unsigned IniGrainCenters(CONFIG& config)
    Vector3d a;
    Vector3d rotv;
    Vector3d rtmp;
    double angle;
    time_t  time1, time2;

    cout << "Initialize grain centers ";
    for (int ig=0; ig<config.grains; ig++)
        for (int dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
            config.grain[ig].r(dim) = config.shift(dim) * (rand()%2000000/1000000. - 1);

        for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
            config.grain[ig].angle(j) = 2.0 * M_PI * (rand()%1000000/1000000.);

        a = config.grain[ig].angle;
        rotv << 1/cos(a(0))*sin(a(1)), 1/sin(a(0))*sin(a(1)), 1/cos(a(1));
        angle = -a(2);
        rtmp = -config.grain[ig].r;
        config.grain[ig].rotvT = rtmp * cos(angle) + rotv.cross(rtmp) * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * rotv *(rotv.dot(rtmp)) + config.grain[ig].r; //  Rodrigue's rotation formula
        cout << ".";

    if (config.time) cout << endl << "Done in " << time2-time1 << " s.";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;
NarrowPhaseCollisionDetector::xeno_collide(PhysicsObject& objectA, PhysicsObject& objectB,
										   const SupportMapping_CPtr& mapping, const SupportMapping_CPtr& mappingA,
										   const SupportMapping_CPtr& mappingB, const Vector3d& v0,
										   const Vector3d& relativeMovement) const
	// Phase 1: Portal Discovery

	Vector3d v1, v2, v3;

	// Find the support point in the direction of the origin ray 0 - v0 = -v0.
	Vector3d n = (-v0).normalize();		// note: v0 is guaranteed to be non-zero by construction
	v1 = (*mapping)(n);

	if(n.dot(v1) <= 0)
		// Special Case: The origin doesn't lie on the near side of the support plane containing v1 -> MISS.
		// (Note that the plane equation is given by n.x - n.v1 = 0, so if n.v1 <= 0 then n.x - n.v1 >= 0,
		// i.e. the origin is in front of, or on, a support plane pointing away from the shape.)
		return boost::none;

	// Find the support point along the normal of the plane containing the origin, v0 and v1.
	n = v0.cross(v1);

	if(n.length_squared() < EPSILON*EPSILON)
		// Special Case: v1 lies on the line joining the origin and v0.
		// Since it's a point on the surface of the Minkowski difference shape,
		// we can use it to test directly whether or not the origin is within
		// the shape.
		Vector3d v01 = v1 - v0;
		if(v0.length_squared() < v01.length_squared())
			// v0 is closer to the origin than it is to v1, so (by the geometry of the situation) the origin
			// must lie between v0 and v1 and thus be inside the Minkowski difference shape -> HIT.
			return make_contact(v0, mappingA, mappingB, relativeMovement, objectA, objectB);
		else return boost::none;

	n.normalize();	// note: if we get here, n is non-zero
	v2 = (*mapping)(n);

	if(n.dot(v2) <= 0)
		// Special Case: The origin doesn't lie on the near side of the support plane containing v2 -> MISS.
		return boost::none;

	// Calculate the normal for the plane containing v0, v1 and v2.
	n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);

	// We know that v1 != v0 and v2 != v0 by assumption that v0 is an interior point of the shape
	// (note that v1 and v2 are both support points, and thus on the surface by definition). The
	// only remaining way n could be 0 is if v1 - v0 and v2 - v0 were in the same direction. In
	// that case, v2 would lie in the same plane as the origin, v0 and v1, since v1 - v0 does. But
	// v2 is the support point in a direction perpendicular to this plane, so that could only happen
	// if the plane itself was on the surface. But then v0 would be on the surface -> contradiction.

	// Ensure the origin is in front of the plane (which has equation n.x - n.v0 = 0)
	// by swapping v1 and v2 if necessary. Note that to plug the origin into the equation
	// we test n.0 - n.v0 = -n.v0 against 0. If it's less than 0, the origin's behind the
	// plane. (This is the same as checking for n.v0 > 0.)
	if(n.dot(v0) > 0)
		std::swap(v1, v2);
		n = -n;

	// Iteratively find the remaining support point we need. Initially we look along the normal of the
	// plane containing triangle (v0, v1, v2).
	const int ITERATION_LIMIT = INT_MAX;	// we limit the amount of work the collision detector is allowed to do
	int iterations = 0;
	while(iterations++ < ITERATION_LIMIT)
		// Find the support point in the direction normal to the existing plane.
		v3 = (*mapping)(n);
		if(n.dot(v3) <= 0)
			// Special Case: The origin doesn't lie on the near side of the support plane containing v3 -> MISS.
			return boost::none;

		// Check the origin against the the two other non-portal planes - if it's not in front of both of them,
		// we need to keep looking for support points to make up our initial portal.

		// Check against the plane containing triangle (v0, v2, v3). This plane has equation
		// n.x - n.v0 = 0, where n = (v2-v0) x (v3 - v0). To test if the origin is behind it,
		// we therefore check -n.v0 < 0, i.e. n.v0 > 0. This is v0 . ((v2 - v0) x (v3 - v0)) > 0.
		// But note the identity a.((b-a) x (c-a)) = a.b x c, so this simplifies to v0.v2 x v3 > 0.
		if(v0.dot(v2.cross(v3)) > 0)
			// The origin is behind the plane containing (v0, v2, v3), so set things up
			// to search for the third support point in front of that plane. In particular,
			// we want to set (v0, v1, v2) := (v0, v3, v2), i.e. the reverse of the plane
			// the origin's behind.
			v1 = v3;
			n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0).normalize();	// note that our plane is now that of triangle (v0, v1, v2)

		// Check against the plane containing triangle (v0, v3, v1).
		if(v0.dot(v3.cross(v1)) > 0)
			// The origin is behind the plane containing (v0, v3, v1), so set things up
			// to search for the third support point in front of that plane. In particular,
			// we want to set (v0, v1, v2) := (v0, v1, v3), i.e. the reverse of the plane
			// the origin's behind.
			v2 = v3;
			n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0).normalize();	// note that our plane is now that of triangle (v0, v1, v2)

		// If we got here, we found a valid portal.

	// Phase 2: Portal Refinement

	while(iterations++ < ITERATION_LIMIT)
		// Check whether the origin's behind the portal (v1, v2, v3), which faces towards the outside of the shape.
		// If so, it's inside the shape -> HIT. The plane is n.x - n.v1 = 0, where n = (v2-v1) x (v3-v1). The origin
		// is behind it if -n.v1 < 0, i.e. if n.v1 > 0.
		n = (v2 - v1).cross(v3 - v1).normalize();
		if(n.dot(v1) > 0)
			return make_contact(v0, mappingA, mappingB, relativeMovement, objectA, objectB);

		// If the origin's not behind the portal, find the support plane in the direction of the portal normal.
		// This has equation n.x - n.v4 = 0.
		Vector3d v4 = (*mapping)(n);

		// Check whether the origin's not behind the support plane, which faces towards the outside of the shape.
		// If so, it's outside the shape -> MISS. The origin's not behind the support plane if -n.v4 >= 0, i.e.
		// if n.v4 <= 0.
		if(n.dot(v4) <= 0)
			return boost::none;

		// Check whether the support plane's sufficiently close to the portal that the origin might as well be
		// outside the shape. If so -> MISS. The distance between the two planes is n.v4 - n.v1 = n.(v4 - v1).
		double supportPlaneOffset = n.dot(v4 - v1);
		if(supportPlaneOffset < EPSILON)
			return boost::none;

		// Find a new portal which is closer to the surface of the shape than the old one.
		// This involves constructing a tetrahedron from the support point and the existing
		// portal, then working out which of the outer faces of the tetrahedron the origin
		// ray passes through - this outer face becomes the new portal. To do this, we look
		// at the dividing planes containing (v0,vi,v4) for i in {1,2,3} and work out which
		// segment of the tetrahedron the origin is in by testing it against them. Note that
		// the displacement value obtained by plugging the origin into dividing plane i can
		// be calculated as -v0.((vi-v0) x (v4-v0)) = -v0.vi x v4.

		double d1 = -v0.dot(v1.cross(v4));
		double d2 = -v0.dot(v2.cross(v4));
		double d3 = -v0.dot(v3.cross(v4));

		if(d1 < 0)	// the origin's behind dividing plane 1
			if(d2 < 0)	// the origin's behind dividing plane 2
				v1 = v4;
			else		// the origin's in front of dividing plane 2
				v3 = v4;
		else		// the origin's in front of dividing plane 1
			if(d3 < 0)	// the origin's behind dividing plane 3
				v2 = v4;
			else		// the origin's in front of dividing plane 3
				v1 = v4;

	// If we get here, we must have run out of iterations, so just return a MISS.
	return boost::none;
	// None of the normalizations should fail, but just in case they do, it's better to miss a collision
	// than risk crashing the entire program.
	return boost::none;
/// Determines the barycentric coordinates corresponding to a point for this triangle
void Triangle::determine_barycentric_coords(const Point3d& p, double& s, double& t) const
  const unsigned X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2;

  const Vector3d v0 = b - a, v1 = c - a, v2 = p - a;
  double d00 = v0.dot(v0);
  double d01 = v0.dot(v1);
  double d11 = v1.dot(v1);
  double d20 = v2.dot(v0);
  double d21 = v2.dot(v1);
  double denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
  double v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21)/denom;
  double w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20)/denom;
  double u = 1.0 - v - w;
  s = u;
  t = v;
  assert((a*s + b*t + c*(1.0-s-t) - p).norm() < NEAR_ZERO);

