int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int res = ERR_SUCCESS;

	PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char *) PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);

	if (argc < 3) error("Not enough parameters");

	HcurlShapesetLobattoHex shapeset;

	printf("* Loading mesh '%s'\n", argv[1]);
	Mesh mesh;
	Mesh3DReader mesh_loader;
	if (!mesh_loader.load(argv[1], &mesh)) error("Loading mesh file '%s'\n", argv[1]);

	printf("* Setting the space up\n");
	HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset);

	int order;
	sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &order);
	int dir_x = order, dir_y = order, dir_z = order;
	order3_t o(dir_x, dir_y, dir_z);
	printf("  - Setting uniform order to (%d, %d, %d)\n", o.x, o.y ,o.z);

	int ndofs = space.assign_dofs();
	printf("  - Number of DOFs: %d\n", ndofs);

	printf("* Calculating a solution\n");

#if defined WITH_UMFPACK
	UMFPackMatrix mat;
	UMFPackVector rhs;
	UMFPackLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PARDISO
	PardisoMatrix mat;
	PardisoVector rhs;
	PardisoSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PETSC
	PetscMatrix mat;
	PetscVector rhs;
	PetscLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_MUMPS
	MumpsMatrix mat;
	MumpsVector rhs;
	MumpsSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);

	WeakForm wf;
	wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form<double, scalar>, bilinear_form<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_matrix_form_surf(bilinear_form_surf<double, scalar>, bilinear_form_surf<ord_t, ord_t>);
	wf.add_vector_form(linear_form<double, scalar>, linear_form<ord_t, ord_t>);
	wf.add_vector_form_surf(linear_form_surf<double, scalar>, linear_form_surf<ord_t, ord_t>);

	LinearProblem lp(&wf, &space);

	// assemble stiffness matrix
	Timer assemble_timer("Assembling stiffness matrix");
	lp.assemble(&mat, &rhs);

	// solve the stiffness matrix
	Timer solve_timer("Solving stiffness matrix");
	bool solved = solver.solve();

//#ifdef OUTPUT_DIR
	mat.dump(stdout, "a");
	rhs.dump(stdout, "b");

	if (solved) {
		scalar *s = solver.get_solution();

		Solution sln(&mesh);
		sln.set_coeff_vector(&space, s);

		printf("* Solution:\n");
		for (int i = 1; i <= ndofs; i++) {
			printf(" x[% 3d] = " SCALAR_FMT "\n", i, SCALAR(s[i]));

		// output the measured values
		printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", assemble_timer.get_name(), assemble_timer.get_human_time(), assemble_timer.get_seconds());
		printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", solve_timer.get_name(), solve_timer.get_human_time(), solve_timer.get_seconds());

		// norm
		ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution);
		double hcurl_sln_norm = hcurl_norm(&sln);
		double hcurl_err_norm = hcurl_error(&sln, &ex_sln);
		printf(" - Hcurl solution norm: % le\n", hcurl_sln_norm);
		printf(" - Hcurl error norm:    % le\n", hcurl_err_norm);

		double l2_sln_norm = l2_norm_hcurl(&sln);
		double l2_err_norm = l2_error_hcurl(&sln, &ex_sln);
		printf(" - L2 solution norm:    % le\n", l2_sln_norm);
		printf(" - L2 error norm:       % le\n", l2_err_norm);

		if (hcurl_err_norm > EPS || l2_err_norm > EPS) {
			// calculated solution is not enough precise
			res = ERR_FAILURE;

#if 0 //def OUTPUT_DIR
		// output
		printf("starting output\n");
		const char *of_name = OUTPUT_DIR "/solution.vtk";
		FILE *ofile = fopen(of_name, "w");
		if (ofile != NULL) {
			ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution_0, exact_solution_1, exact_solution_2);

			RealPartFilter real_sln(&mesh, &sln, FN_VAL);
			ImagPartFilter imag_sln(&mesh, &sln, FN_VAL);

			DiffFilter eh(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln);
			DiffFilter eh_dx(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DX, FN_DX);
//			DiffFilter eh_dy(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DY, FN_DY);
//			DiffFilter eh_dz(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DZ, FN_DZ);

//			GmshOutputEngine output(ofile);
			VtkOutputEngine output(ofile);

			output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh", FN_VAL);
			output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh", FN_VAL);

			output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_0", FN_VAL_0);
			output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_1", FN_VAL_1);
			output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_2", FN_VAL_2);

			output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_0", FN_VAL_0);
			output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_1", FN_VAL_1);
			output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_2", FN_VAL_2);

		else {
			warning("Can not open '%s' for writing.", of_name);


	return res;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int res = ERR_SUCCESS;

	PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char *) PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);

	if (argc < 3) error("Not enough parameters");

	H1ShapesetLobattoTetra shapeset;

	printf("* Loading mesh '%s'\n", argv[1]);
	Mesh mesh;
	Mesh3DReader mesh_loader;
	if (!mesh_loader.load(argv[1], &mesh)) error("Loading mesh file '%s'\n", argv[1]);

	printf("* Setting the space up\n");
	H1Space space(&mesh, &shapeset);

	int o;
	sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &o);
	printf("  - Setting uniform order to %d\n", o);

	int ndofs = space.assign_dofs();
	printf("  - Number of DOFs: %d\n", ndofs);

	printf("* Calculating a solution\n");

#if defined WITH_UMFPACK
	UMFPackMatrix mat;
	UMFPackVector rhs;
	UMFPackLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PARDISO
	PardisoMatrix mat;
	PardisoVector rhs;
	PardisoLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PETSC
	PetscMatrix mat;
	PetscVector rhs;
	PetscLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_MUMPS
	MumpsMatrix mat;
	MumpsVector rhs;
	MumpsSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);

	WeakForm wf;
	wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form<double, scalar>, bilinear_form<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_vector_form(linear_form<double, scalar>, linear_form<ord_t, ord_t>);
	wf.add_vector_form_surf(linear_form_surf<double, scalar>, linear_form_surf<ord_t, ord_t>);

	LinearProblem lp(&wf);

	// assemble stiffness matrix
	Timer assemble_timer("Assembling stiffness matrix");
	lp.assemble(&mat, &rhs);

	// solve the stiffness matrix
	Timer solve_timer("Solving stiffness matrix");
	bool solved = solver.solve();

	// output the measured values
	printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", assemble_timer.get_name(), assemble_timer.get_human_time(), assemble_timer.get_seconds());
	printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", solve_timer.get_name(), solve_timer.get_human_time(), solve_timer.get_seconds());

	mat.dump(stdout, "a");
	rhs.dump(stdout, "b");

	if (solved) {
		Solution sln(&mesh);
		sln.set_coeff_vector(&space, solver.get_solution());

		double *s = solver.get_solution();
		for (int i = 1; i <= ndofs; i++) {
			printf("x[% 3d] = % lf\n", i, s[i]);

		ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution);
		// norm
		double h1_sln_norm = h1_norm(&sln);
		double h1_err_norm = h1_error(&sln, &ex_sln);

		printf(" - H1 solution norm:   % le\n", h1_sln_norm);
		printf(" - H1 error norm:      % le\n", h1_err_norm);

		double l2_sln_norm = l2_norm(&sln);
		double l2_err_norm = l2_error(&sln, &ex_sln);
		printf(" - L2 solution norm:   % le\n", l2_sln_norm);
		printf(" - L2 error norm:      % le\n", l2_err_norm);

		if (h1_err_norm > EPS || l2_err_norm > EPS) {
			// calculated solution is not enough precise
			res = ERR_FAILURE;

		// output
		const char *of_name = OUTPUT_DIR "/solution.pos";
		FILE *ofile = fopen(of_name, "w");
		if (ofile != NULL) {
			ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution);
			DiffFilter eh(&sln, &ex_sln);
//			DiffFilter eh_dx(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DX, FN_DX);
//			DiffFilter eh_dy(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DY, FN_DY);
//			DiffFilter eh_dz(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DZ, FN_DZ);

			GmshOutputEngine output(ofile);
			output.out(&sln, "Uh");
//			output.out(&sln, "Uh dx", FN_DX_0);
//			output.out(&sln, "Uh dy", FN_DY_0);
//			output.out(&sln, "Uh dz", FN_DZ_0);
			output.out(&eh, "Eh");
//			output.out(&eh_dx, "Eh dx");
//			output.out(&eh_dy, "Eh dy");
//			output.out(&eh_dz, "Eh dz");
			output.out(&ex_sln, "U");
//			output.out(&ex_sln, "U dx", FN_DX_0);
//			output.out(&ex_sln, "U dy", FN_DY_0);
//			output.out(&ex_sln, "U dz", FN_DZ_0);

		else {
			warning("Can not open '%s' for writing.", of_name);


	return res;
文件: main.cpp 项目: MathPhys/hermes
int main(int argc, char **args) {
	int res = ERR_SUCCESS;

	PetscInitialize(&argc, &args, (char *) PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);

	if (argc < 2) error("Not enough parameters");

