CvPlot* CvArmyAI::DetectNearbyEnemy(PlayerTypes eEnemy, bool bNaval) { UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); while(pUnit) { for(int iDirectionLoop = 0; iDirectionLoop < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; ++iDirectionLoop) { CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iDirectionLoop)); if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL && pAdjacentPlot->isWater()==bNaval && pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == eEnemy) { UnitHandle pOtherUnit = pAdjacentPlot->getBestDefender(eEnemy); if(pOtherUnit) { if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging()) { CvString strMsg; strMsg.Format("Ran into enemy unit during attack (x=%d y=%d). Need to declare war to continue!", pAdjacentPlot->getX(), pAdjacentPlot->getY()); GET_PLAYER(m_eOwner).getAIOperation(m_iOperationID)->LogOperationSpecialMessage(strMsg); } return pAdjacentPlot; } } } pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } return NULL; }
/// Return distance from this plot of unit in army farthest away int CvArmyAI::GetFurthestUnitDistance(CvPlot* pPlot) { int iLargestDistance = 0; UnitHandle pUnit; int iNewDistance; pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); while(pUnit) { iNewDistance = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY()); if(iNewDistance > iLargestDistance) { iLargestDistance = iNewDistance; } pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } return iLargestDistance; }
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!) CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(float* pfVarX, float* pfVarY) { int iTotalX = 0; int iTotalY = 0; int iNumUnits = 0; UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); if (!pUnit) return NULL; int iTotalX2 = 0; int iTotalY2 = 0; int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth(); int iWorldHeight = GC.getMap().getGridHeight(); //the first unit is our reference ... int iRefX = pUnit->getX(); int iRefY = pUnit->getY(); iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); while(pUnit) { int iDX = pUnit->getX() - iRefX; int iDY = pUnit->getY() - iRefY; if (GC.getMap().isWrapX()) { if( iDX > +(iWorldWidth / 2)) iDX -= iWorldWidth; if( iDX < -(iWorldWidth / 2)) iDX += iWorldWidth; } if (GC.getMap().isWrapY()) { if( iDY > +(iWorldHeight / 2)) iDY -= iWorldHeight; if( iDY < -(iWorldHeight / 2)) iDY += iWorldHeight; } iTotalX += iDX; iTotalY += iDY; iTotalX2 += iDX*iDX; iTotalY2 += iDY*iDY; iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if (iNumUnits==0) return NULL; //this is for debugging float fVarX = (iTotalX2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits); float fVarY = (iTotalY2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits); //finally, compute average (with rounding) int iAvgX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefX; int iAvgY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefY; if (fVarX > 64 || fVarY > 64) { CvString msg = CvString::format("Warning: Army %d with %d units Center of Mass (%d,%d) has a large variance (%.2f,%.2f)\n", GetID(), iNumUnits, iAvgX, iAvgY, fVarX, fVarY); OutputDebugString( msg.c_str() ); } //this handles wrapped coordinates CvPlot* pCOM = GC.getMap().plot(iAvgX, iAvgY); if (!pCOM) return NULL; if (pfVarX) *pfVarX = fVarX; if (pfVarY) *pfVarY = fVarY; //don't return it directly but use the plot of the closest unit pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); std::vector<SPlotWithScore> vPlots; while (pUnit) { if (pUnit->plot()->getDomain()==GetDomainType()) { int iDistToCOM = plotDistance(*pUnit->plot(),*pCOM); int iDistToTarget = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(),pUnit->getY(),GetGoalX(),GetGoalY()); vPlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pUnit->plot(),iDistToCOM*100+iDistToTarget) ); } pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if (vPlots.empty()) return NULL; //this sorts ascending! std::sort(vPlots.begin(),vPlots.end()); return vPlots.front().pPlot; }
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!) CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired) { CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL; int iTotalX = 0; int iTotalY = 0; int iNumUnits = 0; UnitHandle pUnit; int iReferenceUnitX = -1; int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth(); pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); if(pUnit) { iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX(); } while(pUnit) { int iUnitX = pUnit->getX(); bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false; int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX; if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2)) { bWorldWrapAdjust = true; } if(bWorldWrapAdjust) { iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth; } else { iTotalX += iUnitX; } iTotalY += pUnit->getY(); iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if(iNumUnits > 0) { int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth) { iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth; } int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY); } // Domain check if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue) { if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA) { // Find an adjacent plot that works for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI)); if (pLoopPlot != NULL) { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } // Try two plots out if really having problems for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++) { for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2); if (pLoopPlot) { if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2) { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } } } // Give up - just use location of first unit pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); pRtnValue = pUnit->plot(); } } return pRtnValue; }
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!) CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired) { CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL; int iTotalX = 0; int iTotalY = 0; int iNumUnits = 0; UnitHandle pUnit; int iReferenceUnitX = -1; int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth(); pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); if(pUnit) { iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX(); } while(pUnit) { int iUnitX = pUnit->getX(); bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false; int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX; if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2)) { bWorldWrapAdjust = true; } if(bWorldWrapAdjust) { iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth; } else { iTotalX += iUnitX; } iTotalY += pUnit->getY(); iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if(iNumUnits > 0) { int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth) { iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth; } int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY); } // Domain check if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue) { if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA) { // Find