double Polyline::project(const Vector2d &point) const
    double bestS = 0.;
    double minDistSq = (point - _pts[0]).squaredNorm();

    for(int i = 0; i < _pts.endIdx(1); ++i)
        double len = (_lengths[i + 1] - _lengths[i]);
        double invLen = 1. / len;
        Vector2d der = (_pts[i + 1] - _pts[i]) * invLen;
        double dot = der.dot(point - _pts[i]);        
        if(dot < 0.)
            dot = 0.;
        if(dot > len)
            dot = len;

        Vector2d ptOnLine = _pts[i] + (_pts[i + 1] - _pts[i]) * (dot * invLen);
        double distSq = (ptOnLine - point).squaredNorm();
        if(distSq < minDistSq)
            minDistSq = distSq;
            bestS = _lengths[i] + dot;

    return bestS;
double distance(Point2f aPoint, Vector2d aVector, Point2i startPoint)
    Vector2d v = aVector;
    Vector2d w(aPoint.x - startPoint.x, aPoint.y - startPoint.y);

    double c1 = v.dot(w);
    double c2 = v.dot(v);
    if (c1 <= 0){
        Point2d tmp;
        tmp.x = startPoint.x;
        tmp.y = startPoint.y;
        return distance(aPoint, tmp);
    if (c2 <= 0){
        Point2d endPoint;
        endPoint.x = startPoint.x + (float) aVector[0];
        endPoint.y = startPoint.y + (float) aVector[1];

        return distance(aPoint, endPoint);

    double b = c1 / c2;

    Point2d pb(startPoint.x + b * aVector[0], startPoint.y + b * aVector[1]);

    return distance(aPoint, pb);
bool signed_distance_2d::onEdgeOfPoly(MatrixXd poly, Vector2d point) {

	int i,j;
	for (i = 0, j = poly.rows() - 1;i < poly.rows(); j=i++) {
		Vector2d p1 = poly.row(i);
		Vector2d p2 = poly.row(j);
		Vector2d a = perpendicularAxis(p1 - p2); // Unit normal of the line
		double d = a.dot(p1); // Constant, a'*x + d = 0
		double eps = 1e-5;
		if (abs(a.dot(point) - d) <= eps && (point(0) >= min(p1(0),p2(0))) && (point(0) <= max(p1(0),p2(0))) &&
				(point(1) >= min(p1(1),p2(1))) && (point(1) <= max(p1(1),p2(1)))) {
			return true;
	return false;
long double angleBetween(const Vector2d &V1, const Vector2d &V2)
  long double dotproduct =  V1.dot(V2);
  long double length = V1.length() * V2.length();
  if (length==0) return 0;
  long double quot = dotproduct / length;
  if (quot > 1  && quot < 1.0001) quot = 1;
  if (quot < -1 && quot > -1.0001) quot = -1;
  long double result = acosl( quot ); // 0 .. pi
  if (isleftof(Vector2d(0,0), V2, V1))
      result = -result;
  return result;
Vector2d signed_distance_2d::closestPointOnLineSegment(Vector2d point, Vector2d p1, Vector2d p2) {

	// We are working with line representation L = {u*z + d | z is a real number, u is normalized}
	// u and d are in R^2 (2D vectors)

	// Get Unit vector in direction of edge
	Vector2d u = p1 - p2;
	if ((u.cwiseAbs()).sum() != 0) {
		u.normalize(); // Assuming u has nonzero length
	} else {
		u << 0, 0;
	Vector2d d = p1; // d can be any point on the line. p1 or p2 will do

	double t = (point - d).dot(u);

	// Find if point is on line segment or if it needs to be projected to an end of segment
	// Do this in projected 1D space. Find t for both p1 and p2, and compare to t from the point.
	double p1t = (p1 - d).dot(u);
	double p2t = (p2 - d).dot(u);
	if (t <= min(p1t, p2t)) {
		t = min(p1t, p2t);
	} else if (t >= max(p1t, p2t)) {
		t = max(p1t, p2t);
	Vector2d proj = u.array() * t;
	proj += d;

	// Sanity check
	Vector2d a = perpendicularAxis(u);
	double c = a.dot(p1); // Constant, a'*x + d = 0
	double eps = 1e-5;
	if (abs(a.dot(proj) - c) > eps) {
		std::cout << "Warning: Projection on line is not on line with tolerance " << eps << std::endl;

	return proj;

