ValueMap User::saveModel() { ValueMap model; ValueVector achieves; for(auto pair:_achieves) { achieves.push_back(cocos2d::Value(pair)); } model["achieves"] = achieves; ValueVector buffs; for(auto pair:_buffs) { buffs.push_back(cocos2d::Value(pair->saveModel())); } model["buffs"] = buffs; ValueVector shareRewardsLock; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { shareRewardsLock.push_back(cocos2d::Value(_shareRewardsLock[i])); } model["shareRewardsLock"] = shareRewardsLock; model["firstOpen"] = int(_firstOpen); model["shareRewardOpen"] = int(_shareRewardOpen); model["shareRewardOpenFirst"] = int(_shareRewardOpenFirst); return model; }
bool CCBReader::readSoundKeyframesForSeq(CCBSequence* seq) { int numKeyframes = readInt(false); if(!numKeyframes) return true; CCBSequenceProperty* channel = new (std::nothrow) CCBSequenceProperty(); channel->autorelease(); for(int i = 0; i < numKeyframes; ++i) { float time = readFloat(); std::string soundFile = readCachedString(); float pitch = readFloat(); float pan = readFloat(); float gain = readFloat(); ValueVector vec; vec.push_back(Value(soundFile)); vec.push_back(Value(pitch)); vec.push_back(Value(pan)); vec.push_back(Value(gain)); CCBKeyframe* keyframe = new (std::nothrow) CCBKeyframe(); keyframe->setTime(time); keyframe->setValue(Value(vec)); channel->getKeyframes().pushBack(keyframe); keyframe->release(); } seq->setSoundChannel(channel); return true; }
void PlotScript::dispatchAll(const char* str) { // 脚本初始化 ValueVector triggerOn; ValueVector vec1; stringToValueVector(std::string(str),"###",vec1); for (auto i:vec1) { ValueVector vec2; stringToValueVector(i.asString(),"~~~",vec2); if(vec2.size() < 2) { vec2.push_back(cocos2d::Value("")); } triggerOn.push_back(cocos2d::Value(vec2)); } for(auto trigger:triggerOn) { auto vec = trigger.asValueVector(); ValueMap map; stringToValueMap(,map); if(map["target"].asString() == "player") { map["target"] = Detect::shareDetect()->getPlayer()->getName(); } EventHelper::getInstance()->dispatchByStr(valueMapToString(map),; } }
// 查询数据库 ValueVector DBManager::executeQuery(std::string sql) { ValueVector v; if (open()) { char** table; // 查询结果 int r, c; // 行数、列数 sqlite3_get_table(_pdb, sql.c_str(), &table, &r, &c, nullptr); // 第0行(0 ~ c-1),为字段名 // 第1~r行(c ~ 2*c-1),第一条记录 for(int i = 0; i <= r; i++) { ValueMap map; for(int j = 0; j < c; j++) { // CCLOG("%s", table[i * c + j]); map[table[j]] = table[i * c + j]; } v.push_back((Value)map); } // 记得释放查询表 sqlite3_free_table(table); } return v; }
Value DataUtil::getAll(std::string sql){ char **re; int r, c, res; char* errMsg; ValueVector all; res = sqlite3_get_table(pDB, sql.c_str(), &re, &r, &c, &errMsg); if (res != SQLITE_OK){ CCLOG("select table all failed, number:%d, msg:%s, sql:%s", res, errMsg, sql.c_str()); Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchCustomEvent(errMsg, &res); return Value(all); } int i, j; ValueVector vec; for (i = 1; i <= r; i++){ ValueMap map; for (j = 0; j<c; j++){ std::string k(re[j]); Value v(re[i * c + j]); map[k] = v; } vec.push_back(Value(map)); } sqlite3_free_table(re); all = vec; return Value(all); }
cocos2d::ValueVector SQLite::executeQuery(const std::string &sql) { CCLOG("SQLite:%s",sql.c_str()); ValueVector valueArray; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; bool res = sqlite3_prepare(db, sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK; if (res) { while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW ) { ValueMap columnMap; int columnNum = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); for (int i = 0; i < columnNum; i++) { int type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i); const char* name = sqlite3_column_name(stmt, i); if (type == SQLITE_INTEGER) { columnMap[name]=Value(sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i)); }else if (type == SQLITE_FLOAT){ columnMap[name]=Value(sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i)); }else if (type == SQLITE_TEXT){ columnMap[name]=Value((char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i)); }else{ columnMap[name] = ""; } } valueArray.push_back(Value(columnMap)); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } return valueArray; }
