int main(int argc, char** argv) {

#ifdef OMP1
    cout << "OPENMP SIMULATION" << endl;

    cout << "MPI SIMULATION" << endl;

    FILE *infile,*outfile,*mov;       // Handle for writing configuration

    Sim sim;                  // Should contain the simulation options.
    Conf conf;                // Should contain fast changing particle and box(?) information
    FileNames files;

    Updater* updater; // need to get an instance of updater after initialization, because of initFCE


    cout << "\nPatchy Spherocylinders version 3.6\n"
         << "-------------------------------------" << endl;

    cout << "\n!!! Extra hydrophobic interaction in e_cpsc_cpsc added\n" << endl;

    /*                  INITIALIZATION                      */

    Inicializer init(&sim, &conf, &files);

    init.initTop(); // here particleStore filled in setParticleParams
    init.testChains(); // if no chains -> move probability of chains 0

    cout << "\nReading configuration...\n";
    if(init.poolConfig) {
        infile = fopen(files.configurationPool, "r");
        if (infile == NULL) {
            fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", files.configurationPool);
            exit (1);
        init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pool);
        fclose (infile);
    infile = fopen(files.configurationInFile, "r");
    if (infile == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", files.configurationInFile);
        exit (1);
    init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pvec);
    fclose (infile);

    cout << "Equilibration of maximum step sizes: " << sim.nequil/2 << " sweeps" << endl;

    if ( sim.wl.wlm[0] > 0 ) {
        outfile = fopen(files.wlinfile, "r");
        if (outfile == NULL) {
            printf ("ERROR: Cannot open file for Wang-Landau method (%s).\n",files.wlinfile);
            sim.~Sim(); topo.~Topo(); conf.~Conf();
        fclose (outfile);

    // Empty movie file
    mov = fopen("movie", "w");
    fclose (mov);

    if (sim.pairlist_update) {
        conf.pairlist_update = true;

    updater = new Updater(&sim, &conf, &files);

    /*                  ANALYZE                             */

    /*double r1, r2, fi, a=0.0, b=0.0, c=0.0;
    double aver1=0.0, aver2=0.0;
    vector<double> array1;
    vector<double> array2;
    double s1=0.0, s2=0.0;
    int N = 0, mid=0, mid2=0;

    infile = fopen("movieAll4", "r");
    if (infile == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", "movieAll");
        exit (1);
    char * line;
    size_t line_size = (STRLEN + 1) * sizeof(char);
    for(int i=0; i<200; i++) {
        init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pvec);
        analyzeCur(r1, r2, fi, &conf, mid, mid2);
        if(r1 > r2-0.1 && r1 < r2+0.1) {
            cout << r1 << " " << r2 << " " << fi << endl;
            aver1 += r1;
            aver2 += r2;
            cout << mid <<" "<< mid2 << endl;

        a += r1;
        b += r2;
        c += fi;
    aver1 /= N;
    aver2 /= N;
    for(unsigned int w=0; w<array1.size(); w++) {
        s1 += (aver1 - array1[w])*(aver1 - array1[w]);
        s2 += (aver2 - array2[w])*(aver2 - array2[w]);

    s1 /= N; s1 = sqrt(s1);
    s2 /= N; s2 = sqrt(s2);

    cout << "N= " << N << endl;
    cout << "r1="<< aver1 << ", s1= " << s1 << ", r2= " << aver2 << ", s2= " << s2 << endl;
    cout << "H= " << 1/aver1 - 1/aver2 << ", s= " << s1*s1/(aver1*aver1) + s2*s2/(aver2*aver2) << endl;
    cout << "K= " << 1/aver1 * 1/aver2 * (-1.0) << ", s= " << 1/(aver1*aver2) * (s1*s1/aver1 + s2*s2/aver2) << endl;
    fclose (infile);

    /*                  EQUILIBRATION                       */

    if (sim.nequil) {
        printf("\nStart equilibration...\n");

        updater->simulate(sim.nequil/2, sim.adjust, 0, 0);
        updater->simulate(sim.nequil/2, 0,          0, 0);


        cout << "Further equilibration of configuration:  " << sim.nequil/2 <<  " sweeps" << endl;

        outfile = fopen("config.eq", "w");
        fprintf (outfile, "%15.8e %15.8e %15.8e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z);
        fclose (outfile);

        printf ("   Equilibrated configuration written to config.eq\n");
        printf ("   Box dimensions: %.10f, %.10f, %.10f\n\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z);

    /*                  PRODUCTION RUN                      */

    cout << "Production run:  "<< sim.nsweeps << " sweeps\n" << endl;

    updater->simulate(sim.nsweeps, 0, sim.paramfrq, sim.report);

        printf ("   MPI replica changeT / changeP / acceptance ratio: \t %.6f   /   %.6f  /  %.6f\n\n", sim.mpiexch.mx,sim.mpiexch.angle,RATIO(sim.mpiexch));

    outfile = fopen(files.configurationoutfile, "w");
#ifdef TESTING
    fprintf (outfile, "%15.6e %15.6e %15.6e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z);
    fprintf (outfile, "%15.8e %15.8e %15.8e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z);
    conf.draw (outfile);
    fclose (outfile);

    if(sim.nGrandCanon != 0) {
        FILE* inFile = fopen(files.topologyInFile, "r");
        outfile = fopen(files.topologyOutFile, "w");

        char line[128];

        while(strncmp(line, "[System]", 8) != 0) {
            if(fgets(line,127, inFile) == NULL ) {
                printf("Error writing Topology [System] not found\n");
            fputs(line, outfile);
        for(int i=0; i < conf.pvec.molTypeCount; i++)
            fprintf(outfile, "%s %d\n", topo.moleculeParam[i].name, conf.pvec.molCountOfType(i));

        fclose (outfile);
        fclose (inFile);

    /// For testing the pairlist
    //gen_pairlist(&topo, &sim, &conf);
    //FILE * fpairlist;
    //fpairlist = fopen("pairlist.dat", "w");
    //print_pairlist(fpairlist, &sim, &topo);
    //printf("sqmaxcut = %f\n", topo.sqmaxcut);

    /// For testing the cluster algorithm
    //gen_clusterlist(&topo, &sim, &conf);
    //print_clusterlist(stdout, TRUE, &topo, &sim, &conf);
    //sort_clusterlist(&topo, &sim);
    //print_clusters(stdout, TRUE, &sim);
    //print_clusterstat(stdout, TRUE, &sim);

    /*                   MEMORY DEALLOC                     */

    //sim.~Sim(); topo.~Topo(); conf.~Conf(); // note: called automatically at end of main


    printf ("\nDone\n\n");

    return 0;