int CmdStats::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;
  std::stringstream out;

  std::string dateformat = context.config.get ("dateformat");

  // Go get the file sizes.
  size_t dataSize = context.tdb2.pending._file.size ()
                  + context.tdb2.completed._file.size ()
                  + context.tdb2.undo._file.size ()
                  + context.tdb2.backlog._file.size ();

  // Count the undo transactions.
  std::vector <std::string> undoTxns = context.tdb2.undo.get_lines ();
  int undoCount = 0;
  std::vector <std::string>::iterator tx;
  for (tx = undoTxns.begin (); tx != undoTxns.end (); ++tx)
    if (*tx == "---")

  // Count the backlog transactions.
  std::vector <std::string> backlogTxns = context.tdb2.backlog.get_lines ();
  int backlogCount = 0;
  for (tx = backlogTxns.begin (); tx != backlogTxns.end (); ++tx)
    if ((*tx)[0] == '{')

  // Get all the tasks.
  Filter filter;
  std::vector <Task> all = context.tdb2.all_tasks ();
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter.subset (all, filtered);

  Date now;
  time_t earliest   = time (NULL);
  time_t latest     = 1;
  int totalT        = 0;
  int deletedT      = 0;
  int pendingT      = 0;
  int completedT    = 0;
  int waitingT      = 0;
  int taggedT       = 0;
  int annotationsT  = 0;
  int recurringT    = 0;
  int blockingT     = 0;
  int blockedT      = 0;
  float daysPending = 0.0;
  int descLength    = 0;
  std::map <std::string, int> allTags;
  std::map <std::string, int> allProjects;

  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)

    Task::status status = task->getStatus ();
    switch (status)
    case Task::deleted:   ++deletedT;   break;
    case Task::pending:   ++pendingT;   break;
    case Task::completed: ++completedT; break;
    case Task::recurring: ++recurringT; break;
    case Task::waiting:   ++waitingT;   break;

    if (task->is_blocked)  ++blockedT;
    if (task->is_blocking) ++blockingT;

    time_t entry = strtol (task->get ("entry").c_str (), NULL, 10);
    if (entry < earliest) earliest = entry;
    if (entry > latest)   latest   = entry;

    if (status == Task::completed)
      time_t end = strtol (task->get ("end").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      daysPending += (end - entry) / 86400.0;

    if (status == Task::pending)
      daysPending += (now.toEpoch () - entry) / 86400.0;

    descLength += task->get ("description").length ();

    std::map <std::string, std::string> annotations;
    task->getAnnotations (annotations);
    annotationsT += annotations.size ();

    std::vector <std::string> tags;
    task->getTags (tags);
    if (tags.size ()) ++taggedT;

    std::vector <std::string>::iterator t;
    for (t = tags.begin (); t != tags.end (); ++t)
      allTags[*t] = 0;

    std::string project = task->get ("project");
    if (project != "")
      allProjects[project] = 0;

  // Create a table for output.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  view.intraPadding (2);
  view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_STATS_CATEGORY));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_STATS_DATA));

  Color label (context.config.get ("color.label"));
  view.colorHeader (label);

  int row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STAT_PE);
  view.set (row, 1, pendingT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STAT_WA);
  view.set (row, 1, waitingT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STAT_RE);
  view.set (row, 1, recurringT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STAT_CO);
  view.set (row, 1, completedT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_COLUMN_LABEL_STAT_DE);
  view.set (row, 1, deletedT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_TOTAL);
  view.set (row, 1, totalT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_ANNOTATIONS);
  view.set (row, 1, annotationsT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_UNIQUE_TAGS);
  view.set (row, 1, (int)allTags.size ());

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_PROJECTS);
  view.set (row, 1, (int)allProjects.size ());

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_BLOCKED);
  view.set (row, 1, blockedT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_BLOCKING);
  view.set (row, 1, blockingT);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_DATA_SIZE);
  view.set (row, 1, formatBytes (dataSize));

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_UNDO_TXNS);
  view.set (row, 1, undoCount);

  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_BACKLOG);
  view.set (row, 1, backlogCount);

  if (totalT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_TAGGED);

    std::stringstream value;
    value << std::setprecision (3) << (100.0 * taggedT / totalT) << "%";
    view.set (row, 1, value.str ());

  if (filtered.size ())
    Date e (earliest);
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_OLDEST);
    view.set (row, 1, e.toString (dateformat));

    Date l (latest);
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_NEWEST);
    view.set (row, 1, l.toString (dateformat));

