void FRedirectCollector::ResolveStringAssetReference()
	while (StringAssetReferences.Num())
		TMultiMap<FString, FString>::TIterator First(StringAssetReferences);
		FString ToLoad = First.Key();
		FString RefFilename = First.Value();

		if (ToLoad.Len() > 0)
			UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Log, TEXT("String Asset Reference '%s'"), *ToLoad);

			UObject *Loaded = LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, *ToLoad, NULL, LOAD_None, NULL);

			UObjectRedirector* Redirector = dynamic_cast<UObjectRedirector*>(Loaded);
			if (Redirector)
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Log, TEXT("    Found redir '%s'"), *Redirector->GetFullName());
				FRedirection Redir;
				Redir.PackageFilename = RefFilename;
				Redir.RedirectorName = Redirector->GetFullName();
				Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename = Redirector->GetLinker()->Filename;
				Redir.DestinationObjectName = Redirector->DestinationObject->GetFullName();
				Loaded = Redirector->DestinationObject;
			if (Loaded)
				FString Dest = Loaded->GetPathName();
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Log, TEXT("    Resolved to '%s'"), *Dest);
				if (Dest != ToLoad)
					StringAssetRemap.Add(ToLoad, Dest);
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Log, TEXT("    Not Found!"));
void FStreamableManager::FindInMemory(FStringAssetReference& InOutTargetName, struct FStreamable* Existing)
	UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Searching in memory for %s"), *InOutTargetName.AssetLongPathname);
	Existing->Target = StaticFindObject(UObject::StaticClass(), NULL, *InOutTargetName.AssetLongPathname);

	UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Existing->Target);
	if (Redir)
		Existing->Target = Redir->DestinationObject;
		UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Found redirect %s"), *Redir->GetFullName());
		if (!Existing->Target)
			Existing->bLoadFailed = true;
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Warning, TEXT("Destination of redirector was not found %s -> %s."), *InOutTargetName.AssetLongPathname, *Redir->GetFullName());
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Redirect to %s"), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName());
	if (Existing->Target)
		FStringAssetReference PossiblyNewName;
		PossiblyNewName.AssetLongPathname = Existing->Target->GetPathName();
		if (InOutTargetName != PossiblyNewName)
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Name changed to %s"), *PossiblyNewName.AssetLongPathname);
			StreamableRedirects.Add(InOutTargetName, PossiblyNewName);
			StreamableItems.Add(PossiblyNewName, Existing);
			InOutTargetName = PossiblyNewName; // we are done with the old name
		UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Found in memory %s"), *Existing->Target->GetFullName());
		Existing->bLoadFailed = false;
void FAssetFixUpRedirectors::SaveReferencingCollections(TArray<FRedirectorRefs>& RedirectorsToFix) const
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	FCollectionManagerModule& CollectionManagerModule = FCollectionManagerModule::GetModule();

	// Find all collections that were referenced by any of the redirectors that are potentially going to be removed and attempt to re-save them
	// The redirectors themselves will have already been fixed up, as collections do that once the asset registry has been populated, 
	// however collections lazily re-save redirector fix-up to avoid SCC issues, so we need to force that now
	for (FRedirectorRefs& RedirectorRefs : RedirectorsToFix)
		// Follow each link in the redirector, and notify the collections manager that it is going to be removed - this will force it to re-save any required collections
		for (UObjectRedirector* Redirector = RedirectorRefs.Redirector; Redirector; Redirector = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Redirector->DestinationObject))
			const FName RedirectorObjectPath = *Redirector->GetPathName();
			if (!CollectionManagerModule.Get().HandleRedirectorDeleted(RedirectorObjectPath))
				RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_CollectionsFailedToSave", "Referencing collection(s) failed to save: {0}"), CollectionManagerModule.Get().GetLastError());
				RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
int32 UFixupRedirectsCommandlet::Main( const FString& Params )
	// Retrieve list of all packages in .ini paths.
	TArray<FString> PackageList;
	if( !PackageList.Num() )
		return 0;