  // determine which coordinate has the minimum variance
  std::pair<Point3d, Point3d> aabb = calc_AABB();
  const double varx = aabb.second[X] - aabb.first[X];
  const double vary = aabb.second[Y] - aabb.first[Y];
  const double varz = aabb.second[Z] - aabb.first[Z];

  // project to 2D
  Point2d tri_2D[3];
  Point2d v_2D;

  if (varx < vary && varx < varz)
    // minimum variance in the x direction; project to yz plane
    tri_2D[0] = Point2d(a[Y], a[Z]);
    tri_2D[1] = Point2d(b[Y], b[Z]);
    tri_2D[2] = Point2d(c[Y], c[Z]);
    v_2D = Point2d(v[Y], v[Z]);
  else if (vary < varx && vary < varz)
    // minimum variance in the y direction; project to xz plane
    tri_2D[0] = Point2d(a[X], a[Z]);
    tri_2D[1] = Point2d(b[X], b[Z]);
    tri_2D[2] = Point2d(c[X], c[Z]);
    v_2D = Point2d(v[X], v[Z]);
    // minimum variance in the z direction; project to xy plane
    tri_2D[0] = Point2d(a[X], a[Y]);
    tri_2D[1] = Point2d(b[X], b[Y]);
    tri_2D[2] = Point2d(c[X], c[Y]);
    v_2D = Point2d(v[X], v[Y]);
  // now determine barycentric coordinates for 2D triangle
  determine_barycentric_coords(tri_2D, v_2D, s, t);
  // minimum variance is in x direction
  if (varx < vary && varx < varz)
    const double r1 = v[Y] - _c[Y];
    const double r2 = v[Z] - _c[Z];
    const double y1 = _a[Y];
    const double y2 = _b[Y];
    const double y3 = _c[Y];
    const double z1 = _a[Z];
    const double z2 = _b[Z];
    const double z3 = _c[Z];
    const double denom = 1.0/(-y2*z1 + y3*z1 + y1*z2 - y3*z2 - y1*z3 + y2*z3);
    double rs1 = r1*denom;
    double rs2 = r2*denom;
    s = (z2-z3)*rs1 + (y3-y2)*rs2;
    t = (z3-z1)*rs1 + (y1-y3)*rs2;
  // minimum variance is in y direction
  else if (vary < varx && vary < varz)
    const double r1 = v[X] - _c[X];
    const double r2 = v[Z] - _c[Z];
    const double x1 = _a[X];
    const double x2 = _b[X];
    const double x3 = _c[X];
    const double z1 = _a[Z];
    const double z2 = _b[Z];
    const double z3 = _c[Z];
    const double denom = 1.0/(-x2*z1 + x3*z1 + x1*z2 - x3*z2 - x1*z3 + x2*z3);
    double rs1 = r1*denom;
    double rs2 = r2*denom;
    s = (z2-z3)*rs1 + (x3-x2)*rs2;
    t = (z3-z1)*rs1 + (x1-x3)*rs2;
  // minimum variance is in z direction
    const double r1 = v[X] - _c[X];
    const double r2 = v[Y] - _c[Y];
    const double x1 = _a[X];
    const double x2 = _b[X];
    const double x3 = _c[X];
    const double y1 = _a[Y];
    const double y2 = _b[Y];
    const double y3 = _c[Y];
    const double denom = 1.0/(-x2*y1 + x3*y1 + x1*y2 - x3*y2 - x1*y3 + x2*y3);
    double rs1 = r1*denom;
    double rs2 = r2*denom;
    s = (y2-y3)*rs1 + (x3-x2)*rs2;
    t = (y3-y1)*rs1 + (x1-x3)*rs2;
main (int argc, char **argv)
    // Load sphere surface:
    GmshSurfaceLoader surface_loader;
    shared_ptr<Surface> sphere(new Surface("main"));
    surface_loader.load(sphere, string("sphere.msh"));
    // Create surface body:
    shared_ptr<Body> body(new Body(string("sphere")));
    // Set up solver:
    Solver solver("test-sphere-log");
    Vector3d freestream_velocity(30.0, 0, 0);
    double fluid_density = 1.2;
    // Run simulation:
    // Check pressure coefficients and surface potential values:
    for (int i = 0; i < sphere->n_panels(); i++) {
        Vector3d x = sphere->panel_collocation_point(i, false);
        // Angle between flow and point on sphere:
        double theta = acos(x.dot(freestream_velocity) / (x.norm() * freestream_velocity.norm()));
        // Analytical solution for pressure coefficient and surface potential.
        // See J. Katz and A. Plotkin, Low-Speed Aerodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
        double C_p_ref = 1.0 - 9.0 / 4.0 * pow(sin(theta), 2);
        double R = x.norm();
        double phi_ref = freestream_velocity.norm() * cos(theta) * (R + pow(R, 3) / (2 * pow(R, 2)));
        // Computed pressure coefficient:
        double C_p = solver.pressure_coefficient(sphere, i);
        double phi = solver.surface_velocity_potential(sphere, i);
        // Compare:
        if (fabs(C_p - C_p_ref) > TEST_TOLERANCE) {
            cerr << " *** TEST FAILED *** " << endl;
            cerr << " theta = " << theta << " rad" << endl;
            cerr << " C_p(ref) = " << C_p_ref << endl;
            cerr << " C_p = " << C_p << endl;
            cerr << " ******************* " << endl;
        if (fabs(phi - phi_ref) / (R * freestream_velocity.norm()) > TEST_TOLERANCE) {
            cerr << " *** TEST FAILED *** " << endl;
            cerr << " theta = " << theta << " rad" << endl;
            cerr << " phi(ref) = " << phi_ref << endl;
            cerr << " phi = " << phi << endl;
            cerr << " ******************* " << endl;
    // Done:
    return 0;
	Vector3d traceRay(Ray* ray, vector<SceneObject*>* objects, vector<SceneObject*>* lights, int remainingDepth) {
		Vector3d backgroundColour(0, 0, 0);
		Vector3d ambientLight(25, 25, 25);

		/*Vector3d RED(255, 0, 0);
		Vector3d GREEN(0, 255, 0);
		Vector3d BLUE(255, 0, 255);
		Vector3d YELLOW(255, 255, 0);
		Vector3d CYAN(0, 255, 255);
		Vector3d MAJENTA(255, 0, 255);*/

		if (remainingDepth <= 0)
			return backgroundColour;

		vector<Intersection*>* intersections = getIntersections(objects, ray, NULL, false, (remainingDepth < 2));
		Intersection* closestIntersection = getClosestIntersection(ray->origin, intersections);
		Vector3d closestOrigin;
		Vector3d closestDirection;
		SceneObject* closestObject;

		if (closestIntersection != NULL) {
			closestOrigin = *(closestIntersection->origin);
			closestDirection = *(closestIntersection->direction);
			closestObject = closestIntersection->object;

		delete intersections;

		if (closestIntersection != NULL) {
			Vector3d fullLightColour = ambientLight;
			Vector3d surfaceColour = *(closestIntersection->object->colour);

			//for each light, add it to the full light on this point (if not blocked)
			for (unsigned int lightNum = 0; lightNum < lights->size(); lightNum++) {
				SceneObject* light = (*lights)[lightNum];
				Vector3d toLight = *(light->position) - closestOrigin;
				Vector3d toLightNormalized = toLight.normalized();
				double dot = toLightNormalized.dot(closestDirection);

				if (dot > 0) {
					intersections = getIntersections(objects, new Ray(&closestOrigin, &toLightNormalized), closestObject, true, false);
					bool inLight = false;
					if (intersections->size() == 0) {
						inLight = true;
					else {
						Intersection* intersection = (*intersections)[0];
						Vector3d intersectionOrigin = Vector3d(*(intersection->origin));
						Vector3d intersectionDirection = Vector3d(*(intersection->direction));
						SceneObject* obj = intersection->object;

						if ((intersectionOrigin - closestOrigin).norm() > toLight.norm()) {
							inLight = true;

					if (inLight) {
						fullLightColour += *(light->colour) * dot;

					delete intersections;

			double reflectivity = closestObject->reflectivity;
			if (reflectivity > 0) {
				Vector3d rayDirection = *(ray->direction);
				Vector3d normal = closestDirection;
				Vector3d reflectedDirection = rayDirection - ((2 * (normal.dot(rayDirection))) * normal);
				Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(&closestOrigin, &reflectedDirection);

				Vector3d reflectionColour = traceRay(reflectedRay, objects, lights, remainingDepth - 1);
				delete reflectedRay;

				surfaceColour *= 1 - reflectivity;
				surfaceColour += reflectionColour * reflectivity;

			Vector3d endColour = surfaceColour;
			endColour[0] *= fullLightColour[0] / 255;
			endColour[1] *= fullLightColour[1] / 255;
			endColour[2] *= fullLightColour[2] / 255;

			return endColour;
		else {
			return backgroundColour;
VectorXd rigidBodyDynamics::f(VectorXd x) {
	Vector3d dr, dv, da, dw;
	Matrix<double,12,12> lambda, dLambda;
	VectorXd vec_dLambda;

	int vecsize;
	if (covProp) {
		vecsize = 90;
	} else {
		vecsize = 12;

	VectorXd dx(vecsize);

	Vector3d r = x.segment<3>(0);
	Vector3d v = x.segment<3>(3);
	Vector3d a = x.segment<3>(6);
	Vector3d w = x.segment<3>(9);

	MatrixXd Bw = getBw();
	Matrix3d J = _ir.getJ();

	//Nonlinear State Model \dot x = f(x)

	 * 	\mathbf{\dot r} = \mathbf{v}
	dr = v;

