void ANUTActor::ExecuteOnServer(UObject* InTargetObj, FString InTargetFunc)
	if (InTargetObj != NULL && InTargetFunc.Len() > 0)
		// Only static functions can be used, so verify this is referencing a static function
		FName TargetFuncName = *InTargetFunc;
		UFunction* TargetFuncObj = InTargetObj->FindFunction(TargetFuncName);

		if (FString(TargetFuncName.ToString()).StartsWith(TEXT("UnitTestServer_"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive))
			if (TargetFuncObj != NULL)
				if (TargetFuncObj->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Static))
					UObject* TargetObjCDO = (InTargetObj->HasAnyFlags(EObjectFlags::RF_ClassDefaultObject) ?
											InTargetObj :

					// Now that we've verified it's a static function, change the delegate object to the class default object
					// (as that is where static function must be executed, as there is no serverside unit test instance),
					// and then send it to the server
					TempDelegate.BindUFunction(TargetObjCDO, TargetFuncName);

					UDelegateProperty* DelProp = FindField<UDelegateProperty>(GetClass(), TEXT("TempDelegate"));

					FString DelString;
					DelProp->ExportTextItem(DelString, DelProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(this), NULL, this, 0, NULL);

					UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("ExecuteOnServer: Only static functions can be passed to the server."));
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("ExecuteOnServer: Could not locate InTarget function."));
			UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("ExecuteOnServer: Target functions must be prefixed 'UnitTestServer_FuncName'"));
		UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("ExecuteOnServer: Target not specified"));
void UK2Node_Message::AllocateDefaultPins()
	UFunction* MessageNodeFunction = GetTargetFunction();
	// since we have branching logic in ExpandNode(), this has to be an impure
	// node with exec pins
	// @TODO: make it so we can have impure message nodes using a custom 
	//        FNodeHandlingFunctor, instead of ExpandNode()
	if (MessageNodeFunction && MessageNodeFunction->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintPure))
		// Input - Execution Pin
		CreatePin(EGPD_Input,  UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, TEXT(""), NULL, false, false, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute);
		// Output - Execution Pin
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, TEXT(""), NULL, false, false, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then);

void UK2Node_LatentAbilityCall::GetMenuActions(FBlueprintActionDatabaseRegistrar& ActionRegistrar) const
	// these nested loops are combing over the same classes/functions the
	// FBlueprintActionDatabase does; ideally we save on perf and fold this in
	// with FBlueprintActionDatabase, but we want to keep the modules separate
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
		if (!Class->IsChildOf<UAbilityTask>() || Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract))
		for (TFieldIterator<UFunction> FuncIt(Class, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper); FuncIt; ++FuncIt)
			UFunction* Function = *FuncIt;
			if (!Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Static))

			// to keep from needlessly instantiating a UBlueprintNodeSpawner, first   
			// check to make sure that the registrar is looking for actions of this type
			// (could be regenerating actions for a specific asset, and therefore the 
			// registrar would only accept actions corresponding to that asset)
			if (!ActionRegistrar.IsOpenForRegistration(Function))

			UObjectProperty* ReturnProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(Function->GetReturnProperty());
			// see if the function is a static factory method for online proxies
			bool const bIsProxyFactoryMethod = (ReturnProperty != nullptr) && ReturnProperty->PropertyClass->IsChildOf<UAbilityTask>();
			if (bIsProxyFactoryMethod)
				UBlueprintNodeSpawner* NodeSpawner = UBlueprintFunctionNodeSpawner::Create(Function);
				check(NodeSpawner != nullptr);
				NodeSpawner->NodeClass = GetClass();
				auto CustomizeAcyncNodeLambda = [](UEdGraphNode* NewNode, bool bIsTemplateNode, TWeakObjectPtr<UFunction> FunctionPtr)
					UK2Node_LatentAbilityCall* AsyncTaskNode = CastChecked<UK2Node_LatentAbilityCall>(NewNode);
					if (FunctionPtr.IsValid())
						UFunction* Func = FunctionPtr.Get();
						UObjectProperty* ReturnProp = CastChecked<UObjectProperty>(Func->GetReturnProperty());
						AsyncTaskNode->ProxyFactoryFunctionName = Func->GetFName();
						AsyncTaskNode->ProxyFactoryClass        = Func->GetOuterUClass();
						AsyncTaskNode->ProxyClass               = ReturnProp->PropertyClass;
				TWeakObjectPtr<UFunction> FunctionPtr = Function;
				NodeSpawner->CustomizeNodeDelegate = UBlueprintNodeSpawner::FCustomizeNodeDelegate::CreateStatic(CustomizeAcyncNodeLambda, FunctionPtr);
				// @TODO: since this can't be folded into FBlueprintActionDatabase, we
				//        need a way to associate these spawners with a certain class
				ActionRegistrar.AddBlueprintAction(Function, NodeSpawner);
void UConsole::BuildRuntimeAutoCompleteList(bool bForce)
	if (!bForce)
		// unless forced delay updating until needed
		bIsRuntimeAutoCompleteUpToDate = false;