    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_USED_FOR);
    view.set (row, 1, Duration (latest - earliest).format ());

  if (totalT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_ADD_EVERY);
    view.set (row, 1, Duration (((latest - earliest) / totalT)).format ());

  if (completedT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_COMP_EVERY);
    view.set (row, 1, Duration ((latest - earliest) / completedT).format ());

  if (deletedT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_DEL_EVERY);
    view.set (row, 1, Duration ((latest - earliest) / deletedT).format ());

  if (pendingT || completedT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_AVG_PEND);
    view.set (row, 1, Duration ((int) ((daysPending / (pendingT + completedT)) * 86400)).format ());

  if (totalT)
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_DESC_LEN);
    view.set (row, 1, format (STRING_CMD_STATS_CHARS, (int) (descLength / totalT)));

  // TODO Re-enable this when 2.3 has taskd support.  Until then, it makes no
  //      sense to include this.
  row = view.addRow ();
  view.set (row, 0, STRING_CMD_STATS_LAST_SYNC);
  view.set (row, 1, "-");

  // If an alternating row color is specified, notify the table.
  if (context.color ())
    Color alternate (context.config.get ("color.alternate"));
    if (alternate.nontrivial ())
      view.colorOdd (alternate);
      view.intraColorOdd (alternate);
      view.extraColorOdd (alternate);

  out << optionalBlankLine ()
      << view.render ()
      << optionalBlankLine ();

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;
void TDB2::show_diff (
  const std::string& current,
  const std::string& prior,
  const std::string& when)
  ISO8601d lastChange (strtol (when.c_str (), NULL, 10));

  // Set the colors.
  Color color_red   (context.color () ? context.config.get ("color.undo.before") : "");
  Color color_green (context.color () ? context.config.get ("color.undo.after") : "");

  if (context.config.get ("undo.style") == "side")
    std::cout << "\n"
              << format (STRING_TDB2_LAST_MOD, lastChange.toString ())
              << "\n";

    // Attributes are all there is, so figure the different attribute names
    // between before and after.
    ViewText view;
    view.width (context.getWidth ());
    view.intraPadding (2);
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", ""));
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_TDB2_UNDO_PRIOR));
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_TDB2_UNDO_CURRENT));

    Color label (context.config.get ("color.label"));
    view.colorHeader (label);

    Task after (current);

    if (prior != "")
      Task before (prior);

      std::vector <std::string> beforeAtts;
      for (auto& att : before)
        beforeAtts.push_back (att.first);

      std::vector <std::string> afterAtts;
      for (auto& att : after)
        afterAtts.push_back (att.first);

      std::vector <std::string> beforeOnly;
      std::vector <std::string> afterOnly;
      listDiff (beforeAtts, afterAtts, beforeOnly, afterOnly);

      int row;
      for (auto& name : beforeOnly)
        row = view.addRow ();
        view.set (row, 0, name);
        view.set (row, 1, renderAttribute (name, before.get (name)), color_red);

      for (auto& att : before)
        std::string priorValue   = before.get (att.first);
        std::string currentValue = after.get  (att.first);

        if (currentValue != "")
          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, att.first);
          view.set (row, 1, renderAttribute (att.first, priorValue),
                    (priorValue != currentValue ? color_red : Color ()));
          view.set (row, 2, renderAttribute (att.first, currentValue),
                    (priorValue != currentValue ? color_green : Color ()));

      for (auto& name : afterOnly)
        row = view.addRow ();
        view.set (row, 0, name);
        view.set (row, 2, renderAttribute (name, after.get (name)), color_green);
      int row;
      for (auto& att : after)
        row = view.addRow ();
        view.set (row, 0, att.first);
        view.set (row, 2, renderAttribute (att.first, after.get (att.first)), color_green);

    std::cout << "\n"
              << view.render ()
              << "\n";

  // This style looks like this:
  //  --- before    2009-07-04 00:00:25.000000000 +0200
  //  +++ after    2009-07-04 00:00:45.000000000 +0200
  // - name: old           // att deleted
  // + name:
  // - name: old           // att changed
  // + name: new
  // - name:
  // + name: new           // att added
  else if (context.config.get ("undo.style") == "diff")
    // Create reference tasks.
    Task before;
    if (prior != "")
      before.parse (prior);

    Task after (current);

    // Generate table header.
    ViewText view;
    view.width (context.getWidth ());
    view.intraPadding (2);
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", ""));
    view.add (Column::factory ("string", ""));

    int row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_TDB2_DIFF_PREV, color_red);
    view.set (row, 1, STRING_TDB2_DIFF_PREV_DESC, color_red);

    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, STRING_TDB2_DIFF_CURR, color_green);  // Note trailing space.
    view.set (row, 1, format (STRING_TDB2_DIFF_CURR_DESC,
                              lastChange.toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"))),

    view.addRow ();

    // Add rows to table showing diffs.
    std::vector <std::string> all = context.getColumns ();

    // Now factor in the annotation attributes.
    for (auto& it : before)
      if (it.first.substr (0, 11) == "annotation_")
        all.push_back (it.first);

    for (auto& it : after)
      if (it.first.substr (0, 11) == "annotation_")
        all.push_back (it.first);

    // Now render all the attributes.
    std::sort (all.begin (), all.end ());

    std::string before_att;
    std::string after_att;
    std::string last_att;
    for (auto& a : all)
      if (a != last_att)  // Skip duplicates.
        last_att = a;

        before_att = before.get (a);
        after_att  = after.get (a);

        // Don't report different uuid.
        // Show nothing if values are the unchanged.
        if (a == "uuid" ||
            before_att == after_att)
          // Show nothing - no point displaying that which did not change.