	// process the commandline
	FString Token;
	const TCHAR* CommandLine	= *Params;
	bool bIsQuietMode			= false;
	bool bIsTestOnly			= false;
	bool bShouldRestoreProgress= false;
	bool bIsSCCDisabled		= false;
	bool bUpdateEnginePackages = false;
	bool bDeleteRedirects		= true;
	bool bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = false;
	bool bAutoSubmit			= false;
	bool bSandboxed			= IFileManager::Get().IsSandboxEnabled();

	while (FParse::Token(CommandLine, Token, 1))
		if (Token == TEXT("-nowarn"))
			bIsQuietMode = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-testonly"))
			bIsTestOnly = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-restore"))
			bShouldRestoreProgress = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoAutoCheckout"))
			bIsSCCDisabled = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-AutoSubmit"))
			bAutoSubmit = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-UpdateEnginePackages"))
			bUpdateEnginePackages = true;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDelete"))
			bDeleteRedirects = false;
		else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDeleteUnreferenced"))
			bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = true;
		else if ( Token.Left(1) != TEXT("-") )
			FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(Token, &GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup);

	if (bSandboxed)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Running in a sandbox."));
		bIsSCCDisabled = true;
		bAutoSubmit = false;
		bDeleteRedirects = false;

	bool bShouldSkipErrors = false;

	// Setup file Output log in the Saved Directory
	const FString ProjectDir = FPaths::GetPath(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath());
	const FString LogFilename = FPaths::Combine(*ProjectDir, TEXT("Saved"), TEXT("FixupRedirect"), TEXT("FixupRedirect.log"));
	FArchive* LogOutputFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*LogFilename);

	// Display any script code referenced redirects

	TArray<FString> UpdatePackages;
	TArray<FString> RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;

	if (!bShouldRestoreProgress)
		// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

		for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
			FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];
			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Boot redirector can't be cleaned: %s(%s) -> %s(%s)"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, *Redir.DestinationObjectName, *Redir.PackageFilename);

		// Build a list of packages that need to be updated

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Generating list of tasks:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("-------------------------"));

		int32 GCIndex = 0;

		// process script code first pass, then everything else
		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];

			// already loaded code, skip them, and skip autosave packages
			if (Filename.StartsWith(AutoSaveUtils::GetAutoSaveDir(), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase))

			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Looking for redirects in %s..."), *Filename);

			// Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages.
			UPackage* Package = Cast<UPackage>(LoadPackage(NULL, *Filename, 0));

			// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

			if (!Package)
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... failed to open %s"), *Filename);

				// if we are not in quiet mode, and the user wants to continue, go on
				const FText Message = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("Unreal", "PackageFailedToOpen", "The package '{0}' failed to open. Should this commandlet continue operation, ignoring further load errors? Continuing may have adverse effects (object references may be lost)."), FText::FromString( Filename ) );
				if (bShouldSkipErrors || (!bIsQuietMode && GWarn->YesNof( Message )))
					bShouldSkipErrors = true;
					return 1;

			// all notices here about redirects get this color

			// look for any redirects that were followed that are referenced by this package
			// (may have been loaded earlier if this package was loaded by script code)
			// any redirectors referenced by script code can't be cleaned up
			for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
				FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];

				if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename)
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... references %s [-> %s]"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.DestinationObjectName);

					// put the source and dest packages in the list to be updated

			// clear the flag for needing to collect garbage
			bool bNeedToCollectGarbage = false;

			// if this package has any redirectors, make sure we update it
			if (!GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup.Len() || GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup == FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename))
				TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
				GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
				for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
					UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
					UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);
					if (Redir)
						// make sure this package is in the list of packages to update

						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... has redirect %s [-> %s]"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName());
						LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("%s = %s"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName());