//查询所有数据方法 ValueVector NoteDAO::findAll() { //初始化数据库 initDB(); sqlite3* db= NULL; string path = dbDirectoryFile(); ValueVector listData; if (sqlite3_open(path.c_str(), &db) != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_close(db); CCASSERT(false, "DB open failure."); } else { string qsql = "SELECT cdate,content FROM Note"; sqlite3_stmt *statement; //预处理过程 if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, qsql.c_str(), -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { //执行 while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *cdate = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0); char *content = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 1); ValueMap dict ; dict["date"] = Value(cdate); dict["content"] = Value(content); listData.push_back(Value(dict)); } } sqlite3_finalize(statement); sqlite3_close(db); } return listData; }
void FactBase::AddFact( ValuePtr a1, ValuePtr a2 ) { ValueVector v; v.push_back(a1); v.push_back(a2); AddFact(v); }
int PlotScript::delayDispatch(lua_State* ls) { const char *luaStr = lua_tostring(ls, 1); float delay = lua_tointeger(ls, 2); const char *curDelName = lua_tostring(ls, 3); ValueVector *vec = new ValueVector(); vec->push_back(cocos2d::Value(luaStr)); vec->push_back(cocos2d::Value(curDelName)); auto scene = Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene(); auto action = Sequence::create(DelayTime::create(delay),CCCallFuncND::create(scene,callfuncND_selector(PlotScript::delayCallBack),(void*)vec),NULL); scene->runAction(action); PlotScript::sharedHD()->delayCount++; return 1; }
void htmInterface::fillValueVec(HtmRange &hr, ValueVector &vec) { htmRange ran; vec.clear(); hr.reset(); while(hr.getNext( (Key &) ran.lo, (Key &) ran.hi)){ vec.push_back(ran); } }
SnapshotPtr ExpDecaySample::getSnapshot() const { ValueVector vals; vals.reserve(values_.size()); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlock(mutex_); for(Double2Int64Map::const_iterator it = values_.begin(); it != values_.end(); ++it) { vals.push_back(it->second); } return SnapshotPtr(new Snapshot(vals)); }
void Menu::alignItemsInRows(int rows, va_list args) { ValueVector array; while (rows) { array.push_back(Value(rows)); rows = va_arg(args, int); } alignItemsInRowsWithArray(array); }
Value NDKHelper::getValueFromJson(json_t *obj) { if (obj == NULL) { return Value::Null; } if (json_is_object(obj)) { ValueMap valueMap; const char *key; json_t *value; void *iter = json_object_iter(obj); while (iter) { key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); valueMap[key] = NDKHelper::getValueFromJson(value); iter = json_object_iter_next(obj, iter); } return Value(valueMap); } else if (json_is_array(obj)) { ValueVector valueVector; size_t sizeArray = json_array_size(obj); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeArray; i++) { valueVector.push_back(NDKHelper::getValueFromJson(json_array_get(obj, i))); } return Value(valueVector); } else if (json_is_boolean(obj)) { if (json_is_true(obj)) { return Value(true); } else { return Value(false); } } else if (json_is_integer(obj)) { int value = (int) json_integer_value(obj); return Value(value); } else if (json_is_real(obj)) { double value = json_real_value(obj); return Value(value); } else if (json_is_string(obj)) { std::string value = json_string_value(obj); return Value(value); } return Value::Null; }
ValueVector CCBReader::getOwnerOutletNames() { ValueVector ret; ret.reserve(_ownerOutletNames.size()); std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = _ownerOutletNames.begin(); for (; it != _ownerOutletNames.end(); ++it) { ret.push_back(Value(*it)); } return ret; }
// ============================================================ //! @brief 文字列分割 //! @note //! @param[in] str 文字列 //! @param[in] delim 分割文字 //! @return 分割後配列 // ============================================================ ValueVector Utility::split(const std::string &str, const std::string &delim) { ValueVector res; size_t current = 0; size_t found = 0; while ((found = str.find(delim.c_str(), current, delim.size())) != std::string::npos) { res.push_back(Value(std::string(str, current, found - current))); current = found + delim.size(); } res.push_back(Value(std::string(str, current, str.size() - current))); /* std::string lastStr = std::string(str, current, str.size() - current); if (lastStr.size() != 0) { res.push_back(Value(lastStr)); }*/ return res; }
// 加载CSV数据 void DBManager::loadCsvData(std::string file, ValueVector& data) { Csv csv = Csv(file.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < csv.getRowCount(); i++) { ValueMap map; for (int j = 0; j < csv[i].size(); j++) { map[csv[0][j]] = csv[i][j]; } data.push_back((Value)map); } }