          // row = view.addRow ();
          // view.set (row, 0, *a + ":");
          // view.set (row, 1, before_att);

        // Attribute deleted.
        else if (before_att != "" && after_att == "")
          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "-" + a + ":", color_red);
          view.set (row, 1, before_att, color_red);

          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "+" + a + ":", color_green);

        // Attribute added.
        else if (before_att == "" && after_att != "")
          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "-" + a + ":", color_red);

          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "+" + a + ":", color_green);
          view.set (row, 1, after_att, color_green);

        // Attribute changed.
          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "-" + a + ":", color_red);
          view.set (row, 1, before_att, color_red);

          row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, "+" + a + ":", color_green);
          view.set (row, 1, after_att, color_green);

    std::cout << "\n"
              << view.render ()
              << "\n";
// Project  Remaining  Avg Age  Complete  0%                  100%
// A               12      13d       55%  XXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------
// B              109   3d 12h       10%  XXX---------------------
int CmdSummary::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  // Scan the pending tasks.
  handleRecurrence ();

  // Apply filter.
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter (filtered);
  context.tdb2.commit ();

  // Generate unique list of project names from all pending tasks.
  std::map <std::string, bool> allProjects;
  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending)
      allProjects[task->get ("project")] = false;

  // Initialize counts, sum.
  std::map <std::string, int> countPending;
  std::map <std::string, int> countCompleted;
  std::map <std::string, double> sumEntry;
  std::map <std::string, int> counter;
  time_t now = time (NULL);

  // Initialize counters.
  std::map <std::string, bool>::iterator project;
  for (project = allProjects.begin (); project != allProjects.end (); ++project)
    countPending   [project->first] = 0;
    countCompleted [project->first] = 0;
    sumEntry       [project->first] = 0.0;
    counter        [project->first] = 0;

  // Count the various tasks.
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    std::string project = task->get ("project");

    if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending ||
        task->getStatus () == Task::waiting)

      time_t entry = strtol (task->get ("entry").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      if (entry)
        sumEntry[project] = sumEntry[project] + (double) (now - entry);

    else if (task->getStatus () == Task::completed)

      time_t entry = strtol (task->get ("entry").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      time_t end   = strtol (task->get ("end").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      if (entry && end)
        sumEntry[project] = sumEntry[project] + (double) (end - entry);

  // Create a table for output.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  view.add (Column::factory ("string",            STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_PROJECT));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_REMAINING));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_AVG_AGE));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_COMPLETE));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.left_fixed", "0%                        100%"));

  Color bar_color (context.config.get ("color.summary.bar"));
  Color bg_color  (context.config.get ("color.summary.background"));
  Color label (context.config.get ("color.label"));

  view.colorHeader (label);

  int barWidth = 30;
  std::vector <std::string> processed;
  std::map <std::string, bool>::iterator i;
  for (i = allProjects.begin (); i != allProjects.end (); ++i)
    if (countPending[i->first] > 0)
      const std::vector <std::string> parents = extractParents (i->first);
      std::vector <std::string>::const_iterator parent;
      for (parent = parents.begin (); parent != parents.end (); parent++)
        if (std::find (processed.begin (), processed.end (), *parent)
           == processed.end ())
          int row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, indentProject (*parent));
          processed.push_back (*parent);

      int row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, (i->first == ""
                          ? STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_NONE
                          : indentProject (i->first, "  ", '.')));

      view.set (row, 1, countPending[i->first]);
      if (counter[i->first])
        view.set (row, 2, Duration ((int) (sumEntry[i->first] / (double)counter[i->first])).format ());

      int c = countCompleted[i->first];
      int p = countPending[i->first];
      int completedBar = (c * barWidth) / (c + p);

      std::string bar;
      std::string subbar;
      if (context.color ())
        bar += bar_color.colorize (std::string (           completedBar, ' '));
        bar += bg_color.colorize  (std::string (barWidth - completedBar, ' '));
        bar += std::string (           completedBar, '=')
            +  std::string (barWidth - completedBar, ' ');
      view.set (row, 4, bar);

      char percent[12];
      sprintf (percent, "%d%%", 100 * c / (c + p));
      view.set (row, 3, percent);
      processed.push_back (i->first);

  std::stringstream out;
  if (view.rows ())
    out << optionalBlankLine ()
        << view.render ()
        << optionalBlankLine ();

    if (view.rows ())
      out << format (STRING_CMD_PROJECTS_SUMMARY2, view.rows ());

    out << "\n";
  else {
    out << STRING_CMD_PROJECTS_NO << "\n";
    rc = 1;

