void Triangle::merge( VertexArray& va ) {

	free = dirty = true;
	parent->dirty = true;

	VertexArray::index_t* indices = va.triangle( index );
	VertexArray::index_t* pindices = va.triangle( parent->index );
	va.update_triangle( parent->index, pindices[2], 
		pindices[0], indices[0] );
	va.update_triangle( index, 0, 0, 0 );

	parent->set_neighbors( parent->neighbors[2],
		neighbors[2], neighbors[0] );
	parent->priority_data.midpoint_vector = 
		Vector3f( va.vertex( pindices[0] ) );
	parent->priority_data.depth /= split_size;

	if( neighbors[2]->neighbors[2] == this )
		neighbors[2]->neighbors[2] = parent;
	else if( neighbors[2]->neighbors[1] == this )
		neighbors[2]->neighbors[1] = parent;
		neighbors[2]->neighbors[0] = parent;

	//va.remove_triangle( index );
void Diamond::initialize( VertexArray& va, Triangle* child1, 
	Triangle* child2 ) {

	free = false; dirty = true;
	children[0] = child1;
	children[1] = child2;

	if( child1->diamond )
		std::cout << "Bas diamond." << std::endl;

	child1->parent->neighbors[0] = child1;
	child1->neighbors[1] = child1->parent;
	child1->neighbors[0] = child2->parent;
	child2->parent->neighbors[1] = child1;
	child2->parent->neighbors[0] = child2;
	child2->neighbors[1] = child2->parent;
	child2->neighbors[0] = child1->parent;
	child1->parent->neighbors[1] = child2;

	children[0]->parent->diamond = children[1]->parent->diamond =
		children[0]->diamond = children[1]->diamond = this;

	priority_data.midpoint_vector = Vector3f(
		va.vertex( va.triangle( child1->index )[ 1 ] ) );
	priority_data.depth = child1->priority_data.depth;
bool Diamond::initialize( VertexArray& va, Triangle* base ) {

	free = false; dirty = true;
	//if( !base->parent )
	//	return false;

	if( base->parent == base->neighbors[1] )
		base = base->neighbors[1];

	if( base->diamond ) 
		std::cout << "Bad diamond." << std::endl;
	//if( !base->neighbors[0]->parent || !base->neighbors[1]->parent )
	//	return false;

	children[0] = base->neighbors[0];
	children[1] = base->neighbors[1];

	children[0]->parent->diamond = children[1]->parent->diamond =
		children[0]->diamond = children[1]->diamond = this;

	priority_data.midpoint_vector = Vector3f(
		va.vertex( va.triangle( base->index )[ 1 ] ) );
	priority_data.depth = base->priority_data.depth;
	return true;
void Diamond::merge( VertexArray& va ) {
	if( children[0]->diamond != this )
		std::cout << "I have found the problem." << std::endl;

	size_t mid = va.triangle( children[0]->index )[ 1 ];
	va.remove_point( mid );

	children[0]->merge( va );
	children[1]->merge( va );

	children[0]->parent->diamond = children[0]->diamond = 0;
	children[1]->parent->diamond = children[1]->diamond = 0;
void SphericalROAMSystem::initial_geometry( SphericalROAM& roam,
	VertexArray& array ) {

	roam.initialized = true;

	size_t pts[6];
	pts[0] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( 0., 1., 0. ) );
	pts[1] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( 1., 0., 1. ) );
	pts[2] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( 1., 0., -1. ) );
	pts[3] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( -1., 0., -1. ) );
	pts[4] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( -1., 0., 1. ) );
	pts[5] = get_vertex( roam, array, Vector3f( 0., -1., 0. ) );

	size_t tris[8];
	tris[0] = array.add_triangle( pts[2], pts[0], pts[1] );
	tris[1] = array.add_triangle( pts[3], pts[0], pts[2] );
	tris[2] = array.add_triangle( pts[4], pts[0], pts[3] );
	tris[3] = array.add_triangle( pts[1], pts[0], pts[4] );
	tris[4] = array.add_triangle( pts[4], pts[5], pts[1] );
	tris[5] = array.add_triangle( pts[3], pts[5], pts[4] );
	tris[6] = array.add_triangle( pts[2], pts[5], pts[3] );
	tris[7] = array.add_triangle( pts[1], pts[5], pts[2] );