						// make sure we GC if we found a redirector
						bNeedToCollectGarbage = true;


			// collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package 
			// (to make sure that redirectors get reloaded properly and followed by the callback)
			// also, GC after loading a map package, to make sure it's unloaded so that we can track
			// other packages loading a map package as a dependency
			if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bNeedToCollectGarbage || Package->ContainsMap())
				// collect garbage to close the package
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC..."));
				// reset our counter
				GCIndex = 0;

		// save off restore point
		FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin")));
		*Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections;
		*Ar << UpdatePackages;
		*Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;
		delete Ar;
		// load restore point
		FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin")));
		if( Ar != NULL )
			*Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections;
			*Ar << UpdatePackages;
			*Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned;
			delete Ar;

	// unregister the callback so we stop getting redirections added
	// Explain to user what is happening
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Files that need to fixed up:"));

	// print out the working set of packages
	for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   %s"), *UpdatePackages[PackageIndex]);

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// if we are only testing, just just quiet before actually doing anything
	if (bIsTestOnly)
		delete LogOutputFile;
		LogOutputFile = NULL;
		return 0;

	// Find redirectors that are referenced by packages we cant check out

	bool bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = false;

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// initialize source control if it hasn't been initialized yet

		//Make sure we can check out all packages - update their state first
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), UpdatePackages);

	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex];

		bool bCanEdit = true;

			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
			if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
				bCanEdit = false;
		else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename))
			bCanEdit = false;

			const bool bAllowCheckout = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() );

			if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAllowCheckout)
				FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
				if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckOut>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName));
					FSourceControlStatePtr NewSourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
					bCanEdit = NewSourceControlState.IsValid() && NewSourceControlState->CanEdit();

			// if the checkout failed for any reason, we can't clean it up
			if (bAllowCheckout && !bCanEdit)
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't check out/edit %s..."), *Filename);

				// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

				// any redirectors that are pointed to by this read-only package can't be fixed up
				for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++)
					FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex];

					// any redirectors pointed to by this file we don't clean
					if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename)
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... can't fixup references to %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName);

						// if this redirector is in an Engine package, we need to alert the user, because
						// Engine packages are shared between games, so if one game still needs the redirector
						// to be valid, then we can't check in Engine packages after another game has
						// run that could 
						if (!bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned)
							FString PackagePath;
							FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, NULL, &PackagePath);
							if (PackagePath.StartsWith(FPaths::EngineDir()))
								bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = true;
					// any redirectors in this file can't be deleted
					else if (Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename == Filename)
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... can't delete %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName);
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Checked out %s..."), *Filename);
	// warn about an engine package that can't be cleaned up (may want to revert engine packages)
	if (bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned)
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Engine package redirectors are referenced by packages that can't be cleaned. If you have multiple games, it's recommended you revert any checked out Engine packages."));

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// Load and save packages to save out the proper fixed up references

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Fixing references to point to proper objects:"));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------------"));

	// keep a list of all packages that have ObjectRedirects in them. This is not needed if we aren't deleting redirects
	TArray<bool> PackagesWithRedirects;

	// Delete these packages entirely because they are empty
	TArray<bool> EmptyPackagesToDelete;

	if ( bDeleteRedirects )

	bool bSCCEnabled = ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled();

	// Iterate over all packages, loading and saving to remove all references to ObjectRedirectors (can't delete the Redirects yet)
	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex];

		// we can't do anything with packages that are read-only or cant be edited due to source control (we don't want to fixup the redirects)
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
			if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
		else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename))
		// Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages.
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Cleaning %s"), *Filename);
		UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, LOAD_NoVerify );
		// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them

		// if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it
		if (!Package)

		if ( bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && bDeleteRedirects )
			TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
			GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
				UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
				UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);
				if (Redir)
					PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] = 1;

		// Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages
		if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )
			// save out the package
			UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package);
			GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn );
		// collect garbage to close the package
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Collecting Garbage..."));

