/** * @brief AddToNewDetail create united detail adding one node per time. * @param tool tool that make union. * @param doc dom document container. * @param data container with variables. * @param newDetail united detail. * @param det detail what we union. * @param i index node in detail. * @param idTool id tool union details. * @param dx bias node x axis. * @param dy bias node y axis. * @param pRotate point rotation. * @param angle angle rotation. */ void VToolUnionDetails::AddToNewDetail(QObject *tool, VPattern *doc, VContainer *data, VDetail &newDetail, const VDetail &det, const int &i, const quint32 &idTool, const qreal &dx, const qreal &dy, const quint32 &pRotate, const qreal &angle) { quint32 id = 0, idObject = 0; switch (det.at(i).getTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): { if ( qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) && (pRotate == 0)) { id = det.at(i).getId(); } else { VPointF *point = new VPointF(*data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(det.at(i).getId())); point->setMode(Draw::Modeling); BiasRotatePoint(point, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); idObject = data->AddGObject(point); VPointF *point1 = new VPointF(*point); point1->setMode(Draw::Modeling); id = data->AddGObject(point1); VNodePoint::Create(doc, data, id, idObject, Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui, idTool, tool); } } break; case (Tool::NodeArc): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) && pRotate == 0) { id = det.at(i).getId(); } else { const QSharedPointer<VArc> arc = data->GeometricObject<VArc>(det.at(i).getId()); VPointF p1 = VPointF(arc->GetP1(), "A", 0, 0); BiasRotatePoint(&p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p2 = VPointF(arc->GetP2(), "A", 0, 0); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *center = new VPointF(arc->GetCenter()); BiasRotatePoint(center, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); QLineF l1(center->toQPointF(), p1.toQPointF()); QLineF l2(center->toQPointF(), p2.toQPointF()); center->setMode(Draw::Modeling); quint32 idCenter = data->AddGObject(center); Q_UNUSED(idCenter); VArc *arc1 = new VArc(*center, arc->GetRadius(), arc->GetFormulaRadius(), l1.angle(), QString().setNum(l1.angle()), l2.angle(), QString().setNum(l2.angle())); arc1->setMode(Draw::Modeling); idObject = data->AddGObject(arc1); VArc *arc2 = new VArc(*arc1); arc2->setMode(Draw::Modeling); id = data->AddGObject(arc2); VNodeArc::Create(doc, data, id, idObject, Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui, idTool, tool); } } break; case (Tool::NodeSpline): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) && pRotate == 0) { id = det.at(i).getId(); } else { const QSharedPointer<VSpline> spline = data->GeometricObject<VSpline>(det.at(i).getId()); VPointF *p1 = new VPointF(spline->GetP1()); BiasRotatePoint(p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); //quint32 idP1 = data->AddGObject(p1); VPointF p2 = VPointF(spline->GetP2()); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p3 = VPointF(spline->GetP3()); BiasRotatePoint(&p3, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *p4 = new VPointF(spline->GetP4()); BiasRotatePoint(p4, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); //quint32 idP4 = data->AddGObject(p4); VSpline *spl = new VSpline(*p1, p2.toQPointF(), p3.toQPointF(), *p4, spline->GetKcurve(), 0, Draw::Modeling); idObject = data->AddGObject(spl); VSpline *spl1 = new VSpline(*spl); spl1->setMode(Draw::Modeling); id = data->AddGObject(spl1); VNodeSpline::Create(doc, data, id, idObject, Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui, idTool, tool); delete p4; delete p1; } } break; case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) && pRotate == 0) { id = det.at(i).getId(); } else { VSplinePath *path = new VSplinePath(); path->setMode(Draw::Modeling); const QSharedPointer<VSplinePath> splinePath = data->GeometricObject<VSplinePath>(det.at(i).getId()); qint32 k = splinePath->getMaxCountPoints(); for (qint32 i = 1; i <= splinePath->Count(); ++i) { VSpline spline(splinePath->at(i-1).P(), splinePath->at(i).P(), splinePath->at(i-1).Angle2(), splinePath->at(i).Angle1(), splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm2(), splinePath->at(i).KAsm1(), splinePath->getKCurve()); VPointF *p1 = new VPointF(spline.GetP1()); BiasRotatePoint(p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); //quint32 idP1 = data->AddGObject(p1); --k; VPointF p2 = VPointF(spline.GetP2()); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p3 = VPointF(spline.GetP3()); BiasRotatePoint(&p3, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *p4 = new VPointF(spline.GetP4()); BiasRotatePoint(p4, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); //quint32 idP4 = data->AddGObject(p4); --k; VSpline spl = VSpline(*p1, p2.toQPointF(), p3.toQPointF(), *p4, spline.GetKcurve()); if (i==1) { path->append(VSplinePoint(*p1, splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm1(), spl.GetAngle1()+180, splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm2(), spl.GetAngle1())); } path->append(VSplinePoint(*p4, splinePath->at(i).KAsm1(), spl.GetAngle2(), splinePath->at(i).KAsm2(), spl.GetAngle2()+180)); delete p4; delete p1; } while (k>=0) { data->getNextId(); --k; } idObject = data->AddGObject(path); VSplinePath *path1 = new VSplinePath(*path); path1->setMode(Draw::Modeling); id = data->AddGObject(path1); VNodeSplinePath::Create(doc, data, id, idObject, Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui, idTool, tool); } } break; default: qDebug()<<"May be wrong tool type!!! Ignoring."<<Q_FUNC_INFO; break; } newDetail.append(VNodeDetail(id, det.at(i).getTypeTool(), NodeDetail::Contour)); }