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;
int CmdCalendar::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  // Each month requires 28 text columns width.  See how many will actually
  // fit.  But if a preference is specified, and it fits, use it.
  int width = context.getWidth ();
  int preferredMonthsPerLine = (context.config.getInteger ("monthsperline"));
  int monthsThatFit = width / 26;

  int monthsPerLine = monthsThatFit;
  if (preferredMonthsPerLine != 0 && preferredMonthsPerLine < monthsThatFit)
    monthsPerLine = preferredMonthsPerLine;

  // Load the pending tasks.
  handleRecurrence ();
  std::vector <Task> tasks = context.tdb2.pending.get_tasks ();

  Date today;
  bool getpendingdate = false;
  int monthsToDisplay = 1;
  int mFrom = today.month ();
  int yFrom = today.year ();
  int mTo = mFrom;
  int yTo = yFrom;

  // Defaults.
  monthsToDisplay = monthsPerLine;
  mFrom = today.month ();
  yFrom = today.year ();

  // Set up a vector of commands (1), for autoComplete.
  std::vector <std::string> commandNames;
  commandNames.push_back ("calendar");

  // Set up a vector of keywords, for autoComplete.
  std::vector <std::string> keywordNames;
  keywordNames.push_back ("due");

  // Set up a vector of months, for autoComplete.
  std::vector <std::string> monthNames;
  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; ++i)
    monthNames.push_back (lowerCase (Date::monthName (i)));

  // For autoComplete results.
  std::vector <std::string> matches;

  // Look at all args, regardless of sequence.
  int argMonth = 0;
  int argYear = 0;
  bool argWholeYear = false;

  std::vector <std::string> words = context.cli.getWords ();

  std::vector <std::string>::iterator arg;
  for (arg = words.begin (); arg != words.end (); ++arg)
    // Some version of "calendar".
    if (autoComplete (lowerCase (*arg), commandNames, matches, context.config.getInteger ("abbreviation.minimum")) == 1)

    // "due".
    else if (autoComplete (lowerCase (*arg), keywordNames, matches, context.config.getInteger ("abbreviation.minimum")) == 1)
      getpendingdate = true;

    // "y".
    else if (lowerCase (*arg) == "y")
      argWholeYear = true;

    // YYYY.
    else if (Lexer::isAllDigits (*arg) && arg->length () == 4)
      argYear = strtol (arg->c_str (), NULL, 10);

    // MM.
    else if (Lexer::isAllDigits (*arg) && arg->length () <= 2)
      argMonth = strtol (arg->c_str (), NULL, 10);
      if (argMonth < 1 || argMonth > 12)
        throw format (STRING_CMD_CAL_BAD_MONTH, *arg);

    // "January" etc.
    else if (autoComplete (lowerCase (*arg), monthNames, matches, context.config.getInteger ("abbreviation.minimum")) == 1)
      argMonth = Date::monthOfYear (matches[0]);
      if (argMonth == -1)
        throw format (STRING_CMD_CAL_BAD_MONTH, *arg);

      throw format (STRING_CMD_CAL_BAD_ARG, *arg);

  // Supported combinations:
  //   Command line  monthsToDisplay  mFrom  yFrom  getpendingdate
  //   ------------  ---------------  -----  -----  --------------
  //   cal             monthsPerLine  today  today           false
  //   cal y                      12  today  today           false
  //   cal due         monthsPerLine  today  today            true
  //   cal YYYY                   12      1    arg           false
  //   cal due y                  12  today  today            true
  //   cal MM YYYY     monthsPerLine    arg    arg           false
  //   cal MM YYYY y              12    arg    arg           false

  if (argWholeYear || (argYear && !argMonth && !argWholeYear))
    monthsToDisplay = 12;

  if (!argMonth && argYear)
    mFrom = 1;
  else if (argMonth && argYear)
    mFrom = argMonth;

  if (argYear)
    yFrom = argYear;

  // Now begin the data subset and rendering.
  int countDueDates = 0;
  if (getpendingdate == true)
    // Find the oldest pending due date.
    Date oldest (12, 31, 2037);
    std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
    for (task = tasks.begin (); task != tasks.end (); ++task)
      if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending)
        if (task->has ("due") &&
            !task->hasTag ("nocal"))
          Date d (task->get ("due"));
          if (d < oldest) oldest = d;
    mFrom = oldest.month();
    yFrom = oldest.year();

  if (context.config.getBoolean ("calendar.offset"))
    int moffset = context.config.getInteger ("calendar.offset.value") % 12;
    int yoffset = context.config.getInteger ("calendar.offset.value") / 12;
    mFrom += moffset;
    yFrom += yoffset;
    if (mFrom < 1)
      mFrom += 12;
    else if (mFrom > 12)
      mFrom -= 12;

  mTo = mFrom + monthsToDisplay - 1;
  yTo = yFrom;
  if (mTo > 12)
    mTo -= 12;

  int details_yFrom = yFrom;
  int details_mFrom = mFrom;

  std::stringstream out;
  out << "\n";

  while (yFrom < yTo || (yFrom == yTo && mFrom <= mTo))
    int nextM = mFrom;
    int nextY = yFrom;