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	if ( bDeleteRedirects )
		// Delete all redirects that are no longer referenced

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting redirector objects:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));

		const TArray<FString>& PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects = bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects ? UpdatePackages : PackageList;

		int32 GCIndex = 0;

		// Again, iterate over all packages, loading and saving to and this time deleting all 
		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects[PackageIndex];
			if (bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] == 0)

			// The file should have already been checked out/be writable
			// If it is read only that means the checkout failed or we are not using source control and we can not write this file.
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
				if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping file: source control says we cant edit the file %s..."), *Filename);
			else if( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly( *Filename ))
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping read-only file %s..."), *Filename);

			UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Wiping %s..."), *Filename);
			UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, 0 );
			// load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them
			// if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it
			if (!Package)

			// assume that all redirs in this file are still-referenced
			bool bIsDirty = false;

			// see if this package is completely empty other than purged redirectors and metadata
			bool bIsEmpty = true;

			// delete all ObjectRedirects now
			TArray<UObjectRedirector*> Redirs;
			// find all redirectors, put into an array so delete doesn't mess up the iterator
			TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
			GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter);
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
				UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index];
				UObjectRedirector *Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj);

				if (Redir)
					int32 Dummy;
					// if the redirector was marked as uncleanable, skip it
					if (RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.Find(Redir->GetFullName(), Dummy))
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... skipping still-referenced %s"), *Redir->GetFullName());
						bIsEmpty = false;

					bIsDirty = true;
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("   ... deleting %s"), *Redir->GetFullName());
				else if ( (!Obj->IsA(UMetaData::StaticClass()) && !Obj->IsA(UField::StaticClass()))
					|| Obj->IsA(UUserDefinedEnum::StaticClass())) // UserDefinedEnum should not be deleted
					// This package has a real object
					bIsEmpty = false;

			if (bIsEmpty && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects)
				EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] = 1;

			// mark them for deletion.
			for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < Redirs.Num(); RedirIndex++)
				UObjectRedirector* Redirector = Redirs[RedirIndex];
				// Remove standalone flag and mark as pending kill.
				Redirector->ClearFlags( RF_Standalone | RF_Public );
				// We don't need redirectors in the root set, the references should already be fixed up
				if ( Redirector->IsRooted() )


			if (bIsDirty)
				// Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages
				if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )
					// save the package
					UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package);
					GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn );

			// collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package 
			if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bIsDirty || Package->ContainsMap())
				// collect garbage to close the package
				UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC..."));
				// reset our counter
				GCIndex = 0;

		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Not deleting any redirector objects:"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------"));
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(""));

	// Clean up any unused trash

	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting empty and unused packages:"));
	UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------"));


	// Iterate over packages, attempting to delete unreferenced packages
	for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
		bool bDelete = false;
		const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];
		FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));

		const bool bAllowDelete = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() );
		if (bDeleteRedirects && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] && bAllowDelete)
			// this package is completely empty, delete it
			bDelete = true;

		if (bDelete == true)
			struct Local
				static bool DeleteFromDisk(const FString& InFilename, const FString& InMessage)
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *InMessage);
					if (!IFileManager::Get().Delete(*InFilename, false, true))
						UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("  ... failed to delete from disk."), *InFilename);
						return false;
					return true;

			if (!bIsSCCDisabled)
				// get file SCC status
				FString FileName = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName);
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(FileName, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

				if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded()) )
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Revert '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FRevert>(), FileName);

					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename);
					SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsCheckedOutOther())
					UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't delete '%s' from source control, someone has it checked out, skipping..."), *Filename);
				else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled())
					if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is not in source control, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
					if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is in an unknown source control state, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
				if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("source control disabled while deleting '%s', attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename)))
	delete LogOutputFile;
	LogOutputFile = NULL;

	if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAutoSubmit)
		// Submit the results to source control
		UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Submiting the results to source control"));

