// Validates correctness of derivative instructions.
spv_result_t DerivativesPass(ValidationState_t& _,
                             const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
  const SpvOp opcode = static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode);
  const uint32_t result_type = inst->type_id;

  switch (opcode) {
    case SpvOpDPdx:
    case SpvOpDPdy:
    case SpvOpFwidth:
    case SpvOpDPdxFine:
    case SpvOpDPdyFine:
    case SpvOpFwidthFine:
    case SpvOpDPdxCoarse:
    case SpvOpDPdyCoarse:
    case SpvOpFwidthCoarse: {
      if (!_.IsFloatScalarOrVectorType(result_type)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA)
               << "Expected Result Type to be float scalar or vector type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t p_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (p_type != result_type) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA)
               << "Expected P type and Result Type to be the same: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

          SpvExecutionModelFragment, std::string(
              "Derivative instructions require Fragment execution model: ") +


  return SPV_SUCCESS;
// Validates correctness of arithmetic instructions.
spv_result_t ArithmeticsPass(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
  const SpvOp opcode = inst->opcode();
  const uint32_t result_type = inst->type_id();

  switch (opcode) {
    case SpvOpFAdd:
    case SpvOpFSub:
    case SpvOpFMul:
    case SpvOpFDiv:
    case SpvOpFRem:
    case SpvOpFMod:
    case SpvOpFNegate: {
      bool supportsCoopMat =
          (opcode != SpvOpFMul && opcode != SpvOpFRem && opcode != SpvOpFMod);
      if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) &&
          !_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type) &&
          !(supportsCoopMat && _.IsFloatCooperativeMatrixType(result_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected floating scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      for (size_t operand_index = 2; operand_index < inst->operands().size();
           ++operand_index) {
        if (_.GetOperandTypeId(inst, operand_index) != result_type)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected arithmetic operands to be of Result Type: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " operand index "
                 << operand_index;

    case SpvOpUDiv:
    case SpvOpUMod: {
      bool supportsCoopMat = (opcode == SpvOpUDiv);
      if (!_.IsUnsignedIntScalarType(result_type) &&
          !_.IsUnsignedIntVectorType(result_type) &&
          !(supportsCoopMat &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected unsigned int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      for (size_t operand_index = 2; operand_index < inst->operands().size();
           ++operand_index) {
        if (_.GetOperandTypeId(inst, operand_index) != result_type)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected arithmetic operands to be of Result Type: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " operand index "
                 << operand_index;

    case SpvOpISub:
    case SpvOpIAdd:
    case SpvOpIMul:
    case SpvOpSDiv:
    case SpvOpSMod:
    case SpvOpSRem:
    case SpvOpSNegate: {
      bool supportsCoopMat =
          (opcode != SpvOpIMul && opcode != SpvOpSRem && opcode != SpvOpSMod);
      if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(result_type) &&
          !(supportsCoopMat && _.IsIntCooperativeMatrixType(result_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t dimension = _.GetDimension(result_type);
      const uint32_t bit_width = _.GetBitWidth(result_type);

      for (size_t operand_index = 2; operand_index < inst->operands().size();
           ++operand_index) {
        const uint32_t type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, operand_index);
        if (!type_id ||
            (!_.IsIntScalarType(type_id) && !_.IsIntVectorType(type_id) &&
             !(supportsCoopMat && _.IsIntCooperativeMatrixType(result_type))))
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected int scalar or vector type as operand: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " operand index "
                 << operand_index;

        if (_.GetDimension(type_id) != dimension)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected arithmetic operands to have the same dimension "
                 << "as Result Type: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode)
                 << " operand index " << operand_index;

        if (_.GetBitWidth(type_id) != bit_width)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected arithmetic operands to have the same bit width "
                 << "as Result Type: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode)
                 << " operand index " << operand_index;

    case SpvOpDot: {
      if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float scalar type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      uint32_t first_vector_num_components = 0;

      for (size_t operand_index = 2; operand_index < inst->operands().size();
           ++operand_index) {
        const uint32_t type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, operand_index);

        if (!type_id || !_.IsFloatVectorType(type_id))
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected float vector as operand: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " operand index "
                 << operand_index;

        const uint32_t component_type = _.GetComponentType(type_id);
        if (component_type != result_type)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected component type to be equal to Result Type: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " operand index "
                 << operand_index;

        const uint32_t num_components = _.GetDimension(type_id);
        if (operand_index == 2) {
          first_vector_num_components = num_components;
        } else if (num_components != first_vector_num_components) {
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected operands to have the same number of componenets: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpVectorTimesScalar: {
      if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t vector_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (result_type != vector_type_id)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected vector operand type to be equal to Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t component_type = _.GetComponentType(vector_type_id);