void Menu::alignItemsInColumns(int columns, va_list args) { CCASSERT(columns >= 0, "Columns must be >= 0"); ValueVector rows; while (columns) { rows.push_back(Value(columns)); columns = va_arg(args, int); } alignItemsInColumnsWithArray(rows); }
void hdf5_index_create(const Input & input_data, OutputIndex & index, ValueVector & vec_value){ typedef typename std::map<typename Input::value_type, size_t> MapIndexType; MapIndexType mapIndex; for(size_t i = 0; i < input_data.size(); ++i){ typename MapIndexType::iterator elem = mapIndex.insert(std::make_pair(input_data[i], vec_value.size())).first; index[i] = elem->second; if(vec_value.size() == elem->second){ vec_value.push_back(elem->first); } } }
/* srcStr:字符串 sSep:分隔符 作用:将字符串 用分隔符分割成一个个Value对象 放到ValueVector中 */ ValueVector StringUtil::split(const char* srcStr, const char* sSep){ ValueVector stringList; int size = strlen(srcStr); Value str = Value(srcStr); int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; endIndex = str.asString().find(sSep); std::string lineStr; while (endIndex > 0 ) { lineStr = str.asString().substr(startIndex,endIndex);//截取一行字符串 stringList.push_back(Value(lineStr)); //添加到列表 str = Value(str.asString().substr(endIndex + 1,size));//截取剩下的字符串 endIndex = str.asString().find(sSep); // } //剩下的字符串也添加到列表 if (str.asString().compare("")!= 0) { stringList.push_back(Value(str.asString())); } return stringList; }
// 随机获取当前位置周围的空地 ValueVector GlobalManager::getNextSpace(Vec2 pos) { ValueVector vv; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (DX[i] == 0 && DY[i] == 0) continue; int xx = pos.x + DX[i]; int yy = pos.y + DY[i]; if (xx < 0 || xx > TILED_TOTAL_X || yy < 0 || yy > TILED_TOTAL_Y) continue; if (_cover[xx][yy]) continue; ValueMap map; map["x"] = xx; map["y"] = yy; map["dir"] = i; vv.push_back((Value)map); } return vv; }
//itemをVectorで受け取り、縦に自動で並べる(n型配置) Menu* createMenuWithArrayColAlign(Node* parent, const Vector<MenuItem*>& arrayOfItems, int col, int zOrder, Vec2 pos){ Menu* menu = Menu::createWithArray(arrayOfItems); menu->setPosition(pos); ValueVector cols = ValueVector(); int itemCount = (int)arrayOfItems.size(); while (itemCount > 0) { int thisCol = std::min(col, itemCount); cols.push_back(Value(thisCol)); itemCount -= thisCol; } menu->alignItemsInRowsWithArray(cols); menu->setName(std::string("menu") +>getName()); if (parent) { parent->addChild(menu, zOrder); } return menu; }
void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback1(Ref*pSender) { ValueMap root; ValueVector arry; std::string currentTime =MyUtility::getCurrentTime(); log("%s", currentTime.c_str()); // the first elements ValueMap dict; dict["date"]=currentTime; dict["content"]="the third element"; arry.push_back(Value(dict));//the key step "Value(dict)" root["root"]=arry; //write the dictionary object to the plist file auto writepath=FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); auto path=writepath+"NoteList.plist"; FileUtils::getInstance()->writeToFile(root,path); }
bool CCBReader::readCallbackKeyframesForSeq(CCBSequence* seq) { int numKeyframes = readInt(false); if(!numKeyframes) return true; CCBSequenceProperty* channel = new (std::nothrow) CCBSequenceProperty(); channel->autorelease(); for(int i = 0; i < numKeyframes; ++i) { float time = readFloat(); std::string callbackName = readCachedString(); int callbackType = readInt(false); ValueVector valueVector; valueVector.push_back(Value(callbackName)); valueVector.push_back(Value(callbackType)); CCBKeyframe* keyframe = new (std::nothrow) CCBKeyframe(); keyframe->autorelease(); keyframe->setTime(time); keyframe->setValue(Value(valueVector)); if(_jsControlled) { std::stringstream callbackIdentifier; callbackIdentifier << callbackType; callbackIdentifier << ":" + callbackName; _animationManager->getKeyframeCallbacks().push_back(Value(callbackIdentifier.str())); } channel->getKeyframes().pushBack(keyframe); } seq->setCallbackChannel(channel); return true; }