		// Work out the list of file to check in
		TArray <FString> FilesToSubmit;

		for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ )
			const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex];

			FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

			if( SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded() || SourceControlState->IsDeleted()) )
				// Only submit engine packages if we're requested to
				if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) )

		// Check in all changed files
		const FText Description = NSLOCTEXT("FixupRedirectsCmdlet", "ChangelistDescription", "Fixed up Redirects");
		TSharedRef<FCheckIn, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CheckInOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckIn>();
		CheckInOperation->SetDescription( Description );
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(CheckInOperation, SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(FilesToSubmit));

		// toss the SCC manager
	return 0;
void FRedirectCollector::ResolveStringAssetReference(FString FilterPackage)

    FName FilterPackageFName = NAME_None;
    if (!FilterPackage.IsEmpty())
        FilterPackageFName = FName(*FilterPackage);

    TMultiMap<FName, FPackagePropertyPair> SkippedReferences;
    while ( StringAssetReferences.Num())

        TMultiMap<FName, FPackagePropertyPair> CurrentReferences;
        Swap(StringAssetReferences, CurrentReferences);

        for (const auto& CurrentReference : CurrentReferences)
            const FName& ToLoadFName = CurrentReference.Key;
            const FPackagePropertyPair& RefFilenameAndProperty = CurrentReference.Value;

            if ((FilterPackageFName != NAME_None) && // not using a filter
                    (FilterPackageFName != RefFilenameAndProperty.GetCachedPackageName()) && // this is the package we are looking for
                    (RefFilenameAndProperty.GetCachedPackageName() != NAME_None) // if we have an empty package name then process it straight away
                // If we have a valid filter and it doesn't match, skip this reference
                SkippedReferences.Add(ToLoadFName, RefFilenameAndProperty);

            const FString ToLoad = ToLoadFName.ToString();

            if (FCoreDelegates::LoadStringAssetReferenceInCook.IsBound())
                if (FCoreDelegates::LoadStringAssetReferenceInCook.Execute(ToLoad) == false)
                    // Skip this reference

            if (ToLoad.Len() > 0 )

                UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("String Asset Reference '%s'"), *ToLoad);
                UE_CLOG(RefFilenameAndProperty.GetProperty().ToString().Len(), LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Referenced by '%s'"), *RefFilenameAndProperty.GetProperty().ToString());


                UObject *Loaded = LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, *ToLoad, NULL, RefFilenameAndProperty.GetReferencedByEditorOnlyProperty() ? LOAD_EditorOnly : LOAD_None, NULL);

                UObjectRedirector* Redirector = dynamic_cast<UObjectRedirector*>(Loaded);
                if (Redirector)
                    UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Found redir '%s'"), *Redirector->GetFullName());
                    FRedirection Redir;
                    Redir.PackageFilename = RefFilenameAndProperty.GetPackage().ToString();
                    Redir.RedirectorName = Redirector->GetFullName();
                    Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename = Redirector->GetLinker()->Filename;
                    Redir.DestinationObjectName = Redirector->DestinationObject->GetFullName();
                    Loaded = Redirector->DestinationObject;
                if (Loaded)
                    if (FCoreUObjectDelegates::PackageLoadedFromStringAssetReference.IsBound())
                    FString Dest = Loaded->GetPathName();
                    UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Resolved to '%s'"), *Dest);
                    if (Dest != ToLoad)
                        StringAssetRemap.Add(ToLoad, Dest);
                    const FString Referencer = RefFilenameAndProperty.GetProperty().ToString().Len() ? RefFilenameAndProperty.GetProperty().ToString() : TEXT("Unknown");

                    int32 DotIndex = ToLoad.Find(TEXT("."));

