void BeamPointPressureCondition::InitializeSystemMatrices( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector) {
       rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( 6, 6, false );
       noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( 6, 6 ); //resetting LHS
       rRightHandSideVector.resize( 6, false );
       rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( 6 ); //resetting RHS
void ThermalFace2D::CalculateAll(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo, bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag, bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag)

    unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();

    //resizing as needed the LHS
    unsigned int MatSize=number_of_nodes;

    ConvectionDiffusionSettings::Pointer my_settings = rCurrentProcessInfo.GetValue(CONVECTION_DIFFUSION_SETTINGS);

    const Variable<double>& rUnknownVar = my_settings->GetUnknownVariable();

    const Variable<double>& rSurfaceSourceVar = my_settings->GetSurfaceSourceVariable();

    //calculate lenght
    double x21 = GetGeometry()[1].X() - GetGeometry()[0].X();
    double y21 = GetGeometry()[1].Y() - GetGeometry()[0].Y();
    double lenght = x21*x21 + y21*y21;
    lenght = sqrt(lenght);

    const Properties& ConstProp = GetProperties();
    const double& ambient_temperature = ConstProp[AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE];
    double StefenBoltzmann = 5.67e-8;
    double emissivity = ConstProp[EMISSIVITY];
    double convection_coefficient = ConstProp[CONVECTION_COEFFICIENT];

    const double& T0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(rUnknownVar);
    const double& T1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(rUnknownVar);

    const double& q0 =GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(rSurfaceSourceVar);
    const double& q1 =GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(rSurfaceSourceVar);

    if (CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != MatSize )
        noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(MatSize,MatSize);

        rLeftHandSideMatrix(0,0) = ( convection_coefficient + emissivity*StefenBoltzmann*4.0*pow(T0,3)  )* 0.5 * lenght;
        rLeftHandSideMatrix(1,1) = ( convection_coefficient + emissivity*StefenBoltzmann*4.0*pow(T1,3)  )* 0.5 * lenght;

    //resizing as needed the RHS
    double aux = pow(ambient_temperature,4);
    if (CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize )

        rRightHandSideVector[0] =  q0 - emissivity*StefenBoltzmann*(pow(T0,4) - aux)  -  convection_coefficient * ( T0 - ambient_temperature);

        rRightHandSideVector[1] =  q1   - emissivity*StefenBoltzmann*(pow(T1,4) - aux) -  convection_coefficient * ( T1 - ambient_temperature);

        rRightHandSideVector *= 0.5*lenght;


 * calculates this contact element's local contributions
void SlaveContactFace3DNewmark::CalculateLocalSystem( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix,
        VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
void InfiniteDomainCondition<TDim,TNumNodes>::CalculateRHS( VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo )

		//const PropertiesType& Prop = this->GetProperties();
		const GeometryType& Geom = this->GetGeometry();
		const unsigned int element_size = TNumNodes;
		const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = Geom.IntegrationPoints( mThisIntegrationMethod );
		const unsigned int NumGPoints = integration_points.size();
        const unsigned int LocalDim = Geom.LocalSpaceDimension();

		//Resetting the RHS
		if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != element_size )
			rRightHandSideVector.resize( element_size, false );
		noalias( rRightHandSideVector ) = ZeroVector( element_size );

		boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double,TNumNodes,TNumNodes> DampingMatrix;
		 //Defining the shape functions, the jacobian and the shape functions local gradients Containers
		array_1d<double,TNumNodes> Np;
        const Matrix& NContainer = Geom.ShapeFunctionsValues( mThisIntegrationMethod );
        GeometryType::JacobiansType JContainer(NumGPoints);
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i<NumGPoints; i++)
		Geom.Jacobian( JContainer, mThisIntegrationMethod );
		double IntegrationCoefficient;
		// Definition of the speed in the fluid
        //~ const double BulkModulus = Prop[BULK_MODULUS_FLUID];
        //~ const double Water_density = Prop[DENSITY_WATER];
        const double BulkModulus = 2.21e9;
        const double Water_density = 1000.0;
        const double inv_c_speed = 1.0 /sqrt(BulkModulus/Water_density);
		//Nodal Variables
        array_1d<double,TNumNodes> DtPressureVector;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<TNumNodes; i++)
			DtPressureVector[i] = Geom[i].FastGetSolutionStepValue(Dt_PRESSURE);
        for ( unsigned int igauss = 0; igauss < NumGPoints; igauss++ )
			noalias(Np) = row(NContainer,igauss);
			//calculating weighting coefficient for integration
			this->CalculateIntegrationCoefficient( IntegrationCoefficient, JContainer[igauss], integration_points[igauss].Weight() );

			// Mass matrix contribution
			noalias(DampingMatrix) = (inv_c_speed)*outer_prod(Np,Np)*IntegrationCoefficient;
			noalias(rRightHandSideVector) += -1.0*prod(DampingMatrix,DtPressureVector); 
 * calculates only the RHS vector (certainly to be removed due to contact algorithm)
void MasterContactPoint2D::CalculateRightHandSide( VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
    unsigned int ndof = GetGeometry().size()*2;
    if( rRightHandSideVector.size() != ndof )
    rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector(ndof);
void SolidFace3D::CalculateRightHandSide(VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
                                         ProcessInfo& r_process_info)
    const unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();
    unsigned int MatSize = number_of_nodes * 3;
    if (rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize)
        rRightHandSideVector.resize(MatSize, false);
    rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector(MatSize);
    std::vector<SphericParticle*>& rNeighbours = this->mNeighbourSphericParticles;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<rNeighbours.size(); i++)
        if(rNeighbours[i]->Is(BLOCKED)) continue; //Inlet Generator Spheres are ignored when integrating forces.
        std::vector<DEMWall*>& rRFnei = rNeighbours[i]->mNeighbourRigidFaces;
        for (unsigned int i_nei = 0; i_nei < rRFnei.size(); i_nei++)
            int Contact_Type = rNeighbours[i]->mContactConditionContactTypes[i_nei];
            if ( ( rRFnei[i_nei]->Id() == this->Id() ) && (Contact_Type > 0 ) )
                array_1d<double, 4> weights_vector = rNeighbours[i]->mContactConditionWeights[i_nei];
                double weight = 0.0;
                double ContactForce[3] = {0.0};

                const array_1d<double, 3>& neighbour_rigid_faces_contact_force = rNeighbours[i]->mNeighbourRigidFacesTotalContactForce[i_nei];