	H1ShapesetLobattoHex shapeset;

	printf("* Loading mesh '%s'\n", args[1]);
	Mesh mesh;
	Mesh3DReader mesh_loader;
	if (!mesh_loader.load(args[1], &mesh)) error("Loading mesh file '%s'\n", args[1]);

	printf("* Setup space #1\n");
	H1Space space1(&mesh, &shapeset);

	order3_t o1(2, 2, 2);
	printf("  - Setting uniform order to (%d, %d, %d)\n", o1.x, o1.y, o1.z);

	printf("* Setup space #2\n");
	H1Space space2(&mesh, &shapeset);

	order3_t o2(4, 4, 4);
	printf("  - Setting uniform order to (%d, %d, %d)\n", o2.x, o2.y, o2.z);

	int ndofs = 0;
	ndofs += space1.assign_dofs();
	ndofs += space2.assign_dofs(ndofs);
	printf("  - Number of DOFs: %d\n", ndofs);

	printf("* Calculating a solution\n");

#if defined WITH_UMFPACK
	UMFPackMatrix mat;
	UMFPackVector rhs;
	UMFPackLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PARDISO
	PardisoMatrix mat;
	PardisoVector rhs;
	PardisoLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_PETSC
	PetscMatrix mat;
	PetscVector rhs;
	PetscLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);
#elif defined WITH_MUMPS
	MumpsMatrix mat;
	MumpsVector rhs;
	MumpsSolver solver(&mat, &rhs);

	WeakForm wf(2);
	wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, bilinear_form_1_1<double, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_1<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, bilinear_form_1_2<double, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_2<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_vector_form(0, linear_form_1<double, scalar>, linear_form_1<ord_t, ord_t>);

//	wf.add_biform(1, 0, bilinear_form_2_1<sfn_t, scalar>, bilinear_form_2_1<fn_order_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, bilinear_form_2_2<double, scalar>, bilinear_form_2_2<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM);
	wf.add_vector_form(1, linear_form_2<double, scalar>, linear_form_2<ord_t, ord_t>);

	LinearProblem lp(&wf);
	lp.set_spaces(Tuple<Space *>(&space1, &space2));

	// assemble stiffness matrix
	Timer assemble_timer("Assembling stiffness matrix");
	lp.assemble(&mat, &rhs);

	// solve the stiffness matrix
	Timer solve_timer("Solving stiffness matrix");
	bool solved = solver.solve();

	// output the measured values
	printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", assemble_timer.get_name(), assemble_timer.get_human_time(), assemble_timer.get_seconds());
	printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", solve_timer.get_name(), solve_timer.get_human_time(), solve_timer.get_seconds());

	mat.dump(stdout, "a");
	rhs.dump(stdout, "b");

	if (solved) {
		// solution 1
		Solution sln1(&mesh);
		sln1.set_coeff_vector(&space1, solver.get_solution());

		ExactSolution esln1(&mesh, exact_sln_fn_1);
		// norm
		double h1_sln_norm1 = h1_norm(&sln1);
		double h1_err_norm1 = h1_error(&sln1, &esln1);

		printf(" - H1 solution norm:   % le\n", h1_sln_norm1);
		printf(" - H1 error norm:      % le\n", h1_err_norm1);

		double l2_sln_norm1 = l2_norm(&sln1);
		double l2_err_norm1 = l2_error(&sln1, &esln1);
		printf(" - L2 solution norm:   % le\n", l2_sln_norm1);
		printf(" - L2 error norm:      % le\n", l2_err_norm1);

		if (h1_err_norm1 > EPS || l2_err_norm1 > EPS) {
			// calculated solution is not enough precise
			res = ERR_FAILURE;

		// solution 2
		Solution sln2(&mesh);
		sln2.set_coeff_vector(&space2, solver.get_solution());

		ExactSolution esln2(&mesh, exact_sln_fn_2);
		// norm
		double h1_sln_norm2 = h1_norm(&sln2);
		double h1_err_norm2 = h1_error(&sln2, &esln2);

		printf(" - H1 solution norm:   % le\n", h1_sln_norm2);
		printf(" - H1 error norm:      % le\n", h1_err_norm2);

		double l2_sln_norm2 = l2_norm(&sln2);
		double l2_err_norm2 = l2_error(&sln2, &esln2);
		printf(" - L2 solution norm:   % le\n", l2_sln_norm2);
		printf(" - L2 error norm:      % le\n", l2_err_norm2);

		if (h1_err_norm2 > EPS || l2_err_norm2 > EPS) {
			// calculated solution is not enough precise
			res = ERR_FAILURE;

