int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	cout << "\n";

	const char *modName = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "KJV";
	SWMgr manager;
	SWModule *bible = manager.getModule(modName);
	if (!bible) {
		cout << modName << " module is not installed.\nPlease install to show versification (v11n) from this specific Bible.\nShowing builtin KJV v11n scheme..\n\n";

	VerseKey *vk = (bible) ? (VerseKey *)bible->getKey() : new VerseKey();

	for ((*vk) = TOP; !vk->popError(); vk->setBook(vk->getBook()+1)) {
		cout << vk->getBookName() << "\n";

	// if we 'new'ed a VerseKey unassociated with a module, above, then we should delete it.
	if (!bible) delete vk;

	return 0;
std::string SwordPluginAPI::getVerses(const std::string& moduleName, const std::string& key, const std::string& single) {
    /*Get verses from a specific module (e.g. "ESV"). Set your biblepassage in key e.g. "James 1:19" */
    std::stringstream passage;
    std::stringstream tmpPassage;
    std::stringstream out;

    SWModule *module = displayLibrary->getModule(moduleName.c_str());
    /* if (!module || !(strcmp(module->Type(), "Biblical Texts") == 0 || strcmp(module->Type(), "Commentaries") == 0)) {
        PDL_JSException(parms, "getVerses: Module isn't verse driven (no bible or commentary). Currently BibleZ HD doesn't support Generic Books and Lexicons / Dictionaries!");
        return PDL_TRUE;
    } */


    //VerseKey *vk = (VerseKey*)module->getKey();
    VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey *>(module->getKey());

    ListKey verses = VerseKey().ParseVerseList(key.c_str(), "", true);

    passage << "{\"bookName\": \"" << vk->getBookName() << "\", \"cnumber\": \"" << vk->Chapter()  << "\", \"vnumber\": \"" << vk->Verse() << "\", \"passageSingle\" : \"" << vk->getBookName() << " " << vk->Chapter() << ":" << vk->Verse() << "\", \"passage\" : \"" << vk->getBookName() << " " << vk->Chapter() << "\", \"abbrev\": \"" << vk->getBookAbbrev() << "\"}";
    if (single == "true") {
        verses = VerseKey().ParseVerseList(key.c_str(), "", true);
    } else {
        tmpPassage << vk->getBookName() << " " << vk->Chapter();
        verses = VerseKey().ParseVerseList(tmpPassage.str().c_str(), "", true);

    AttributeTypeList::iterator i1;
    AttributeList::iterator i2;
    AttributeValue::iterator i3;

    out << "[";

    for (verses = TOP; !verses.Error(); verses++) {

        if (strcmp(module->RenderText(), "") != 0) {
            //headingOn = 0;
            out << "{\"content\": \"" << convertString(module->RenderText()) << "\", ";
            out << "\"vnumber\": \"" << vk->Verse() << "\", ";
            out << "\"cnumber\": \"" << vk->Chapter() << "\"";
            out << ", \"heading\": \"" << convertString(module->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Preverse"]["0"].c_str()) << "\"";

            for (i1 = module->getEntryAttributes().begin(); i1 != module->getEntryAttributes().end(); i1++) {
                if (strcmp(i1->first, "Footnote") == 0) {
                    out << ", \"footnotes\": [";
                    for (i2 = i1->second.begin(); i2 != i1->second.end(); i2++) {
                        out << "{";
                        for (i3 = i2->second.begin(); i3 != i2->second.end(); i3++) {
                            out << "\"" << i3->first << "\": \"" << convertString(i3->second.c_str()) << "\"";
                            //footnotesOn = 1;
                            if (i3 != --i2->second.end()) {
                                out << ", ";
                        out << "}";
                        if (i2 != --i1->second.end()) {
                            out << ", ";
                    out << "]";
                } /*else if (strcmp(i1->first, "Word") == 0) {
                    out << ", \"words\": [";
                    for (i2 = i1->second.begin(); i2 != i1->second.end(); i2++) {
                        out << "{";
                        for (i3 = i2->second.begin(); i3 != i2->second.end(); i3++) {
                            out << "\"" << i3->first << "\": \"" << convertString(i3->second.c_str()) << "\"";
                            if (i3 != --i2->second.end()) {
                                out << ", ";
                        out << "}";
                        if (i2 != --i1->second.end()) {
                            out << ", ";
                    out << "]";
                } */

            if (vk->Chapter() == 1 && vk->Verse() == 1) {
                out << ", \"intro\": \"" << convertString(module->RenderText()) << "\"";

            out << "}";

            ListKey helper = verses;
            if (!helper.Error()) {
                out << ", ";

    out << "]";

    /*if (out.str() == "[]") {
        PDL_JSException(parms, "getVerses: Chapter is not available in this module!");
        return PDL_FALSE;

    out << "<#split#>" << passage.str();

    return out.str();