	Triangle* ts[8];
	for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
		ts[ i ] = new Triangle( tris[i] );
		roam.triangles.push_back( ts[ i ] );
		roam.splits.push_back( TriangleData( ts[i] ) );
		std::push_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );

	ts[0]->set_neighbors( ts[1], ts[3], ts[7] );
	ts[1]->set_neighbors( ts[2], ts[0], ts[6] );
	ts[2]->set_neighbors( ts[3], ts[1], ts[5] );
	ts[3]->set_neighbors( ts[0], ts[2], ts[4] );
	ts[4]->set_neighbors( ts[5], ts[7], ts[3] );
	ts[5]->set_neighbors( ts[6], ts[4], ts[2] );
	ts[6]->set_neighbors( ts[7], ts[5], ts[1] );
	ts[7]->set_neighbors( ts[4], ts[6], ts[0] );

	for( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )		
		ts[ i ]->priority_data.midpoint_vector = Vector3f( 0., 1., 0. );
	for( size_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i )		
		ts[ i ]->priority_data.midpoint_vector = Vector3f( 0., -1., 0. );

	Vector3f look;
	size_t ndirty = 0;
	std::vector< Triangle* > split_queue;
	while( array.nvertices - array.nused_vertices ) {
		TriangleData d = roam.splits.front();
		std::pop_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );

		if( d.dirty() ) {
			d.update( pos, look );
			roam.splits.push_back( d );
			std::push_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );

		Triangle* split = d.triangle;
		do { 
			split_queue.push_back( split ); 
		} while( split = split->split_first() );

		do {
			split = split_queue.back();

			VertexArray::index_t* indices = array.triangle( split->index );
			Vector3f midpoint_dir = Vector3f( array.vertex( indices[0] ) ) +
				Vector3f( array.vertex( indices[2] ) );
			size_t new_vert = get_vertex( roam, array, midpoint_dir );

			Triangle* tri1 = new Triangle( array.add_triangle( 0, 0, 0 ) );
			Triangle* tri2 = new Triangle( array.add_triangle( 0, 0, 0 ) );
			roam.triangles.push_back( tri1 );
			roam.triangles.push_back( tri2 );

			Diamond* frees[2];
			frees[0] = split->neighbors[2]->split( array, tri2, new_vert );
			frees[1] = split->split( array, tri1, new_vert );

			for( unsigned char i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
				roam.free_diamond( frees[i] );

			Diamond* diamond = roam.get_free_diamond();
			diamond->initialize( array, tri1, tri2 );

			//roam.merges.push_back( DiamondData( diamond, pos, look ) );
			//std::push_heap( roam.merges.begin(), roam.merges.end() );
			roam.splits.push_back( TriangleData( tri1, pos, look ) );
			std::push_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );
			roam.splits.push_back( TriangleData( tri2, pos, look ) );
			std::push_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );

		} while( array.nvertices - array.nused_vertices && 
			split_queue.size() );

		d.update( pos, look );
		roam.splits.push_back( d );
		std::push_heap( roam.splits.begin(), roam.splits.end() );
void SphericalROAMSystem::split( SphericalROAM& roam, 
	VertexArray& array, Triangle* tri ) {

	if( tri->split_first() ) {
		split( roam, array, tri->split_first() );

	if( !dia.children[0]->is_diamond() )
		std::cout << "No diamond." << std::endl;

	dia.merge( array );
	Triangle* parents[2];
	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
		Triangle* par = parents[i] = dia.children[i]->parent;
		if( par->parent && par->is_diamond() ) {
			Diamond* newdia = roam.get_free_diamond();
			if( !newdia->initialize( array, par ) ) {
				roam.free_diamond( newdia );
			roam.merges.push_back( DiamondData( newdia ) );
			std::push_heap( roam.merges.begin(), roam.merges.end() );
		//if( check_diamonds( roam ) > 1 )
		//	std::cout << "I did it." << std::endl;

	while( queue.back()->split_first() ) {
		queue.push_back( queue.back()->split_first() );
		//array.remove_triangle( dia.children[0]->index );
		//array.remove_triangle( dia.children[1]->index );
		//roam.free_diamond( &dia );
	Triangle& tri = *queue.back();

	Triangle* news[2];
	news[0] = &roam.free_triangles.back();
	news[1] = &roam.free_triangles.back();

	roam.triangles.push_back( news[0] );
	roam.triangles.push_back( news[1] );
	roam.nfree_triangles -= 2;

	VertexArray::index_t* indices = array.triangle( tri->index );
	Vector3f midpoint_dir = Vector3f( array.vertex( indices[0] ) ) +
		Vector3f( array.vertex( indices[2] ) );
	size_t vert = get_vertex( roam, array, midpoint_dir );

	Diamond* frees[2];
	frees[0] = tri->neighbors[2]->split( array, news[1], vert );
	frees[1] = tri->split( array, news[0], vert );

	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
		roam.free_diamond( frees[i] );

	Diamond* newdia = roam.get_free_diamond();
	newdia->initialize( array, news[0], news[1] );

	//roam.merges.push_back( DiamondData( newdia ) );
	//std::push_heap( roam.merges.begin(), roam.merges.end() );
	//roam.free_diamond( &dia );

	//if( check_diamonds( roam ) )
	//	std::cout << "I did it." << std::endl;