	 * 	\mathbf{\dot v} = 0
	dv = Vector3d::Zero();

	 * \frac{d \mathbf{a}_p}{dt} =
	 * 			\frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{[\omega \times]} +
	 * 			\mathbf{\omega} \cdot \mathbf{\bar q} \right) \mathbf{a}_p +
	 * 			\frac{2 q_4}{1+q_4} \mathbf{\omega}
	double c1, c2, c3;
	c1 = 0.5;
	c2 = 0.125 * w.dot(a);		//NEW simplification
	c3 = 1 - a.dot(a)/16;
	da = -c1 * w.cross(a) + c2* a + c3 * w;

	 * \dot \mathbf{w} = -\mathbf{J}^{-1} \mathbf{\omega} \times \mathbf{J} \mathbf{\omega}
	dw = - J.inverse() * w.cross(J * w);

	if (covProp) {

		//Covariance Propagation according to Lyapunov function
		//see Brown & Hwang pg 204

		//Compute Linear transition matrix
		Matrix<double,12,12> A = Matrix<double,12,12>::Zero();

		//position derivative
		A.block<3,3>(0,3) = Matrix<double,3,3>::Identity();

		//mrp kinematics
		A.block<3,3>(6,6) = -0.5*crossProductMat(w) + w.dot(a)/8 * Matrix3d::Identity();
		A.block<3,3>(6,9) = (1-a.dot(a/16))*Matrix3d::Identity();

		//angular velocity dynamics
		A.block<3,3>(9,9) = - J.inverse() * crossProductMat(w) * J;

		lambda = vec2symmMat(x.segment<78>(12));
		dLambda = A * lambda + lambda *A.transpose() + Bw * _Q * Bw.transpose();
		vec_dLambda = symmMat2Vec(dLambda);

	//write to dx
	dx.segment<3>(0) = dr;
	dx.segment<3>(3) = dv;
	dx.segment<3>(6) = da;
	dx.segment<3>(9) = dw;
		dx.segment<78>(12) = vec_dLambda;

	return dx;
// dist3D_Segment_to_Segment():
//    Input:  two 3D line segments S1 and S2
//    Return: the shortest distance between S1 and S2
double dist3D_Segment_to_Segment(const Vector3d &S1P0, const Vector3d &S1P1,
				 const Vector3d &S2P0, const Vector3d &S2P1, double SMALL_NUM)
     Vector3d   u = S1P1 - S1P0;
     Vector3d   v = S2P1 - S2P0;
     Vector3d   w = S1P0 - S2P0;
     double    a = u.dot(u);        // always >= 0
     double    b = u.dot(v);
     double    c = v.dot(v);        // always >= 0
     double    d = u.dot(w);
     double    e = v.dot(w);
     double    D = a*c - b*b;       // always >= 0
     double    sc, sN, sD = D;      // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0
     double    tc, tN, tD = D;      // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0

     // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
     if (D < SMALL_NUM) { // the lines are almost parallel
         sN = 0.0;        // force using point P0 on segment S1
         sD = 1.0;        // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
         tN = e;
         tD = c;
     else {                // get the closest points on the infinite lines
         sN = (b*e - c*d);
         tN = (a*e - b*d);
         if (sN < 0.0) {       // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
             sN = 0.0;
             tN = e;
             tD = c;
         else if (sN > sD) {  // sc > 1 => the s=1 edge is visible
             sN = sD;
             tN = e + b;
             tD = c;

     if (tN < 0.0) {           // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
         tN = 0.0;
         // recompute sc for this edge
         if (-d < 0.0)
             sN = 0.0;
         else if (-d > a)
             sN = sD;
         else {
             sN = -d;
             sD = a;
     else if (tN > tD) {      // tc > 1 => the t=1 edge is visible
         tN = tD;
         // recompute sc for this edge
         if ((-d + b) < 0.0)
             sN = 0;
         else if ((-d + b) > a)
             sN = sD;
         else {
             sN = (-d + b);
             sD = a;
     // finally do the division to get sc and tc
     sc = (abs(sN) < SMALL_NUM ? 0.0 : sN / sD);
     tc = (abs(tN) < SMALL_NUM ? 0.0 : tN / tD);

     // get the difference of the two closest points
     Vector3d dP = w + (u * sc ) - (v * tc);  // = S1(sc) - S2(tc)

     return dP.length();   // return the closest distance
double vectorAngle(const Vector3d &r1,const Vector3d &r2){
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]){
  if (argc<2)
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Please type: " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "PIXEL_NOISE: noise in image space (E.g.: 1)" << endl;
    cout << "OUTLIER_RATIO: probability of spuroius observation  (default: 0.0)" << endl;
    cout << "ROBUST_KERNEL: use robust kernel (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << "STRUCTURE_ONLY: performe structure-only BA to get better point initializations (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << "DENSE: Use dense solver (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Note, if OUTLIER_RATIO is above 0, ROBUST_KERNEL should be set to 1==true." << endl;
    cout << endl;

  double PIXEL_NOISE = atof(argv[1]);
  double OUTLIER_RATIO = 0.0;

  if (argc>2)  {
    OUTLIER_RATIO = atof(argv[2]);

  bool ROBUST_KERNEL = false;
  if (argc>3){
    ROBUST_KERNEL = atoi(argv[3]) != 0;
  bool STRUCTURE_ONLY = false;
  if (argc>4){
    STRUCTURE_ONLY = atoi(argv[4]) != 0;

  bool DENSE = false;
  if (argc>5){
    DENSE = atoi(argv[5]) != 0;

  cout << "PIXEL_NOISE: " <<  PIXEL_NOISE << endl;
  cout << "OUTLIER_RATIO: " << OUTLIER_RATIO<<  endl;
  cout << "ROBUST_KERNEL: " << ROBUST_KERNEL << endl;
  cout << "STRUCTURE_ONLY: " << STRUCTURE_ONLY<< endl;
  cout << "DENSE: "<<  DENSE << endl;

  g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer;
  g2o::BlockSolver_6_3::LinearSolverType * linearSolver;
  if (DENSE) {
    linearSolver= new g2o::LinearSolverDense<g2o
  } else {
        = new g2o::LinearSolverCholmod<g2o

  g2o::BlockSolver_6_3 * solver_ptr
      = new g2o::BlockSolver_6_3(linearSolver);
  g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg* solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg(solver_ptr);

  vector<Vector3d> true_points;
  for (size_t i=0;i<500; ++i)

  double focal_length= 1000.;
  Vector2d principal_point(320., 240.);

      aligned_allocator<g2o::SE3Quat> > true_poses;
  g2o::CameraParameters * cam_params
      = new g2o::CameraParameters (focal_length, principal_point, 0.);

  if (!optimizer.addParameter(cam_params)) {

  int vertex_id = 0;
  for (size_t i=0; i<15; ++i) {
    Vector3d trans(i*0.04-1.,0,0);

    Eigen:: Quaterniond q;
    g2o::SE3Quat pose(q,trans);
    g2o::VertexSE3Expmap * v_se3
        = new g2o::VertexSE3Expmap();
    if (i<2){
  int point_id=vertex_id;
  int point_num = 0;
  double sum_diff2 = 0;

  cout << endl;
  tr1::unordered_map<int,int> pointid_2_trueid;
  tr1::unordered_set<int> inliers;

  for (size_t i=0; i<true_points.size(); ++i){
    g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * v_p
        = new g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ();
                     + Vector3d(Sample::gaussian(1),
    int num_obs = 0;
    for (size_t j=0; j<true_poses.size(); ++j){
      Vector2d z = cam_params->cam_map(true_poses.at(j).map(true_points.at(i)));
      if (z[0]>=0 && z[1]>=0 && z[0]<640 && z[1]<480){
    if (num_obs>=2){
      bool inlier = true;
      for (size_t j=0; j<true_poses.size(); ++j){
        Vector2d z
            = cam_params->cam_map(true_poses.at(j).map(true_points.at(i)));

        if (z[0]>=0 && z[1]>=0 && z[0]<640 && z[1]<480){
          double sam = Sample::uniform();
          if (sam<OUTLIER_RATIO){
            z = Vector2d(Sample::uniform(0,640),
            inlier= false;
          z += Vector2d(Sample::gaussian(PIXEL_NOISE),
          g2o::EdgeProjectXYZ2UV * e
              = new g2o::EdgeProjectXYZ2UV();
          e->setVertex(0, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(v_p));
          e->setVertex(1, dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>
          e->information() = Matrix2d::Identity();
          if (ROBUST_KERNEL) {
            g2o::RobustKernelHuber* rk = new g2o::RobustKernelHuber;
          e->setParameterId(0, 0);

      if (inlier){
        Vector3d diff = v_p->estimate() - true_points[i];

        sum_diff2 += diff.dot(diff);
  cout << endl;
    g2o::StructureOnlySolver<3> structure_only_ba;
    cout << "Performing structure-only BA:"   << endl;
    g2o::OptimizableGraph::VertexContainer points;
    for (g2o::OptimizableGraph::VertexIDMap::const_iterator it = optimizer.vertices().begin(); it != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++it) {
      g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(it->second);
      if (v->dimension() == 3)
    structure_only_ba.calc(points, 10);
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Performing full BA:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Point error before optimisation (inliers only): " << sqrt(sum_diff2/point_num) << endl;
  point_num = 0;
  sum_diff2 = 0;
  for (tr1::unordered_map<int,int>::iterator it=pointid_2_trueid.begin();
       it!=pointid_2_trueid.end(); ++it){
    g2o::HyperGraph::VertexIDMap::iterator v_it
        = optimizer.vertices().find(it->first);
    if (v_it==optimizer.vertices().end()){
      cerr << "Vertex " << it->first << " not in graph!" << endl;
    g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * v_p
        = dynamic_cast< g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * > (v_it->second);
    if (v_p==0){
      cerr << "Vertex " << it->first << "is not a PointXYZ!" << endl;
    Vector3d diff = v_p->estimate()-true_points[it->second];
    if (inliers.find(it->first)==inliers.end())
    sum_diff2 += diff.dot(diff);
  cout << "Point error after optimisation (inliers only): " << sqrt(sum_diff2/point_num) << endl;
  cout << endl;
void robot_graphics_t::renderJoints(BodyNode *_node, RenderInterface *_ri, int _depth) {