// sampling
void drwnGaussian::sample(VectorXd &x) const
    DRWN_ASSERT(x.rows() == _n);

    if (_mL == NULL) {
        _mL = new MatrixXd(_mSigma.llt().matrixL());

    // box-muller sampling algorithm
    Vector2d uv;
    for (int i = 0; i < x.size() - 1; i += 2) {
        double s = uv.dot(uv);
        while (s >= 1.0 || s <= 0.0) {
            s = uv.dot(uv);
        double scale = sqrt(-2.0 * log(s) / s);
        x[i] = scale * uv[0];
        x[i + 1] = scale * uv[1];

    if (x.size() % 2 == 1) {
        double s = uv.dot(uv);
        while (s >= 1.0 || s <= 0.0) {
            s = uv.dot(uv);
        double scale = sqrt(-2.0 * log(s) / s);
        x[x.size() - 1] = scale * uv[0];

    // rescale unit gaussian
    x = (*_mL) * x + _mu;
int intersect2D_Segments( const Vector2d &p1, const Vector2d &p2,
			  const Vector2d &p3, const Vector2d &p4,
			  Vector2d &I0, Vector2d &I1,
			  double maxerr)
  Vector2d    u = p2 - p1;
  Vector2d    v = p4 - p3;
  Vector2d    w = p1 - p3;
  double    D = perp(u,v);
  double t0, t1; // Temp vars for parametric checks

  // test if they are parallel (includes either being a point)
  if (abs(D) < maxerr) {          // S1 and S2 are parallel
    if (perp(u,w) != 0 || perp(v,w) != 0) {
      return 0;                   // they are NOT collinear
    // they are collinear or degenerate
    // check if they are degenerate points
    double du = u.dot(u);
    double dv = v.dot(v);
    if (du==0 && dv==0) {           // both segments are points
      if (p1 != p3)         // they are distinct points
	return 0;
      I0 = p1;                // they are the same point
      return 1;
    if (du==0) {                    // S1 is a single point
      if (!inSegment(p1, p3, p4))  // but is not in S2
	return 0;
      I0 = p1;
      return 1;
    if (dv==0) {                    // S2 a single point
      if (!inSegment(p3, p1,p2))  // but is not in S1
	return 0;
      I0 = p3;
      return 1;
    // they are collinear segments - get overlap (or not)
    Vector2d w2 = p2 - p3;
    if (v.x() != 0) {
      t0 = w.x() / v.x();
      t1 = w2.x() / v.x();
    else {
      t0 = w.y() / v.y();
      t1 = w2.y() / v.y();
    if (t0 > t1) {                  // must have t0 smaller than t1
      double t=t0; t0=t1; t1=t;    // swap if not
    if (t0 > 1 || t1 < 0) {
      return 0;     // NO overlap
    t0 = t0<0? 0 : t0;              // clip to min 0
    t1 = t1>1? 1 : t1;              // clip to max 1
    if (t0 == t1) {                 // intersect is a point
      I0 = p3 + v*t0;
      return 1;

    // they overlap in a valid subsegment
    I0 = p3 + v*t0;
    I1 = p3 + v*t1;
    return 2;
  } // end parallel

  bool outside = false;
  // the segments are skew and may intersect in a point
  // get the intersect parameter for S1
  t0 = perp(v,w) / D;
  if (t0 < 0 || t0 > 1)               // no intersect in S1
    outside = true;
  //return 0;

  // get the intersect parameter for S2
  t1 = perp(u,w) / D;
  if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 1)               // no intersect in S2
    outside = true;
  //    return 0;

  I0 = p1 + u * t0;               // compute S1 intersect point
  if (outside) return 3;
  return 1;
 // error function for distance cost
 double Con2dP2::calcErrDist(const Node2d &nd0, const Node2d &nd1)
     Vector2d derr = nd0.w2n * nd1.trans - tmean;
     return derr.dot(derr);
bool Matcher::findEpipolarMatchDirect(
    const Frame& ref_frame,
    const Frame& cur_frame,
    const Feature& ref_ftr,
    const double d_estimate,
    const double d_min,
    const double d_max,
    double& depth)
  SE3 T_cur_ref = cur_frame.T_f_w_ * ref_frame.T_f_w_.inverse();
  int zmssd_best = PatchScore::threshold();
  Vector2d uv_best;

  // Compute start and end of epipolar line in old_kf for match search, on unit plane!
  Vector2d A = vk::project2d(T_cur_ref * (ref_ftr.f*d_min));
  Vector2d B = vk::project2d(T_cur_ref * (ref_ftr.f*d_max));
  epi_dir_ = A - B;

