void FLayers::RemoveViewFromActorViewVisibility( FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient ) { const int32 ViewIndex = ViewportClient->ViewIndex; // get the bit for the view index uint64 ViewBit = ((uint64)1 << ViewIndex); // get all bits under that that we want to keep uint64 KeepBits = ViewBit - 1; // Iterate over all actors, looking for actors in the specified layers. for( FActorIterator It(ViewportClient->GetWorld()) ; It ; ++It ) { const TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor = *It; if( !IsActorValidForLayer( Actor ) ) { continue; } // remember original bits uint64 OriginalHiddenViews = Actor->HiddenEditorViews; uint64 Was = Actor->HiddenEditorViews; // slide all bits higher than ViewIndex down one since the view is being removed from Editor uint64 LowBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews & KeepBits; // now slide the top bits down by ViewIndex + 1 (chopping off ViewBit) uint64 HighBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews >> (ViewIndex + 1); // then slide back up by ViewIndex, which will now have erased ViewBit, as well as leaving 0 in the low bits HighBits = HighBits << ViewIndex; // put it all back together Actor->HiddenEditorViews = LowBits | HighBits; // reregister if we changed the visibility bits, as the rendering thread needs them if (OriginalHiddenViews == Actor->HiddenEditorViews) { continue; } // Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components; Actor->GetComponents(Components); for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < Components.Num(); ++ComponentIdx ) { UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Components[ComponentIdx]; if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered()) { // Push visibility to the render thread PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( Actor->HiddenEditorViews ); } } } }
void UUnrealEdEngine::UpdateVolumeActorVisibility( UClass* InVolumeActorClass, FLevelEditorViewportClient* InViewport ) { TSubclassOf<AActor> VolumeClassToCheck = InVolumeActorClass ? InVolumeActorClass : AVolume::StaticClass(); // Build a list of actors that need to be updated. Only take actors of the passed in volume class. UWorld* World = InViewport ? InViewport->GetWorld() : GWorld; TArray< AActor *> ActorsToUpdate; for( TActorIterator<AActor> It( World, VolumeClassToCheck ); It; ++It) { ActorsToUpdate.Add(*It); } if( ActorsToUpdate.Num() > 0 ) { TArray< AActor* > ActorsThatChanged; if( !InViewport ) { // Update the visibility state of each actor for each viewport for( int32 ViewportIdx = 0; ViewportIdx < LevelViewportClients.Num(); ++ViewportIdx ) { FLevelEditorViewportClient& ViewClient = *LevelViewportClients[ViewportIdx]; { // Only update the editor frame clients as those are the only viewports right now that show volumes. InternalUpdateVolumeActorVisibility( ActorsToUpdate, ViewClient, ActorsThatChanged ); if( ActorsThatChanged.Num() ) { // If actor visibility changed in the viewport, it needs to be redrawn ViewClient.Invalidate(); } } } } else { // Only update the editor frame clients as those are the only viewports right now that show volumes. InternalUpdateVolumeActorVisibility( ActorsToUpdate, *InViewport, ActorsThatChanged ); if( ActorsThatChanged.Num() ) { // If actor visibility changed in the viewport, it needs to be redrawn InViewport->Invalidate(); } } // Push all changes in the actors to the scene proxy so the render thread correctly updates visibility for( int32 ActorIdx = 0; ActorIdx < ActorsThatChanged.Num(); ++ActorIdx ) { AActor* ActorToUpdate = ActorsThatChanged[ ActorIdx ]; // Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> PrimitiveComponents; ActorToUpdate->GetComponents(PrimitiveComponents); for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < PrimitiveComponents.Num(); ++ComponentIdx ) { UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = PrimitiveComponents[ComponentIdx]; if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered()) { // Push visibility to the render thread PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( ActorToUpdate->HiddenEditorViews ); } } } } }