	// render self geometry
    Joint *_jointParent = _node->getParentJoint();
    int nt = _jointParent->getNumTransforms();

    if(_depth > 0) {
        // lines?

        glVertex3d(0, 0, 0);

        Matrix4d locTrans = _jointParent->getLocalTransform();

        // Lines?
        glVertex3d(locTrans(0,3), locTrans(1,3), locTrans(2,3));


	for(int i=0; i < _jointParent->getNumTransforms(); ++i) {

//		if(i == _jointParent->getNumTransforms()-1) {
//			// dof transform
//			cout << "BodyNode: " << _node->getName() << endl;
//			cout << "Trfm: " << _jointParent->getTransform(i)->getName() << endl;
//			cout << "Tfrm Type: " << _jointParent->getTransform(i)->getType() << endl;
//			cout << "= \n" << _jointParent->getTransform(i)->getTransform() << endl;
//			cout << "ParentJoint: " << _jointParent->getName() << endl;
//			for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
//				cout << "axis " << i << "= \n"
//					 << _jointParent->getAxis(i) << endl;
//			}
//		}

	// axis 0 is joint axis of rotation (i think)
	Vector3d ax = _jointParent->getAxis(0).normalized();
	Vector3d zx = Vector3d::UnitZ();
	Vector3d perp = zx.cross(ax);
	double y = perp.norm();
	double x = zx.dot(ax);
	double ang = atan2(y,x) * 180.0 / M_PI;


	double radius = 0.02;
	double height = 0.05;

	_ri->rotate(perp, ang);

		glColor3d(0.0, 0.3, 1.0);
		gluCylinder(quadObj, radius, radius, height, 8, 8);
		gluDisk(quadObj, 0, radius, 8, 8);
		gluDisk(quadObj, 0, radius, 8, 8);

	//glColor3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	//_ri->drawCylinder(radius, height);

	// render subtree
	for(int i=0; i < _node->getNumChildJoints(); ++i) {
		BodyNode *child = _node->getChildJoint(i)->getChildNode();
		renderJoints(child, _ri, _depth+1);
// Get the closest points in the direction of estimated movement using a triangle
std::vector<BlockInfo> ICP::closestPoints(intensityCloud::Ptr P, MLSM *X,std::vector<double> timeStamps, Vector3d eV){

    std::vector<BlockInfo> result;
    BlockInfo blockInfo;
    mlsm::Block* blockPtr, *bestBlockPtr;
   //intensityCloud::iterator cloudIterator = P->begin();
    cell::iterator cellIterator;
    int i, j;
    int ci, cj;
    cell cellPtr;
    bool found = false;
    double minError = DBL_MAX, d0;
    Vector3d unitSpeed;
    Vector3d unitDir;
    double angle, closestAngle = M_PI;
    //ROS_INFO("Vel %f, %f %f", eV[0], eV[1],eV[2]);

    //  if ((eV[0] == 0.0) && (eV[1] == 0.0)){
    //ROS_INFO("No estimation");
    pcl::PointXYZI p0,p[nSamples_];
    double movingTime = 0;
    double firstStamp = *(timeStamps.begin());

    for(int i=0;i<P->size();i++){
        if (isnan(P->at(i).x) || isnan(P->at(i).y) || isnan(P->at(i).z)) continue;

        movingTime = fabs(timeStamps[i]) - fabs(timeStamps.front());//lastStamp - timeStamps[i];

        closestAngle = M_PI;
        p0 = P->at(i);
        //ROS_INFO("Point %d X %f Y %f Z %f",i, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
        bestBlockPtr = X->findClosestBlock(p0);
        //ROS_INFO("Candt %d X %f Y %f Z %f\n",i,bestBlockPtr->mean_.x,bestBlockPtr->mean_.y,bestBlockPtr->mean_.z);
        //ROS_INFO("ICP: Nsamples is %d", nSamples_);

        if ((((eV[0] != 0) || (eV[1] != 0) || (eV[2] != 0)) || (timeStamps.size() != P->size())) && (nSamples_ > 0)){
            unitSpeed[0] = eV[0];
            unitSpeed[1] = eV[1];
            unitSpeed[2] = eV[2];
            for (int j=0;j<nSamples_;j++){
                p[j].x = p0.x + movingTime* eV[0] * j * sampleStep_;
                p[j].y = p0.y + movingTime* eV[1] * j * sampleStep_;
                p[j].z = p0.z + movingTime* eV[2] * j * sampleStep_;
                //ROS_INFO("Point Sample %d X %f Y %f Z %f",j, p[j].x, p[j].y, p[j].z);
                blockPtr = X->findClosestBlock(p[j]);
                if (blockPtr == NULL) break;

                // Find angle between the block and p0
                unitDir[0] = blockPtr->mean_.x - p0.x;
                unitDir[1] = blockPtr->mean_.y - p0.y;
                unitDir[2] = blockPtr->mean_.z - p0.z;
                angle = acos(unitSpeed.dot(unitDir));
                if (fabs(angle) < closestAngle){
                    bestBlockPtr = blockPtr;
                    closestAngle = angle;
        blockInfo.blockPtr = bestBlockPtr;
        blockInfo.i = i;
        blockInfo.j = j;
        minError = DBL_MAX;
    ////ROS_INFO("Finished finding closest points");
    return result;
    /*Directional grid based search based on bresenham. No longer needed.
     * }
    //ROS_INFO("With estimation");

    if (eV[0] > eV[1]){
        eV[1] = eV[1] / eV[0];
        eV[0] = 1;
        eV[0] = eV[0] / eV[1];
        eV[1] = 1;

    double m = 100.0;
    int stepY = 1;
    int stepX = 1;
    int error;
    int errorprev;
    int incY;
    int incX;
    for (;cloudIterator != P->end();cloudIterator++){
        if (isnan(cloudIterator->x) || isnan(cloudIterator->y) || isnan(cloudIterator->z)) continue;
        ////ROS_INFO("Point x = %f, resolution =  %f", cloudIterator->x, X->getResolution());
        i = cloudIterator->x / X->getResolution();
        j = cloudIterator->y / X->getResolution();
        ////ROS_INFO("%d, %d", i, j);
        incY = abs(m * (eV[1] - j));
        incX = abs(m * (eV[0] - i));
        stepY = 1;
        stepX = 1;
        if (incY < 0){
            stepY = -1;
        if (incX < 0){
            stepX = -1;
        if (incX >= incY){
            error = incY - incX;
            errorprev = error;
            while ((i < X->getSpanX())&&(j < X->getSpanY())){
                ////ROS_INFO("%d, %d", i, j);
                if (X->checkCell(i,j)){
                    ////ROS_INFO("CHECK %d, %d", i, j);
                    blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                    blockInfo.i = i;
                    blockInfo.j = j;
                if (error >= 0){
                    j += stepY;
                    errorprev = error;
                    error -= incX;

                    if (error + errorprev < incX){
                        if (X->checkCell(i,j - stepY)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                    if (error + errorprev > incX){
                        if (X->checkCell(i - stepX,j)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                    else {
                        if (X->checkCell(i,j - stepY)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                        if (X->checkCell(i - stepX,j)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                i += stepX;
                error += incY;
        else {
            error = incX - incY;
            errorprev = error;
            while ((i < X->getSpanX())&&(j < X->getSpanY())){
                if (X->checkCell(i,j)){
                    blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                    blockInfo.i = i;
                    blockInfo.j = j;
                if (error >= 0){
                    i += stepX;
                    errorprev = error;
                    error -= incY;

                    if (error + errorprev < incY){
                        if (X->checkCell(i - stepX,j)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                    if (error + errorprev > incY){
                        if (X->checkCell(i,j - stepY)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                    else {
                        if (X->checkCell(i,j - stepY)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                        if (X->checkCell(i - stepX,j)){
                            blockInfo.blockPtr = X->findSuitableBlock(i,j,*cloudIterator);
                            blockInfo.i = i;
                            blockInfo.j = j;
                j += stepY;
                error += incX;
    return result;*/
void ThreadPiece::calculateBinormal_withLength(const Vector3d& edge_prev, const Vector3d& edge_after, Vector3d& binormal)
  binormal = 2.0*edge_prev.cross(edge_after);
  binormal /= (edge_prev.norm()*edge_after.norm() + edge_prev.dot(edge_after));
void ThreadPiece::calculateBinormal(const Vector3d& edge_prev, const Vector3d& edge_after, Vector3d& binormal)
  binormal = 2.0*edge_prev.cross(edge_after);
  binormal /= ((_my_thread->rest_length())*(_my_thread->rest_length()) + edge_prev.dot(edge_after));
unsigned RotateBox(CONFIG& config, int ig)
    Vector3d a;
    Vector3d rotv;
    Vector3d rtmp;
    double   angle;
    time_t   time1, time2;

    a = config.grain[ig].angle;

    rotv << cos(a(0))*sin(a(1)), sin(a(0))*sin(a(1)), cos(a(1));
    angle = a(2);

    for (int i = 0; i < config.atoms_grain; i++)
        rtmp = config.atom_grain[i].r;
        config.atom_grain[i].r = rtmp * cos(angle) + rotv.cross(rtmp) * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * rotv *(rotv.dot(rtmp)) + config.grain[ig].r; //  Rodrigue's rotation formula

    if (config.time) cout << "Rotated in " << time2-time1 << " s.";

    return 0;
void Thread_RRT::findThreadMotion(RRT_Node& start, RRT_Node& goal, Thread_Motion& bestMotion)

  double estimated_derivs[5];
  Matrix4d startTrans;
  for (int dir=0; dir < 3; dir++)
    //move in direction
    motion.pos_movement(dir) = DISTANCE_TO_TRY;
    RRT_Node thisNodeToTry(motion.applyMotion(start.thread));
    double pos_dir_dist = goal.distanceToNode(thisNodeToTry);