void User::getShareReward(int index) { if(getShareRewardsLock(index - 1) == 1) { PopPanel::getInstance()->note("shareReward","type:Text---text:"+ a2u("已经获得该奖励"),1.0f,false,true); return; } auto name = "shareReward" + cocos2d::Value(index).asString(); ValueVector rewards; ValueVector rewardVec; stringToValueVector(PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarString("script/Test.lua", name.c_str()),"###",rewardVec); for(auto pair:rewardVec) { ValueMap rewardMap; stringToValueMap(pair.asString(), rewardMap); rewards.push_back(cocos2d::Value(rewardMap)); } // 默认只有一个奖品 auto rewardMap =; int typeId = rewardMap["typeId"].asInt(); int num = rewardMap["num"].asInt(); for(int i = 0; i < num; i ++) { auto prop = Prop::create(typeId); // 获得奖励 auto player = Detect::shareDetect()->getPlayer(); player->addProp(prop); } auto prop = Prop::create(typeId); PopPanel::getInstance()->note("cantEquip","type:Text---text:"+ a2u("恭喜获得 ###") + "type:Text---text:"+ prop->getNickName() + "|color:{255,0,0}"); setShareRewardsLock(index - 1, 1); }
//itemをVectorで受け取り、横に自動で並べる(Z型配置) Menu* createMenuWithArrayRowAlign(Node* parent, const Vector<MenuItem*>& arrayOfItems, int row, int zOrder, Vec2 pos){ Menu* menu = Menu::createWithArray(arrayOfItems); menu->setPosition(pos); ValueVector rows = ValueVector(); int itemCount = (int)arrayOfItems.size(); while (itemCount > 0) { int thisRow = std::min(row, itemCount); rows.push_back(Value(thisRow)); itemCount -= thisRow; } /* int col = ((int)arrayOfItems.size() + row - 1) / row; for (int i = 0; i < col; ++i) { rows.push_back(Value(row)); }*/ menu->alignItemsInColumnsWithArray(rows); menu->setName(std::string("menu") +>getName()); if (parent) { parent->addChild(menu, zOrder); } return menu; }
// the XML parser calls here with all the elements void TMXMapInfo::startElement(void *ctx, const char *name, const char **atts) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); TMXMapInfo *tmxMapInfo = this; std::string elementName = name; ValueMap attributeDict; if (atts && atts[0]) { for (int i = 0; atts[i]; i += 2) { std::string key = atts[i]; std::string value = atts[i+1]; attributeDict.insert(std::make_pair(key, Value(value))); } } if (elementName == "map") { std::string version = attributeDict["version"].asString(); if ( version != "1.0") { CCLOG("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: %s", version.c_str()); } std::string orientationStr = attributeDict["orientation"].asString(); if (orientationStr == "orthogonal") { tmxMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationOrtho); } else if (orientationStr == "isometric") { tmxMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationIso); } else if (orientationStr == "hexagonal") { tmxMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationHex); } else if (orientationStr == "staggered") { tmxMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationStaggered); } else { CCLOG("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: %d", tmxMapInfo->getOrientation()); } Size s; s.width = attributeDict["width"].asFloat(); s.height = attributeDict["height"].asFloat(); tmxMapInfo->setMapSize(s); s.width = attributeDict["tilewidth"].asFloat(); s.height = attributeDict["tileheight"].asFloat(); tmxMapInfo->setTileSize(s); // The parent element is now "map" tmxMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyMap); } else if (elementName == "tileset") { // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that std::string externalTilesetFilename = attributeDict["source"].asString(); if (externalTilesetFilename != "") { _externalTilesetFilename = externalTilesetFilename; // Tileset file will be relative to the map file. So we need to convert it to an absolute path if (_TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") != string::npos) { string dir = _TMXFileName.substr(0, _TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") + 1); externalTilesetFilename = dir + externalTilesetFilename; } else { externalTilesetFilename = _resources + "/" + externalTilesetFilename; } externalTilesetFilename = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(externalTilesetFilename); _currentFirstGID = attributeDict["firstgid"].asInt(); if (_currentFirstGID < 0) { _currentFirstGID = 0; } _recordFirstGID = false; tmxMapInfo->parseXMLFile(externalTilesetFilename); } else { TMXTilesetInfo *tileset = new (std::nothrow) TMXTilesetInfo(); tileset->_name = attributeDict["name"].asString(); if (_recordFirstGID) { // unset before, so this is tmx file. tileset->_firstGid = attributeDict["firstgid"].asInt(); if (tileset->_firstGid < 0) { tileset->_firstGid = 0; } } else { tileset->_firstGid = _currentFirstGID; _currentFirstGID = 0; } tileset->_spacing = attributeDict["spacing"].asInt(); tileset->_margin = attributeDict["margin"].asInt(); Size s; s.width = attributeDict["tilewidth"].asFloat(); s.height = attributeDict["tileheight"].asFloat(); tileset->_tileSize = s; tmxMapInfo->getTilesets().pushBack(tileset); tileset->release(); } } else if (elementName == "tile") { if (tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyLayer) { TMXLayerInfo* layer = tmxMapInfo->getLayers().back(); Size layerSize = layer->_layerSize; uint32_t gid = static_cast<uint32_t>(attributeDict["gid"].asInt()); int tilesAmount = layerSize.width*layerSize.height; if (_xmlTileIndex < tilesAmount) { layer->_tiles[_xmlTileIndex++] = gid; } } else { TMXTilesetInfo* info = tmxMapInfo->getTilesets().back(); tmxMapInfo->setParentGID(info->_firstGid + attributeDict["id"].asInt()); tmxMapInfo->getTileProperties()[tmxMapInfo->getParentGID()] = Value(ValueMap()); tmxMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyTile); } } else if (elementName == "layer") { TMXLayerInfo *layer = new (std::nothrow) TMXLayerInfo(); layer->_name = attributeDict["name"].asString(); Size s; s.width = attributeDict["width"].asFloat(); s.height = attributeDict["height"].asFloat(); layer->_layerSize = s; Value& visibleValue = attributeDict["visible"]; layer->_visible = visibleValue.isNull() ? true : visibleValue.asBool(); Value& opacityValue = attributeDict["opacity"]; layer->_opacity = opacityValue.isNull() ? 255 : (unsigned char)(255.0f * opacityValue.asFloat()); float x = attributeDict["x"].asFloat(); float y = attributeDict["y"].asFloat(); layer->_offset.set(x, y); tmxMapInfo->getLayers().pushBack(layer); layer->release(); // The parent element is now "layer" tmxMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyLayer); } else if (elementName == "objectgroup") { TMXObjectGroup *objectGroup = new (std::nothrow) TMXObjectGroup(); objectGroup->setGroupName(attributeDict["name"].asString()); Vec2 positionOffset; positionOffset.x = attributeDict["x"].asFloat() * tmxMapInfo->getTileSize().width; positionOffset.y = attributeDict["y"].asFloat() * tmxMapInfo->getTileSize().height; objectGroup->setPositionOffset(positionOffset); tmxMapInfo->getObjectGroups().pushBack(objectGroup); objectGroup->release(); // The parent element is now "objectgroup" tmxMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyObjectGroup); } else if (elementName == "image") { TMXTilesetInfo* tileset = tmxMapInfo->getTilesets().back(); // build full path std::string imagename = attributeDict["source"].asString(); tileset->_originSourceImage = imagename; if (_TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") != string::npos) { string dir = _TMXFileName.substr(0, _TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") + 1); tileset->_sourceImage = dir + imagename; } else { tileset->_sourceImage = _resources + (_resources.size() ? "/" : "") + imagename; } } else if (elementName == "data") { std::string encoding = attributeDict["encoding"].asString(); std::string compression = attributeDict["compression"].asString(); if (encoding == "") { tmxMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(tmxMapInfo->getLayerAttribs() | TMXLayerAttribNone); TMXLayerInfo* layer = tmxMapInfo->getLayers().back(); Size layerSize = layer->_layerSize; int tilesAmount = layerSize.width*layerSize.height; uint32_t *tiles = (uint32_t*) malloc(tilesAmount*sizeof(uint32_t)); // set all value to 0 memset(tiles, 0, tilesAmount*sizeof(int)); layer->_tiles = tiles; } else if (encoding == "base64") { int layerAttribs = tmxMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); tmxMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribBase64); tmxMapInfo->setStoringCharacters(true); if (compression == "gzip") { layerAttribs = tmxMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); tmxMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribGzip); } else if (compression == "zlib") { layerAttribs = tmxMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); tmxMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribZlib); } CCASSERT( compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method" ); } } else if (elementName == "object") { TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = tmxMapInfo->getObjectGroups().back(); // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties ValueMap dict; // Parse everything automatically const char* keys[] = {"name", "type", "width", "height", "gid"}; for (const auto& key : keys) { Value value = attributeDict[key]; dict[key] = value; } // But X and Y since they need special treatment // X int x = attributeDict["x"].asInt(); // Y int y = attributeDict["y"].asInt(); Vec2 p(x + objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x, _mapSize.height * _tileSize.height - y - objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y - attributeDict["height"].asInt()); p = CC_POINT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(p); dict["x"] = Value(p.x); dict["y"] = Value(p.y); int width = attributeDict["width"].asInt(); int height = attributeDict["height"].asInt(); Size s(width, height); s = CC_SIZE_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(s); dict["width"] = Value(s.width); dict["height"] = Value(s.height); // Add the object to the objectGroup objectGroup->getObjects().push_back(Value(dict)); // The parent element is now "object" tmxMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyObject); } else if (elementName == "property") { if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyNone ) { CCLOG( "TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '%s' with value '%s'", attributeDict["name"].asString().c_str(), attributeDict["value"].asString().c_str() ); } else if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyMap ) { // The parent element is the map Value value = attributeDict["value"]; std::string key = attributeDict["name"].asString(); tmxMapInfo->getProperties().insert(std::make_pair(key, value)); } else if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyLayer ) { // The parent element is the last layer TMXLayerInfo* layer = tmxMapInfo->getLayers().back(); Value value = attributeDict["value"]; std::string key = attributeDict["name"].asString(); // Add the property to the layer layer->getProperties().insert(std::make_pair(key, value)); } else if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyObjectGroup ) { // The parent element is the last object group TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = tmxMapInfo->getObjectGroups().back(); Value value = attributeDict["value"]; std::string key = attributeDict["name"].asString(); objectGroup->getProperties().insert(std::make_pair(key, value)); } else if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyObject ) { // The parent element is the last object TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = tmxMapInfo->getObjectGroups().back(); ValueMap& dict = objectGroup->getObjects().rbegin()->asValueMap(); std::string propertyName = attributeDict["name"].asString(); dict[propertyName] = attributeDict["value"]; } else if ( tmxMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyTile ) { ValueMap& dict = tmxMapInfo->getTileProperties().at(tmxMapInfo->getParentGID()).asValueMap(); std::string propertyName = attributeDict["name"].asString(); dict[propertyName] = attributeDict["value"]; } } else if (elementName == "polygon") { // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = _objectGroups.back(); ValueMap& dict = objectGroup->getObjects().rbegin()->asValueMap(); // get points value string std::string value = attributeDict["points"].asString(); if (!value.empty()) { ValueVector pointsArray; pointsArray.reserve(10); // parse points string into a space-separated set of points stringstream pointsStream(value); string pointPair; while (std::getline(pointsStream, pointPair, ' ')) { // parse each point combo into a comma-separated x,y point stringstream pointStream(pointPair); string xStr, yStr; ValueMap pointDict; // set x if (std::getline(pointStream, xStr, ',')) { int x = atoi(xStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x; pointDict["x"] = Value(x); } // set y if (std::getline(pointStream, yStr, ',')) { int y = atoi(yStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y; pointDict["y"] = Value(y); } // add to points array pointsArray.push_back(Value(pointDict)); } dict["points"] = Value(pointsArray); } } else if (elementName == "polyline") { // find parent object's dict and add polyline-points to it TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = _objectGroups.back(); ValueMap& dict = objectGroup->getObjects().rbegin()->asValueMap(); // get points value string std::string value = attributeDict["points"].asString(); if (!value.empty()) { ValueVector pointsArray; pointsArray.reserve(10); // parse points string into a