		// output
		const char *of_name = OUTPUT_DIR "/solution.pos";
		FILE *ofile = fopen(of_name, "w");
		if (ofile != NULL) {
			GmshOutputEngine output(ofile);
			output.out(&sln1, "Uh_1");
			output.out(&esln1, "U1");
			output.out(&sln2, "Uh_2");
			output.out(&esln2, "U2");

		else {
			warning("Can not open '%s' for writing.", of_name);



	return res;
int main() 
  // Create space.
  // Transform input data to the format used by the "Space" constructor.
  SpaceData *md = new SpaceData();
  // Boundary conditions.
  Hermes::vector<BCSpec *>DIR_BC_LEFT;
  Hermes::vector<BCSpec *>DIR_BC_RIGHT;
  for (int g = 0; g < N_GRP; g++) 
    DIR_BC_LEFT.push_back(new BCSpec(g,flux_left_surf[g]));
    DIR_BC_RIGHT.push_back(new BCSpec(g,flux_right_surf[g]));
  Space* space = new Space(md->N_macroel, md->interfaces, md->poly_orders, md->material_markers, md->subdivisions,
                           DIR_BC_LEFT, DIR_BC_RIGHT, N_GRP, N_SLN);  
  delete md;
  // Enumerate basis functions, info for user.
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(space);
  info("ndof: %d", ndof);

  // Plot the space.
  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, jacobian_mat1_0_0, NULL, mat1);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, jacobian_mat2_0_0, NULL, mat2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, jacobian_mat3_0_0, NULL, mat3);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, jacobian_mat1_0_1, NULL, mat1);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, jacobian_mat2_0_1, NULL, mat2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, jacobian_mat3_0_1, NULL, mat3);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, jacobian_mat1_1_0, NULL, mat1);    
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, jacobian_mat2_1_0, NULL, mat2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, jacobian_mat3_1_0, NULL, mat3);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, jacobian_mat1_1_1, NULL, mat1);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, jacobian_mat2_1_1, NULL, mat2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, jacobian_mat3_1_1, NULL, mat3);
  wf.add_vector_form(0, residual_mat1_0, NULL, mat1);  
  wf.add_vector_form(0, residual_mat2_0, NULL, mat2);  
  wf.add_vector_form(0, residual_mat3_0, NULL, mat3);
  wf.add_vector_form(1, residual_mat1_1, NULL, mat1);
  wf.add_vector_form(1, residual_mat2_1, NULL, mat2); 
  wf.add_vector_form(1, residual_mat3_1, NULL, mat3);  

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem *dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, space, is_linear);
  // Newton's loop.
  // Fill vector coeff_vec using dof and coeffs arrays in elements.
  double *coeff_vec = new double[Space::get_num_dofs(space)];
  get_coeff_vector(space, coeff_vec);
  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection.
  SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
  Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
  Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

  int it = 1;
  while (1) 
    // Obtain the number of degrees of freedom.
    int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(space);

    // Assemble the Jacobian matrix and residual vector.
    dp->assemble(coeff_vec, matrix, rhs);
    #include "../../../hermes_common/solver/umfpack_solver.h"
    CSCMatrix *mm = static_cast<CSCMatrix*>(matrix);
    UMFPackVector *mv = static_cast<UMFPackVector*>(rhs);
    FILE *fp = fopen("data.m", "wt");
    mm->dump(fp, "A");
    mv->dump(fp, "b");

    // Calculate the l2-norm of residual vector.
    double res_l2_norm = get_l2_norm(rhs);

    // Info for user.
    info("---- Newton iter %d, ndof %d, res. l2 norm %g", it, Space::get_num_dofs(space), res_l2_norm);

    // If l2 norm of the residual vector is within tolerance, then quit.
    // NOTE: at least one full iteration forced
    //       here because sometimes the initial
    //       residual on fine mesh is too small.
    if(res_l2_norm < NEWTON_TOL && it > 1) break;

    // Multiply the residual vector with -1 since the matrix 
    // equation reads J(Y^n) \deltaY^{n+1} = -F(Y^n).
    for(int i=0; i<ndof; i++) rhs->set(i, -rhs->get(i));

    // Solve the linear system.
      error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Add \deltaY^{n+1} to Y^n.
    for (int i = 0; i < ndof; i++) coeff_vec[i] += solver->get_solution()[i];

    // If the maximum number of iteration has been reached, then quit.
    if (it >= NEWTON_MAX_ITER) error ("Newton method did not converge.");
    // Copy coefficients from vector y to elements.
    set_coeff_vector(coeff_vec, space);

  // Plot the solution.
  Linearizer l(space);
  // Cleanup.
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < DIR_BC_LEFT.size(); i++)
      delete DIR_BC_LEFT[i];

  for(unsigned i = 0; i < DIR_BC_RIGHT.size(); i++)
      delete DIR_BC_RIGHT[i];

  delete matrix;
  delete rhs;
  delete solver;
  delete[] coeff_vec;
  delete dp;
  delete space;

  return 0;