      const uint32_t scalar_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);
      if (component_type != scalar_type_id)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected scalar operand type to be equal to the component "
               << "type of the vector operand: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpMatrixTimesScalar: {
      if (!_.IsFloatMatrixType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t matrix_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (result_type != matrix_type_id)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected matrix operand type to be equal to Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t component_type = _.GetComponentType(matrix_type_id);

      const uint32_t scalar_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);
      if (component_type != scalar_type_id)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected scalar operand type to be equal to the component "
               << "type of the matrix operand: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpVectorTimesMatrix: {
      const uint32_t vector_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t matrix_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);

      if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t res_component_type = _.GetComponentType(result_type);

      if (!vector_type_id || !_.IsFloatVectorType(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as left operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_component_type != _.GetComponentType(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected component types of Result Type and vector to be "
               << "equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      uint32_t matrix_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(matrix_type_id, &matrix_num_rows,
                               &matrix_num_cols, &matrix_col_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as right operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_component_type != matrix_component_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected component types of Result Type and matrix to be "
               << "equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (matrix_num_cols != _.GetDimension(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of columns of the matrix to be equal to "
               << "Result Type vector size: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (matrix_num_rows != _.GetDimension(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of rows of the matrix to be equal to the "
               << "vector operand size: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpMatrixTimesVector: {
      const uint32_t matrix_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t vector_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);

      if (!_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      uint32_t matrix_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t matrix_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(matrix_type_id, &matrix_num_rows,
                               &matrix_num_cols, &matrix_col_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as left operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_type != matrix_col_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected column type of the matrix to be equal to Result "
                  "Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!vector_type_id || !_.IsFloatVectorType(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as right operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (matrix_component_type != _.GetComponentType(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected component types of the operands to be equal: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (matrix_num_cols != _.GetDimension(vector_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of columns of the matrix to be equal to the "
               << "vector size: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpMatrixTimesMatrix: {
      const uint32_t left_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t right_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);

      uint32_t res_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t res_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t res_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t res_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(result_type, &res_num_rows, &res_num_cols,
                               &res_col_type, &res_component_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      uint32_t left_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t left_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t left_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t left_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(left_type_id, &left_num_rows, &left_num_cols,
                               &left_col_type, &left_component_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as left operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      uint32_t right_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t right_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t right_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t right_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(right_type_id, &right_num_rows, &right_num_cols,
                               &right_col_type, &right_component_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as right operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(res_component_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_col_type != left_col_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected column types of Result Type and left matrix to be "
               << "equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_component_type != right_component_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected component types of Result Type and right matrix to "
                  "be "
               << "equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_num_cols != right_num_cols)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of columns of Result Type and right matrix "
                  "to "
               << "be equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (left_num_cols != right_num_rows)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of columns of left matrix and number of "
                  "rows "
               << "of right matrix to be equal: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      assert(left_num_rows == res_num_rows);

    case SpvOpOuterProduct: {
      const uint32_t left_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t right_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);

      uint32_t res_num_rows = 0;
      uint32_t res_num_cols = 0;
      uint32_t res_col_type = 0;
      uint32_t res_component_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetMatrixTypeInfo(result_type, &res_num_rows, &res_num_cols,
                               &res_col_type, &res_component_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float matrix type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (left_type_id != res_col_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected column type of Result Type to be equal to the type "
               << "of the left operand: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!right_type_id || !_.IsFloatVectorType(right_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float vector type as right operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_component_type != _.GetComponentType(right_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected component types of the operands to be equal: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (res_num_cols != _.GetDimension(right_type_id))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected number of columns of the matrix to be equal to the "
               << "vector size of the right operand: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpIAddCarry:
    case SpvOpISubBorrow:
    case SpvOpUMulExtended:
    case SpvOpSMulExtended: {
      std::vector<uint32_t> result_types;
      if (!_.GetStructMemberTypes(result_type, &result_types))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected a struct as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_types.size() != 2)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type struct to have two members: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (opcode == SpvOpSMulExtended) {
        if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_types[0]) &&
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected Result Type struct member types to be integer "
                    "scalar "
                 << "or vector: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);
      } else {
        if (!_.IsUnsignedIntScalarType(result_types[0]) &&
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected Result Type struct member types to be unsigned "
                 << "integer scalar or vector: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_types[0] != result_types[1])
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type struct member types to be identical: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t left_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t right_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);

      if (left_type_id != result_types[0] || right_type_id != result_types[0])
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected both operands to be of Result Type member type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: {
      const uint32_t D_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 1);
      const uint32_t A_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      const uint32_t B_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 3);
      const uint32_t C_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 4);