                ContactForce[0] = neighbour_rigid_faces_contact_force[0];
                ContactForce[1] = neighbour_rigid_faces_contact_force[1];
                ContactForce[2] = neighbour_rigid_faces_contact_force[2];

                for (unsigned int k=0; k< number_of_nodes; k++)
                    weight = weights_vector[k];
                    unsigned int w =  k * 3;

                    rRightHandSideVector[w + 0] += -ContactForce[0] * weight;
                    rRightHandSideVector[w + 1] += -ContactForce[1] * weight;
                    rRightHandSideVector[w + 2] += -ContactForce[2] * weight;
            }//if the condition neighbour of my sphere neighbour is myself.
        }//Loop spheres neighbours (condition)
    }//Loop condition neighbours (spheres)
void StackContextBase<TSuperClass>::setSlotVariable(const VariableSlotID slot,
                                                    const UnitType &newValue,
                                                    VectorType &container) const
    if(slot < container.size())
        container.replace(slot, newValue);
        container.resize(slot + 1);
        container.replace(slot, newValue);
 * calculates this contact element's local contributions
void MasterContactPoint2D::CalculateLocalSystem( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix,
        VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
    unsigned int ndof = GetGeometry().size()*2;
    if( rRightHandSideVector.size() != ndof )
    rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector(ndof);
    if( rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != ndof )
    rLeftHandSideMatrix = ZeroMatrix(ndof,ndof);

void AbsoluteEulerAngleDecoder::Encode(array_view<const DirectX::Quaternion> rots, VectorType & x)
	int n = rots.size();

	Eigen::Vector4f qs;
	x.resize(n * 3);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		q = XMLoad(rots[i]);
		q = XMQuaternionEulerAngleYawPitchRoll(q); // Decompsoe in to euler angle
		XMStoreFloat4(qs.data(), q);
		x.segment<3>(i * 3) = qs.head<3>();
void PeriodicConditionLM2D2N::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != 6 || rLeftHandSideMatrix.size2() != 6) rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize(6, 6,false);
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(6, 6);

    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != 6) rRightHandSideVector.resize(6, false);
	noalias( rRightHandSideVector ) = ZeroVector(6);

	// Nodal IDs = [slave ID, master ID]
	GeometryType& geom = GetGeometry();

	// get current values and form the system matrix

	Vector currentValues(6);
	currentValues(0) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
	currentValues(1) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
	currentValues(2) = geom[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
	currentValues(3) = geom[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
	currentValues(4) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_LAGRANGE_X);
	currentValues(5) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_LAGRANGE_Y);

	rLeftHandSideMatrix(4,0) =  1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(4,2) = -1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(0,4) =  1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(2,4) = -1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(5,1) =  1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(5,3) = -1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(1,5) =  1.0;
	rLeftHandSideMatrix(3,5) = -1.0;

	// form residual

	noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod( rLeftHandSideMatrix, currentValues );
void Monolithic2DNeumann::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != 4)


    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(4,4);

    //calculate normal to element.(normal follows the cross rule)
    array_1d<double,2> An,edge;
    edge[0] = GetGeometry()[1].X() - GetGeometry()[0].X();
    edge[1] = GetGeometry()[1].Y() - GetGeometry()[0].Y();

    double norm = edge[0]*edge[0] + edge[1]*edge[1];
    norm = pow(norm,0.5);

    An[0] = -edge[1];
    An[1] = edge[0];
    //An /= norm; this is then simplified by length of element in integration so is not divided.

    double mean_ex_p = 0.0;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i<2 ; i++)
        mean_ex_p += 0.5*GetGeometry()[i].FastGetSolutionStepValue(EXTERNAL_PRESSURE);

    double p0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(EXTERNAL_PRESSURE);
    rRightHandSideVector[0] = -0.5*An[0]*p0;
    rRightHandSideVector[1] = -0.5*An[1]*p0;

    double p1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(EXTERNAL_PRESSURE);
    rRightHandSideVector[2] = -0.5*An[0]*p1;
    rRightHandSideVector[3] = -0.5*An[1]*p1;

    //	if(mean_ex_p !=GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(EXTERNAL_PRESSURE))
    //		mean_ex_p = 0.0;

    /*			for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii< 2; ++ii)

    					int id = (2 + 1)*(ii);
    					rRightHandSideVector[id] = mean_ex_p * An[0]* 0.5;
    					rRightHandSideVector[id + 1] = mean_ex_p * An[1]* 0.5;
    					rRightHandSideVector[id + 2] = 0.0;
    //	KRATOS_WATCH(rRightHandSideVector);

 void resize(VectorType & vec, size_t new_size)
void LineForce::CalculateRightHandSide( VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo )

    const unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();
    const unsigned int dim = GetGeometry().WorkingSpaceDimension();
    unsigned int MatSize = number_of_nodes * dim;

    //resizing as needed the RHS
    if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize )
        rRightHandSideVector.resize( MatSize, false );
    rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( MatSize ); //resetting RHS

    //reading integration points and local gradients
    const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points =

    // DN_DeContainer is the array of shape function gradients at each integration points
    const GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& DN_DeContainer =

    // Ncontainer is the array of shape function values at each integration points
    const Matrix& Ncontainer = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsValues();

    //loop over integration points
    Vector Load( dim );
    Vector LoadOnNode( dim );
    for ( unsigned int PointNumber = 0; PointNumber < integration_points.size(); ++PointNumber )
        noalias( Load ) = ZeroVector( dim );

        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < GetGeometry().size(); n++ )
            noalias( LoadOnNode ) = ( GetGeometry()[n] ).GetSolutionStepValue( FACE_LOAD );

            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
                Load( i ) += LoadOnNode( i ) * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n );
        double IntegrationWeight = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints()[PointNumber].Weight();

//        if(dim == 2) IntegrationWeight *= GetProperties()[THICKNESS]; // TODO: check

        Vector t = ZeroVector( dim );//tangential vector
        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < GetGeometry().size(); ++n )
            t[0] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).X0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t[1] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Y0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            if(dim == 3)
                t[2] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Z0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );

        // calculating length
        double dL = norm_2(t);
        for ( unsigned int prim = 0; prim < GetGeometry().size(); ++prim )
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
                rRightHandSideVector( prim * dim + i ) +=
                    Ncontainer( PointNumber, prim ) * Load( i ) * IntegrationWeight * dL;

    KRATOS_CATCH( "" )
void Electrostatic2D::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    const unsigned int number_of_points = GetGeometry().size();

    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != number_of_points)

    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != number_of_points)

    //getting data for the given geometry
    double Area;
    GeometryUtils::CalculateGeometryData(GetGeometry(), msDN_DX, msN, Area);

