ScriptNode::ScriptNode( const std::string &name )
	Node( name ),
	m_selection( new StandardSet ),
	m_selectionOrphanRemover( m_selection ),
	m_undoIterator( m_undoList.end() ),
	m_currentActionStage( Action::Invalid ),
	m_context( new Context )
	storeIndexOfNextChild( g_firstPlugIndex );

	addChild( new StringPlug( "fileName", Plug::In, "", Plug::Default & ~Plug::Serialisable ) );
	addChild( new BoolPlug( "unsavedChanges", Plug::In, false, Plug::Default & ~Plug::Serialisable ) );

	ValuePlugPtr frameRangePlug = new ValuePlug( "frameRange", Plug::In );
	IntPlugPtr frameStartPlug = new IntPlug( "start", Plug::In, 1 );
	IntPlugPtr frameEndPlug = new IntPlug( "end", Plug::In, 100 );
	frameRangePlug->addChild( frameStartPlug );
	frameRangePlug->addChild( frameEndPlug );
	addChild( frameRangePlug );

	addChild( new FloatPlug( "framesPerSecond", Plug::In, 24.0f, 0.0f ) );
	addChild( new CompoundDataPlug( "variables" ) );

	m_context->set( "script:name", std::string( "" ) );

	m_selection->memberAcceptanceSignal().connect( boost::bind( &ScriptNode::selectionSetAcceptor, this, ::_1, ::_2 ) );

	plugSetSignal().connect( boost::bind( &ScriptNode::plugSet, this, ::_1 ) );
		Gnomon( SceneView *view )
			:	m_view( view ), m_gadget( new GnomonGadget() )
			ValuePlugPtr plug = new ValuePlug( "gnomon" );
			view->addChild( plug );

			plug->addChild( new BoolPlug( "visible", Plug::In, true ) );

			GadgetPtr xyPlane = new GnomonPlane();
			GadgetPtr yzPlane = new GnomonPlane();
			GadgetPtr xzPlane = new GnomonPlane();

			yzPlane->setTransform( M44f().rotate( V3f( 0, -M_PI / 2.0f, 0 ) ) );
			xzPlane->setTransform( M44f().rotate( V3f( M_PI / 2.0f, 0, 0 ) ) );

			m_gadget->setChild( "xy", xyPlane );
			m_gadget->setChild( "yz", yzPlane );
			m_gadget->setChild( "xz", xzPlane );

			xyPlane->buttonPressSignal().connect( boost::bind( &Gnomon::buttonPress, this, ::_1, ::_2 ) );
			yzPlane->buttonPressSignal().connect( boost::bind( &Gnomon::buttonPress, this, ::_1, ::_2 ) );
			xzPlane->buttonPressSignal().connect( boost::bind( &Gnomon::buttonPress, this, ::_1, ::_2 ) );

			view->viewportGadget()->setChild( "__gnomon", m_gadget );

			view->plugDirtiedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &Gnomon::plugDirtied, this, ::_1 ) );

		Grid( SceneView *view )
			:	m_view( view ), m_node( new GafferScene::Grid ), m_gadget( new SceneGadget )
			m_node->transformPlug()->rotatePlug()->setValue( V3f( 90, 0, 0 ) );

			ValuePlugPtr plug = new ValuePlug( "grid" );
			view->addChild( plug );

			plug->addChild( new BoolPlug( "visible", Plug::In, true ) );

			PlugPtr dimensionsPlug(
			plug->addChild( dimensionsPlug );

			m_node->dimensionsPlug()->setInput( dimensionsPlug );

			m_gadget->setMinimumExpansionDepth( 1 );
			m_gadget->setScene( m_node->outPlug() );
			view->viewportGadget()->setChild( "__grid", m_gadget );

			view->plugDirtiedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &Grid::plugDirtied, this, ::_1 ) );

		LookThrough( SceneView *view )
			:	m_view( view ),
				m_framed( false ),
				m_standardOptions( new StandardOptions ),
				m_originalCamera( m_view->viewportGadget()->getCamera() ),
				m_lookThroughCameraDirty( true ),
				m_lookThroughCamera( NULL ),
				m_viewportCameraDirty( true ),
				m_overlay( new CameraOverlay )

			// Set up our plugs

			ValuePlugPtr lookThrough = new ValuePlug( "lookThrough", Plug::In, Plug::Default & ~Plug::AcceptsInputs );
			lookThrough->addChild( new BoolPlug( "enabled", Plug::In, false, Plug::Default & ~Plug::AcceptsInputs ) );
			lookThrough->addChild( new StringPlug( "camera", Plug::In, "", Plug::Default & ~Plug::AcceptsInputs ) );
			view->addChild( lookThrough );