    //move in other direction
    motion.pos_movement(dir) = -DISTANCE_TO_TRY;
    RRT_Node thisNodeToTryOtherDir(motion.applyMotion(start.thread));
    double neg_dir_dist = goal.distanceToNode(thisNodeToTryOtherDir);
    //double neg_dir_dist = goal.distanceToNode(start);

    estimated_derivs[dir] = (pos_dir_dist-neg_dir_dist)/(2.0*DISTANCE_TO_TRY); 

    //cleanup for next iter
    motion.pos_movement(dir) = 0.0;
  std::cout << estimated_derivs[0] << " " << estimated_derivs[1] << " " << estimated_derivs[2] << std::endl;
  motion.pos_movement = Vector3d(estimated_derivs[0]/100.0, estimated_derivs[1]/100.0, estimated_derivs[2]/100.0);

  Matrix4d startTrans;
  double bestScore = DBL_MAX;
  Thread_Motion thisMotion;
  for (int randSampleInd=0; randSampleInd < NUM_RANDOM_SAMPLES; randSampleInd++)
    //random position movement
    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
      thisMotion.pos_movement(i) = (2.0*MAX_DISTANCE_MOVE_EACH_DIR*((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX))-MAX_DISTANCE_MOVE_EACH_DIR;

    //random rotation matrix
    double rotAng1 = (2.0*MAX_ANG_TO_ROTATE*((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX)) - MAX_ANG_TO_ROTATE;
    double rotAng2 = (2.0*MAX_ANG_TO_ROTATE*((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX)) - MAX_ANG_TO_ROTATE;
    thisMotion.setRotationMatrixFromAngs(rotAng1, rotAng2);
    //std::cout << "pos: " << thisMotion.pos_movement << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "tan: " << thisMotion.tan_rotation << std::endl;

    RRT_Node thisMotionTried(thisMotion.applyMotion(start.thread));
    double thisScore = goal.distanceToNode(thisMotionTried);

    if (thisScore < bestScore)
      bestScore = thisScore;
      bestMotion = thisMotion;

  //find vector to get position closer
  Vector3d startEnd;
  Vector3d goalEnd;

  bestMotion.pos_movement = goalEnd - startEnd;

  //add some noise to movement
  bestMotion.pos_movement(0) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_DISTANCE_MOVEMENT);
  bestMotion.pos_movement(1) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_DISTANCE_MOVEMENT);
  bestMotion.pos_movement(2) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_DISTANCE_MOVEMENT);

  //make sure vector isn't too long (that's what she said)
  double normOfVec = bestMotion.pos_movement.norm();
    bestMotion.pos_movement *= (MAX_DISTANCE_MOVEMENT/normOfVec);
  //rotate towards other tan
  Vector3d startTan;
  Vector3d goalTan;

  Vector3d vecToRotateAbout = startTan.cross(goalTan);
  //add noise to tan
  vecToRotateAbout(0) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_ROTATION_VECTOR);
  vecToRotateAbout(1) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_ROTATION_VECTOR);
  vecToRotateAbout(2) += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_ROTATION_VECTOR);

  double angToRotate = min(MAX_ANG_TO_ROTATE, acos(startTan.dot(goalTan)));
  angToRotate += randomMaxAbsValue(MAX_NOISE_ROTATION_ANGLE);

  bestMotion.tan_rotation = Eigen::AngleAxisd( angToRotate, vecToRotateAbout);


  //motion.pos_movement = Vector3d(4.0, -3.5, 1.0);
  //motion.tan_rotation = Eigen::AngleAxisd (0.0, Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));

文件: gc.cpp 项目: rgkoo/slslam
Vector3d gc_plucker_origin(Vector3d n, Vector3d v) {
  return v.cross(n) / v.dot(v);
void make_vectors_perpendicular(const Vector3d& start, Vector3d& to_be_perp)
	to_be_perp = -(to_be_perp - (to_be_perp.dot(start.normalized()))*start.normalized()).normalized();
文件: gc.cpp 项目: rgkoo/slslam
double gc_angle_normvec( Vector3d  v1, Vector3d  v2 ) {
  return acos( v1.dot(v2) );
// Does the same as capsuleCapsuleDistance except that b_end is automatically set to b_start. Should be improved.
double capsuleSphereDistance(const Vector3d& a_start, const Vector3d& a_end, const double a_radius, const Vector3d& b_start, const double b_radius, Vector3d& direction)
	Vector3d b_end = b_start;
	// Line parametrization
	// L1 : P(s) = a_start + s * (a_end - a_start) = a_start + s * u
	// L2 : Q(t) = b_start + t * (b_end - b_start) = b_start + t * v
	Vector3d u = a_end - a_start;
	Vector3d v = b_end - b_start;
	Vector3d w = a_start - b_start;
	Vector3d a_end_minus_b_start = a_end - b_start;
	Vector3d a_start_minus_b_end = a_start - b_end;
	double u_dot_u = u.dot(u);
	double u_dot_v = u.dot(v);
	double v_dot_v = v.dot(v);
	double u_dot_w = u.dot(w);
	double v_dot_w = v.dot(w);
	// SPHERE-SPHERE collision
	Vector3d start_sphere_start_sphere = w;
	double start_sphere_start_sphere_squared_dist = start_sphere_start_sphere.squaredNorm();
	Vector3d start_sphere_end_sphere = a_start_minus_b_end;
	double start_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist = start_sphere_end_sphere.squaredNorm();
	Vector3d end_sphere_start_sphere = a_end_minus_b_start;
	double end_sphere_start_sphere_squared_dist = end_sphere_start_sphere.squaredNorm();
	Vector3d end_sphere_end_sphere = a_end - b_end;
	double end_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist = end_sphere_end_sphere.squaredNorm();
	// SPHERE-CYLINDER collision
	// Ignores the case when the center of the sphere is outside the range of the line segment even though the sphere might still collide with the cylinder's end cap.
	// This case is taken care by sphere-sphere collision.
	double t;			// line parameter of the cylinder's axis
	Vector3d start_sphere_cyl, end_sphere_cyl, cyl_start_sphere, cyl_end_sphere;
	double start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist, end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist, cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist, cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist;
	t = v_dot_w/v.squaredNorm();
	if (t < 0 || t > 1) {
		start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
	} else {
		start_sphere_cyl = (w - t*v);
		start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist = start_sphere_cyl.squaredNorm();
	t = a_end_minus_b_start.dot(v)/v.squaredNorm();
	if (t < 0 || t > 1) {
		end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
	} else {
		end_sphere_cyl = (a_end_minus_b_start - t*v);
		end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist = end_sphere_cyl.squaredNorm();
	t = -u_dot_w/u.squaredNorm();
	if (t < 0 || t > 1) {
		cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
	} else {
		cyl_start_sphere = (w + t*u);
		cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist = cyl_start_sphere.squaredNorm();
	t = -a_start_minus_b_end.dot(u)/u.squaredNorm();
	if (t < 0 || t > 1) {
		cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
	} else {
		cyl_end_sphere = (a_start_minus_b_end + t*u);
		cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist = cyl_end_sphere.squaredNorm();

	// Ignores the case when the closest distance vector is not perpendicular to the line segment.
	// This case is taken care by the other two cases.
	double D = u_dot_u * v_dot_v - u_dot_v * u_dot_v;       									// denominator for s and t parameter
	Vector3d cyl_cyl;
	double cyl_cyl_squared_dist;
  if (D < INTERSECTION_PARALLEL_CHECK_FACTOR) { 														// the lines are almost parallel
    if (start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist == numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
    		end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist == numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
    		cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist == numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
    		cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist == numeric_limits<double>::max()) {			// If the closest distance vector is not perpendicular to the line segments.
    																																				// In other words, if the closest distance of the infinite lines is not the same as the closest distance of the finite segments.
    	cyl_cyl_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
    } else {
    	cyl_cyl = (w - (v_dot_w/v_dot_v) * v);
			cyl_cyl_squared_dist = cyl_cyl.squaredNorm();
  } else {																																	// the line segements are not almost parallel
    double sN = (u_dot_v * v_dot_w - v_dot_v * u_dot_w);										// nominator of s parameter
    double tN = (u_dot_u * v_dot_w - u_dot_v * u_dot_w);										// nominator of t parameter
    if (sN < 0.0 || sN > D || tN < 0.0 || tN > D) { 											// If the closest distance vector is not perpendicular to the line segments.
    																																				// In other words, if the closest distance doesn't happen within the segment limits.
    	cyl_cyl_squared_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
    } else {
    	cyl_cyl = (w + (sN/D * u) - (tN/D * v));
    	cyl_cyl_squared_dist = cyl_cyl.squaredNorm();
	double min_squared_dist = start_sphere_start_sphere_squared_dist;
	direction = start_sphere_start_sphere;
	if (min_squared_dist >= start_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = start_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist;
		direction = start_sphere_end_sphere;
	if (min_squared_dist >= end_sphere_start_sphere_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = end_sphere_start_sphere_squared_dist;
		direction = end_sphere_start_sphere;