    //reading properties and conditions
    array_1d<double,3> permittivity = GetProperties()[ELECTRICAL_PERMITTIVITY];
    //point_sources[0] = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_POINT_CHARGE);
    //point_sources[1] = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_POINT_CHARGE);
    //point_sources[2] = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_POINT_CHARGE);

    //double surface_sources = (this)->GetValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    surface_sources[0] = (this)->GetValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    surface_sources[1] = (this)->GetValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    surface_sources[2] = (this)->GetValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    //surface_sources[0] = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    //surface_sources[1] = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);
    //surface_sources[2] = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_SURFACE_CHARGE);

    // main loop
    const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints();

    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = prod(msDN_DX,Matrix(prod(msD,trans(msDN_DX))));

    /*		for(unsigned int k = 1; k<integration_points.size(); k++)	//integration points
    			double w_detj = integration_points[k].Weight()*mDetJo[k];
    rLeftHandSideMatrix *= Area;
//		}

    //Point charge contribution
    //noalias(rRightHandSideVector) = point_sources;
    //noalias(rRightHandSideVector) = point_sources/3.0;
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) = surface_sources*Area/3.0;
    //subtracting the dirichlet term
    for(unsigned int iii = 0; iii<number_of_points; iii++)
        ms_temp[iii] = GetGeometry()[iii].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELECTROSTATIC_POTENTIAL);
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(rLeftHandSideMatrix,ms_temp);

    //multiplying by area, rho and density
    //rRightHandSideVector *= (Area * permittivity);
    //rLeftHandSideMatrix *= (Area * permittivity);
//-----  PRIVATE  ------
void FaceHeatConvection::CalculateAll( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo, bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag, bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag )

    const unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();
    unsigned int MatSize = number_of_nodes;

    //resizing as needed the LHS
    if ( CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if ( rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != MatSize )
            rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( MatSize, MatSize, false );
        noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( MatSize, MatSize ); //resetting LHS

    //resizing as needed the RHS
    if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize )
            rRightHandSideVector.resize( MatSize );
        rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( MatSize ); //resetting RHS

    //reading integration points and local gradients
    const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints();
    const GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& DN_DeContainer = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients();
    const Matrix& Ncontainer = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsValues();

    //calculating actual jacobian
    GeometryType::JacobiansType J;
    J = GetGeometry().Jacobian( J );

    //auxiliary terms
    for ( unsigned int PointNumber = 0; PointNumber < integration_points.size(); PointNumber++ )
        double convection_coefficient = 0.0;
        double T_ambient = 0.0;
        double T = 0.0;

        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < GetGeometry().size(); n++ )
            convection_coefficient += ( GetGeometry()[n] ).GetSolutionStepValue( CONVECTION_COEFFICIENT ) * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n );
            T_ambient += ( GetGeometry()[n] ).GetSolutionStepValue( AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE ) * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n );
            T += ( GetGeometry()[n] ).GetSolutionStepValue( TEMPERATURE ) * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n );

//         if ( PointNumber == 1 )
//             std::cout << "CONDITION ### HeatConvection:  h= " << convection_coefficient << ",\t T_ambient= " << T_ambient << ",\t T_surface= " << T << std::endl;

        double IntegrationWeight = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints()[PointNumber].Weight();
        Vector t1 = ZeroVector( 3 );//first tangential vector
        Vector t2 = ZeroVector( 3 );//second tangential vector

        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < number_of_nodes; n++ )
            t1[0] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).X0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t1[1] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Y0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t1[2] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Z0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t2[0] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).X0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );
            t2[1] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Y0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );
            t2[2] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Z0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );

        //calculating normal
        Vector v3 = ZeroVector( 3 );
        v3[0] = t1[1] * t2[2] - t1[2] * t2[1];
        v3[1] = t1[2] * t2[0] - t1[0] * t2[2];
        v3[2] = t1[0] * t2[1] - t1[1] * t2[0];

        double	dA = sqrt( v3[0] * v3[0] + v3[1] * v3[1] + v3[2] * v3[2] );

        if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
            for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < number_of_nodes; n++ )
                rRightHandSideVector( n ) -= Ncontainer( PointNumber, n )
                                             * convection_coefficient * ( T - T_ambient )
                                             * IntegrationWeight * dA; // W/(m^2*°C) = kg*s^-3*°C°^-1

        if ( CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
            for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < number_of_nodes; n++ )
                rLeftHandSideMatrix( n, n ) += Ncontainer( PointNumber, n )
                                               * convection_coefficient
                                               * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n ) * IntegrationWeight * dA; // W/(m^2*°C) = kg*s^-3*°C°^-1

    KRATOS_CATCH( "" )
//calculation by component of the fractional step velocity corresponding to the first stage
void NDFluid2DCrankNicolson::Stage1(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
                                    ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo, unsigned int ComponentIndex)

    const unsigned int number_of_points = 3;

    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != number_of_points)
        rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize(number_of_points,number_of_points,false); //false says not to preserve existing storage!!

    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != number_of_points)
        rRightHandSideVector.resize(number_of_points,false); //false says not to preserve existing storage!!

    //getting data for the given geometry
    double Area;

    //getting the velocity vector on the nodes

    //getting the velocity on the nodes
    const array_1d<double,3>& fv0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL,0);
    const array_1d<double,3>& fv0_old = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w0_old = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj0_old = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ,1);
    double p0old = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const double nu0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double fcomp0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE)[ComponentIndex];
    const double eps0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);
    const double dp0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DIAMETER);

    const array_1d<double,3>& fv1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL);
    const array_1d<double,3>& fv1_old = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w1_old = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ);
    double p1old = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj1_old = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ,1);
    const double nu1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double fcomp1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE)[ComponentIndex];
    const double eps1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);
    const double dp1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DIAMETER);

    const array_1d<double,3>& fv2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL);
    const array_1d<double,3>& fv2_old = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w2_old = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY,1);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj2_old = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONV_PROJ,1);
    double p2old = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const double nu2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double fcomp2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE)[ComponentIndex];
    const double eps2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);
    const double dp2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DIAMETER);

    // vel_gauss = sum( N[i]*(vel[i]-mesh_vel[i]), i=0, number_of_points) (note that the fractional step vel is used)
    ms_vel_gauss[0] =  msN[0]*(fv0[0]-w0[0]) + msN[1]*(fv1[0]-w1[0]) +  msN[2]*(fv2[0]-w2[0]);
    ms_vel_gauss[1] =  msN[0]*(fv0[1]-w0[1]) + msN[1]*(fv1[1]-w1[1]) +  msN[2]*(fv2[1]-w2[1]);

