void MirrorRenderLoop_cl::DrawStaticGeometry(const VisStaticGeometryInstanceCollection_cl &collection, int iPassType) { INSERT_PERF_MARKER_SCOPE("MirrorRenderLoop_cl::DrawStaticGeometry"); m_CustomGeoInstances.Clear(); int iNumGI = collection.GetNumEntries(); VCompiledShaderPass *pCurrentPass = NULL; for (int i=0; i<iNumGI; i++) { VisStaticGeometryInstance_cl *pGI = collection.GetEntry(i); if ( pGI->GetGeometryType() == STATIC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_TERRAIN ) ((VTerrainSector*)pGI)->EnsureLoaded(); VCompiledShaderPass *pPass = GetMirrorShader (pGI->GetSurface (), m_pMirror->m_eReflectionShaderMode); if (pPass != pCurrentPass) { if (m_CustomGeoInstances.GetNumEntries() > 0) { VASSERT(pCurrentPass != NULL); Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(m_CustomGeoInstances, *pCurrentPass); // can use simplified lightmap shader m_CustomGeoInstances.Clear(); } pCurrentPass = pPass; } m_CustomGeoInstances.AppendEntry(pGI); } // Render remaining instances if (m_CustomGeoInstances.GetNumEntries() > 0 && pCurrentPass != NULL) Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(m_CustomGeoInstances, *pCurrentPass); // can use simplified lightmap shader }
// Simplified version of dynamic light rendering for mirrors void MirrorRenderLoop_cl::DrawDynamicLight() { INSERT_PERF_MARKER_SCOPE("MirrorRenderLoop_cl::DrawDynamicLight"); // Some local variables for storing surfaces, shaders, surface shaders, and the like. VisDrawCallInfo_t SurfaceShaderList[RLP_MAX_ENTITY_SURFACESHADERS]; VCompiledTechnique *pTechnique = NULL; VisMirror_cl::VReflectionShaderSets_e shaderMode = m_pMirror->m_eReflectionShaderMode; // Get all visible light sources IVisVisibilityCollector_cl *pVisColl = VisRenderContext_cl::GetCurrentContext()->GetVisibilityCollector(); if (pVisColl == NULL) return; const VisLightSrcCollection_cl *pLightSourceCollection = pVisColl->GetVisibleLights(); unsigned int i; unsigned int iNumLights = pLightSourceCollection->GetNumEntries(); if (iNumLights == 0) return; // Set depth-stencil state VisRenderStates_cl::SetDepthStencilState(m_dynLightDefaultState); // For all visible lights... for (i=0; i<iNumLights; i++) { VisLightSource_cl *pLight = pLightSourceCollection->GetEntry(i); // We're only interested in dynamic lights if (!pLight->IsDynamic()) continue; // Clear the collections of geo instances and entities, since we want to build them from scratch for each light s_LitEntityCollection.Clear(); s_LitGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); // See which geometry types have to cast shadows int iReceiverFlags = GetLightReceiverFlags(pLight); // If nothing receives light from this light source, we can proceed to the next light. if (!iReceiverFlags) continue; // ***************** Create lists of illuminated scene elements ***************** // If no shadows are cast, we simply illuminate all visible geometry within the range (spherical) of the light. VisEntityCollection_cl *pEntColl = NULL; if (iReceiverFlags & VIS_LIGHTSRCVIS_MODELS) pEntColl = &s_LitEntityCollection; VisStaticGeometryInstanceCollection_cl *pGeoInstanceColl = NULL; if (iReceiverFlags & VIS_LIGHTSRCVIS_PRIMITIVES) { pGeoInstanceColl = &s_LitGeoInstanceCollection; } Vision::RenderLoopHelper.GetVisibleGeometryInLightsourceRange(pGeoInstanceColl, pEntColl, NULL, *pLight); // For all illuminated entities: Render a dynamic lighting pass now. if (pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskEntity()) { int j; int iNumLitEntities = s_LitEntityCollection.GetNumEntries(); Vision::RenderLoopHelper.BeginEntityRendering(); for (j=0; j<iNumLitEntities; j++) { VisBaseEntity_cl *pEntity = s_LitEntityCollection.GetEntry(j); // Ignore foreground entities (they don't trivially support additive lighting) if (pEntity->IsObjectAlwaysInForegroundEnabled()) continue; if (!