	if (min_squared_dist >= end_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = end_sphere_end_sphere_squared_dist;
		direction = end_sphere_end_sphere;
	if (min_squared_dist >= start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = start_sphere_cyl_squared_dist;
		direction = start_sphere_cyl;
	if (min_squared_dist >= end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = end_sphere_cyl_squared_dist;
		direction = end_sphere_cyl;
	if (min_squared_dist >= cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = cyl_start_sphere_squared_dist;
		direction = cyl_start_sphere;
	if (min_squared_dist >= cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = cyl_end_sphere_squared_dist;
		direction = cyl_end_sphere;
	if (min_squared_dist >= cyl_cyl_squared_dist) {
		min_squared_dist = cyl_cyl_squared_dist;
		direction = cyl_cyl;
	return sqrt(min_squared_dist) - a_radius - b_radius;
文件: gc.cpp 项目: rgkoo/slslam
Vector4d gc_ppp_pi(Vector3d x1, Vector3d x2, Vector3d x3) {
  Vector4d pi;
  pi << ( x1 - x3 ).cross( x2 - x3 ), - x3.dot( x1.cross( x2 ) );

  return pi;
/// TwoPointsCorrelation
unsigned int ICoDF_HTM::HTM::TwoPointsCorrelation(double& radius, double& delta)
    unsigned int * nbPair = new unsigned int [this->_pointsToCompute.size()];
	double infLimit = radius - delta;
	if (infLimit < 0) infLimit = 0;
	double supLimit = radius + delta;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_pointsToCompute.size(); ++i)
        PointInfo_t const * pt = this->_pointsToCompute[i];
        nbPair[i] = 0;
		if (IsCorrectRA(pt->_ra) && IsCorrectDEC(pt->_dec))
			Vector3d p = pt->_position;
			double pNorm = p.norm();
            double pDot = p.dot(Vector3d{1,0,0});
            double phi2 = acos(pDot / pNorm);
			std::queue<trixel_t*> workingList;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			while (workingList.size() > 0)
				trixel_t* tmp = workingList.front();
                double dist[3] = {
                unsigned int infInside = (dist[0] > infLimit) + (dist[1] > infLimit) + (dist[2] > infLimit);
                unsigned int supInside = (dist[0] > supLimit) + (dist[1] > supLimit) + (dist[2] > supLimit);
				if (supInside == 3 && infInside == 0)
                    nbPair[i]  += tmp->_nbChildObject;
				else if ((supInside == 3 && infInside > 0)
						 || supInside > 0)
					if (tmp->_children != NULL)
						for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
							if (tmp->_children[i] != NULL)
                        nbPair[i]  += 1;
                    if (tmp->_phi == 0)
                        Vector3d tmpVec1 = tmp->_vertices[1] - tmp->_vertices[0];
                        Vector3d tmpVec2 = tmp->_vertices[2] - tmp->_vertices[1];
                        Vector3d tmpVec3 = tmpVec1.cross(tmpVec2);
                        tmp->_trixelBoundary = tmpVec3 / tmpVec3.norm();
                        tmp->_phi = acos(tmp->_trixelBoundary.dot(Vector3d{1,0,0}) / (tmp->_trixelBoundary.norm()));
                        tmp->_cross01 = tmp->_vertices[0].cross(tmp->_vertices[1]);
                        tmp->_cross12 = tmp->_vertices[1].cross(tmp->_vertices[2]);
                        tmp->_cross20 = tmp->_vertices[2].cross(tmp->_vertices[0]);
                    double theta = tmp->_trixelBoundary.dot(p) / tmp->_trixelBoundary.norm();
					if (acos(theta * pNorm) < tmp->_phi + phi2)
						if (!(tmp->_cross01.dot(p) < 0 &&
							  tmp->_cross12.dot(p) < 0 &&
                            nbPair[i] += 1;
    delete nbPair;
    return std::accumulate(nbPair, nbPair + this->_pointsToCompute.size(), 0);
Plane::Plane(const Vector3d& normal, const Vector3d& x)
:	m_normal(normal), m_d(normal.dot(x))
void Homography::
calcFromPlaneParams(const Vector3d& n_c1, const Vector3d& xyz_c1)
  double d = n_c1.dot(xyz_c1); // normal distance from plane to KF
  H_c2_from_c1 = T_c2_from_c1.rotationMatrix() + (T_c2_from_c1.translation()*n_c1.transpose())/d;
bool AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::operator()(AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::TransformType& transform, const CorrespondenceVector& correspondences, const IndexVector& indices)
    double err=0;
    //If my correspondaces indices are less then a minimum threshold, stop it please
    if ((int)indices.size()<minimalSetSize()) return false;

    //My initial guess for the transformation it's the identity matrix
    //maybe in the future i could have a less rough guess
    transform = Isometry3d::Identity();
    //Unroll the matrix to a vector
    Vector12d x=homogeneous2vector(transform.matrix());
    Matrix9x1d rx=x.block<9,1>(0,0);

    //Initialization of variables, melting fat, i've so much space
    Matrix9d H;
    Vector9d b;
    Matrix3x9d A;
    //iteration for each correspondace
    for (size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)

        const Correspondence& c = correspondences[indices[i]];
        const EdgePlane* edge = static_cast<const EdgePlane*>(c.edge());

        //estraggo i vertici dagli edge
        const VertexPlane* v1 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(0));
        const VertexPlane* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(1));

        //recupero i dati dei piani
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pi= v1->estimate();
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pj= v2->estimate();

        //recupeo le normali, mi servono per condizionare la parte rotazionale
        Vector3d ni;
        Vector3d nj;
        Vector4d coeffs_i=pi.toVector();
        Vector4d coeffs_j=pj.toVector();


        //inizializzo lo jacobiano, solo la parte rotazionale (per ora)

        if(DEBUG) {
            cerr << "[DEBUG] PI"<<endl;
            cerr << coeffs_i<<endl;
            cerr << "[DEBUG] PJ "<<endl;
            cerr << coeffs_j<<endl;
            cerr << "[ROTATION JACOBIAN][PLANE "<<i<<"]"<<endl;
            cerr << A<<endl;
        //inizializzo errore
        Vector3d ek;



            cerr << "[ROTATIONAL Hessian for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<H<<endl;
            cerr << "[ROTATIONAL B for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<b<<endl;
    LDLT<Matrix9d> ldlt(H);
    if (ldlt.isNegative()) return false;
    rx=ldlt.solve(-b); // using a LDLT factorizationldlt;

    if(DEBUG) {
        cerr << "Solving the linear system"<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>H"<<endl;
        cerr << H<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>b"<<endl;
        cerr << b<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>rx"<<endl;
        cerr << rx<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>xTEMP"<<endl;
        cerr << vector2homogeneous(x)<<endl<<endl;

        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł Ringraziamo Cthulhu la parte rotazionale è finitałłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
    Matrix4d Xtemp=vector2homogeneous(x);

    //now the problem si solved but i could have (and probably i have!)
    //a not orthogonal rotation matrix, so i've to recondition it

    Matrix3x3d R=Xtemp.block<3,3>(0,0);
    // recondition the rotation
    JacobiSVD<Matrix3x3d> svd(R, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
    if (svd.singularValues()(0)<.5) return false;
    Isometry3d X = Isometry3d::Identity();
    X.translation()= x.block<3,1>(0,3);
        cerr << "X dopo il ricondizionamento appare come:"<<endl;
        cerr << X.matrix()<<endl;

    Matrix3d H2=Matrix3d::Zero();
    Vector3d b2=Vector3d::Zero();
    Vector3d A2=Vector3d::Zero();

    //at this point rotation is cured, now it's time to work on the translation

    for (size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
            cerr << "[TRANSLATION JACOBIAN START][PLANE "<<i<<"]"<<endl;

        const Correspondence& c = correspondences[indices[i]];
        const EdgePlane* edge = static_cast<const EdgePlane*>(c.edge());

        //estraggo i vertici dagli edge
        const VertexPlane* v1 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(0));
        const VertexPlane* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(1));

        //recupero i dati dei piani
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pi= v1->estimate();
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pj= v2->estimate();

        //recupeo le normali, mi servono per condizionare la parte rotazionale
        Vector3d ni;
        Vector3d nj;
        Vector4d coeffs_i=pi.toVector();
        Vector4d coeffs_j=pj.toVector();
        double di;
        double dj;


            cerr << "[TRANSLATION JACOBIAN][ JACOBIAN IS: ]"<<endl;
            cerr << A2<<endl;

        double ek;
        b2+= (A2.transpose()*ek);
        err += abs(ek*ek);

            cerr << "[TRANSLATIONAL Hessian for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<H2<<endl;
            cerr << "[TRANSLATIONAL B for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<b2<<endl;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL Hessian]"<<endl<<H2<<endl;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL B]"<<endl<<b2<<endl;

