void UAnimGraphNode_PoseByName::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(class USkeleton* ForSkeleton, class FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	UPoseAsset* PoseAssetToCheck = Node.PoseAsset;
	UEdGraphPin* PoseAssetPin = FindPin(GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FAnimNode_PoseByName, PoseAsset));
	if (PoseAssetPin != nullptr && PoseAssetToCheck == nullptr)
		PoseAssetToCheck = Cast<UPoseAsset>(PoseAssetPin->DefaultObject);

	if (PoseAssetToCheck == nullptr)
		// we may have a connected node
		if (PoseAssetPin == nullptr || PoseAssetPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 0)
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references an unknown pose asset"), this);
		USkeleton* SeqSkeleton = PoseAssetToCheck->GetSkeleton();
		if (SeqSkeleton&& // if anim sequence doesn't have skeleton, it might be due to anim sequence not loaded yet, @todo: wait with anim blueprint compilation until all assets are loaded?
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references sequence that uses different skeleton @@"), this, SeqSkeleton);
void UAnimGraphNode_RotationOffsetBlendSpace::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(class USkeleton* ForSkeleton, class FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	if (Node.BlendSpace == NULL)
		MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references an unknown blend space"), this);
	else if (Cast<UAimOffsetBlendSpace>(Node.BlendSpace) == NULL &&
			 Cast<UAimOffsetBlendSpace1D>(Node.BlendSpace) == NULL)
		MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references an invalid blend space (one that is not an aim offset)"), this);
		USkeleton* BlendSpaceSkeleton = Node.BlendSpace->GetSkeleton();
		if (BlendSpaceSkeleton && // if blend space doesn't have skeleton, it might be due to blend space not loaded yet, @todo: wait with anim blueprint compilation until all assets are loaded?
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references blendspace that uses different skeleton @@"), this, BlendSpaceSkeleton);

	if (UAnimationSettings::Get()->bEnablePerformanceLog)
		if (Node.LODThreshold < 0)
			MessageLog.Warning(TEXT("@@ contains no LOD Threshold."), this);
void UAnimGraphNode_PoseHandler::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(USkeleton* ForSkeleton, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	UPoseAsset* PoseAssetToCheck = GetPoseHandlerNode()->PoseAsset;
	UEdGraphPin* PoseAssetPin = FindPin(GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FAnimNode_PoseHandler, PoseAsset));
	if (PoseAssetPin != nullptr && PoseAssetToCheck == nullptr)
		PoseAssetToCheck = Cast<UPoseAsset>(PoseAssetPin->DefaultObject);

	if (PoseAssetToCheck == nullptr)
		if (PoseAssetPin == nullptr || PoseAssetPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 0)
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references an unknown poseasset"), this);
		USkeleton* SeqSkeleton = PoseAssetToCheck->GetSkeleton();
		if (SeqSkeleton && // if PoseAsset doesn't have skeleton, it might be due to PoseAsset not loaded yet, @todo: wait with anim blueprint compilation until all assets are loaded?
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references poseasset that uses different skeleton @@"), this, SeqSkeleton);

	Super::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(ForSkeleton, MessageLog);
void UAnimGraphNode_BlendSpacePlayer::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(class USkeleton* ForSkeleton, class FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	if (Node.BlendSpace == NULL)
		MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references an unknown blend space"), this);
		USkeleton * BlendSpaceSkeleton = Node.BlendSpace->GetSkeleton();
		if (BlendSpaceSkeleton && // if blend space doesn't have skeleton, it might be due to blend space not loaded yet, @todo: wait with anim blueprint compilation until all assets are loaded?
			MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ references blendspace that uses different skeleton @@"), this, BlendSpaceSkeleton);