    // Print month headers (cheating on the width settings, yes)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < monthsPerLine ; i++)
      std::string month = Date::monthName (nextM);

      //    12345678901234567890123456 = 26 chars wide
      //                ^^             = center
      //    <------->                  = 13 - (month.length / 2) + 1
      //                      <------> = 26 - above
      //   +--------------------------+
      //   |         July 2009        |
      //   |     Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su |
      //   |  27        1  2  3  4  5 |
      //   |  28  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 |
      //   |  29 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
      //   |  30 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 |
      //   |  31 27 28 29 30 31       |
      //   +--------------------------+

      int totalWidth = 26;
      int labelWidth = month.length () + 5;  // 5 = " 2009"
      int leftGap = (totalWidth / 2) - (labelWidth / 2);
      int rightGap = totalWidth - leftGap - labelWidth;

      out << std::setw (leftGap) << ' '
          << month
          << ' '
          << nextY
          << std::setw (rightGap) << ' ';

      if (++nextM > 12)
        nextM = 1;

    out << "\n"
        << optionalBlankLine ()
        << renderMonths (mFrom, yFrom, today, tasks, monthsPerLine)
        << "\n";

    mFrom += monthsPerLine;
    if (mFrom > 12)
      mFrom -= 12;

  Color color_today      (context.config.get ("color.calendar.today"));
  Color color_due        (context.config.get ("color.calendar.due"));
  Color color_duetoday   (context.config.get ("color.calendar.due.today"));
  Color color_overdue    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.overdue"));
  Color color_weekend    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.weekend"));
  Color color_holiday    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.holiday"));
  Color color_weeknumber (context.config.get ("color.calendar.weeknumber"));
  Color color_label      (context.config.get ("color.label"));

  if (context.color () && context.config.getBoolean ("calendar.legend"))
    out << "Legend: "
        << color_today.colorize ("today")
        << ", "
        << color_due.colorize ("due")
        << ", "
        << color_duetoday.colorize ("due-today")
        << ", "
        << color_overdue.colorize ("overdue")
        << ", "
        << color_weekend.colorize ("weekend")
        << ", "
        << color_holiday.colorize ("holiday")
        << ", "
        << color_weeknumber.colorize ("weeknumber")
        << "."
        << optionalBlankLine ()
        << "\n";

  if (context.config.get ("calendar.details") == "full" || context.config.get ("calendar.holidays") == "full")
    if (details_mFrom == 0)
      details_mFrom = 12;
    int details_dFrom = Date::daysInMonth (details_mFrom, details_yFrom);

    if (mTo == 13)
      mTo = 1;

    Date date_after (details_mFrom, details_dFrom, details_yFrom);
    std::string after = date_after.toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"));

    Date date_before (mTo, 1, yTo);
    std::string before = date_before.toString (context.config.get ("dateformat"));

    // Table with due date information
    if (context.config.get ("calendar.details") == "full")
      // Assert that 'report' is a valid report.
      std::string report = context.config.get ("calendar.details.report");
      if (context.commands.find (report) == context.commands.end ())
        throw std::string (STRING_ERROR_DETAILS);

      // If the executable was "cal" or equivalent, replace it with "task".
      std::string executable = context.cli._args[0].attribute ("raw");
      std::string::size_type cal = executable.find ("cal");
      if (cal != std::string::npos)
        executable = executable.substr (0, cal) + PACKAGE;

      std::vector <std::string> args;
      args.push_back ("rc:" + context.rc_file._data);
      args.push_back ("rc.due:0");
      args.push_back ("rc.verbose:label,affected,blank");
      args.push_back ("due.after:" + after);
      args.push_back ("due.before:" + before);
      args.push_back ("-nocal");
      args.push_back (report);

      std::string output;
      ::execute (executable, args, "", output);
      out << output;

    // Table with holiday information
    if (context.config.get ("calendar.holidays") == "full")
      ViewText holTable;
      holTable.width (context.getWidth ());
      holTable.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_CAL_LABEL_DATE));
      holTable.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_CAL_LABEL_HOL));
      holTable.colorHeader (color_label);