      if (!_.IsCooperativeMatrixType(A_type_id)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected cooperative matrix type as A Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);
      if (!_.IsCooperativeMatrixType(B_type_id)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected cooperative matrix type as B Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);
      if (!_.IsCooperativeMatrixType(C_type_id)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected cooperative matrix type as C Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);
      if (!_.IsCooperativeMatrixType(D_type_id)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected cooperative matrix type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const auto A = _.FindDef(A_type_id);
      const auto B = _.FindDef(B_type_id);
      const auto C = _.FindDef(C_type_id);
      const auto D = _.FindDef(D_type_id);

      std::tuple<bool, bool, uint32_t> A_scope, B_scope, C_scope, D_scope,
          A_rows, B_rows, C_rows, D_rows, A_cols, B_cols, C_cols, D_cols;

      A_scope = _.EvalInt32IfConst(A->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2));
      B_scope = _.EvalInt32IfConst(B->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2));
      C_scope = _.EvalInt32IfConst(C->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2));
      D_scope = _.EvalInt32IfConst(D->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2));

      A_rows = _.EvalInt32IfConst(A->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(3));
      B_rows = _.EvalInt32IfConst(B->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(3));
      C_rows = _.EvalInt32IfConst(C->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(3));
      D_rows = _.EvalInt32IfConst(D->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(3));

      A_cols = _.EvalInt32IfConst(A->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(4));
      B_cols = _.EvalInt32IfConst(B->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(4));
      C_cols = _.EvalInt32IfConst(C->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(4));
      D_cols = _.EvalInt32IfConst(D->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(4));

      const auto notEqual = [](std::tuple<bool, bool, uint32_t> X,
                               std::tuple<bool, bool, uint32_t> Y) {
        return (std::get<1>(X) && std::get<1>(Y) &&
                std::get<2>(X) != std::get<2>(Y));

      if (notEqual(A_scope, B_scope) || notEqual(A_scope, C_scope) ||
          notEqual(A_scope, D_scope) || notEqual(B_scope, C_scope) ||
          notEqual(B_scope, D_scope) || notEqual(C_scope, D_scope)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Cooperative matrix scopes must match: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (notEqual(A_rows, C_rows) || notEqual(A_rows, D_rows) ||
          notEqual(C_rows, D_rows)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Cooperative matrix 'M' mismatch: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (notEqual(B_cols, C_cols) || notEqual(B_cols, D_cols) ||
          notEqual(C_cols, D_cols)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Cooperative matrix 'N' mismatch: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (notEqual(A_cols, B_rows)) {
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Cooperative matrix 'K' mismatch: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


  return SPV_SUCCESS;
// Validates correctness of conversion instructions.
spv_result_t ConversionPass(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
  const SpvOp opcode = inst->opcode();
  const uint32_t result_type = inst->type_id();

  switch (opcode) {
    case SpvOpConvertFToU: {
      if (!_.IsUnsignedIntScalarType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected unsigned int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type || (!_.IsFloatScalarType(input_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be float scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!_.features().use_int8_type && (8 == _.GetBitWidth(result_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Invalid cast to 8-bit integer from a floating-point: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpConvertFToS: {
      if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type || (!_.IsFloatScalarType(input_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be float scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!_.features().use_int8_type && (8 == _.GetBitWidth(result_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Invalid cast to 8-bit integer from a floating-point: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpConvertSToF:
    case SpvOpConvertUToF: {
      if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type ||
          (!_.IsIntScalarType(input_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(input_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be int scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!_.features().use_int8_type && (8 == _.GetBitWidth(input_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Invalid cast to floating-point from an 8-bit integer: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


