文件: Rot3.cpp 项目: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
Unit3 Rot3::unrotate(const Unit3& p,
    OptionalJacobian<2,3> HR, OptionalJacobian<2,2> Hp) const {
  Matrix32 Dp;
  Unit3 q = Unit3(unrotate(p.point3(Dp)));
  if (Hp) *Hp = q.basis().transpose() * matrix().transpose () * Dp;
  if (HR) *HR = q.basis().transpose() * q.skew();
  return q;
/* ************************************************************************* */
Unit3 Unit3::FromPoint3(const Point3& point, OptionalJacobian<2,3> H) {
    // 3*3 Derivative of representation with respect to point is 3*3:
    Matrix3 D_p_point;
    Point3 normalized = point.normalize(H ? &D_p_point : 0);
    Unit3 direction;
    direction.p_ = normalized.vector();
    if (H)
        *H << direction.basis().transpose() * D_p_point;
    return direction;
/* ************************************************************************* */
Vector2 Unit3::errorVector(const Unit3& q, OptionalJacobian<2, 2> H_p, OptionalJacobian<2, 2> H_q) const {
    // Get the point3 of this, and the derivative.
    Matrix32 H_qn_q;
    Point3 qn = q.point3(H_q ? &H_qn_q : 0);

    // 2D error here is projecting q into the tangent plane of this (p).
    Matrix62 H_B_p;
    Matrix23 Bt = basis(H_p ? &H_B_p : 0).transpose();
    Vector2 xi = Bt * qn.vector();

    if (H_p) {
        // Derivatives of each basis vector.
        const Matrix32& H_b1_p = H_B_p.block<3, 2>(0, 0);
        const Matrix32& H_b2_p = H_B_p.block<3, 2>(3, 0);

        // Derivatives of the two entries of xi wrt the basis vectors.
        Matrix13 H_xi1_b1 = qn.vector().transpose();
        Matrix13 H_xi2_b2 = qn.vector().transpose();

        // Assemble dxi/dp = dxi/dB * dB/dp.
        Matrix12 H_xi1_p = H_xi1_b1 * H_b1_p;
        Matrix12 H_xi2_p = H_xi2_b2 * H_b2_p;
        *H_p << H_xi1_p, H_xi2_p;

    if (H_q) {
        // dxi/dq is given by dxi/dqu * dqu/dq, where qu is the unit vector of q.
        Matrix23 H_xi_qu = Bt;
        *H_q = H_xi_qu * H_qn_q;

    return xi;
/* ************************************************************************* */
Vector2 Unit3::error(const Unit3& q, OptionalJacobian<2,2> H_q) const {
    // 2D error is equal to B'*q, as B is 3x2 matrix and q is 3x1
    Matrix23 Bt = basis().transpose();
    Vector2 xi = Bt * q.p_;
    if (H_q) {
        *H_q = Bt * q.basis();
    return xi;
文件: Rot3.cpp 项目: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
Rot3 Rot3::AlignPair(const Unit3& axis, const Unit3& a_p, const Unit3& b_p) {
  // if a_p is already aligned with b_p, return the identity rotation
  if (std::abs(a_p.dot(b_p)) > 0.999999999) {
    return Rot3();

  // Check axis was not degenerate cross product
  const Vector3 z = axis.unitVector();
  if (z.hasNaN())
    throw std::runtime_error("AlignSinglePair: axis has Nans");

  // Now, calculate rotation that takes b_p to a_p
  const Matrix3 P = I_3x3 - z * z.transpose();  // orthogonal projector
  const Vector3 a_po = P * a_p.unitVector();    // point in a orthogonal to axis
  const Vector3 b_po = P * b_p.unitVector();    // point in b orthogonal to axis
  const Vector3 x = a_po.normalized();          // x-axis in axis-orthogonal plane, along a_p vector
  const Vector3 y = z.cross(x);                 // y-axis in axis-orthogonal plane
  const double u = x.dot(b_po);                 // x-coordinate for b_po
  const double v = y.dot(b_po);                 // y-coordinate for b_po
  double angle = std::atan2(v, u);
  return Rot3::AxisAngle(z, -angle);
/* ************************************************************************* */
double Unit3::dot(const Unit3& q, OptionalJacobian<1,2> H_p, OptionalJacobian<1,2> H_q) const {
    // Get the unit vectors of each, and the derivative.
    Matrix32 H_pn_p;
    Point3 pn = point3(H_p ? &H_pn_p : 0);

    Matrix32 H_qn_q;
    Point3 qn = q.point3(H_q ? &H_qn_q : 0);

    // Compute the dot product of the Point3s.
    Matrix13 H_dot_pn, H_dot_qn;
    double d = pn.dot(qn, H_p ? &H_dot_pn : 0, H_q ? &H_dot_qn : 0);

    if (H_p) {
        (*H_p) << H_dot_pn * H_pn_p;

    if (H_q) {
        (*H_q) = H_dot_qn * H_qn_q;

    return d;
文件: Rot3.cpp 项目: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
Rot3 Rot3::AlignTwoPairs(const Unit3& a_p, const Unit3& b_p,  //
                         const Unit3& a_q, const Unit3& b_q) {
  // there are three frames in play:
  // a: the first frame in which p and q are measured
  // b: the second frame in which p and q are measured
  // i: intermediate, after aligning first pair

  // First, find rotation around that aligns a_p and b_p
  Rot3 i_R_b = AlignPair(a_p.cross(b_p), a_p, b_p);

  // Rotate points in frame b to the intermediate frame,
  // in which we expect the point p to be aligned now
  Unit3 i_q = i_R_b * b_q;
  assert(assert_equal(a_p, i_R_b * b_p, 1e-6));

  // Now align second pair: we need to align i_q to a_q
  Rot3 a_R_i = AlignPair(a_p, a_q, i_q);
  assert(assert_equal(a_p, a_R_i * a_p, 1e-6));
  assert(assert_equal(a_q, a_R_i * i_q, 1e-6));

  // The desired rotation is the product of both
  Rot3 a_R_b = a_R_i * i_R_b;
  return a_R_b;
Point3 point3_(const Unit3& p) {
  return p.point3();