                    FString PackageName = DotIndex != INDEX_NONE ? ToLoad.Left(DotIndex) : ToLoad;

                    if (FLinkerLoad::IsKnownMissingPackage(FName(*PackageName)) == false)
                        UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Warning, TEXT("String Asset Reference '%s' was not found! (Referencer '%s')"), *ToLoad, *Referencer);


    check(StringAssetReferences.Num() == 0);
    // Add any skipped references back into the map for the next time this is called
    Swap(StringAssetReferences, SkippedReferences);
    // we shouldn't have any references left if we decided to resolve them all
    check((StringAssetReferences.Num() == 0) || (FilterPackageFName != NAME_None));
void ULevelStreaming::AsyncLevelLoadComplete(const FName& InPackageName, UPackage* InLoadedPackage, EAsyncLoadingResult::Type Result)
	bHasLoadRequestPending = false;

	if( InLoadedPackage )
		UPackage* LevelPackage = InLoadedPackage;
		// Try to find a UWorld object in the level package.
		UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(LevelPackage);

		if ( World )
			ULevel* Level = World->PersistentLevel;
			if( Level )
				check(PendingUnloadLevel == NULL);

				// Broadcast level loaded event to blueprints

				// Make sure this level will start to render only when it will be fully added to the world
				if (LODPackageNames.Num() > 0)
					Level->bRequireFullVisibilityToRender = true;
					// LOD levels should not be visible on server
					Level->bClientOnlyVisible = LODPackageNames.Contains(InLoadedPackage->GetFName());
				// In the editor levels must be in the levels array regardless of whether they are visible or not
				if (ensure(Level->OwningWorld) && Level->OwningWorld->WorldType == EWorldType::Editor)
					// We should also at this point, apply the level's editor transform
					if (!Level->bAlreadyMovedActors)
						FLevelUtils::ApplyEditorTransform(this, false);
						Level->bAlreadyMovedActors = true;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
				UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't find ULevel object in package '%s'"), *InPackageName.ToString() );
			// There could have been a redirector in the package. Attempt to follow it.
			UObjectRedirector* WorldRedirector = nullptr;
			UWorld* DestinationWorld = UWorld::FollowWorldRedirectorInPackage(LevelPackage, &WorldRedirector);
			if (DestinationWorld)
				// To follow the world redirector for level streaming...
				// 1) Update all globals that refer to the redirector package by name
				// 2) Update the PackageNameToLoad to refer to the new package location
				// 3) If the package name to load was the same as the destination package name...
				//         ... update the package name to the new package and let the next RequestLevel try this process again.
				//    If the package name to load was different...
				//         ... it means the specified package name was explicit and we will just load from another file.

				FName OldDesiredPackageName = InPackageName;
				TWeakObjectPtr<UWorld>* OwningWorldPtr = ULevel::StreamedLevelsOwningWorld.Find(OldDesiredPackageName);
				UWorld* OwningWorld = OwningWorldPtr ? OwningWorldPtr->Get() : NULL;

				// Try again with the destination package to load.
				// IMPORTANT: check this BEFORE changing PackageNameToLoad, otherwise you wont know if the package name was supposed to be different.
				const bool bLoadingIntoDifferentPackage = (GetWorldAssetPackageFName() != PackageNameToLoad) && (PackageNameToLoad != NAME_None);

				// ... now set PackageNameToLoad
				PackageNameToLoad = DestinationWorld->GetOutermost()->GetFName();

				if ( PackageNameToLoad != OldDesiredPackageName )
					EWorldType::Type* OldPackageWorldType = UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.Find(OldDesiredPackageName);
					if ( OldPackageWorldType )
						UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.FindOrAdd(PackageNameToLoad) = *OldPackageWorldType;

				// Now determine if we are loading into the package explicitly or if it is okay to just load the other package.
				if ( bLoadingIntoDifferentPackage )
					// Loading into a new custom package explicitly. Load the destination world directly into the package.
					// Detach the linker to load from a new file into the same package.
					FLinkerLoad* PackageLinker = FLinkerLoad::FindExistingLinkerForPackage(LevelPackage);
					if (PackageLinker)
						PackageLinker = nullptr;

