文件: Grid.cpp 项目: GodZza/contours
bool inBox(const Vec3r& inter, const Vec3r& box_min, const Vec3r& box_max){
    if(((inter.x()>=box_min.x()) && (inter.x() <box_max.x()))
        && ((inter.y()>=box_min.y()) && (inter.y() <box_max.y()))
        && ((inter.z()>=box_min.z()) && (inter.z() <box_max.z()))
            return true;
        return false;
// precondition1: P is inside the sphere
// precondition2: P,V points to the outside of the sphere (i.e. OP.V > 0)
static bool sphere_clip_vector(const Vec3r& O, real r, const Vec3r& P, Vec3r& V)
	Vec3r W = P - O;
	real a = V.squareNorm();
	real b = 2.0 * V * W;
	real c = W.squareNorm() - r * r;
	real delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
	if (delta < 0) {
		// Should not happen, but happens sometimes (numerical precision)
		return true;
	real t = - b + ::sqrt(delta) / (2.0 * a);
	if (t < 0.0) {
		// Should not happen, but happens sometimes (numerical precision)
		return true;
	if (t >= 1.0) {
		// Inside the sphere
		return false;

	V[0] = (t * V.x());
	V[1] = (t * V.y());
	V[2] = (t * V.z());

	return true;
void FEdgeXDetector::preProcessFace(WXFace *iFace)
	Vec3r firstPoint = iFace->GetVertex(0)->GetVertex();
	Vec3r N = iFace->GetNormal();

	// Compute the dot product between V (=_Viewpoint - firstPoint) and N:
	Vec3r V;
	if (_orthographicProjection) {
		V = Vec3r(0.0, 0.0, _Viewpoint.z() - firstPoint.z());
	else {
		V = Vec3r(_Viewpoint - firstPoint);
	iFace->setDotP(N * V);

	// compute the distance between the face center and the viewpoint:
	if (_orthographicProjection) {
		iFace->setZ(iFace->center().z() - _Viewpoint.z());
	else {
		Vec3r dist_vec(iFace->center() - _Viewpoint);
// assume the point is inside the triangle
Vec3r ComputeBarycentricCoords(const Vec3r A,const Vec3r B,const Vec3r C,const Vec3r P)
  Vec3r BA = B-A;
  Vec3r CA = C-A;
  Vec3r N = BA^CA;
  Vec3r PA = A-P;
  Vec3r PB = B-P;
  Vec3r PC = C-P;

  double areaA = (PB^PC) * N;
  double areaB = (PC^PA) * N;
  double areaC = (PA^PB) * N;

#if 0
  // checking
  printf("Barycentric debug: ----------------------------------\n");
  printf("A = [%f %f %f], B = [%f %f %f], C = [%f %f %f]\n",
	 A.x(), A.y(), A.z(),	 B.x(), B.y(), B.z(),	 C.x(), C.y(), C.z());
  printf("P = [%f %f %f]\n", P.x(), P.y(), P.z());
  printf("areas = [%f %f %f]\n", areaA, areaB, areaC);
  printf("plot3([%f %f %f %f],[%f %f %f %f],[%f %f %f %f],'r-');\n",
	 A.x(), B.x(), C.x(), A.x(),
	 A.y(), B.y(), C.y(), A.y(),
	 A.z(), B.z(), C.z(), A.z());
  printf("hold on; plot3(%f,%f,%f,'bo');\n",

  assert(areaA > -0.1 && areaB > -0.1 && areaC > -0.1);
  if (areaA < 0)
    areaA = 0;
  if (areaB < 0)
    areaB = 0;
  if (areaC < 0)
    areaC = 0;

  double totalArea = areaA + areaB + areaC;

  double a = areaA / totalArea;
  double b = areaB / totalArea;
  double c = areaC / totalArea;

  //  printf("c = [%f %f %f]\n", a,b,c);

  Vec3r result(a,b,c);

  return result;
void FEdgeXDetector::ProcessSilhouetteFace(WXFace *iFace)
	Vec3r normal;
	// Compute the dot products between View direction and N at each vertex of the face:
	Vec3r point;
	int closestPointId = 0;
	real dist, minDist = FLT_MAX;
	int numVertices = iFace->numberOfVertices();
	WXFaceLayer *faceLayer = new WXFaceLayer(iFace, Nature::SILHOUETTE, true);
	for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
		point = iFace->GetVertex(i)->GetVertex();
		normal = iFace->GetVertexNormal(i);
		Vec3r V;
		if (_orthographicProjection) {
			V = Vec3r(0.0, 0.0, _Viewpoint.z() - point.z());
		else {
			V = Vec3r(_Viewpoint - point);
		real d = normal * V;
		// Find the point the closest to the viewpoint
		if (_orthographicProjection) {
			dist = point.z() - _Viewpoint.z();
		else {
			Vec3r dist_vec(point - _Viewpoint);
			dist = dist_vec.norm();
		if (dist < minDist) {
			minDist = dist;
			closestPointId = i;
	// Set the closest point id:
	// Add this layer to the face:
    bool intersectRayBBox(const Vec3r& orig, const Vec3r& dir,   // ray origin and direction
        const Vec3r& boxMin, const Vec3r& boxMax, // the bbox
        real t0, real t1,
        real& tmin, real& tmax,                  // I0=orig+tmin*dir is the first intersection, I1=orig+tmax*dir is the second intersection
        real epsilon){

            float tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;
            Vec3r inv_direction(1.0/dir[0], 1.0/dir[1], 1.0/dir[2]);
            int sign[3];
            sign[0] = (inv_direction.x() < 0);
            sign[1] = (inv_direction.y() < 0);
            sign[2] = (inv_direction.z() < 0);

            Vec3r bounds[2];
            bounds[0] = boxMin;
            bounds[1] = boxMax;

            tmin = (bounds[sign[0]].x() - orig.x()) * inv_direction.x();
            tmax = (bounds[1-sign[0]].x() - orig.x()) * inv_direction.x();
            tymin = (bounds[sign[1]].y() - orig.y()) * inv_direction.y();
            tymax = (bounds[1-sign[1]].y() - orig.y()) * inv_direction.y();
            if ( (tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax) )
                return false;
            if (tymin > tmin)
                tmin = tymin;
            if (tymax < tmax)
                tmax = tymax;
            tzmin = (bounds[sign[2]].z() - orig.z()) * inv_direction.z();
            tzmax = (bounds[1-sign[2]].z() - orig.z()) * inv_direction.z();
            if ( (tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax) )
                return false;
            if (tzmin > tmin)
                tmin = tzmin;
            if (tzmax < tmax)
                tmax = tzmax;
            return ( (tmin < t1) && (tmax > t0) );