Vector3f cTrackball::ballVector(Vector2f screen) const
    // normalize and centre the screen coordinates first
    screen -= m_center;
    screen /= m_radius;
    float lsqared = screen.squaredNorm();
    Vector3f ball;
    // if we are grabbing outside the bounds of the virtual hemisphere, 
    // take a point on the edge
    if (lsqared > 1.0)
        ball = Vector3f(screen[0], screen[1], 0.0f);
    // otherwise we are on the protruding hemisphere
        float z = sqrtf(1.0f - lsqared);
        ball = Vector3f(screen[0], screen[1], z);

    // return the ball vector, taking into account the camera's orientation
    return m_inverseCamera * ball;
Atmosphere::computeInscatterTable() const
    // Rg - "ground radius"
    // Rt - "transparent radius", i.e. radius of the atmosphere at some point
    //      where it is visually undetectable.

    float Rg = planetRadius;
    float Rg2 = Rg * Rg;
    float Rt = shellRadius();
    float Rt2 = Rt * Rt;

    // Avoid numerical precision problems by choosing a first viewer
    // position just *above* the planet surface.
    float baseHeight = Rg * 1.0e-6f;

    unsigned int sampleCount = HeightSamples * ViewAngleSamples * SunAngleSamples;
    Vector4f* inscatter = new Vector4f[sampleCount];

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HeightSamples; ++i)
        float w = float(i) / float(HeightSamples);
        float h = w * w * (Rt - Rg) + baseHeight;
        float r = Rg + h;
        float r2 = r * r;

        cout << "layer " << i << ", height=" << h << "km\n";

        Vector2f eye(0.0f, r);

        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ViewAngleSamples; ++j)
            float v = float(j) / float(ViewAngleSamples - 1);
            float mu = max(-1.0f, min(1.0f, toMu(v)));
            float cosTheta = mu;
            float sinTheta2 = 1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta;
            float sinTheta = sqrt(sinTheta2);
            Vector2f view(sinTheta, cosTheta);

            float pathLength;
            float d = Rg2 - r2 * sinTheta2;
            if (d > 0.0f && -r * cosTheta - sqrt(d) > 0.0f)
                // Ray hits the planet
                pathLength = -r * cosTheta - sqrt(Rg2 - r2 * sinTheta2);
                // Ray hits the sky
                pathLength = -r * cosTheta + sqrt(Rt2 - r2 * sinTheta2);

            for (unsigned int k = 0; k < SunAngleSamples; ++k)
                float w = float(k) / float(SunAngleSamples - 1);
                float muS = toMuS(w);
                float cosPhi = muS;
                float sinPhi = sqrt(max(0.0f, 1.0f - cosPhi * cosPhi));
                Vector2f sun(sinPhi, cosPhi);

                float stepLength = pathLength / float(ScatteringIntegrationSteps);
                Vector2f step = view * stepLength;

                Vector3f rayleigh = Vector3f::Zero();
                float mie = 0.0f;

                for (unsigned int m = 0; m < ScatteringIntegrationSteps; ++m)
                    Vector2f x = eye + step * m;
                    float distanceToViewer = stepLength * m;
                    float rx2 = x.squaredNorm();
                    float rx = sqrt(rx2);
                    // Compute the transmittance along the path to the viewer
                    Vector3f viewPathTransmittance = transmittance(r, mu, distanceToViewer, *this);

                    // Compute the cosine and sine of the angle between the
                    // sun direction and zenith at the current sample.
                    float c = / rx;
                    float s2 = 1.0f - c * c;

                    // Compute the transmittance along the path to the sun
                    // and the total transmittance t.
                    Vector3f t;
                    if (Rg2 - rx2 * s2 < 0.0f || -rx * c - sqrt(Rg2 - rx2 * s2) < 0.0f)
                        // Compute the distance through the atmosphere
                        // in the direction of the sun
                        float sunPathLength = -rx * c + sqrt(Rt2 - rx2 * s2);
                        Vector3f sunPathTransmittance = transmittance(rx, c, sunPathLength, *this);