    //vel_gauss = sum( N[i]*(vel[i]-mesh_vel[i]), i=0, number_of_points) (note that the fractional step vel is used)
    ms_vel_gauss_old[0] =  msN[0]*(fv0_old[0]-w0_old[0]) + msN[1]*(fv1_old[0]-w1_old[0]) +  msN[2]*(fv2_old[0]-w2_old[0]);
    ms_vel_gauss_old[1] =  msN[0]*(fv0_old[1]-w0_old[1]) + msN[1]*(fv1_old[1]-w1_old[1]) +  msN[2]*(fv2_old[1]-w2_old[1]);

    //ms_vel_gauss = v at (n+1)/2;
    ms_vel_gauss[0] += ms_vel_gauss_old[0];
    ms_vel_gauss[0] *= 0.5;
    ms_vel_gauss[1] += ms_vel_gauss_old[1];
    ms_vel_gauss[1] *= 0.5;

    //calculating viscosity
    double nu = 0.333333333333333333333333*(nu0 + nu1 + nu2 );
    double density = 0.3333333333333333333333*(rho0 + rho1 + rho2 );

    //DIAMETER of the element
    double dp = 0.3333333333333333333333*(dp0 + dp1 + dp2);
    //POROSITY of the element: average value of the porosity
    double eps = 0.3333333333333333333333*(eps0 + eps1 + eps2 );

    //1/PERMEABILITY of the element: average value of the porosity
    double kinv = 0.0;

    //Calculate the elemental Kinv in function of the nodal K of each element.

    //Version 1: we can calculate the elemental kinv from the nodal kinv;
// 		if(kinv0 != 0.0 || kinv1 != 0.0 || kinv2 != 0.0) //if it is a fluid element
// 		{	double k0 = 0.0;
// 			double k1 = 0.0;
// 			double k2 = 0.0;
// 			if(kinv0 != 0.0)
// 				k0 = 1.0/kinv0;
// 			if(kinv1 != 0.0)
// 				k1 = 1.0/kinv1;
// 			if(kinv2 != 0.0)
// 				k2 = 1.0/kinv2;
// 			kinv = 3.0/(k0 + k1 + k2 );
// 		}
    //Calculate kinv = 1/ k(eps_elem);
// if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != number_of_points)
// 			rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize(number_of_points,number_of_points,false);

    //Version 2:we can calculate the elemental kinv from the already calculate elemental eps;
    if( (eps0 != 1) | (eps1 != 1) | (eps2 != 1) )
        kinv = 150*(1-eps)*(1-eps)/(eps*eps*eps*dp*dp);

    //getting the BDF2 coefficients (not fixed to allow variable time step)
    //the coefficients INCLUDE the time step
    //const Vector& BDFcoeffs = rCurrentProcessInfo[BDF_COEFFICIENTS];

    //Getting delta time value for the restriction over tau.
    double Dt = rCurrentProcessInfo[DELTA_TIME];

    array_1d<double,2> BDFcoeffs = ZeroVector(2);
    BDFcoeffs[0]= 1.0 / Dt; 		//coeff for step n+1;
    BDFcoeffs[1]= -1.0 / Dt;		//coeff for step n;

    //calculating parameter tau (saved internally to each element)
    double c1 = 4.00;
    double c2 = 2.00;
    double h = sqrt(2.00*Area);

    double norm_u = ms_vel_gauss[0]*ms_vel_gauss[0] + ms_vel_gauss[1]*ms_vel_gauss[1];
    norm_u = sqrt(norm_u); //norm_u calculated at (n+1)/2;//
    double tau = 1.00 / ( c1*nu/(h*h) + c2*norm_u/h );

    // *****************************************

    noalias(ms_u_DN) =  prod(msDN_DX , ms_vel_gauss);
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = 0.5 * outer_prod(msN,ms_u_DN)/(eps*eps);

    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) += 0.5 * tau/(eps*eps) * outer_prod(ms_u_DN,ms_u_DN);

    // rLeftHandSideMatrix += Laplacian * nu;
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) += 0.5 * nu/eps * prod(msDN_DX,trans(msDN_DX));

    //  rLeftHandSideMatrix += M/Dt
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) += BDFcoeffs[0] * msMassFactors/eps;

    //  rLeftHandSideMatrix -= nu/permeability (using the cinematic viscosity it is already divided for density: then we are going to multiplicate for density again);
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) -= 0.5 * nu*msMassFactors*kinv;

    //DARCY non linear CONTRIBUTION (brinkmann)
    //rLeftHandSideMatrix -= 1.75*|u(n+1/2)|/[(150*k)^0.5*eps^(3/2)]
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) -= 0.5 * msMassFactors*norm_u*1.75*sqrt(kinv)/12.2474487/sqrt(eps*eps*eps);

    //multiplication by the area
    rLeftHandSideMatrix *= (Area * density);

    // *****************************************

    //external forces (component)
    double force_component = 0.3333333333333333*(fcomp0 + fcomp1 + fcomp2);

// 		KRATOS_WATCH(force_component);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(p0old);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(p1old);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(p2old);

    //adding pressure gradient (integrated by parts)
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) = (force_component )*msN;

//p_avg turn out to be p0_avg p1_avg and p2_avg

    double p_avg = msN[0]*p0old + msN[1]*p1old + msN[2]*p2old;
    p_avg /= density;

// 		KRATOS_WATCH(p_avg);

    rRightHandSideVector[0] += msDN_DX(0,ComponentIndex)*p_avg;
    rRightHandSideVector[1] += msDN_DX(1,ComponentIndex)*p_avg;
    rRightHandSideVector[2] += msDN_DX(2,ComponentIndex)*p_avg;

// 		KRATOS_WATCH(rRightHandSideVector);
    //adding the inertia terms
    // RHS += M*vhistory
    //calculating the historical velocity
    noalias(ms_temp_vec_np) = ZeroVector(3);

    for(int iii = 0; iii<3; iii++)
        const array_1d<double,3>& v = (GetGeometry()[iii].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VELOCITY,1) );
        ms_temp_vec_np[iii] = BDFcoeffs[1]*v[ComponentIndex];

    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(msMassFactors,ms_temp_vec_np)/eps ;
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(prod(msMassFactors,ms_temp_vec_np)/eps);

//proj_component calculated on the 3 gauss points

    //RHS += Suy * proj[component]
    double proj_component = msN[0]*proj0[ComponentIndex]
                            + msN[1]*proj1[ComponentIndex]
                            + msN[2]*proj2[ComponentIndex];
    double proj_old_component = msN[0]*proj0_old[ComponentIndex]
                                + msN[1]*proj1_old[ComponentIndex]
                                + msN[2]*proj2_old[ComponentIndex];
    proj_component += proj_old_component;
    proj_component *= 0.5;    //proj_component calculate in t_n+1/2;
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) += (tau*proj_component)/(eps*eps)*ms_u_DN;

