void verboseHelp()
    QString m_verbose = verboseString.trimmed();
    m_verbose.replace(QRegExp(" "), ",");

    cerr << "Verbose debug levels.\n"
            "Accepts any combination (separated by comma) of:\n\n";

    for (VerboseMap::Iterator vit = verboseMap.begin();
         vit != verboseMap.end(); ++vit )
        VerboseDef *item = vit.value();
        QString name = QString("  %1").arg(item->name, -15, ' ');
        cerr << name.toLocal8Bit().constData() << " - " << 
                item->helpText.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;

    cerr << endl <<
      "The default for this program appears to be: '-v " <<
      m_verbose.toLocal8Bit().constData() << "'\n\n"
      "Most options are additive except for 'none' and 'all'.\n"
      "These two are semi-exclusive and take precedence over any\n"
      "other options.  However, you may use something like\n"
      "'-v none,jobqueue' to receive only JobQueue related messages\n"
      "and override the default verbosity level.\n\n"
      "Additive options may also be subtracted from 'all' by\n"
      "prefixing them with 'no', so you may use '-v all,nodatabase'\n"
      "to view all but database debug messages.\n\n"
      "Some debug levels may not apply to this program.\n\n";
/// \brief Outputs the Verbose levels and their descriptions
///        (for --verbose help)
void verboseHelp(void)
    QString m_verbose = userDefaultValueStr.trimmed();
    m_verbose.replace(QRegExp(" "), ",");

    cerr << "Verbose debug levels.\n"
            "Accepts any combination (separated by comma) of:\n\n";

    for (VerboseMap::Iterator vit = verboseMap.begin();
         vit != verboseMap.end(); ++vit )
        VerboseDef *item = vit.value();
        QString name = QString("  %1").arg(item->name, -15, ' ');
        if (item->helpText.isEmpty())
        cerr << name.toLocal8Bit().constData() << " - " <<
                item->helpText.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;

    cerr << endl <<
      "The default for this program appears to be: '-v " <<
      m_verbose.toLocal8Bit().constData() << "'\n\n"
      "Most options are additive except for 'none' and 'all'.\n"
      "These two are semi-exclusive and take precedence over any\n"
      "other options.  However, you may use something like\n"
      "'-v none,jobqueue' to receive only JobQueue related messages\n"
      "and override the default verbosity level.\n\n"
      "Additive options may also be subtracted from 'all' by\n"
      "prefixing them with 'no', so you may use '-v all,nodatabase'\n"
      "to view all but database debug messages.\n\n";

    cerr << "The 'global' loglevel is specified with --loglevel, but can be\n"
         << "overridden on a component by component basis by appending "
         << "':level'\n"
         << "to the component.\n"
         << "    For example: -v gui:debug,channel:notice,record\n\n";

    cerr << "Some debug levels may not apply to this program.\n" << endl;