                        t = viewPathTransmittance.cwise() * sunPathTransmittance;
                        // Ray to sun intersects the planet; no inscattered
                        // light at this point.
                        t = Vector3f::Zero();

                    // Accumulate Rayleigh and Mie scattering
                    float hx = rx - Rg;
                    rayleigh += (exp(-hx / rayleighScaleHeight) * stepLength) * t;
                    mie += exp(-hx / mieScaleHeight) * stepLength * t.x();

                unsigned int index = (i * ViewAngleSamples + j) * SunAngleSamples + k;
                inscatter[index] << rayleigh.cwise() * rayleighCoeff,
                                    mie * mieCoeff;
                if (i == HeightSamples - 1 && k == 0)
                    cout << acos(muS) * 180.0/M_PI << ", "
                         << acos(mu) * 180.0/M_PI << ", "
                         << inscatter[index].transpose() << endl;

#if 0
                // Emit warnings about NaNs in scatter table
                if (isNaN(rayleigh.x()))
                    cout << "NaN in inscatter table at (" << k << ", " << j << ", " << i << ")\n";

    return inscatter;
float VectorLocalization2D::observationWeightLidar(vector2f loc, float angle, const LidarParams &lidarParams, const vector<Vector2f> &laserPoints) const
  static const bool debug = false;
  float numRays = lidarParams.numRays;
  float minRange = lidarParams.minRange;
  float maxRange = lidarParams.maxRange;
  float logOutOfRangeProb = lidarParams.logOutOfRangeProb;
  float logObstacleProb = lidarParams.logObstacleProb;
  float logShortHitProb = lidarParams.logShortHitProb;
  vector2f laserLoc = loc + vector2f(lidarParams.laserToBaseTrans.x(),lidarParams.laserToBaseTrans.y()).rotate(angle);
  vector<line2f> lines;
  vector<int> lineCorrespondences;

    lineCorrespondences = currentMap->getRayToLineCorrespondences(laserLoc, angle, lidarParams.angleResolution, numRays, 0.0, maxRange, true, &lines);
    lineCorrespondences = currentMap->getRayToLineCorrespondences(laserLoc, angle, lidarParams.angleResolution, numRays, 0.0, maxRange, false, NULL);
  float *scanRays = lidarParams.laserScan;
  float curAngle;
  Vector2f attraction;
  float midScan = float(numRays)/2.0;
  Matrix2f robotAngle;
  robotAngle = Rotation2Df(angle);
  Vector2f heading, scanPoint, laserLocE(V2COMP(laserLoc));
  float logTotalWeight = 0.0;
  Vector2f scanPoint2, scanDir, lineDir;
  Matrix2f robotAngle2;
  robotAngle2 = Rotation2Df(angle+lidarParams.angleResolution);
  for(int i=0; i<numRays-1; i++){
    if(scanRays[i]>maxRange || scanRays[i]<minRange){
      logTotalWeight += logObstacleProb*lidarParams.correlationFactor;
      scanPoint = laserLocE + robotAngle*laserPoints[i];
      scanPoint2 = laserLocE + robotAngle2*laserPoints[i+1];
      scanDir = (scanPoint2-scanPoint).normalized();
        lineDir = Vector2f(V2COMP(lines[lineCorrespondences[i]].Dir()));
        lineDir = Vector2f(V2COMP(currentMap->lines[lineCorrespondences[i]].Dir()));
          attraction = observationFunction(lines[lineCorrespondences[i]], scanPoint);
          attraction = observationFunction(currentMap->lines[lineCorrespondences[i]], scanPoint);
        logTotalWeight += -min(attraction.squaredNorm()/lidarParams.lidarStdDev, -logShortHitProb)*lidarParams.correlationFactor;
        logTotalWeight += logObstacleProb*lidarParams.correlationFactor;
    }else if(scanRays[i]<maxRange){
      logTotalWeight += logObstacleProb*lidarParams.correlationFactor;
      logTotalWeight += logOutOfRangeProb*lidarParams.correlationFactor;
  //if(debug) printf("numCorrespondences: %d\n",numCorrespondences);
  //return numCorrespondences;
  return exp(logTotalWeight);