    //multiplying by area
    rRightHandSideVector  *= (Area * density);

    ms_temp_vec_np[0] = fv0_old[ComponentIndex];
    ms_temp_vec_np[1] = fv1_old[ComponentIndex];
    ms_temp_vec_np[2] = fv2_old[ComponentIndex];

    //there is a part of the lhs which is already included;
    for(int iii = 0; iii<3; iii++)
        ms_temp_vec_np[iii] *= BDFcoeffs[0];

    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) +=  (Area * density)*prod(msMassFactors,ms_temp_vec_np)/eps ;
// 		KRATOS_WATCH((Area * density)*prod(msMassFactors,ms_temp_vec_np)/eps);

    //suubtracting the dirichlet term
    // RHS -= LHS*FracVel
    ms_temp_vec_np[0] = fv0[ComponentIndex] + fv0_old[ComponentIndex];
    ms_temp_vec_np[1] = fv1[ComponentIndex] + fv1_old[ComponentIndex];
    ms_temp_vec_np[2] = fv2[ComponentIndex] + fv2_old[ComponentIndex];

    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(rLeftHandSideMatrix,ms_temp_vec_np);

// 		KRATOS_WATCH(prod(rLeftHandSideMatrix,ms_temp_vec_np));
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv0);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv1);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv2);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv0_old);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv1_old);
// 		KRATOS_WATCH(fv2_old);

// 		KRATOS_WATCH(rRightHandSideVector);

void TwoStepPeriodicCondition<TDim>::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
 * calculates only the RHS vector (certainly to be removed due to contact algorithm)
void SlaveContactFace3DNewmark::CalculateRightHandSide( VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
//calculation by component of the fractional step velocity corresponding to the first stage
void NDFluid2DCrankNicolson::Stage2(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
                                    ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    unsigned int number_of_points = 3;

    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != number_of_points)

    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != number_of_points)

    //getting data for the given geometry
    double Area;

    const array_1d<double,3>& fv0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESS_PROJ);
    double p0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p0old = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const double nu0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double eps0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);

    const array_1d<double,3>& fv1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESS_PROJ);
    double p1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p1old = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const double nu1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double eps1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);

    const array_1d<double,3>& fv2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(FRACT_VEL);
    const array_1d<double,3>& w2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(MESH_VELOCITY);
    const array_1d<double,3>& proj2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESS_PROJ);
    double p2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p2old = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE_OLD_IT);
    const double nu2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VISCOSITY);
    const double rho2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY);
    const double eps2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(POROSITY);


    // vel_gauss = sum( N[i]*(vel[i]-mesh_vel[i]), i=0, number_of_points) (note that the fractional step vel is used)
    ms_vel_gauss[0] =  msN[0]*(fv0[0]-w0[0]) + msN[1]*(fv1[0]-w1[0]) +  msN[2]*(fv2[0]-w2[0]);
    ms_vel_gauss[1] =  msN[0]*(fv0[1]-w0[1]) + msN[1]*(fv1[1]-w1[1]) +  msN[2]*(fv2[1]-w2[1]);

    //calculating convective auxiliary vector
    noalias(ms_u_DN) = prod(msDN_DX , ms_vel_gauss);

    //calculating average density and viscosity
    double nu = 0.33333333333333*(nu0 + nu1 + nu2 );
    double density = 0.33333333333333*(rho0 + rho1 + rho2 );

    //DIAMETER of the element
    //double dp = 0.33333333333333*(d0+d1+d2)
    //POROSITY of the element: average value of the porosity
    double eps = 0.3333333333333333333333*(eps0 + eps1 + eps2 );

    //Getting delta time value for the restriction over tau.
    double Dt = rCurrentProcessInfo[DELTA_TIME];

    //calculating parameter tau (saved internally to each element)
    double h = sqrt(2.00*Area);
    double norm_u = ms_vel_gauss[0]*ms_vel_gauss[0] + ms_vel_gauss[1]*ms_vel_gauss[1];
    norm_u = sqrt(norm_u);
    double tau = 1.00 / ( 4.00*nu/(h*h) + 2.00*norm_u/h );

    //tau = min{tau; Dt}
    if(tau > Dt)
        tau = Dt;

    //getting the BDF2 coefficients (not fixed to allow variable time step)
    //the coefficients INCLUDE the time step
    const Vector& BDFcoeffs = rCurrentProcessInfo[BDF_COEFFICIENTS];

    //laplacian term	       L = Dt * gradN  *eps * trans(gradN);
    //stabilization term       Spp = tau * gradN * eps * trans(gradN);
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ((1.00/BDFcoeffs[0] + tau)/density*eps) * prod(msDN_DX,trans(msDN_DX));

    //calculation of the RHS
    // RHS = -G*vfrac
    double Gaux;
    Gaux =  msDN_DX(0,0)*fv0[0] + msDN_DX(0,1)*fv0[1];
    Gaux += msDN_DX(1,0)*fv1[0] + msDN_DX(1,1)*fv1[1];
    Gaux += msDN_DX(2,0)*fv2[0] + msDN_DX(2,1)*fv2[1];
    rRightHandSideVector[0] = - Gaux * msN[0];
    rRightHandSideVector[1] = - Gaux * msN[1];
    rRightHandSideVector[2] = - Gaux * msN[2];

    //attention!! changing the meaning of ms_vel_gauss
    //Inserting the influence of POROSITY!
    // RHS += Sz * proj*eps
    //contrib of Spy*proj
    ms_vel_gauss[0] = msN[0]*proj0[0] + msN[1]*proj1[0] + msN[2]*proj2[0];
    ms_vel_gauss[1] = msN[0]*proj0[1] + msN[1]*proj1[1] + msN[2]*proj2[1];
    ms_vel_gauss *= tau*eps;
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) += prod(msDN_DX , ms_vel_gauss);

    //dirichlet contribution
    ms_temp_vec_np[0] = p0;
    ms_temp_vec_np[1] = p1;
    ms_temp_vec_np[2] = p2;
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(rLeftHandSideMatrix,ms_temp_vec_np);

    // RHS += dt * L *eps* pold
    ms_temp_vec_np[0] = p0old;
    ms_temp_vec_np[1] = p1old;
    ms_temp_vec_np[2] = p2old;
    noalias(ms_vel_gauss) = prod(trans(msDN_DX),ms_temp_vec_np);
    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) += (1.00/BDFcoeffs[0]/density*eps) * prod(msDN_DX,ms_vel_gauss);

    //multiplicating by the area
    rLeftHandSideMatrix *= Area;
    rRightHandSideVector *= Area;

