// FBlackboardKeySelector
void FBlackboardKeySelector::ResolveSelectedKey(const UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset)
	if (SelectedKeyName.IsNone() == false || !bNoneIsAllowedValue)
		if (SelectedKeyName.IsNone() && !bNoneIsAllowedValue)

		SelectedKeyID = BlackboardAsset.GetKeyID(SelectedKeyName);
		SelectedKeyType = BlackboardAsset.GetKeyType(SelectedKeyID);
void FBlackboardSelectorDetails::OnKeyComboChange(int32 Index)
	if (KeyValues.IsValidIndex(Index))
		UBlackboardData* BlackboardAsset = CachedBlackboardAsset.Get();
		if (BlackboardAsset)
			const uint8 KeyID = BlackboardAsset->GetKeyID(KeyValues[Index]);
			const UObject* KeyClass = BlackboardAsset->GetKeyType(KeyID);


bool AAIController::InitializeBlackboard(UBlackboardComponent& BlackboardComp, UBlackboardData& BlackboardAsset)
    check(BlackboardComp.GetOwner() == this);

    if (BlackboardComp.InitializeBlackboard(BlackboardAsset))
        // find the "self" key and set it to our pawn
        const FBlackboard::FKey SelfKey = BlackboardAsset.GetKeyID(FBlackboard::KeySelf);
        if (SelfKey != FBlackboard::InvalidKey)
            BlackboardComp.SetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Object>(SelfKey, GetPawn());

        OnUsingBlackBoard(&BlackboardComp, &BlackboardAsset);
        return true;
    return false;
bool UMyBlackboardComponent::PushBlackboard(UBlackboardData* NewAsset, TArray<struct FBlackboardKeySelector> &Params)

	UAISystem* AISystem = UAISystem::GetCurrentSafe(GetWorld());
	if (AISystem == nullptr)
		return false;

	//makes a copy of the blackboard
	//otherwise the data in the bb can be owerwritten by other calls or other instances
	UBlackboardData* NewAssetCopy = CopyBlackboardData(NewAsset);

	//save current bb on stack
	UBlackboardData* OldAsset = BlackboardAsset;

	//and replace it by new bb
	BlackboardAsset = NewAssetCopy;

	bool bSuccess = true;
	const int32 NumKeys = NewAssetCopy->Keys.Num();

	//make old bb parent of new bb
	NewAssetCopy->Parent = OldAsset;
	//update first key id accordingly

	TArray<FBlackboardInitializationData> InitList;


	//grow ValueOffsets to contain new bb offsets

	for (int32 KeyIndex = 0; KeyIndex < NumKeys; KeyIndex++)
		if (NewAssetCopy->Keys[KeyIndex].KeyType)
			InitList.Add(FBlackboardInitializationData(KeyIndex + NewAssetCopy->GetFirstKeyID(), NewAssetCopy->Keys[KeyIndex].KeyType->GetValueSize()));

	// sort key values by memory size, so they can be packed better
	// it still won't protect against structures, that are internally misaligned (-> uint8, uint32)
	// but since all Engine level keys are good... 
	uint16 MemoryOffset = 0;
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InitList.Num(); Index++)
		ValueOffsets[InitList[Index].KeyID] = MemoryOffset + ValueMemory.Num();
		MemoryOffset += InitList[Index].DataSize;

	//grow ValueMemory to contain new bb data
	//(also allows memory for parameters, this is not really neaded, to improve...)

	// initialize memory
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InitList.Num(); Index++)
		const FBlackboardEntry* KeyData = BlackboardAsset->GetKey(InitList[Index].KeyID);
		uint8* RawData = GetKeyRawData(InitList[Index].KeyID);


	int32 ParamIndex = 0;
	for (int32 KeyIndex = 0; KeyIndex < NumKeys && ParamIndex<Params.Num(); KeyIndex++)
		//for each parameter
		if (NewAssetCopy->Keys[KeyIndex].KeyType&&NewAssetCopy->Keys[KeyIndex].EntryName.ToString().StartsWith("PARAM_"))

			FBlackboard::FKey ParentKeyID = OldAsset->GetKeyID(Params[ParamIndex].SelectedKeyName);
			FBlackboard::FKey ChildKeyID = BlackboardAsset->GetKeyID(BlackboardAsset->Keys[KeyIndex].EntryName);
			if (ParentKeyID != FBlackboard::InvalidKey && ChildKeyID != FBlackboard::InvalidKey)

				//redirect ValueOffset to the memory location of the actual argument
				ValueOffsets[ChildKeyID] = ValueOffsets[ParentKeyID];

				//add observer to propagate notifications to actual argument observers
				DelegateHandles.Add(FMyKeyDelegate(ChildKeyID, RegisterObserver(ChildKeyID, this, FOnBlackboardChange::CreateLambda([this, ParentKeyID](const UBlackboardComponent& BComp, FBlackboard::FKey ChangedKeyID){




	//saves number of parameters found

	return bSuccess;