int main(){ int selection = 0; int userselection = 0; std::string username; UserList *UserListDatabase = new UserList; UserListDatabase->importUserDatabase(); UserListDatabase->completeList(); cout << " ConnectMe v2.0 " << endl; cout << "*-------------------------------*" << endl; cout << "| 1. Login as a user. |" << endl; cout << "| 2. Create a new user. |" << endl; cout << "| 3. Quit the program |" << endl; cout << "*-------------------------------*" << endl; while (selection != 3) { cout << "Selection: "; cin >> selection; if ( { cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1024, '\n'); cout << "Invalid Selection." << endl; continue; } cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1024,'\n'); cout << endl; switch (selection) { // Login function case 1: { cout << "Please enter your username." << endl; cout << "Username: "******"Welcome back " << username << "!" << endl; cout << endl; usermenu(); while (userselection !=11){ cout << "Selection: "; cin >> userselection; if ({ cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1024, '\n'); cout << "Invalid Selection." << endl; continue; } cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1024,'\n'); cout << endl; switch (userselection){ case 1: // display all wall post { currentUser->getWall()->printWallPosts(); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 2: // create a new wall post { string newmessage; char messagepost[512]; cout << "Please enter a status update to your wall." << endl; cin.getline(messagepost,512); newmessage = messagepost; currentUser->addWallPost(newmessage); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 3: // delete a wallpost { int id; cout << "Please enter the post ID number you wish to remove." << endl; cin >> id; currentUser->removeWallPost(id); break; } case 4: // edit personal information { currentUser->editInformation(); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 5: // display personal information { currentUser->printInformation(); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 6: { char usernamesearch[256]; cout << "Please enter a user to search." << endl; cin.getline (usernamesearch, 256); string newusername; newusername = fixString(usernamesearch); bool searchUser = UserListDatabase->findUser(usernamesearch, currentUser); if (searchUser == true){ cout << "User(s) exists." << endl; } else{ cout << "User(s) does not exist." << endl; } cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 7: { string friendname; cout << "Please enter the name of the user you'd like to add as a friend." << endl; cin >> friendname; User* friendUser = UserListDatabase->checkUser(friendname); bool checkUser = UserListDatabase->validUser(friendname); if (checkUser == true){ if (friendUser->getusername() == currentUser->getusername()){ cout << "You cannot add yourself as a friend! Loner." << endl; } else{ currentUser->addFriend(friendUser); friendUser->addPendingFriend(currentUser); cout << "Success: Friend request added." << endl; } } else { cout << "No user exists." << endl; } break; } case 8: { currentUser->displayFriends(); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 9: { currentUser->removeFriend(); cout << endl; usermenu(); break; } case 10: { currentUser->displayPendingFriends(); cout << endl; if (currentUser->pendingEmpty() == true){ cout << "No pending friends." << endl; } else{ currentUser->acceptFriendRequest(); currentUser->removePendingRequest(); } usermenu(); break; } case 11: { UserListDatabase->exportUserDatabase(); cout << "> Database exported." << endl << endl; cout << ">> You have successfully been logged out." << endl; cout << ">> Program has exited." << endl << endl; break; } default: { cout << " *--------------------------------*" << endl; cout << " | Invalid choice. |" << endl; cout << " *--------------------------------*" << endl; cout << endl; break; } } // end switch } // end while return userselection; } // if statement else { cout << "*-----------------------------------------*" << endl; cout << "| Error: User does not exist in database. |" << endl; cout << "*-----------------------------------------*" << endl; } break; } // end case 1 // Create user function case 2: { string name; cout << "Please enter a username." << endl; cin >> name; User* existingUser = UserListDatabase->checkUser(name); if (existingUser == NULL){ User *tempUser = new User(); tempUser->setusername(name); UserListDatabase->addUser(*tempUser); } else{ cout << endl; cout << "! User exists already. Please choose a different username. !" << endl; } cout << endl; menu(); break; } // This quits the program case 3: { UserListDatabase->exportUserDatabase(); cout << "* Database has been exported successfully *" << endl; cout << "*-----------------------------------------*" << endl; cout << "| Program has been exited successfully. |" << endl; cout << "*-----------------------------------------*" << endl; cout << endl; break; } // Error output default: { cout << "*--------------------------------*" << endl; cout << "| Invalid choice. |" << endl; cout << "*--------------------------------*" << endl; cout << endl; break; } }
void menu(int choice, bool &goBackToFirstMenu, UserList &dataList) { while(choice != 1 && choice != 2 && choice != 3 && choice != 4) //if user enters something other than 1,2,3 { cout << "Please enter a correct number." << endl; cin >> choice; } if(choice == 1) { checkUsername(dataList); } else if(choice == 2) { bool checkIfExists; User newuser; cout << "Hi! You are about to create a new user." << endl; cout << endl; cout << "What is the user's name?" << endl; string newName; getline(cin, newName); getline(cin, newName); newuser.setName(newName); cout << "Make a username for yourself! (Remember, no spaces in usernames)" << endl; string newUserName; cin >> newUserName; newuser.setUsername(newUserName); checkIfExists = dataList.checkIfSame(newUserName); while(checkIfExists == true) { cout << "Try entering another username" << endl; string enterNewName; cin >> enterNewName; newuser.setUsername(enterNewName); checkIfExists = dataList.checkIfSame(enterNewName); } //cout << endl; cout << "Make your own password! (remember, no spaces!)" << endl; string newPassword; cin >> newPassword; cout << "For security purposes, please enter your password again." << endl; string checkNewPassword; cin >> checkNewPassword; while(newPassword != checkNewPassword) { cout << "Please enter your password again!" << endl; cin >> checkNewPassword; } newuser.setPassword(newPassword); //cout << endl; cout << "Now for the third element, please type which university you go to!" << endl; string newUniversity; getline(cin,newUniversity); getline(cin,newUniversity); cout << endl; newuser.setUniversity(newUniversity); cout << "Your university is " << newUniversity << "!" << endl; cout << endl; dataList.addUser(newuser); User addANewUser; string university = "USC"; string password = "******"; string username = "******"; string comment = "COMMENT"; string comment1 = "HEY WHATS UP"; string randomizing; for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { randomizing = generatingRandom(); addANewUser.setUsername(randomizing); addANewUser.setPassword(password); addANewUser.setUniversity(university); //addANewUser.addPostAutomatic(username, comment); addANewUser.addPostAutomatic(username, comment1); //dataList.addUser(addANewUser); //addANewUser. for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { //addANewUser.addFriends() } //dataList.writeFile(); } }