    //adding contributions to nodal areas following the corresponding lumping term
    double nodal_contrib = 0.333333333333333333333333333 * Area*density;
    GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) += nodal_contrib;
    GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) += nodal_contrib;
    GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) += nodal_contrib;

void resize_vector(VectorType & vec, unsigned int size)
void FaceForce3D::CalculateAll( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix,
                                VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
                                const ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo,
                                bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag,
                                bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag )

    const unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();
    unsigned int MatSize = number_of_nodes * 3;
    const unsigned int dim = 3;
    //resizing as needed the LHS

    if ( CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if ( rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != MatSize )
            rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( MatSize, MatSize, false );

        noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( MatSize, MatSize ); //resetting LHS

    //resizing as needed the RHS
    if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
        if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize )
            rRightHandSideVector.resize( MatSize, false );

        rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( MatSize ); //resetting RHS

    //reading integration points and local gradients
    const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points =

    const GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& DN_DeContainer =

    const Matrix& Ncontainer = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsValues();

    //calculating actual jacobian
    GeometryType::JacobiansType J;

    J = GetGeometry().Jacobian( J );

    //auxiliary terms
    array_1d<double, 3> BodyForce;

    //this should be used once the implementation of the Jacobian is correct in all geometries
//         array_1d<double,3> ge;
//         array_1d<double,3> gn;
//         array_1d<double,3> v3;
    //loop over integration points
    for ( unsigned int PointNumber = 0; PointNumber < integration_points.size(); PointNumber++ )
        Vector Load( 3 );
        noalias( Load ) = ZeroVector( 3 );
        Vector temp( 3 );

        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < GetGeometry().size(); n++ )
            noalias( temp ) = ( GetGeometry()[n] ).GetSolutionStepValue( FACE_LOAD );

            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                Load( i ) += temp( i ) * Ncontainer( PointNumber, n );

        double IntegrationWeight = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints()[PointNumber].Weight();

        //to be replaced by the formulation in Face3D
        Vector t1 = ZeroVector( 3 );//first tangential vector
        Vector t2 = ZeroVector( 3 );//second tangential vector

        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < GetGeometry().size(); n++ )
            t1[0] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).X0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t1[1] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Y0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t1[2] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Z0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 0 );
            t2[0] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).X0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );
            t2[1] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Y0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );
            t2[2] += GetGeometry().GetPoint( n ).Z0() * DN_DeContainer[PointNumber]( n, 1 );

        //calculating normal
        Vector v3 = ZeroVector( 3 );

        v3[0] = t1[1] * t2[2] - t1[2] * t2[1];

        v3[1] = t1[2] * t2[0] - t1[0] * t2[2];

        v3[2] = t1[0] * t2[1] - t1[1] * t2[0];

        double dA = sqrt( v3[0] * v3[0] + v3[1] * v3[1] + v3[2] * v3[2] );

        if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
            for ( unsigned int prim = 0; prim < GetGeometry().size(); prim++ )
                for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
                    rRightHandSideVector( prim*dim + i ) +=
                        Ncontainer( PointNumber, prim ) * Load( i ) * IntegrationWeight * dA;

    KRATOS_CATCH( "" )
void UpdatedLagrangianFluid3Dinc::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    const double& density = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY)+
                                  GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY) +

    double K = 0.25* (GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BULK_MODULUS)+
                      GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BULK_MODULUS) +
    K *= density;

    //unsigned int dim = 3;
    unsigned int number_of_nodes = 4;

    if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != 12)

    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != 12)

    //calculate current area
    double current_volume;
    GeometryUtils::CalculateGeometryData(GetGeometry(), msDN_Dx, msN, current_volume);

    //writing the body force
    const array_1d<double,3>& body_force = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE)+
                                           GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE) +
                                           GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE) +

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i<number_of_nodes; i++)
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3] = body_force[0]* density * mA0 * 0.25;
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3+1] = body_force[1] * density * mA0 * 0.25;
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3+2] = body_force[2] * density * mA0 * 0.25;

    		// rLeftHandSideMatrix += Laplacian * nu;
    		//filling matrix B
    		for (unsigned int i=0;i<number_of_nodes;i++)
    			unsigned int index = dim*i;
    			msB(0,index+0)=msDN_Dx(i,0);					msB(0,index+1)= 0.0;
    			msB(1,index+0)=0.0;								msB(1,index+1)= msDN_Dx(i,1);
    			msB(2,index+0)= msDN_Dx(i,1);					msB(2,index+1)= msDN_Dx(i,0);

    		//constitutive tensor
    		ms_constitutive_matrix(0,0) = K;	ms_constitutive_matrix(0,1) = K ;	ms_constitutive_matrix(0,2) = 0.0;
    		ms_constitutive_matrix(1,0) = K; 	ms_constitutive_matrix(1,1) = K;	ms_constitutive_matrix(1,2) = 0.0;
    		ms_constitutive_matrix(2,0) = 0.0;	ms_constitutive_matrix(2,1) = 0.0;	ms_constitutive_matrix(2,2) = 0.0;

    		//calculating viscous contributions
    		ms_temp = prod( ms_constitutive_matrix , msB);
    		noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = prod( trans(msB) , ms_temp);
    		rLeftHandSideMatrix *= -current_area;
    noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(12,12);
    //get the nodal pressure
    double p0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p3 = GetGeometry()[3].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);

    //adding pressure gradient
    double pavg = p0 + p1 + p2 + p3; //calculate old pressure over the element
    pavg *= 0.25 * current_volume;

    rRightHandSideVector[0] += msDN_Dx(0,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[1] += msDN_Dx(0,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[2] += msDN_Dx(0,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[3] += msDN_Dx(1,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[4] += msDN_Dx(1,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[5] += msDN_Dx(1,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[6] += msDN_Dx(2,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[7] += msDN_Dx(2,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[8] += msDN_Dx(2,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[9]	 += msDN_Dx(3,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[10] += msDN_Dx(3,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[11] += msDN_Dx(3,2)*pavg;

void UpdatedLagrangianFluid3Dinc::CalculateRightHandSide(VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    const double& density = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY)+
                                  GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY) +

    double K = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BULK_MODULUS)+
                     GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BULK_MODULUS) +
    K *= density;

    //	KRATOS_THROW_ERROR(std::logic_error,"not goooood","");
    if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != 12)
    unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();

    //calculate current area
    double current_volume;
    GeometryUtils::CalculateGeometryData(GetGeometry(), msDN_Dx, msN, current_volume);

    //writing the body force
    const array_1d<double,3>& body_force = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE)+
                                           GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(BODY_FORCE) +