an adjacent plot that works for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI)); if (pLoopPlot != NULL) { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } // Try two plots out if really having problems #ifdef AUI_HEXSPACE_DX_LOOPS int iMaxDX, iDX; CvPlot* pLoopPlot; for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++) { iMaxDX = 2 - MAX(0, iDY); for (iDX = -2 - MIN(0, iDY); iDX <= iMaxDX; iDX++) // MIN() and MAX() stuff is to reduce loops (hexspace!) { // No need for range check because loops are set up properly pLoopPlot = plotXY(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY); if (pLoopPlot) { if (hexDistance(iDX, iDY) == 2) #else for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++) { for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2); if (pLoopPlot) { #ifdef AUI_FIX_HEX_DISTANCE_INSTEAD_OF_PLOT_DISTANCE if (hexDistance(iDX, iDY) == 2) #else if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2) #endif #endif { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } } } // Give up - just use location of first unit pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); pRtnValue = pUnit->plot(); } } return pRtnValue; } /// Return distance from this plot of unit in army farthest away int CvArmyAI::GetFurthestUnitDistance(CvPlot* pPlot) { int iLargestDistance = 0; UnitHandle pUnit; int iNewDistance; pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); while(pUnit) { iNewDistance = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY()); if(iNewDistance > iLargestDistance) { iLargestDistance = iNewDistance; } pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } return iLargestDistance; } // FORMATION ACCESSORS /// Retrieve index of the formation used by this army int CvArmyAI::GetFormationIndex() const { return m_iFormationIndex; } /// Set index of the formation used by this army void CvArmyAI::SetFormationIndex(int iFormationIndex) { CvArmyFormationSlot slot; if(m_iFormationIndex != iFormationIndex) { m_iFormationIndex = iFormationIndex; CvMultiUnitFormationInfo* thisFormation = GC.getMultiUnitFormationInfo(m_iFormationIndex); if(thisFormation) { int iNumSlots = thisFormation->getNumFormationSlotEntries(); // Build all the formation entries m_FormationEntries.clear(); for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumSlots; iI++) { slot.SetUnitID(ARMY_NO_UNIT); slot.SetTurnAtCheckpoint(ARMYSLOT_UNKNOWN_TURN_AT_CHECKPOINT); m_FormationEntries.push_back(slot); } } } } /// How many slots are there in this formation if filled int CvArmyAI::GetNumFormationEntries() const { return m_FormationEntries.size(); } /// How many slots do we currently have filled? int CvArmyAI::GetNumSlotsFilled() const { int iRtnValue = 0; for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_FormationEntries.size(); iI++) { if(m_FormationEntries[iI].m_iUnitID != ARMY_NO_UNIT) { iRtnValue++; } } return iRtnValue; }
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!) CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired) { int iTotalX = 0; int iTotalY = 0; int iNumUnits = 0; #if defined(MOD_BALANCE_CORE) UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); if (!pUnit) return NULL; int iTotalX2 = 0; int iTotalY2 = 0; int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth(); int iWorldHeight = GC.getMap().getGridHeight(); //the first unit is our reference ... int iRefX = pUnit->getX(); int iRefY = pUnit->getY(); iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); while(pUnit) { int iDX = pUnit->getX() - iRefX; int iDY = pUnit->getY() - iRefY; if (GC.getMap().isWrapX()) { if( iDX > +(iWorldWidth / 2)) iDX -= iWorldWidth; if( iDX < -(iWorldWidth / 2)) iDX += iWorldWidth; } if (GC.getMap().isWrapY()) { if( iDY > +(iWorldHeight / 2)) iDY -= iWorldHeight; if( iDY < -(iWorldHeight / 2)) iDY += iWorldHeight; } iTotalX += iDX; iTotalY += iDY; iTotalX2 += iDX*iDX; iTotalY2 += iDY*iDY; iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if (iNumUnits==0) return NULL; //this is for debugging float fVarX = (iTotalX2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits); float fVarY = (iTotalY2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits); //finally, compute average (with rounding) int iAvgX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefX; int iAvgY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefY; if (fVarX > 64 || fVarY > 64) { CvString msg = CvString::format("Warning: Army %d with %d units Center of Mass (%d,%d) has a large variance (%.2f,%.2f)\n", GetID(), iNumUnits, iAvgX, iAvgY, fVarX, fVarY); OutputDebugString( msg.c_str() ); } //this handles wrapped coordinates CvPlot* pCOM = GC.getMap().plot(iAvgX, iAvgY); if (!pCOM) return NULL; //don't return it directly but use the plot of the closest unit pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); std::vector<SPlotWithScore> vPlots; while (pUnit) { if (eDomainRequired == NO_DOMAIN || pUnit->plot()->getDomain()==eDomainRequired) vPlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pUnit->plot(),plotDistance(*pUnit->plot(),*pCOM)) ); pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if (vPlots.empty()) return NULL; //this sorts ascending! std::sort(vPlots.begin(),vPlots.end()); return vPlots.front().pPlot; #else CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL; UnitHandle pUnit; int iReferenceUnitX = -1; int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth(); pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); if(pUnit) { iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX(); } while(pUnit) { int iUnitX = pUnit->getX(); bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false; int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX; if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2)) { bWorldWrapAdjust = true; } if(bWorldWrapAdjust) { iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth; } else { iTotalX += iUnitX; } iTotalY += pUnit->getY(); iNumUnits++; pUnit = GetNextUnit(); } if(iNumUnits > 0) { int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth) { iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth; } int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits; pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY); } // Domain check if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue) { if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA) { // Find an adjacent plot that works for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI)); if (pLoopPlot != NULL) { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } // Try two plots out if really having problems for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++) { for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++) { CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2); if (pLoopPlot) { if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2) { if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND) { return pLoopPlot; } } } } } // Give up - just use location of first unit pUnit = GetFirstUnit(); pRtnValue = pUnit->plot(); } } return pRtnValue; #endif }