    case SpvOpUConvert: {
      if (!_.IsUnsignedIntScalarType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected unsigned int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type ||
          (!_.IsIntScalarType(input_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(input_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be int scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetBitWidth(result_type) == _.GetBitWidth(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have different bit width from Result "
                  "Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpSConvert: {
      if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type ||
          (!_.IsIntScalarType(input_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(input_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be int scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetBitWidth(result_type) == _.GetBitWidth(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have different bit width from Result "
                  "Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpFConvert: {
      if (!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected float scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type || (!_.IsFloatScalarType(input_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be float scalar or vector: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetBitWidth(result_type) == _.GetBitWidth(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have different bit width from Result "
                  "Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpQuantizeToF16: {
      if ((!_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) &&
           !_.IsFloatVectorType(result_type)) ||
          _.GetBitWidth(result_type) != 32)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected 32-bit float scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (input_type != result_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input type to be equal to Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpConvertPtrToU: {
      if (!_.IsUnsignedIntScalarType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected unsigned int scalar type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!_.IsPointerType(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.addressing_model() == SpvAddressingModelLogical)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Logical addressing not supported: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.addressing_model() ==
          SpvAddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT) {
        uint32_t input_storage_class = 0;
        uint32_t input_data_type = 0;
        _.GetPointerTypeInfo(input_type, &input_data_type,
        if (input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Pointer storage class must be PhysicalStorageBufferEXT: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpSatConvertSToU:
    case SpvOpSatConvertUToS: {
      if (!_.IsIntScalarType(result_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type ||
          (!_.IsIntScalarType(input_type) && !_.IsIntVectorType(input_type)))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar or vector as input: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.GetDimension(result_type) != _.GetDimension(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have the same dimension as Result Type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpConvertUToPtr: {
      if (!_.IsPointerType(result_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be a pointer: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type || !_.IsIntScalarType(input_type))
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected int scalar as input: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.addressing_model() == SpvAddressingModelLogical)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Logical addressing not supported: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (_.addressing_model() ==
          SpvAddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT) {
        uint32_t result_storage_class = 0;
        uint32_t result_data_type = 0;
        _.GetPointerTypeInfo(result_type, &result_data_type,
        if (result_storage_class != SpvStorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Pointer storage class must be PhysicalStorageBufferEXT: "
                 << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpPtrCastToGeneric: {
      uint32_t result_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t result_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(result_type, &result_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be a pointer: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_storage_class != SpvStorageClassGeneric)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to have storage class Generic: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      uint32_t input_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t input_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(input_type, &input_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassWorkgroup &&
          input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassCrossWorkgroup &&
          input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassFunction)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have storage class Workgroup, "
               << "CrossWorkgroup or Function: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_data_type != input_data_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input and Result Type to point to the same type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpGenericCastToPtr: {
      uint32_t result_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t result_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(result_type, &result_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be a pointer: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_storage_class != SpvStorageClassWorkgroup &&
          result_storage_class != SpvStorageClassCrossWorkgroup &&
          result_storage_class != SpvStorageClassFunction)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to have storage class Workgroup, "
               << "CrossWorkgroup or Function: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      uint32_t input_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t input_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(input_type, &input_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassGeneric)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have storage class Generic: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_data_type != input_data_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input and Result Type to point to the same type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpGenericCastToPtrExplicit: {
      uint32_t result_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t result_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(result_type, &result_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be a pointer: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t target_storage_class = inst->word(4);
      if (result_storage_class != target_storage_class)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be of target storage class: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      uint32_t input_storage_class = 0;
      uint32_t input_data_type = 0;
      if (!_.GetPointerTypeInfo(input_type, &input_data_type,
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (input_storage_class != SpvStorageClassGeneric)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have storage class Generic: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_data_type != input_data_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input and Result Type to point to the same type: "
               << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (target_storage_class != SpvStorageClassWorkgroup &&
          target_storage_class != SpvStorageClassCrossWorkgroup &&
          target_storage_class != SpvStorageClassFunction)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected target storage class to be Workgroup, "
               << "CrossWorkgroup or Function: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

    case SpvOpBitcast: {
      const uint32_t input_type = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 2);
      if (!input_type)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to have a type: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      const bool result_is_pointer = _.IsPointerType(result_type);
      const bool result_is_int_scalar = _.IsIntScalarType(result_type);
      const bool input_is_pointer = _.IsPointerType(input_type);
      const bool input_is_int_scalar = _.IsIntScalarType(input_type);

      if (!result_is_pointer && !result_is_int_scalar &&
          !_.IsIntVectorType(result_type) &&
          !_.IsFloatScalarType(result_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected Result Type to be a pointer or int or float vector "
               << "or scalar type: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!input_is_pointer && !input_is_int_scalar &&
          !_.IsIntVectorType(input_type) && !_.IsFloatScalarType(input_type) &&
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer or int or float vector "
               << "or scalar: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (result_is_pointer && !input_is_pointer && !input_is_int_scalar)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Expected input to be a pointer or int scalar if Result Type "
               << "is pointer: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (input_is_pointer && !result_is_pointer && !result_is_int_scalar)
        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
               << "Pointer can only be converted to another pointer or int "
               << "scalar: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);

      if (!result_is_pointer && !input_is_pointer) {
        const uint32_t result_size =
            _.GetBitWidth(result_type) * _.GetDimension(result_type);
        const uint32_t input_size =
            _.GetBitWidth(input_type) * _.GetDimension(input_type);
        if (result_size != input_size)
          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                 << "Expected input to have the same total bit width as "
                 << "Result Type: " << spvOpcodeString(opcode);


  return SPV_SUCCESS;