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i<number_of_nodes; i++)
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3] = body_force[0]* density * mA0 * 0.25;
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3+1] = body_force[1] * density * mA0 * 0.25;
        rRightHandSideVector[i*3+2] = body_force[2] * density * mA0 * 0.25;

    //get the nodal pressure
    double p0 = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p1 = GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p2 = GetGeometry()[2].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);
    double p3 = GetGeometry()[3].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE);

    //adding pressure gradient
    double pavg = p0 + p1 + p2 + p3; //calculate old pressure over the element
    pavg *= 0.25 * current_volume;

    rRightHandSideVector[0] += msDN_Dx(0,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[1] += msDN_Dx(0,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[2] += msDN_Dx(0,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[3] += msDN_Dx(1,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[4] += msDN_Dx(1,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[5] += msDN_Dx(1,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[6] += msDN_Dx(2,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[7] += msDN_Dx(2,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[8] += msDN_Dx(2,2)*pavg;

    rRightHandSideVector[9]	 += msDN_Dx(3,0)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[10] += msDN_Dx(3,1)*pavg;
    rRightHandSideVector[11] += msDN_Dx(3,2)*pavg;

    void TotalLagrangian::CalculateAll( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix,
                                        VectorType& rRightHandSideVector,
                                        ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo,
                                        bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag,
                                        bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag )
        const unsigned int number_of_nodes = GetGeometry().size();
        const unsigned int dim = GetGeometry().WorkingSpaceDimension();
        unsigned int StrainSize;

        if ( dim == 2 )
            StrainSize = 3;
            StrainSize = 6;

        Matrix B( StrainSize, number_of_nodes * dim );

        Matrix F( dim, dim );

        Matrix D( StrainSize, StrainSize );

        Matrix C( dim, dim );

        Vector StrainVector( StrainSize );

        Vector StressVector( StrainSize );

        Matrix DN_DX( number_of_nodes, dim );

        //resizing as needed the LHS
        unsigned int MatSize = number_of_nodes * dim;

        if ( CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
            if ( rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != MatSize )
                rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( MatSize, MatSize, false );

            noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( MatSize, MatSize ); //resetting LHS

        //resizing as needed the RHS
        if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
            if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != MatSize )
                rRightHandSideVector.resize( MatSize, false );

            rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( MatSize ); //resetting RHS

        //reading integration points and local gradients
        const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = GetGeometry().IntegrationPoints( mThisIntegrationMethod );

        const GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& DN_De = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients( mThisIntegrationMethod );

        const Matrix& Ncontainer = GetGeometry().ShapeFunctionsValues( mThisIntegrationMethod );

        //calculating actual jacobian
        GeometryType::JacobiansType J;

        GetGeometry().Jacobian( J );


        //auxiliary terms
        Vector BodyForce;

        for ( unsigned int PointNumber = 0; PointNumber < integration_points.size(); PointNumber++ )
            //Calculating the cartesian derivatives (it is avoided storing them to minimize storage)
            noalias( DN_DX ) = prod( DN_De[PointNumber], mInvJ0[PointNumber] );

            //deformation gradient
            noalias( F ) = prod( J[PointNumber], mInvJ0[PointNumber] );

            //strain calculation
            noalias( C ) = prod( trans( F ), F );

            CalculateStrain( C, StrainVector );

            Comprobate_State_Vector( StrainVector );
                row( Ncontainer, PointNumber ),
                true );

            //calculating operator B
            CalculateB( B, F, DN_DX, StrainVector.size() );

            //calculating weights for integration on the reference configuration
            double IntToReferenceWeight = integration_points[PointNumber].Weight() * mDetJ0[PointNumber];

            if ( dim == 2 ) IntToReferenceWeight *= GetProperties()[THICKNESS];

            if ( CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
                //contributions to stiffness matrix calculated on the reference config
                noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) += prod( trans( B ), ( IntToReferenceWeight ) * Matrix( prod( D, B ) ) ); //to be optimized to remove the temporary
                CalculateAndAddKg( rLeftHandSideMatrix, DN_DX, StressVector, IntToReferenceWeight );

            if ( CalculateResidualVectorFlag == true ) //calculation of the matrix is required
                //contribution to external forces
                BodyForce = GetProperties()[BODY_FORCE];

                // operation performed: rRightHandSideVector += ExtForce*IntToReferenceWeight
                CalculateAndAdd_ExtForceContribution( row( Ncontainer, PointNumber ), rCurrentProcessInfo, BodyForce, rRightHandSideVector, IntToReferenceWeight );

                // operation performed: rRightHandSideVector -= IntForce*IntToReferenceWeight
                noalias( rRightHandSideVector ) -= IntToReferenceWeight * prod( trans( B ), StressVector );

        KRATOS_CATCH( "" )
void assemble(MeshType & mesh,
              MatrixType & system_matrix,
              VectorType & load_vector)
  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::cell<MeshType>::type CellType;

  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::vertex<MeshType>::type                         VertexType;
  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::line<MeshType>::type                         EdgeType;

  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::vertex_range<MeshType>::type     VertexContainer;
  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<VertexContainer>::type          VertexIterator;

  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::coboundary_range<MeshType, viennagrid::vertex_tag, viennagrid::line_tag>::type EdgeOnVertexContainer;
  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::iterator<EdgeOnVertexContainer>::type    EdgeOnVertexIterator;

  std::size_t current_dof = 0;

  // Compute Voronoi info
  typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::const_cell_handle<MeshType>::type    ConstCellHandleType;

  std::deque<double> interface_areas;
  std::deque< typename viennagrid::result_of::voronoi_cell_contribution<ConstCellHandleType>::type > interface_contributions;

  std::deque<double> vertex_box_volumes;
  std::deque< typename viennagrid::result_of::voronoi_cell_contribution<ConstCellHandleType>::type > vertex_box_volume_contributions;

  std::deque<double> edge_box_volumes;
  std::deque< typename viennagrid::result_of::voronoi_cell_contribution<ConstCellHandleType>::type > edge_box_volume_contributions;

  // Write Voronoi info to default ViennaData keys:

  typename viennagrid::result_of::accessor< std::deque<double>, EdgeType >::type interface_area_accessor( interface_areas );
  typename viennagrid::result_of::accessor< std::deque<double>, EdgeType >::type edge_box_volume_accessor( edge_box_volumes );

  std::deque<long> dof_container;
  typename viennagrid::result_of::accessor< std::deque<long>, VertexType >::type dof_accessor( dof_container );

