void LauncherWindow::showUpdateManagerDialog() { UpdateDialog* d = new UpdateDialog(this); d->exec(); Settings* settings = Settings::instance(); ui->clientCombo->setCurrentIndex(settings->loadActiveClientId()); }
void RouterKeygen::onNetworkReply(QNetworkReply* reply){ const unsigned int RESPONSE_OK = 200; if ( !automaticUpdateCheck ){ cleanLoadingAnimation(); enableUI(true); } if(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { unsigned int httpstatuscode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toUInt(); switch(httpstatuscode) { case RESPONSE_OK: if (reply->isReadable()) { QByteArray result; result = reply->readAll(); QScriptValue sc; QScriptEngine engine; sc = engine.evaluate("(" +QString(result) + ")"); QString version = sc.property("version").toString(); if ( version == QApplication::applicationVersion() ){ if ( !automaticUpdateCheck ){ ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("The application is already at the latest version.")); } } else{ //TODO: when the final website is sc.property("url").toString() UpdateDialog * updateDialog = new UpdateDialog(QString("https://code.google.com/p/android-thomson-key-solver/downloads/list"), version, this); updateDialog->show(); } } break; default: if ( !automaticUpdateCheck ){ ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Error while checking for updates")); } break; } } else { if ( !automaticUpdateCheck ){ ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Error while checking for updates")); } } automaticUpdateCheck = false; reply->deleteLater(); }
void MainWindow::updateAvailable(QString repo, QString versionName, int versionId) { UpdateDialog dlg; UpdateAction action = (UpdateAction)dlg.exec(); switch (action) { case UPDATE_LATER: QLOG_INFO() << "Update will be installed later."; break; case UPDATE_NOW: downloadUpdates(repo, versionId); break; case UPDATE_ONEXIT: downloadUpdates(repo, versionId, true); break; } }