			// Set up our nodes. We use a standard options node to disable camera motion blur
			// and overscan because we don't want them applied to the cameras we retrieve with SceneAlgo.
			// We also must disable transform blur and deformation blur, because if either of those is
			// on, the shutter range becomes non-zero and the SceneAlgo transform() method will evaluate the
			// camera at the shutter start rather than the current time, even though its only evaluating a
			// single time sample.

			m_standardOptions->inPlug()->setInput( view->inPlug<ScenePlug>() );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "cameraBlur" )->enabledPlug()->setValue( true );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "cameraBlur" )->valuePlug<BoolPlug>()->setValue( false );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "transformBlur" )->enabledPlug()->setValue( true );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "transformBlur" )->valuePlug<BoolPlug>()->setValue( false );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "deformationBlur" )->enabledPlug()->setValue( true );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "deformationBlur" )->valuePlug<BoolPlug>()->setValue( false );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "overscan" )->enabledPlug()->setValue( true );
			m_standardOptions->optionsPlug()->getChild<CompoundDataPlug::MemberPlug>( "overscan" )->valuePlug<BoolPlug>()->setValue( false );

			// Set up our gadgets

			view->viewportGadget()->setChild( "__cameraOverlay", m_overlay );
			m_overlay->setVisible( false );

			// Connect to the signals we need

			m_standardOptions->plugDirtiedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &LookThrough::plugDirtied, this, ::_1 ) );
			view->plugDirtiedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &LookThrough::plugDirtied, this, ::_1 ) );
			view->viewportGadget()->preRenderSignal().connect( boost::bind( &LookThrough::preRender, this ) );
			view->viewportGadget()->viewportChangedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &LookThrough::viewportChanged, this ) );

			view->contextChangedSignal().connect( boost::bind( &LookThrough::connectToViewContext, this ) );

ImageReader::ImageReader( const std::string &name )
    :	ImageNode( name )
    storeIndexOfNextChild( g_firstChildIndex );
        new StringPlug(
            "fileName", Plug::In, "",
            /* flags */ Plug::Default,
            /* substitutions */ Context::AllSubstitutions & ~Context::FrameSubstitutions
    addChild( new IntPlug( "refreshCount" ) );
    addChild( new IntPlug( "missingFrameMode", Plug::In, Error, /* min */ Error, /* max */ Hold ) );

    ValuePlugPtr startPlug = new ValuePlug( "start", Plug::In );
    startPlug->addChild( new IntPlug( "mode", Plug::In, None, /* min */ None, /* max */ ClampToFrame ) );
    startPlug->addChild( new IntPlug( "frame", Plug::In, 0 ) );
    addChild( startPlug );

    ValuePlugPtr endPlug = new ValuePlug( "end", Plug::In );
    endPlug->addChild( new IntPlug( "mode", Plug::In, None, /* min */ None, /* max */ ClampToFrame ) );
    endPlug->addChild( new IntPlug( "frame", Plug::In, 0 ) );
    addChild( endPlug );

    addChild( new CompoundObjectPlug( "__intermediateMetadata", Plug::In, new CompoundObject, Plug::Default & ~Plug::Serialisable ) );
    addChild( new StringPlug( "__intermediateColorSpace", Plug::Out, "", Plug::Default & ~Plug::Serialisable ) );
    addChild( new ImagePlug( "__intermediateImage", Plug::In, Plug::Default & ~Plug::Serialisable ) );

    // We don't really do much work ourselves - we just
    // defer to internal nodes to do the hard work.

    OpenImageIOReaderPtr oiioReader = new OpenImageIOReader( "__oiioReader" );
    addChild( oiioReader );
    oiioReader->fileNamePlug()->setInput( fileNamePlug() );
    oiioReader->refreshCountPlug()->setInput( refreshCountPlug() );
    oiioReader->missingFrameModePlug()->setInput( missingFrameModePlug() );
    intermediateMetadataPlug()->setInput( oiioReader->outPlug()->metadataPlug() );

    ColorSpacePtr colorSpace = new ColorSpace( "__colorSpace" );
    addChild( colorSpace );
    colorSpace->inPlug()->setInput( oiioReader->outPlug() );
    colorSpace->inputSpacePlug()->setInput( intermediateColorSpacePlug() );
    colorSpace->outputSpacePlug()->setValue( OpenColorIO::ROLE_SCENE_LINEAR );
    intermediateImagePlug()->setInput( colorSpace->outPlug() );