  // Iterate over all vertices in the mesh and enumerate degrees of freedom (aka. unknown indices)
  VertexContainer vertices = viennagrid::elements<viennagrid::vertex_tag>(mesh);
  for (VertexIterator vit = vertices.begin();
      vit != vertices.end();
    //boundary condition: Assuming homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions at x=0 and x=1
    //if ( (vit->point()[0] == 0) || (vit->point()[0] == 1) )
    if ( (viennagrid::point(mesh, *vit)[0] == 0) || (viennagrid::point(mesh, *vit)[0] == 1) )
      dof_accessor(*vit) = -1;
      dof_accessor(*vit) = current_dof;

  std::cout << "Assigned degrees of freedom: " << current_dof << std::endl;

  //resize global system matrix and load vector to the number of unknowns:
  system_matrix.resize(current_dof, current_dof);

  // Poisson equation assembly:  div( grad(psi) ) = 1
  for (VertexIterator vhit = vertices.begin();
        vhit != vertices.end();
    VertexType & vertex = *vhit;
    long row_index = dof_accessor(vertex);

    //std::cout << vertex << " " << row_index << std::endl;

    if (row_index < 0) //this is a Dirichlet boundary condition

    //EdgeOnVertexContainer edges = viennagrid::ncells<1>(*vit, mesh);
      EdgeOnVertexContainer edges = viennagrid::coboundary_elements<viennagrid::vertex_tag, viennagrid::line_tag>(mesh, vhit.handle());
    for (EdgeOnVertexIterator eovit = edges.begin();
          eovit != edges.end();
      VertexType const * other_vertex_ptr = &(viennagrid::elements<viennagrid::vertex_tag>(*eovit)[0]);
      if (other_vertex_ptr == &(vertex)) //one of the two vertices of the edge is different from *vit
        other_vertex_ptr = &(viennagrid::elements<viennagrid::vertex_tag>(*eovit)[1]);

      long col_index        = dof_accessor(*other_vertex_ptr);
      double edge_len       = viennagrid::volume(*eovit);
      double interface_area = interface_area_accessor(*eovit);

      //std::cout << "  " << *other_vertex_ptr << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "  " << col_index << " " << edge_len << " " << interface_area << std::endl;

      if (col_index >= 0)
        system_matrix(row_index, col_index) = - interface_area / edge_len;

      system_matrix(row_index, row_index) += interface_area / edge_len;

      //std::cout << "  " << system_matrix(row_index, col_index) << " " << system_matrix(row_index, row_index) << std::endl;
      //std::cout << std::endl;

      //Note: volume stored on edges consists of volumes of both adjacent boxes.
      load_vector[row_index] += edge_box_volume_accessor(*eovit) / 2.0;
    } //for edges
  } //for vertices

} //assemble()
void MeshlessLagrangeCouplingCondition::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

	const unsigned int number_of_points = GetGeometry().size();
	//system equation contains of [(3 displacments)*number_of_points + (3 Lagrange Multipliers)*number_of_points]

	if (rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != number_of_points * 6)
		rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize(number_of_points * 6, number_of_points * 6, false);
	noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(number_of_points * 6, number_of_points * 6); //resetting LHS

	if (rRightHandSideVector.size() != number_of_points * 6)
		rRightHandSideVector.resize(number_of_points * 6, false);
	rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector(number_of_points * 6); //resetting RHS

	const double& Weighting = this->GetValue(INTEGRATION_WEIGHT);
	const Vector& localTrimTangents = this->GetValue(TANGENTS);

	const Vector& ShapeFunctionsN = this->GetValue(SHAPE_FUNCTION_VALUES);
	const Matrix& DN_DeMaster = this->GetValue(SHAPE_FUNCTION_LOCAL_DERIVATIVES_MASTER);

	Vector Phi_r = ZeroVector(number_of_points * 3);
	Vector Phi_r_Lambda = ZeroVector(number_of_points * 3);
	Matrix Phi_rs = ZeroMatrix(number_of_points * 3, number_of_points * 3);
	array_1d<double, 2> Diff_Phi;
	CaculateRotationalShapeFunctions(Phi_r, Phi_r_Lambda, Phi_rs, Diff_Phi);

	//SHAPE_FUNCTION_VALUES has first the shape functions of the displacements, 
	// then the shape functions of the Lagrange Multipliers
	for (unsigned int i = number_of_points; i < 2*number_of_points; i++) //loop over Lagrange Multipliers
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < number_of_points; j++) // lopp over shape functions of displacements
			double NN = ShapeFunctionsN[j] * ShapeFunctionsN[i];
			//lambda in X
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(i * 3, 3 * j)         = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3 )  * Phi_r(j * 3);//Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points)*3)*Phi_r(j*3); ShapeFunctionsN[i] * Phi_r(j * 3);// 
			//lambda in Y
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(i * 3 + 1, 3 * j + 1) = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3+1) * Phi_r(j * 3+1);
			//lambda in Z;
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(i * 3 + 2, 3 * j + 2) = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3+2) * Phi_r(j * 3+2);
			//lambda in X
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(3 * j, i * 3)         = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3 )  * Phi_r(j * 3);
			//lambda in Y
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(3 * j + 1, i * 3 + 1) = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3+1) * Phi_r(j * 3+1);
			//lambda in Z;
			rLeftHandSideMatrix(3 * j + 2, i * 3 + 2) = NN + Phi_r_Lambda((i - number_of_points) * 3+2) * Phi_r(j * 3+2);

	Vector TDisplacementsLambda = ZeroVector(number_of_points * 6);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_points; i++)
		const array_1d<double, 3> disp = GetGeometry()[i].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT);
		int index = 3 * i;
		TDisplacementsLambda[index]		= disp[0];
		TDisplacementsLambda[index + 1] = disp[1];
		TDisplacementsLambda[index + 2] = disp[2];
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_points; i++)
		const array_1d<double, 3> LagrangeMultiplier = GetGeometry()[i].FastGetSolutionStepValue(VECTOR_LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER);
		int index = 3 * i + 3 * number_of_points;
		TDisplacementsLambda[index]		= LagrangeMultiplier[0];
		TDisplacementsLambda[index + 1] = LagrangeMultiplier[1];
		TDisplacementsLambda[index + 2] = LagrangeMultiplier[2];

        array_1d<double,2> aux;
        aux[0] = localTrimTangents[0];
        aux[1] = localTrimTangents[1];

	double JGeometrictoParameter;
	MappingGeometricToParameterMasterElement(DN_DeMaster, aux, JGeometrictoParameter);

	rLeftHandSideMatrix *= (Weighting * JGeometrictoParameter);

	noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(rLeftHandSideMatrix, TDisplacementsLambda);

} // MeshlessLagrangeCouplingCondition::MeshlessLagrangeCouplingCondition