/** * @brief UpdatePoints update data for united details. * @param idDetail id united detail. * @param data container with variables. * @param det detail what we union. * @param i index node in detail. * @param idCount count updated or created objects. * @param dx bias node x axis. * @param dy bias node y axis. * @param pRotate point rotation. * @param angle angle rotation. */ void VToolUnionDetails::UpdatePoints(const quint32 &idDetail, VContainer *data, const VDetail &det, const int &i, quint32 &idCount, const qreal &dx, const qreal &dy, const quint32 &pRotate, const qreal &angle) { switch (det.at(i).getTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) == false || qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) == false || pRotate != 0) { VPointF *point = new VPointF(*data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(det.at(i).getId())); point->setMode(Draw::Modeling); BiasRotatePoint(point, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, point); ++idCount; } } break; case (Tool::NodeArc): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) == false || qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) == false || pRotate != 0) { const QSharedPointer<VArc> arc = data->GeometricObject<VArc>(det.at(i).getId()); VPointF p1 = VPointF(arc->GetP1()); BiasRotatePoint(&p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p2 = VPointF(arc->GetP2()); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *center = new VPointF(arc->GetCenter()); BiasRotatePoint(center, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); QLineF l1(center->toQPointF(), p1.toQPointF()); QLineF l2(center->toQPointF(), p2.toQPointF()); ++idCount; center->setMode(Draw::Modeling); data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, center); VArc *arc1 = new VArc(*center, arc->GetRadius(), arc->GetFormulaRadius(), l1.angle(), QString().setNum(l1.angle()), l2.angle(), QString().setNum(l2.angle())); arc1->setMode(Draw::Modeling); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, arc1); ++idCount; } } break; case (Tool::NodeSpline): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) == false || qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) == false || pRotate != 0) { const QSharedPointer<VSpline> spline = data->GeometricObject<VSpline>(det.at(i).getId()); VPointF *p1 = new VPointF(spline->GetP1()); BiasRotatePoint(p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, p1); VPointF p2 = VPointF(spline->GetP2()); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p3 = VPointF(spline->GetP3()); BiasRotatePoint(&p3, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *p4 = new VPointF(spline->GetP4()); BiasRotatePoint(p4, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, p4); VSpline *spl = new VSpline(*p1, p2.toQPointF(), p3.toQPointF(), *p4, spline->GetKcurve(), 0, Draw::Modeling); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, spl); ++idCount; } } break; case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { if (qFuzzyCompare(dx+1, 1) == false || qFuzzyCompare(dy+1, 1) == false || pRotate != 0) { VSplinePath *path = new VSplinePath(); path->setMode(Draw::Modeling); const QSharedPointer<VSplinePath> splinePath = data->GeometricObject<VSplinePath>(det.at(i).getId()); SCASSERT(splinePath != nullptr); qint32 k = splinePath->getMaxCountPoints(); for (qint32 i = 1; i <= splinePath->Count(); ++i) { VSpline spline(splinePath->at(i-1).P(), splinePath->at(i).P(), splinePath->at(i-1).Angle2(), splinePath->at(i).Angle1(), splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm2(), splinePath->at(i).KAsm1(), splinePath->getKCurve()); VPointF *p1 = new VPointF(spline.GetP1()); BiasRotatePoint(p1, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, p1); --k; VPointF p2 = VPointF(spline.GetP2()); BiasRotatePoint(&p2, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF p3 = VPointF(spline.GetP3()); BiasRotatePoint(&p3, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); VPointF *p4 = new VPointF(spline.GetP4()); BiasRotatePoint(p4, dx, dy, data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(pRotate)->toQPointF(), angle); ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, p4); --k; VSpline spl = VSpline(*p1, p2.toQPointF(), p3.toQPointF(), *p4, spline.GetKcurve()); if (i==1) { path->append(VSplinePoint(*p1, splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm1(), spl.GetAngle1()+180, splinePath->at(i-1).KAsm2(), spl.GetAngle1())); } path->append(VSplinePoint(*p4, splinePath->at(i).KAsm1(), spl.GetAngle2(), splinePath->at(i).KAsm2(), spl.GetAngle2()+180)); } while (k>=0) { data->getNextId(); --k; ++idCount; } ++idCount; data->UpdateGObject(idDetail+idCount, path); ++idCount; } } break; default: qDebug()<<"May be wrong tool type!!! Ignoring."<<Q_FUNC_INFO; break; } }