  // Compute affine warp matrix
      *ref_frame.cam_, *cur_frame.cam_, ref_ftr.px, ref_ftr.f,
      d_estimate, T_cur_ref, ref_ftr.level, A_cur_ref_);

  // feature pre-selection
  reject_ = false;
  if(ref_ftr.type == Feature::EDGELET && options_.epi_search_edgelet_filtering)
    const Vector2d grad_cur = (A_cur_ref_ * ref_ftr.grad).normalized();
    const double cosangle = fabs(grad_cur.dot(epi_dir_.normalized()));
    if(cosangle < options_.epi_search_edgelet_max_angle) {
      reject_ = true;
      return false;

  search_level_ = warp::getBestSearchLevel(A_cur_ref_, Config::nPyrLevels()-1);

  // Find length of search range on epipolar line
  Vector2d px_A(cur_frame.cam_->world2cam(A));
  Vector2d px_B(cur_frame.cam_->world2cam(B));
  epi_length_ = (px_A-px_B).norm() / (1<<search_level_);

  // Warp reference patch at ref_level
  warp::warpAffine(A_cur_ref_, ref_frame.img_pyr_[ref_ftr.level], ref_ftr.px,
                   ref_ftr.level, search_level_, halfpatch_size_+1, patch_with_border_);

  if(epi_length_ < 2.0)
    px_cur_ = (px_A+px_B)/2.0;
    Vector2d px_scaled(px_cur_/(1<<search_level_));
    bool res;
      res = feature_alignment::align1D(
          cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], (px_A-px_B).cast<float>().normalized(),
          patch_with_border_, patch_, options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled, h_inv_);
      res = feature_alignment::align2D(
          cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], patch_with_border_, patch_,
          options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled);
      px_cur_ = px_scaled*(1<<search_level_);
      if(depthFromTriangulation(T_cur_ref, ref_ftr.f, cur_frame.cam_->cam2world(px_cur_), depth))
        return true;
    return false;

  size_t n_steps = epi_length_/0.7; // one step per pixel
  Vector2d step = epi_dir_/n_steps;

  if(n_steps > options_.max_epi_search_steps)
    printf("WARNING: skip epipolar search: %zu evaluations, px_lenght=%f, d_min=%f, d_max=%f.\n",
           n_steps, epi_length_, d_min, d_max);
    return false;

  // for matching, precompute sum and sum2 of warped reference patch
  int pixel_sum = 0;
  int pixel_sum_square = 0;
  PatchScore patch_score(patch_);

  // now we sample along the epipolar line
  Vector2d uv = B-step;
  Vector2i last_checked_pxi(0,0);
  for(size_t i=0; i<n_steps; ++i, uv+=step)
    Vector2d px(cur_frame.cam_->world2cam(uv));
    Vector2i pxi(px[0]/(1<<search_level_)+0.5,
                 px[1]/(1<<search_level_)+0.5); // +0.5 to round to closest int

    if(pxi == last_checked_pxi)
    last_checked_pxi = pxi;

    // check if the patch is full within the new frame
    if(!cur_frame.cam_->isInFrame(pxi, patch_size_, search_level_))

    // TODO interpolation would probably be a good idea
    uint8_t* cur_patch_ptr = cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_].data
                             + (pxi[1]-halfpatch_size_)*cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_].cols
                             + (pxi[0]-halfpatch_size_);
    int zmssd = patch_score.computeScore(cur_patch_ptr, cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_].cols);

    if(zmssd < zmssd_best) {
      zmssd_best = zmssd;
      uv_best = uv;

  if(zmssd_best < PatchScore::threshold())
      px_cur_ = cur_frame.cam_->world2cam(uv_best);
      Vector2d px_scaled(px_cur_/(1<<search_level_));
      bool res;
        res = feature_alignment::align1D(
            cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], (px_A-px_B).cast<float>().normalized(),
            patch_with_border_, patch_, options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled, h_inv_);
        res = feature_alignment::align2D(
            cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], patch_with_border_, patch_,
            options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled);
        px_cur_ = px_scaled*(1<<search_level_);
        if(depthFromTriangulation(T_cur_ref, ref_ftr.f, cur_frame.cam_->cam2world(px_cur_), depth))
          return true;
      return false;
    px_cur_ = cur_frame.cam_->world2cam(uv_best);
    if(depthFromTriangulation(T_cur_ref, ref_ftr.f, vk::unproject2d(uv_best).normalized(), depth))
      return true;
  return false;