      Config::const_iterator it;
      std::map <time_t, std::vector<std::string>> hm; // we need to store multiple holidays per day
      for (it = context.config.begin (); it != context.config.end (); ++it)
        if (it->first.substr (0, 8) == "holiday.")
          if (it->first.substr (it->first.size () - 4) == "name")
            std::string holName = context.config.get ("holiday." + it->first.substr (8, it->first.size () - 13) + ".name");
            std::string holDate = context.config.get ("holiday." + it->first.substr (8, it->first.size () - 13) + ".date");
            Date hDate (holDate.c_str (), context.config.get ("dateformat.holiday"));

            if (date_after < hDate && hDate < date_before)

      std::string format = context.config.get ("report." +
                                               context.config.get ("calendar.details.report") +
      if (format == "")
        format = context.config.get ("dateformat.report");
      if (format == "")
        format = context.config.get ("dateformat");

      std::map <time_t, std::vector<std::string>>::iterator hm_it;
      for (hm_it = hm.begin(); hm_it != hm.end(); ++hm_it)
        std::vector <std::string> v = hm_it->second;
        Date hDate (hm_it->first);
        std::string d = hDate.toString (format);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
          int row = holTable.addRow ();
          holTable.set (row, 0, d);
          holTable.set (row, 1, v[i]);

      out << optionalBlankLine ()
          << holTable.render ()
          << "\n";

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;
std::string CmdCalendar::renderMonths (
  int firstMonth,
  int firstYear,
  const Date& today,
  std::vector <Task>& all,
  int monthsPerLine)
  // What day of the week does the user consider the first?
  int weekStart = Date::dayOfWeek (context.config.get ("weekstart"));
  if (weekStart != 0 && weekStart != 1)
    throw std::string (STRING_CMD_CAL_SUN_MON);

  // Build table for the number of months to be displayed.
  Color label (context.config.get ("color.label"));

  ViewText view;
  view.colorHeader (label);
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  for (int i = 0 ; i < (monthsPerLine * 8); i += 8)
    if (weekStart == 1)
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", "    "));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (1), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (2), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (3), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (4), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (5), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (6), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (0), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", "    "));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (0), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (1), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (2), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (3), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (4), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (5), 0, 2)));
      view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", utf8_substr (Date::dayName (6), 0, 2)));

  // At most, we need 6 rows.
  view.addRow ();
  view.addRow ();
  view.addRow ();
  view.addRow ();
  view.addRow ();
  view.addRow ();

  // Set number of days per month, months to render, and years to render.
  std::vector<int> years;
  std::vector<int> months;
  std::vector<int> daysInMonth;
  int thisYear = firstYear;
  int thisMonth = firstMonth;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < monthsPerLine ; i++)
    if (thisMonth < 13)
      years.push_back (thisYear);
      thisMonth -= 12;
      years.push_back (++thisYear);
    months.push_back (thisMonth);
    daysInMonth.push_back (Date::daysInMonth (thisMonth++, thisYear));

  int row = 0;

  Color color_today      (context.config.get ("color.calendar.today"));
  Color color_due        (context.config.get ("color.calendar.due"));
  Color color_duetoday   (context.config.get ("color.calendar.due.today"));
  Color color_overdue    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.overdue"));
  Color color_weekend    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.weekend"));
  Color color_holiday    (context.config.get ("color.calendar.holiday"));
  Color color_weeknumber (context.config.get ("color.calendar.weeknumber"));

  // Loop through months to be added on this line.
  for (int mpl = 0; mpl < monthsPerLine ; mpl++)
    // Reset row counter for subsequent months
    if (mpl != 0)
      row = 0;

    // Loop through days in month and add to table.
    for (int d = 1; d <= daysInMonth[mpl]; ++d)
      Date temp (months[mpl], d, years[mpl]);
      int dow = temp.dayOfWeek ();
      int woy = temp.weekOfYear (weekStart);

      if (context.config.getBoolean ("displayweeknumber"))
        view.set (row, (8 * mpl), woy, color_weeknumber);

      // Calculate column id.
      int thisCol = dow +                       // 0 = Sunday
                    (weekStart == 1 ? 0 : 1) +  // Offset for weekStart
                    (8 * mpl);                  // Columns in 1 month

      if (thisCol == (8 * mpl))
        thisCol += 7;

      view.set (row, thisCol, d);

      if (context.color ())
        Color cellColor;

        // colorize weekends
        if (dow == 0 || dow == 6)
          cellColor.blend (color_weekend);

        // colorize holidays
        if (context.config.get ("calendar.holidays") != "none")
          Config::const_iterator hol;
          for (hol = context.config.begin (); hol != context.config.end (); ++hol)
            if (hol->first.substr (0, 8) == "holiday.")
              if (hol->first.substr (hol->first.size () - 4) == "date")
                std::string value = hol->second;
                Date holDate (value.c_str (), context.config.get ("dateformat.holiday"));
                if (holDate.day   () == d           &&
                    holDate.month () == months[mpl] &&
                    holDate.year  () == years[mpl])
                  cellColor.blend (color_holiday);

        // colorize today
        if (today.day   () == d                &&
            today.month () == months.at (mpl)  &&
            today.year  () == years.at  (mpl))
          cellColor.blend (color_today);

