lldb_private::formatters::StringPrinter::ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions::ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions (ValueObject& valobj) :
bool FormatManager::ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(ValueObject &valobj) {
  // if settings say no oneline whatsoever
  if (valobj.GetTargetSP().get() &&
    return false; // then don't oneline

  // if this object has a summary, then ask the summary
  if (valobj.GetSummaryFormat().get() != nullptr)
    return valobj.GetSummaryFormat()->IsOneLiner();

  // no children, no party
  if (valobj.GetNumChildren() == 0)
    return false;

  // ask the type if it has any opinion about this eLazyBoolCalculate == no
  // opinion; other values should be self explanatory
  CompilerType compiler_type(valobj.GetCompilerType());
  if (compiler_type.IsValid()) {
    switch (compiler_type.ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(&valobj)) {
    case eLazyBoolNo:
      return false;
    case eLazyBoolYes:
      return true;
    case eLazyBoolCalculate:

  size_t total_children_name_len = 0;

  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < valobj.GetNumChildren(); idx++) {
    bool is_synth_val = false;
    ValueObjectSP child_sp(valobj.GetChildAtIndex(idx, true));
    // something is wrong here - bail out
    if (!child_sp)
      return false;

    // also ask the child's type if it has any opinion
    CompilerType child_compiler_type(child_sp->GetCompilerType());
    if (child_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
      switch (child_compiler_type.ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(child_sp.get())) {
      case eLazyBoolYes:
      // an opinion of yes is only binding for the child, so keep going
      case eLazyBoolCalculate:
      case eLazyBoolNo:
        // but if the child says no, then it's a veto on the whole thing
        return false;

    // if we decided to define synthetic children for a type, we probably care
    // enough to show them, but avoid nesting children in children
    if (child_sp->GetSyntheticChildren().get() != nullptr) {
      ValueObjectSP synth_sp(child_sp->GetSyntheticValue());
      // wait.. wat? just get out of here..
      if (!synth_sp)
        return false;
      // but if we only have them to provide a value, keep going
      if (!synth_sp->MightHaveChildren() &&
        is_synth_val = true;
        return false;

    total_children_name_len += child_sp->GetName().GetLength();

    // 50 itself is a "randomly" chosen number - the idea is that
    // overly long structs should not get this treatment
    // FIXME: maybe make this a user-tweakable setting?
    if (total_children_name_len > 50)
      return false;

    // if a summary is there..
    if (child_sp->GetSummaryFormat()) {
      // and it wants children, then bail out
      if (child_sp->GetSummaryFormat()->DoesPrintChildren(child_sp.get()))
        return false;

    // if this child has children..
    if (child_sp->GetNumChildren()) {
      // ...and no summary...
      // (if it had a summary and the summary wanted children, we would have
      // bailed out anyway
      //  so this only makes us bail out if this has no summary and we would
      //  then print children)
      if (!child_sp->GetSummaryFormat() && !is_synth_val) // but again only do
                                                          // that if not a
                                                          // synthetic valued
                                                          // child
        return false;                                     // then bail out
  return true;