// Compute all the finite voronoi vertices and the circumradius of all the finite cells.
void compute_voronoi_vertex_and_cell_radius(Triangulation& triang)
	bool is_there_any_problem_in_VV_computation = false;
	for (FCI cit = triang.finite_cells_begin();
			cit != triang.finite_cells_end(); cit ++)
		//we tell CGAL to call our function if there is a problem
		//we also tell it not to die if things go haywire
		//CGAL::Failure_function old_ff = CGAL::set_error_handler(failure_func);
		//CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_fb = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::CONTINUE);
		// be optimistic :-)
		//this is a global
		cgal_failed = false;
		bool is_correct_computation = !cgal_failed;
		is_there_any_problem_in_VV_computation |= !is_correct_computation;
		if (cgal_failed)
			// set cc the centroid of the cell.
			Vector cc = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR;
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
				cc = cc + (cit->vertex(i)->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN);
			cc = (1./4.)*cc;
			cit->set_voronoi(CGAL::ORIGIN + cc);
		//put everything back the way we found it,
		// set the cell radius.
		cit->set_cell_radius(CGAL::to_double((cit->vertex(0)->point()-cit->voronoi()) *(cit->vertex(0)->point()-cit->voronoi())));
int main()
  Triangulation tr;
  int a, b, d;
  for (a=0;a!=4;a++)
    for (b=0;b!=4;b++)
      for (d=0;d!=4;d++)
	tr.insert(Point((a*b-d*a)*10 +a ,(a-b+d +5*b)*100,
  Triangulation::Finite_cells_iterator cit=tr.finite_cells_begin();
  for(; cit != tr.finite_cells_end(); ++cit) {
    Point circum = tr.dual(cit);
  return 0;
bool recurse(Face_handle current_face, long d, vector<Face_handle>& visited, Triangulation t) {

	// Remember we visited this node

	cout << "Recursion at: " << t.dual(current_face) << endl;

	// Base of recursion: check if we are free
	if(t.is_infinite(current_face)) {
		cout << "Infinite face!" << endl;
		return true;

	for(int neighbor_num=0; neighbor_num<3; neighbor_num++) {
		Face_handle neighbor_face = current_face->neighbor(neighbor_num);
		//cout << (current_face == neighbor_face) << endl;
		cout << "\tChecking neighbor of vertex " << current_face->vertex(neighbor_num)->point() << endl;

		cout << "\tPoints: ";
		for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
			cout << neighbor_face->vertex(j)->point() << ", ";
		cout << endl;

		// If we already visited
		if(find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), current_face) != visited.end()) {

		Vertex_handle border_endpoint1 = current_face->vertex((neighbor_num + 1) % 3);
		Vertex_handle border_endpoint2 = current_face->vertex((neighbor_num + 2) % 3);
		K::FT border_length_sq = CGAL::squared_distance(border_endpoint1->point(), border_endpoint2->point());

		if(CGAL::to_double(border_length_sq) >= 4 * d) {	// If we can fit through that edge 
			// cout << "can fit through edge " << neighbor_num << endl;

			// New search starting from neighbor
			if(recurse(neighbor_face, d, visited, t)) {
				return true;
		} else {
			cout << "cannot fit through edge :S" << endl;

	return false;
文件: voronoi.cpp 项目: Asuzer/cgal
int main( )
  std::ifstream in("data/voronoi.cin");
  std::istream_iterator<Point> begin(in);
  std::istream_iterator<Point> end;
  Triangulation T;
  T.insert(begin, end);

  int ns = 0;
  int nr = 0;
  Edge_iterator eit =T.edges_begin();
  for ( ; eit !=T.edges_end(); ++eit) {
    CGAL::Object o = T.dual(eit);
    if (CGAL::object_cast<K::Segment_2>(&o)) {++ns;}
    else if (CGAL::object_cast<K::Ray_2>(&o)) {++nr;}
  std::cout << "The Voronoi diagram has " << ns << " finite edges "
	    << " and " << nr << " rays" << std::endl;
  return 0;