// TODO 2: ConvertToPlaneCoordinate()
//		Given a plane defined by points, converts their coordinates into
//		plane coordinates. See the following document for more detail.
//		http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs4670/2012fa/projects/p4/homography.pdf.
//      The final divisors you apply to the u and v coordinates should be saved uScale and vScale
void ConvertToPlaneCoordinate(const vector<SVMPoint>& points, vector<Vec3d>& basisPts, double &uScale, double &vScale)
    int numPoints = points.size();

    /******** BEGIN TODO ********/
	// Choose p,q,r from points to define a unique plane
	Vec4d r = Vec4d(points[0].X, points[0].Y, points[0].Z, points[0].W);
	Vec4d p = Vec4d(points[1].X, points[1].Y, points[1].Z, points[1].W);
	Vec4d q;

	Vec4d rp = p - r;
	// Initialize as worst
	double best_angleCOS = 1.0;

	// Loop to find the best q s.t. angle(rp,rq)->90 degrees, i.e. dot(rp/|rp|,rq/|rq|)->0
	for (int cnt_q = 2; cnt_q < numPoints; cnt_q++)
		Vec4d qTmp = Vec4d(points[cnt_q].X, points[cnt_q].Y, points[cnt_q].Z, points[cnt_q].W);
		Vec4d rqTmp = qTmp - r;
		// Compute the angle between rp and rq
		//double angleCOS = rp * rqTmp;
		double angleCOS = (rp[0] * rqTmp[0])+(rp[1] * rqTmp[1])+(rp[2] * rqTmp[2])+(rp[3] * rqTmp[3]);
		if (abs(angleCOS) < abs(best_angleCOS))
			best_angleCOS = angleCOS;
			q = qTmp;
	Vec4d rq = q - r;

	// Normalized already
	Vec4d e_x = rp;
	//Vec4d s = (rq * e_x) * e_x;
	double num1=(rq[0] * e_x[0])+(rq[1] * e_x[1])+(rq[2] * e_x[2])+(rq[3] * e_x[3]);
	Vec4d s=Vec4d(e_x[0]*num1,e_x[1]*num1,e_x[2]*num1,e_x[3]*num1);
	Vec4d t = rq - s;
	Vec4d e_y = t;

	// Ready for u,v
	double u_min = FLT_MAX, v_min = FLT_MAX;
	double u_max = 0, v_max = 0;

	for (int cnt_a = 0; cnt_a < numPoints; cnt_a++)
		Vec4d a = Vec4d(points[cnt_a].X, points[cnt_a].Y, points[cnt_a].Z, points[cnt_a].W);
		Vec4d ra = a - r;
		//Vec3d Coord2D = Vec3d(ra*e_x, ra*e_y, 1.0);
		double num1=(ra[0] * e_x[0])+(ra[1] * e_x[1])+(ra[2] * e_x[2])+(ra[3] * e_x[3]);
		double num2=(ra[0] * e_y[0])+(ra[1] * e_y[1])+(ra[2] * e_y[2])+(ra[3] * e_y[3]);
		Vec3d Coord2D = Vec3d(num1, num2, 1.0);
		if (Coord2D[0] < u_min)
			u_min = Coord2D[0];
		if (Coord2D[0] > u_max)
			u_max = Coord2D[0];
		if (Coord2D[1] < v_min)
			v_min = Coord2D[1];
		if (Coord2D[1] > v_max)
			v_max = Coord2D[1];

	// Output
	uScale = u_max - u_min;
	vScale = v_max - v_min;

    /******** END TODO ********/