData used = " << npassed << ", MC used = " << npassedMC << endl; cout << "Train the Network\n" << endl; nb->TrainNet(); nb->nb_correl_signi(varnames,"correl_signi.txt","correl_signi.html"); cout << "\nData used = " << npassed << ", MC used = " << npassedMC << endl; return 0; }