    //solving the system
    Vector3d dt;
    LDLT<Matrix3d> ldlt2(H2);
    dt=ldlt2.solve(-b2); // using a LDLT factorizationldlt;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL DT]"<<endl<<dt<<endl;

    transform = X;
        cerr << "TRANSFORM found: " << endl<< endl<< endl;
        cerr << g2o::internal::toVectorMQT(X) << endl;;
        cerr << transform.matrix()<< endl;;
    return true;
        bool Exporter::prepareVertexStreams()
                auto& textureCoordinates = meshData_->vertices[Mesh::VERTEX_STREAM_TEXTURE_COORDINATES];
                auto& positions          = meshData_->vertices[Mesh::VERTEX_STREAM_POSITIONS];
                auto& tbnBases           = meshData_->vertices[Mesh::VERTEX_STREAM_TBN_BASES];

                auto& boneIndicesAndWeights = meshData_->vertices[Mesh::VERTEX_STREAM_BONE_INDICES_AND_WEIGHTS];

                if(!textureCoordinates.create(numVertices_, sizeof(Vector2d)) ||
                   !positions.create(numVertices_, sizeof(Vector3d))          ||
                   !tbnBases.create(numVertices_, sizeof(Vector3d) + sizeof(Vector4d)))
                        return false;

                        if(!boneIndicesAndWeights.create(numVertices_, 2 * sizeof(Vector4d)))
                                return false;

                for(uint32_t i = 0; i < faces_.getSize(); ++i)
                        for(uint8_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                                uint32_t vertexIndex = faces_[i].indices[j];
                                const auto& vertex = vertices_[vertexIndex];

                                uint8_t* stream = &positions[vertexIndex * positions.getStride()];
                                *reinterpret_cast<Vector3d*>(stream) = vertex.pos;

                                stream = &textureCoordinates[vertexIndex * textureCoordinates.getStride()];
                                *reinterpret_cast<Vector2d*>(stream) = Vector2d(vertex.s, vertex.t);

                                stream = &tbnBases[vertexIndex * tbnBases.getStride()];
                                Vector4d& tangent = *(reinterpret_cast<Vector4d*>(stream + sizeof(Vector3d)));
                                Vector3d& normal  = *(reinterpret_cast<Vector3d*>(stream));

                                normal = vertex.normal;

                                // tangent and binormal

                                Vector3d t = vertex.tangent;
                                Vector3d b = vertex.binormal;

                                t = t - normal.dot(t) * normal;

                                b = b - normal.dot(b) * normal - t.dot(b) * t / t.dot(t);

                                Vector3d crossProduct = normal.cross(t);
                                if(crossProduct == b)
                                        tangent.define(t, 1.0f);
                                else if(crossProduct == -b)
                                        tangent.define(t, -1.0f);
                                        std::cout << "warning: vertex " << vertexIndex <<
                                                     " has bad TBN basis" << std::endl;
                                        tangent = Vector4d(t, -1.0f);

                                        stream = &boneIndicesAndWeights[vertexIndex *

                                        Vector4d& boneIndices = *(reinterpret_cast<Vector4d*>(stream));
                                        Vector4d& boneWeights = *(reinterpret_cast<Vector4d*>(stream +

                                        uint32_t oldVertexIndex = newToOldVertexMapping_[vertexIndex];
                                        boneIndices = boneIndices_[oldVertexIndex];
                                        boneWeights = boneWeights_[oldVertexIndex];

                                        if(std::fabs(boneWeights.x + boneWeights.y +
                                                     boneWeights.z + boneWeights.w - 1.0f) > SELENE_EPSILON)
                                                std::cout << "warning: vertex " << vertexIndex <<
                                                             " has bad bone weights" << std::endl;

                return true;
NumericalSolver::calcAccel( Vector3d *inPositions, Vector3d *inVelocities, 
                             double *inInvMasses, Vector3d *outAccel )
    Vector3d gravity(0,0,0);
    idx_t    numParticles   = mParticleSystem->getNumParticles();

    gravity.pY = -(mParticleSystem->getGravity());

    //---------- Initialize Particle Forces to wind force ----------
	Vector3d Wind = mParticleSystem->getNewWind();
	Vector3d NormalizedWind = Wind.normalized();
	double dotp;
    for( int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
		Vector3d &normal = mParticleSystem->getParticleNormal(i);
		dotp = NormalizedWind.dot(normal);
		if (dotp < 0)
			dotp *= -1;
        outAccel[i] = Wind*dotp;

    //---------- Sum Forces ----------
    for( SpringListIt it = mParticleSystem->getSprings().begin(); 
        it != mParticleSystem->getSprings().end(); it++ )
        Spring &theSpring = *it;
        idx_t aIdx = theSpring.getParticleA();
        idx_t bIdx = theSpring.getParticleB();

        Vector3d dx = (inPositions[aIdx]-inPositions[bIdx]);
        Vector3d dv = (inVelocities[aIdx]-inVelocities[bIdx]);

        double xLen = dx.length();
        double len  = xLen - theSpring.getRestLength();

        //avoid divide by zero
        if( ABS(xLen) < NEAR_ZERO || ABS(len) < NEAR_ZERO )

        //don't allow springs to stretch more than twice their original length
//        if( len > (3 * theSpring.getRestLength()) )
//            continue;

        Vector3d F = (dx/xLen)*(len*theSpring.getK());
		Vector3d FB = (dx/xLen)*(dv.dot(dx)/xLen)*theSpring.getB();
		if ((F.normalized()+FB.normalized()).length() < 0.1)
			if (FB.length() > F.length())
				F += FB;
/*		//used for debugging
		if (theSpring.mType == 1)
		if (theSpring.mType == 2)

        //force affects both springs in opposite directions
        outAccel[aIdx] -= F;
        outAccel[bIdx] += F;

    //----------------- calculate Acceleration -------------------
    for( int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
        outAccel[i] = gravity + (outAccel[i] * inInvMasses[i]);
FittingCylinder::inverseMapping (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const Vector3d &pt, const Vector2d &hint, double &error,
                                 Vector3d &p, Vector3d &tu, Vector3d &tv, int maxSteps, double accuracy, bool quiet)

  double pointAndTangents[9];

  Vector2d current, delta;
  Matrix2d A;
  Vector2d b;
  Vector3d r;
  std::vector<double> elementsU = getElementVector (nurbs, 0);
  std::vector<double> elementsV = getElementVector (nurbs, 1);
  double minU = elementsU[0];
  double minV = elementsV[0];
  double maxU = elementsU[elementsU.size () - 1];
  double maxV = elementsV[elementsV.size () - 1];

  current = hint;

  for (int k = 0; k < maxSteps; k++)

    nurbs.Evaluate (current (0), current (1), 1, 3, pointAndTangents);
    p (0) = pointAndTangents[0];
    p (1) = pointAndTangents[1];
    p (2) = pointAndTangents[2];
    tu (0) = pointAndTangents[3];
    tu (1) = pointAndTangents[4];
    tu (2) = pointAndTangents[5];
    tv (0) = pointAndTangents[6];
    tv (1) = pointAndTangents[7];
    tv (2) = pointAndTangents[8];

    r = p - pt;

    b (0) = -r.dot (tu);
    b (1) = -r.dot (tv);

    A (0, 0) = tu.dot (tu);
    A (0, 1) = tu.dot (tv);
    A (1, 0) = A (0, 1);
    A (1, 1) = tv.dot (tv);

    delta = A.ldlt ().solve (b);

    if (delta.norm () < accuracy)

      error = r.norm ();
      return current;

      current = current + delta;
      if (current (0) < minU)
        current (0) = minU;
      else if (current (0) > maxU)
        current (0) = maxU;

      if (current (1) < minV)
        current (1) = maxV - (minV - current (1));
      else if (current (1) > maxV)
        current (1) = minV + (current (1) - maxV);


  error = r.norm ();

  if (!quiet)
    printf ("[FittingCylinder::inverseMapping] Warning: Method did not converge (%e %d)\n", accuracy, maxSteps);
    printf ("  %f %f ... %f %f\n", hint (0), hint (1), current (0), current (1));

  return current;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  if (argc<2)
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Please type: " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "PIXEL_NOISE: noise in image space (E.g.: 1)" << endl;
    cout << "OUTLIER_RATIO: probability of spuroius observation  (default: 0.0)" << endl;
    cout << "ROBUST_KERNEL: use robust kernel (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << "STRUCTURE_ONLY: performe structure-only BA to get better point initializations (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << "DENSE: Use dense solver (0 or 1; default: 0==false)" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Note, if OUTLIER_RATIO is above 0, ROBUST_KERNEL should be set to 1==true." << endl;
    cout << endl;

  double PIXEL_NOISE = atof(argv[1]);

  double OUTLIER_RATIO = 0.0;

  if (argc>2)
    OUTLIER_RATIO = atof(argv[2]);

  bool ROBUST_KERNEL = false;
  if (argc>3)
    ROBUST_KERNEL = atoi(argv[3]) != 0;
  bool STRUCTURE_ONLY = false;
  if (argc>4)
    STRUCTURE_ONLY = atoi(argv[4]) != 0;

  bool DENSE = false;
  if (argc>5)
    DENSE = atoi(argv[5]) != 0;

  cout << "PIXEL_NOISE: " <<  PIXEL_NOISE << endl;
  cout << "OUTLIER_RATIO: " << OUTLIER_RATIO<<  endl;
  cout << "ROBUST_KERNEL: " << ROBUST_KERNEL << endl;
  cout << "STRUCTURE_ONLY: " << STRUCTURE_ONLY<< endl;
  cout << "DENSE: "<<  DENSE << endl;

  g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer;
  g2o::BlockSolver_6_3::LinearSolverType * linearSolver;
  if (DENSE)
        linearSolver= new g2o::LinearSolverDense<g2o::BlockSolver_6_3::PoseMatrixType>();
		cerr << "Using DENSE" << endl;
	cerr << "Using CHOLMOD" << endl;
    linearSolver = new g2o::LinearSolverCholmod<g2o::BlockSolver_6_3::PoseMatrixType>();
#elif defined G2O_HAVE_CSPARSE
    linearSolver = new g2o::LinearSolverCSparse<g2o::BlockSolver_6_3::PoseMatrixType>();
	cerr << "Using CSPARSE" << endl;
#error neither CSparse nor Cholmod are available

  g2o::BlockSolver_6_3 * solver_ptr
      = new g2o::BlockSolver_6_3(linearSolver);

  g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg* solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg(solver_ptr);