        // colorize due tasks
        if (context.config.get ("calendar.details") != "none")
          context.config.set ("due", 0);
          std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
          for (task = all.begin (); task != all.end (); ++task)
            if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending &&
                !task->hasTag ("nocal")             &&
                task->has ("due"))
              std::string due = task->get ("due");
              Date duedmy (strtol (due.c_str(), NULL, 10));

              if (duedmy.day   () == d           &&
                  duedmy.month () == months[mpl] &&
                  duedmy.year  () == years[mpl])
                switch (task->getDateState ("due"))
                case Task::dateNotDue:

                case Task::dateAfterToday:
                  cellColor.blend (color_due);

                case Task::dateEarlierToday:
                case Task::dateLaterToday:
                  cellColor.blend (color_duetoday);
                  cellColor.blend (color_duetoday);

                case Task::dateBeforeToday:
                  cellColor.blend (color_overdue);

        view.set (row, thisCol, cellColor);

      // Check for end of week, and...
      int eow = 6;
      if (weekStart == 1)
        eow = 0;
      if (dow == eow && d < daysInMonth[mpl])

  return view.render ();
int CmdGHistoryAnnual::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;
  std::map <time_t, int> groups;          // Represents any month with data
  std::map <time_t, int> addedGroup;      // Additions by month
  std::map <time_t, int> completedGroup;  // Completions by month
  std::map <time_t, int> deletedGroup;    // Deletions by month

  // Apply filter.
  handleRecurrence ();
  Filter filter;
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter.subset (filtered);

  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    Date entry (task->get_date ("entry"));

    Date end;
    if (task->has ("end"))
      end = Date (task->get_date ("end"));

    time_t epoch = entry.startOfYear ().toEpoch ();
    groups[epoch] = 0;

    // Every task has an entry date.

    // All deleted tasks have an end date.
    if (task->getStatus () == Task::deleted)
      epoch = end.startOfYear ().toEpoch ();
      groups[epoch] = 0;

    // All completed tasks have an end date.
    else if (task->getStatus () == Task::completed)
      epoch = end.startOfYear ().toEpoch ();
      groups[epoch] = 0;

  int widthOfBar = context.getWidth () - 5;   // 5 == strlen ("YYYY ")

  // Now build the view.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  view.add (Column::factory ("string",            STRING_CMD_GHISTORY_YEAR));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.left_fixed", STRING_CMD_GHISTORY_NUMBER));

  Color color_add    (context.config.get ("color.history.add"));
  Color color_done   (context.config.get ("color.history.done"));
  Color color_delete (context.config.get ("color.history.delete"));
  Color label        (context.config.get ("color.label"));

  view.colorHeader (label);

  // Determine the longest line, and the longest "added" line.
  int maxAddedLine = 0;
  int maxRemovedLine = 0;
  std::map <time_t, int>::iterator i;
  for (i = groups.begin (); i != groups.end (); ++i)
    if (completedGroup[i->first] + deletedGroup[i->first] > maxRemovedLine)
      maxRemovedLine = completedGroup[i->first] + deletedGroup[i->first];

    if (addedGroup[i->first] > maxAddedLine)
      maxAddedLine = addedGroup[i->first];

  int maxLine = maxAddedLine + maxRemovedLine;
  if (maxLine > 0)
    unsigned int leftOffset = (widthOfBar * maxAddedLine) / maxLine;

    int totalAdded     = 0;
    int totalCompleted = 0;
    int totalDeleted   = 0;

    int priorYear = 0;
    int row = 0;
    std::map <time_t, int>::iterator i;
    for (i = groups.begin (); i != groups.end (); ++i)
      row = view.addRow ();

      totalAdded     += addedGroup[i->first];
      totalCompleted += completedGroup[i->first];
      totalDeleted   += deletedGroup[i->first];

      Date dt (i->first);
      int m, d, y;
      dt.toMDY (m, d, y);

      if (y != priorYear)
        view.set (row, 0, y);
        priorYear = y;

      unsigned int addedBar     = (widthOfBar *     addedGroup[i->first]) / maxLine;
      unsigned int completedBar = (widthOfBar * completedGroup[i->first]) / maxLine;
      unsigned int deletedBar   = (widthOfBar *   deletedGroup[i->first]) / maxLine;

      std::string bar = "";
      if (context.color ())
        std::string aBar = "";
        if (addedGroup[i->first])
          aBar = format (addedGroup[i->first]);
          while (aBar.length () < addedBar)
            aBar = " " + aBar;

        std::string cBar = "";
        if (completedGroup[i->first])
          cBar = format (completedGroup[i->first]);
          while (cBar.length () < completedBar)
            cBar = " " + cBar;

        std::string dBar = "";
        if (deletedGroup[i->first])
          dBar = format (deletedGroup[i->first]);
          while (dBar.length () < deletedBar)
            dBar = " " + dBar;