space-separated set of points stringstream pointsStream(value); string pointPair; while (std::getline(pointsStream, pointPair, ' ')) { // parse each point combo into a comma-separated x,y point stringstream pointStream(pointPair); string xStr, yStr; ValueMap pointDict; // set x if (std::getline(pointStream, xStr, ',')) { int x = atoi(xStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x; pointDict["x"] = Value(x); } // set y if (std::getline(pointStream, yStr, ',')) { int y = atoi(yStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y; pointDict["y"] = Value(y); } // add to points array pointsArray.push_back(Value(pointDict)); } dict["polylinePoints"] = Value(pointsArray); } } }
CCBKeyframe* CCBReader::readKeyframe(PropertyType type) { CCBKeyframe *keyframe = new (std::nothrow) CCBKeyframe(); keyframe->autorelease(); keyframe->setTime(readFloat()); CCBKeyframe::EasingType easingType = static_cast<CCBKeyframe::EasingType>(readInt(false)); float easingOpt = 0; Value value; if (easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::CUBIC_IN || easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::CUBIC_OUT || easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::CUBIC_INOUT || easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::ELASTIC_IN || easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::ELASTIC_OUT || easingType == CCBKeyframe::EasingType::ELASTIC_INOUT) { easingOpt = readFloat(); } keyframe->setEasingType(easingType); keyframe->setEasingOpt(easingOpt); if (type == PropertyType::CHECK) { value = readBool(); } else if (type == PropertyType::BYTE) { value = readByte(); } else if (type == PropertyType::COLOR3) { unsigned char r = readByte(); unsigned char g = readByte(); unsigned char b = readByte(); ValueMap colorMap; colorMap["r"] = r; colorMap["g"] = g; colorMap["b"] = b; value = colorMap; } else if (type == PropertyType::DEGREES) { value = readFloat(); } else if (type == PropertyType::SCALE_LOCK || type == PropertyType::POSITION || type == PropertyType::FLOAT_XY) { float a = readFloat(); float b = readFloat(); ValueVector ab; ab.push_back(Value(a)); ab.push_back(Value(b)); value = ab; } else if (type == PropertyType::SPRITEFRAME) { std::string spriteSheet = readCachedString(); std::string spriteFile = readCachedString(); SpriteFrame* spriteFrame; if (spriteSheet.empty()) { spriteFile = _CCBRootPath + spriteFile; Texture2D *texture = Director::DirectorInstance->getTextureCache()->addImage(spriteFile); Rect bounds = Rect(0, 0, texture->getContentSize().width, texture->getContentSize().height); spriteFrame = SpriteFrame::createWithTexture(texture, bounds); } else { spriteSheet = _CCBRootPath + spriteSheet; SpriteFrameCache* frameCache = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance(); // Load the sprite sheet only if it is not loaded if (_loadedSpriteSheets.find(spriteSheet) == _loadedSpriteSheets.end()) { frameCache->addSpriteFramesWithFile(spriteSheet); _loadedSpriteSheets.insert(spriteSheet); } spriteFrame = frameCache->getSpriteFrameByName(spriteFile); } keyframe->setObject(spriteFrame); } if (!value.isNull()) keyframe->setValue(value); return keyframe; }
void endElement(void *ctx, const char *name) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); SAXState curState = _stateStack.empty() ? SAX_DICT :; const std::string sName((char*)name); if( sName == "dict" ) { _stateStack.pop(); _dictStack.pop(); if ( !_dictStack.empty()) { _curDict =; } } else if (sName == "array") { _stateStack.pop(); _arrayStack.pop(); if (! _arrayStack.empty()) { _curArray =; } } else if (sName == "true") { if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { _curArray->push_back(Value(true)); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(true); } } else if (sName == "false") { if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { _curArray->push_back(Value(false)); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(false); } } else if (sName == "string" || sName == "integer" || sName == "real") { if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { if (sName == "string") _curArray->push_back(Value(_curValue)); else if (sName == "integer") _curArray->push_back(Value(atoi(_curValue.c_str()))); else _curArray->push_back(Value(utils::atof(_curValue.c_str()))); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { if (sName == "string") (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(_curValue); else if (sName == "integer") (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(atoi(_curValue.c_str())); else (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(utils::atof(_curValue.c_str())); } _curValue.clear(); } _state = SAX_NONE; }