  // set up 500 points
  vector<Vector3d> true_points;
  for (size_t i=0;i<500; ++i)

  Vector2d focal_length(500,500); // pixels
  Vector2d principal_point(320,240); // 640x480 image
  double baseline = 0.075;      // 7.5 cm baseline

      aligned_allocator<g2o::SE3Quat> > true_poses;

  // set up camera params
  // set up 5 vertices, first 2 fixed
  int vertex_id = 0;
  for (size_t i=0; i<5; ++i)

    Vector3d trans(i*0.04-1.,0,0);

    Eigen:: Quaterniond q;
    g2o::SE3Quat pose(q,trans);

    g2o::VertexSCam * v_se3
        = new g2o::VertexSCam();

    v_se3->setAll();            // set aux transforms

    if (i<2)

  int point_id=vertex_id;
  int point_num = 0;
  double sum_diff2 = 0;

  cout << endl;
  tr1::unordered_map<int,int> pointid_2_trueid;
  tr1::unordered_set<int> inliers;

  // add point projections to this vertex
  for (size_t i=0; i<true_points.size(); ++i)
    g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * v_p
        = new g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ();

        + Vector3d(Sample::gaussian(1),

    int num_obs = 0;

    for (size_t j=0; j<true_poses.size(); ++j)
      Vector3d z;

      if (z[0]>=0 && z[1]>=0 && z[0]<640 && z[1]<480)

    if (num_obs>=2)

      bool inlier = true;
      for (size_t j=0; j<true_poses.size(); ++j)
        Vector3d z;

        if (z[0]>=0 && z[1]>=0 && z[0]<640 && z[1]<480)
          double sam = Sample::uniform();
          if (sam<OUTLIER_RATIO)
            z = Vector3d(Sample::uniform(64,640),
                         Sample::uniform(0,64)); // disparity
            z(2) = z(0) - z(2); // px' now

            inlier= false;

          z += Vector3d(Sample::gaussian(PIXEL_NOISE),

          g2o::Edge_XYZ_VSC * e
              = new g2o::Edge_XYZ_VSC();

              = dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(v_p);

              = dynamic_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>

          //e->inverseMeasurement() = -z;
          e->information() = Matrix3d::Identity();





      if (inlier)
        Vector3d diff = v_p->estimate() - true_points[i];

        sum_diff2 += diff.dot(diff);
     // else
     //   cout << "Point: " << point_id <<  "has at least one spurious observation" <<endl;




  cout << endl;


    cout << "Performing structure-only BA:"   << endl;
    g2o::StructureOnlySolver<3> structure_only_ba;
    g2o::OptimizableGraph::VertexContainer points;
    for (g2o::OptimizableGraph::VertexIDMap::const_iterator it = optimizer.vertices().begin(); it != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++it) {
      g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(it->second);
      if (v->dimension() == 3)

    structure_only_ba.calc(points, 10);

    cout << endl;
  cout << "Performing full BA:" << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << "Point error before optimisation (inliers only): " << sqrt(sum_diff2/point_num) << endl;

  point_num = 0;
  sum_diff2 = 0;

  for (tr1::unordered_map<int,int>::iterator it=pointid_2_trueid.begin();
       it!=pointid_2_trueid.end(); ++it)

    g2o::HyperGraph::VertexIDMap::iterator v_it
        = optimizer.vertices().find(it->first);

    if (v_it==optimizer.vertices().end())
      cerr << "Vertex " << it->first << " not in graph!" << endl;

    g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * v_p
        = dynamic_cast< g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ * > (v_it->second);

    if (v_p==0)
      cerr << "Vertex " << it->first << "is not a PointXYZ!" << endl;

    Vector3d diff = v_p->estimate()-true_points[it->second];

    if (inliers.find(it->first)==inliers.end())

    sum_diff2 += diff.dot(diff);


  cout << "Point error after optimisation (inliers only): " << sqrt(sum_diff2/point_num) << endl;
  cout << endl;

/// Determines the distance between a line and a line segment
double Triangle::calc_sq_dist(const Point3d& origin, const Vector3d& dir, const LineSeg3& seg, Point3d& cp_line, Point3d& cp_seg, double& t_line, double& t_seg)
  // determine the origins of the segment
  Point3d seg_origin = (seg.first + seg.second)*0.5;

  // determine the directions of the segment
  Point3d seg_dir = seg.second - seg.first;
  double seg_dir_len = seg_dir.norm();
  seg_dir /= seg_dir_len;

  // determine the extents of the segment
  double seg_extent = seg_dir_len * 0.5;

  Vector3d kDiff = origin - seg_origin;
  double fA01 = -dir.dot(seg_dir);
  double fB0 = kDiff.dot(dir);
  double fC = kDiff.norm_sq();
  double fDet = std::fabs(1.0 - fA01*fA01);
  double fB1, fS0, fS1, fSqrDist, fExtDet;

  if (fDet >= NEAR_ZERO)
    // The line and segment are not parallel.
    fB1 = -kDiff.dot(seg_dir);
    fS1 = fA01*fB0-fB1;
    fExtDet = seg_extent*fDet;

    if (fS1 >= -fExtDet)
      if (fS1 <= fExtDet)
        // Two interior points are closest, one on the line and one
        // on the segment.
        double fInvDet = (1.0)/fDet;
        fS0 = (fA01*fB1-fB0)*fInvDet;
        fS1 *= fInvDet;
        fSqrDist = fS0*(fS0+fA01*fS1+(2.0)*fB0)+fS1*(fA01*fS0+fS1+(2.0)*fB1)+fC;
        // The end point e1 of the segment and an interior point of
        // the line are closest.
        fS1 = seg_extent;
        fS0 = -(fA01*fS1+fB0);
        fSqrDist = -fS0*fS0+fS1*(fS1+(2.0)*fB1)+fC;
      // The end point e0 of the segment and an interior point of the
      // line are closest.
      fS1 = -seg_extent;
      fS0 = -(fA01*fS1+fB0);
      fSqrDist = -fS0*fS0+fS1*(fS1+(2.0)*fB1)+fC;
    // The line and segment are parallel.  Choose the closest pair so that
    // one point is at segment origin.
    fS1 = 0.0;
    fS0 = -fB0;
    fSqrDist = fB0*fS0+fC;

  cp_line = origin + fS0*dir;
  cp_seg = seg_origin + fS1*seg_dir;
  t_line = fS0;
  t_seg = fS1;
  return std::fabs(fSqrDist);
/** Determine the closest object intersected by a ray given by the pick origin and direction.
  * This method returns true if any object was intersected. If the value of result is not
  * null, it will be updated with information about which object was hit by the pick ray.
  * @param t The time given as the number of seconds since 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 UTC.
  * @param pickOrigin origin of the pick ray
  * @param pickDirection direction of the pick ray (does not need to be normalized)
  * @param pixelAngle angle in radians subtended by a pixel
  * @param result pointer to a PickResult object that will be filled in if the pick ray
  *    hits something.
Universe::pickObject(double t,
                     const Vector3d& pickOrigin,
                     const Vector3d& pickDirection,
                     double pixelAngle,
                     PickResult* result) const
    double closest = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    PickResult closestResult;

    for (EntityTable::const_iterator iter = m_entities.begin(); iter != m_entities.end(); ++iter)
        Entity* entity = iter->ptr();

        if (entity->geometry() || entity->hasVisualizers())
            if (entity->isVisible() && entity->chronology()->includesTime(t))
                Vector3d position = entity->position(t);

                if (entity->geometry())
                    Geometry* geometry = entity->geometry();
                    double intersectionDistance;
                    if (TestRaySphereIntersection(pickOrigin,
                        if (intersectionDistance < closest)
                            // Transform the pick ray into the local coordinate system of body
                            Matrix3d invRotation = entity->orientation(t).conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
                            Vector3d relativePickOrigin = invRotation * (pickOrigin - position);
                            Vector3d relativePickDirection = invRotation * pickDirection;

                            double distance = intersectionDistance;
                            if (geometry->rayPick(relativePickOrigin, relativePickDirection, t, &distance))
                                if (distance < closest)
                                    closest = distance;
                                    closestResult.setHit(entity, distance, pickOrigin + pickDirection * distance);

                // Visualizers may act as 'pick proxies'
                if (entity->hasVisualizers())
                    Vector3d relativePickOrigin = pickOrigin - position;

                    // Calculate the distance to the plane containing the center of the visualizer
                    // and perpendicular to the pick direction.
                    double distanceToPlane = -pickDirection.dot(relativePickOrigin);

                    if (distanceToPlane > 0.0 && distanceToPlane < closest)
                        for (Entity::VisualizerTable::const_iterator iter = entity->visualizers()->begin();
                             iter != entity->visualizers()->end(); ++iter)
                            const Visualizer* visualizer = iter->second.ptr();
                            if (visualizer->isVisible() &&
                                visualizer->rayPick(relativePickOrigin, pickDirection, pixelAngle))
                                closest = distanceToPlane;
                                closestResult.setHit(entity, distanceToPlane, pickOrigin + pickDirection * distanceToPlane);

    if (closest < numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
        if (result)
            *result = closestResult;
        return true;
        return false;