        bar += std::string (leftOffset - aBar.length (), ' ');
        bar += color_add.colorize    (aBar);
        bar += color_done.colorize   (cBar);
        bar += color_delete.colorize (dBar);
        std::string aBar = ""; while (aBar.length () < addedBar)     aBar += "+";
        std::string cBar = ""; while (cBar.length () < completedBar) cBar += "X";
        std::string dBar = ""; while (dBar.length () < deletedBar)   dBar += "-";

        bar += std::string (leftOffset - aBar.length (), ' ');
        bar += aBar + cBar + dBar;

      view.set (row, 1, bar);

  std::stringstream out;
  if (view.rows ())
    out << optionalBlankLine ()
        << view.render ()
        << "\n";

    if (context.color ())
      out << format (STRING_CMD_HISTORY_LEGEND,
                     color_add.colorize (STRING_CMD_HISTORY_ADDED),
                     color_done.colorize (STRING_CMD_HISTORY_COMP),
                     color_delete.colorize (STRING_CMD_HISTORY_DEL))
          << optionalBlankLine ()
          << "\n";
          << "\n";
    context.footnote (STRING_FEEDBACK_NO_TASKS);
    rc = 1;

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;
int CmdHistoryMonthly::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  std::map <time_t, int> groups;          // Represents any month with data
  std::map <time_t, int> addedGroup;      // Additions by month
  std::map <time_t, int> completedGroup;  // Completions by month
  std::map <time_t, int> deletedGroup;    // Deletions by month

  // Apply filter.
  handleRecurrence ();
  Filter filter;
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter.subset (filtered);

  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    Date entry (task->get_date ("entry"));

    Date end;
    if (task->has ("end"))
      end = Date (task->get_date ("end"));

    time_t epoch = entry.startOfMonth ().toEpoch ();
    groups[epoch] = 0;

    // Every task has an entry date.

    // All deleted tasks have an end date.
    if (task->getStatus () == Task::deleted)
      epoch = end.startOfMonth ().toEpoch ();
      groups[epoch] = 0;

    // All completed tasks have an end date.
    else if (task->getStatus () == Task::completed)
      epoch = end.startOfMonth ().toEpoch ();
      groups[epoch] = 0;

  // Now build the view.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  view.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_CMD_HISTORY_YEAR));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string",       STRING_CMD_HISTORY_MONTH));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_CMD_HISTORY_ADDED));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_CMD_HISTORY_COMP));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_CMD_HISTORY_DEL));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right", STRING_CMD_HISTORY_NET));

  Color label (context.config.get ("color.label"));
  view.colorHeader (label);

  int totalAdded     = 0;
  int totalCompleted = 0;
  int totalDeleted   = 0;

  int priorYear = 0;
  int row = 0;
  std::map <time_t, int>::iterator i;
  for (i = groups.begin (); i != groups.end (); ++i)
    row = view.addRow ();

    totalAdded     += addedGroup     [i->first];
    totalCompleted += completedGroup [i->first];
    totalDeleted   += deletedGroup   [i->first];

    Date dt (i->first);
    int m, d, y;
    dt.toMDY (m, d, y);

    if (y != priorYear)
      view.set (row, 0, y);
      priorYear = y;
    view.set (row, 1, Date::monthName(m));

    int net = 0;

    if (addedGroup.find (i->first) != addedGroup.end ())
      view.set (row, 2, addedGroup[i->first]);
      net +=addedGroup[i->first];

    if (completedGroup.find (i->first) != completedGroup.end ())
      view.set (row, 3, completedGroup[i->first]);
      net -= completedGroup[i->first];

    if (deletedGroup.find (i->first) != deletedGroup.end ())
      view.set (row, 4, deletedGroup[i->first]);
      net -= deletedGroup[i->first];

    Color net_color;
    if (context.color () && net)
      net_color = net > 0
                    ? Color (Color::red)
                    : Color (Color::green);

    view.set (row, 5, net, net_color);

  if (view.rows ())
    row = view.addRow ();
    view.set (row, 0, " ");
    row = view.addRow ();

    Color row_color;
    if (context.color ())
      row_color = Color (Color::nocolor, Color::nocolor, false, true, false);

    view.set (row, 1, STRING_CMD_HISTORY_AVERAGE, row_color);
    view.set (row, 2, totalAdded     / (view.rows () - 2), row_color);
    view.set (row, 3, totalCompleted / (view.rows () - 2), row_color);
    view.set (row, 4, totalDeleted   / (view.rows () - 2), row_color);
    view.set (row, 5, (totalAdded - totalCompleted - totalDeleted) / (view.rows () - 2), row_color);

  std::stringstream out;
  if (view.rows ())
    out << optionalBlankLine ()
        << view.render ()
        << "\n";
    context.footnote (STRING_FEEDBACK_NO_TASKS);
    rc = 1;

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;