void startElement(void *ctx, const char *name, const char **atts) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); CC_UNUSED_PARAM(atts); const std::string sName(name); if( sName == "dict" ) { if(_resultType == SAX_RESULT_DICT && _rootDict.empty()) { _curDict = &_rootDict; } _state = SAX_DICT; SAXState preState = SAX_NONE; if (! _stateStack.empty()) { preState =; } if (SAX_ARRAY == preState) { // add a new dictionary into the array _curArray->push_back(Value(ValueMap())); _curDict = &(_curArray->rbegin())->asValueMap(); } else if (SAX_DICT == preState) { // add a new dictionary into the pre dictionary CCASSERT(! _dictStack.empty(), "The state is wrong!"); ValueMap* preDict =; (*preDict)[_curKey] = Value(ValueMap()); _curDict = &(*preDict)[_curKey].asValueMap(); } // record the dict state _stateStack.push(_state); _dictStack.push(_curDict); } else if(sName == "key") { _state = SAX_KEY; } else if(sName == "integer") { _state = SAX_INT; } else if(sName == "real") { _state = SAX_REAL; } else if(sName == "string") { _state = SAX_STRING; } else if (sName == "array") { _state = SAX_ARRAY; if (_resultType == SAX_RESULT_ARRAY && _rootArray.empty()) { _curArray = &_rootArray; } SAXState preState = SAX_NONE; if (! _stateStack.empty()) { preState =; } if (preState == SAX_DICT) { (*_curDict)[_curKey] = Value(ValueVector()); _curArray = &(*_curDict)[_curKey].asValueVector(); } else if (preState == SAX_ARRAY) { CCASSERT(! _arrayStack.empty(), "The state is wrong!"); ValueVector* preArray =; preArray->push_back(Value(ValueVector())); _curArray = &(_curArray->rbegin())->asValueVector(); } // record the array state _stateStack.push(_state); _arrayStack.push(_curArray); } else { _state = SAX_NONE; } }
Swap::Swap(std::string buyer, std::string seller) { _buyer = dynamic_cast<Actor*>(Detect::shareDetect()->getCellByName(buyer)); _seller = dynamic_cast<Actor*>(Detect::shareDetect()->getCellByName(seller)); auto swapId = _seller->getModelByName("swapId").asInt(); int swapCount = _seller->getSwapCount(); //shopId = 1; std::string shopStr; std::string preCondtion; std::string swapName = "swap" + cocos2d::Value(swapId).asString() + "_" + cocos2d::Value(swapCount).asString(); std::string swapNumStr = "swap" + cocos2d::Value(swapId).asString() + "_num"; int swapNum = cocos2d::Value(PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarString("script/Test.lua", swapNumStr.c_str())).asInt(); if(swapNum == 0) swapNum = 1; bool canSwap = true; while(true) { if(swapCount >= swapNum) { PopPanel::getInstance()->note("cannt","type:Text---text:"+ a2u("超过交易上限,无法使用"), 1.0f, true, true); canSwap = false; break; } shopStr = PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarOneOfTable("script/Test.lua", swapName.c_str(),"content"); title = PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarOneOfTable("script/Test.lua", swapName.c_str(),"title"); preCondtion = PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarOneOfTable("script/Test.lua", swapName.c_str(),"preCondition"); if(preCondtion != "") { ValueMap preVec; stringToValueMap(preCondtion,preVec); for (auto pair:preVec) { auto num = pair.second.asInt(); if(pair.first == "level") { if(_buyer->getLevel() > num) { PopPanel::getInstance()->note("levelBeyond","type:Text---text:"+ a2u("等级过高,无法使用"), 1.0f, true, true); canSwap = false; break; } } else if(pair.first == "") { } else if(pair.first == "") { } else if(pair.first == "") { } else if(pair.first == "") { } } } break; } if(canSwap == false) { this->removeFromParent(); return; } if(shopStr != "") { ValueVector vec1; stringToValueVector(shopStr,"###",vec1); for (auto i:vec1) { ValueVector vec2; stringToValueVector(i.asString(),"~~~",vec2); ValueVector option; for(auto j:vec2) { ValueVector vec3; ValueVector vecout; stringToValueVector(j.asString(),"$$$",vec3); for(auto k:vec3) { ValueMap map; stringToValueMap(k.asString(), map); vecout.push_back(cocos2d::Value(map)); } option.push_back(cocos2d::Value(vecout)); } options.push_back(cocos2d::Value(option)); } } _swapPanel = SwapPanel::create("swap"); _swapPanel->build(this); PopPanel::getInstance()->addPanel(_swapPanel,1); }