	// clear the existing tree
	//@todo - probably only need to rebuild the tree + partial command list on level load
	for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < AutoCompleteTree.ChildNodes.Num(); Idx++)
		FAutoCompleteNode *Node = AutoCompleteTree.ChildNodes[Idx];
		delete Node;


	const UConsoleSettings* ConsoleSettings = GetDefault<UConsoleSettings>();

	// copy the manual list first
	for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < ConsoleSettings->ManualAutoCompleteList.Num(); Idx++)
		AutoCompleteList[Idx] = ConsoleSettings->ManualAutoCompleteList[Idx];

	// console variables
			FConsoleObjectVisitor::CreateStatic< TArray<struct FAutoCompleteCommand>& >(
				AutoCompleteList ) );

	// iterate through script exec functions and append to the list
	int32 ScriptExecCnt = 0;
	for (TObjectIterator<UFunction> It; It; ++It)
		UFunction *Func = *It;

		// Determine whether or not this is a level script event that we can call (must be defined in the level script actor and not in parent, and has no return value)
		const UClass* FuncOuter = Cast<UClass>(Func->GetOuter());
		const bool bIsLevelScriptFunction = FuncOuter 
			&& (FuncOuter->IsChildOf(ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass()))
			&& (FuncOuter != ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass())
			&& (Func->ReturnValueOffset == MAX_uint16) 
			&& (Func->GetSuperFunction() == NULL);

		// exec functions that either have no parent, level script events, or are in the global state (filtering some unnecessary dupes)
		if ( (Func->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Exec) && (Func->GetSuperFunction() == NULL || FuncOuter))
			|| bIsLevelScriptFunction)
			FString FuncName = Func->GetName();
				FuncName = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\""), *FuncName);
			if( bIsLevelScriptFunction )
				FuncName = FString(TEXT("ce ")) + FuncName;

			int32 NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(1);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FuncName;
			// build a help string
			// append each property (and it's type) to the help string
			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropIt(Func); PropIt && (PropIt->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm); ++PropIt)
				UProperty *Prop = *PropIt;
				FuncName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s[%s]"),*FuncName,*Prop->GetName(),*Prop->GetCPPType());
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FuncName;

	// enumerate maps
	TArray<FString> Packages;
	for (int32 PathIdx = 0; PathIdx < ConsoleSettings->AutoCompleteMapPaths.Num(); ++PathIdx)
		FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory(Packages, FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s"), *FPaths::GameDir(), *ConsoleSettings->AutoCompleteMapPaths[PathIdx]));
	// also include maps in this user's developer dir
	FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory(Packages, FPaths::GameUserDeveloperDir());

	for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < Packages.Num(); PackageIndex++)
		FString Pkg = Packages[PackageIndex];
		int32 ExtIdx = Pkg.Find(*FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension(),ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd);
		FString MapName;
		if (ExtIdx != INDEX_NONE && Pkg.Split(TEXT("/"),NULL,&MapName,ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
			// try to peel off the extension
			FString TrimmedMapName;
			if (!MapName.Split(TEXT("."),&TrimmedMapName,NULL,ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
				TrimmedMapName = MapName;
			int32 NewIdx;
			// put _P maps at the front so that they match early, since those are generally the maps we want to actually open
			if (TrimmedMapName.EndsWith(TEXT("_P")))
				NewIdx = 0;
				NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(3);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("open %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("open %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+1].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("travel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+1].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("travel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+2].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("servertravel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+2].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("servertravel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
	// misc commands
		int32 NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(1);
		AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FString(TEXT("open"));
		AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FString(TEXT("open (opens connection to localhost)"));

	// stat commands
		const TSet<FName>& StatGroupNames = FStatGroupGameThreadNotifier::Get().StatGroupNames;

		int32 NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(StatGroupNames.Num());
		for (const FName& StatGroupName : StatGroupNames)
			FString Command = FString(TEXT("Stat "));
			Command += StatGroupName.ToString().RightChop(sizeof("STATGROUP_") - 1);

			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = Command;
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FString();

	// build the magic tree!
	for (int32 ListIdx = 0; ListIdx < AutoCompleteList.Num(); ListIdx++)
		FString Command = AutoCompleteList[ListIdx].Command.ToLower();
		FAutoCompleteNode *Node = &AutoCompleteTree;
		for (int32 Depth = 0; Depth < Command.Len(); Depth++)
			int32 Char = Command[Depth];
			int32 FoundNodeIdx = INDEX_NONE;
			TArray<FAutoCompleteNode*> &NodeList = Node->ChildNodes;
			for (int32 NodeIdx = 0; NodeIdx < NodeList.Num(); NodeIdx++)
				if (NodeList[NodeIdx]->IndexChar == Char)
					FoundNodeIdx = NodeIdx;
					Node = NodeList[FoundNodeIdx];
			if (FoundNodeIdx == INDEX_NONE)
				FAutoCompleteNode *NewNode = new FAutoCompleteNode(Char);
				Node = NewNode;
	bIsRuntimeAutoCompleteUpToDate = true;