					// Make sure the redirector is not in the way of the new world.
					// Pass NULL as the name to make a new unique name and GetTransientPackage() for the outer to remove it from the package.
					WorldRedirector->Rename(NULL, GetTransientPackage(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders | REN_NonTransactional);

					// Change the loaded world's type back to inactive since it won't be used.
					DestinationWorld->WorldType = EWorldType::Inactive;
					// Loading the requested package normally. Fix up the destination world then update the requested package to the destination.
					if (OwningWorld)
						if (DestinationWorld->PersistentLevel)
							DestinationWorld->PersistentLevel->OwningWorld = OwningWorld;

						// In some cases, BSP render data is not created because the OwningWorld was not set correctly.
						// Regenerate that render data here
					WorldAsset = DestinationWorld;
	else if (Result == EAsyncLoadingResult::Canceled)
		// Cancel level streaming
		bHasLoadRequestPending = false;
		bShouldBeLoaded = false;
		UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load package '%s'"), *InPackageName.ToString() );

	// Clean up the world type list and owning world list now that PostLoad has occurred

	STAT_ADD_CUSTOMMESSAGE_NAME( STAT_NamedMarker, *(FString( TEXT( "RequestLevelComplete - " ) + InPackageName.ToString() )) );
void FRedirectCollector::ResolveStringAssetReference(FString FilterPackage)
	TMultiMap<FString, FPackagePropertyPair> SkippedReferences;
	while (StringAssetReferences.Num())
		TMultiMap<FString, FPackagePropertyPair>::TIterator First(StringAssetReferences);
		FString ToLoad = First.Key();
		FPackagePropertyPair RefFilenameAndProperty = First.Value();
		if (FCoreDelegates::LoadStringAssetReferenceInCook.IsBound())
			if (FCoreDelegates::LoadStringAssetReferenceInCook.Execute(ToLoad) == false)
				// Skip this reference

		if (!FilterPackage.IsEmpty() && FilterPackage != RefFilenameAndProperty.Package)
			// If we have a valid filter and it doesn't match, skip this reference
			SkippedReferences.Add(ToLoad, RefFilenameAndProperty);

		if (ToLoad.Len() > 0)
			UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("String Asset Reference '%s'"), *ToLoad);
			UE_CLOG(RefFilenameAndProperty.Property.Len(), LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Referenced by '%s'"), *RefFilenameAndProperty.Property);


			UObject *Loaded = LoadObject<UObject>(NULL, *ToLoad, NULL, RefFilenameAndProperty.bReferencedByEditorOnlyProperty ? LOAD_EditorOnly : LOAD_None, NULL);

			UObjectRedirector* Redirector = dynamic_cast<UObjectRedirector*>(Loaded);
			if (Redirector)
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Found redir '%s'"), *Redirector->GetFullName());
				FRedirection Redir;
				Redir.PackageFilename = RefFilenameAndProperty.Package;
				Redir.RedirectorName = Redirector->GetFullName();
				Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename = Redirector->GetLinker()->Filename;
				Redir.DestinationObjectName = Redirector->DestinationObject->GetFullName();
				Loaded = Redirector->DestinationObject;
			if (Loaded)
				FString Dest = Loaded->GetPathName();
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Verbose, TEXT("    Resolved to '%s'"), *Dest);
				if (Dest != ToLoad)
					StringAssetRemap.Add(ToLoad, Dest);
				const FString Referencer = RefFilenameAndProperty.Property.Len() ? RefFilenameAndProperty.Property : TEXT("Unknown");
				UE_LOG(LogRedirectors, Warning, TEXT("String Asset Reference '%s' was not found! (Referencer '%s')"), *ToLoad, *Referencer);

	// Add any skipped references back into the map for the next time this is called
	StringAssetReferences = SkippedReferences;