(pEntity->GetLightInfluenceBitMask() & pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskEntity())) continue; if (!pVisColl->IsEntityVisible(pEntity)) continue; VDynamicMesh *pMesh = pEntity->GetMesh(); // Get list of all the surfaces in the model int iNumSubmeshes = pMesh->GetSubmeshCount(); int iNumSurfaceShaders = 0; VisSurface_cl **ppSurfaceArray = pEntity->GetSurfaceArray(); // For all the surfaces... for (int k=0; k<iNumSubmeshes; k++) { VDynamicSubmesh *pSubmesh = pMesh->GetSubmesh(k); VASSERT(pSubmesh != NULL); VisSurface_cl* pSurface = &m_dummySurface; VisSurface_cl* pMeshSurface = pSubmesh->m_pSurface; VASSERT(pMeshSurface != NULL); bool bHasManualTemplateShaderAssignment = pMeshSurface->GetShaderMode() == VisSurface_cl::VSM_Template && pMeshSurface->GetMaterialTemplate() != NULL && pMeshSurface->GetMaterialTemplate()->HasManualAssignment(); if (shaderMode == VisMirror_cl::AlwaysSurfaceShaders || (shaderMode == VisMirror_cl::SimpleForAUTO && ( (pMeshSurface->GetShaderMode() == VisSurface_cl::VSM_Manual) || bHasManualTemplateShaderAssignment) ) ) { pSurface = ppSurfaceArray[pSubmesh->m_iMaterialIndex]; // use the real surface } pTechnique = Vision::GetApplication()->GetShaderProvider()->GetDynamicLightShader(pLight, pSurface, true); if (pTechnique==NULL) continue; VisDrawCallInfo_t &info(SurfaceShaderList[iNumSurfaceShaders++]); info.Set(pSubmesh, pSurface, pTechnique->m_Shaders.GetAt(0)); } // Finally, render the entity with a surface shader list. if (iNumSurfaceShaders>0) Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderEntityWithSurfaceShaderList(pEntity, iNumSurfaceShaders, SurfaceShaderList); } Vision::RenderLoopHelper.EndEntityRendering(); } // For all illuminated world primitives: Render a dynamic lighting pass now if (pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskWorld() > 0) { // For all illuminated static geometry instances: Render a dynamic lighting pass now. int iNumLitGeoInstances = s_LitGeoInstanceCollection.GetNumEntries(); s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); // Render illuminated geometry instances. for (int j=0; j < iNumLitGeoInstances; j++) { VisStaticGeometryInstance_cl *pGI = s_LitGeoInstanceCollection.GetEntry(j); if (pGI->GetSurface()==NULL || pGI->GetSurface()->IsFullbright()) continue; // We have to append the primitive to our collection s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.AppendEntry(pGI); } // render the collection const int iLitGeoCount = s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.GetNumEntries(); if (iLitGeoCount > 0) { VCompiledTechnique *pLastTech = NULL; VisSurface_cl* pLastSurface = NULL; m_CustomGeoInstances.EnsureSize(iLitGeoCount); m_CustomGeoInstances.Clear(); for (int j=0; j < iLitGeoCount; j++) { VisStaticGeometryInstance_cl *pGI = s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.GetEntry(j); GetLightShader (pLight, pGI, m_pMirror->m_eReflectionShaderMode, pLastSurface, pLastTech, pLastSurface, pTechnique); // The current technique has changed, so we have to render the previously gathered geometry. if (pLastTech != pTechnique) { if ((m_CustomGeoInstances.GetNumEntries() > 0) && (pLastTech != NULL) && (pLastTech->GetShaderCount() > 0)) { Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(m_CustomGeoInstances, *pLastTech->m_Shaders.GetAt(0) ); m_CustomGeoInstances.Clear(); } pLastTech = pTechnique; } m_CustomGeoInstances.AppendEntryFast(pGI); } // Render remaining geometry if ((m_CustomGeoInstances.GetNumEntries() > 0) && (pLastTech != NULL) && (pLastTech->GetShaderCount() > 0)) { Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(m_CustomGeoInstances, *pTechnique->m_Shaders.GetAt(0) ); } s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); } } } // Restore default render state VisRenderStates_cl::SetDepthStencilState(*VisRenderStates_cl::GetDepthStencilDefaultState()); }
void VMobileForwardRenderLoop::RenderLitGeometry(VisLightSource_cl *pLight, IVShadowMapComponent *pShadowMapComponent, bool bBasePass, bool bUsesLightClippingVolume, bool bEntities, bool bStaticGeometry) { if (!pLight) return; // Some local variables for storing surfaces, shaders, surface shaders, and the like. VCompiledTechnique *pTechnique = NULL; VisDrawCallInfo_t SurfaceShaderList[RLP_MAX_ENTITY_SURFACESHADERS]; VisRenderContext_cl *pContext = VisRenderContext_cl::GetCurrentContext(); const hkvVec3 &vCamPos = pContext->GetCamera()->GetPosition(); const float fFade = pLight->GetFadeWeight(vCamPos); VisStaticGeometryInstanceCollection_cl *pLitGeoInstanceCollection = NULL; VisEntityCollection_cl *pLitEntityCollection = NULL; if (bBasePass || pLight != m_pBasePassLight) { if (bStaticGeometry) { pLitGeoInstanceCollection = &s_LitGeoInstanceCollection; pLitGeoInstanceCollection->Clear(); } if (bEntities) { pLitEntityCollection = &s_LitEntityCollection; pLitEntityCollection->Clear(); } Vision::RenderLoopHelper.GetVisibleGeometryInLightsourceRange(pLitGeoInstanceCollection, pLitEntityCollection, NULL, *pLight); } else { if (bStaticGeometry) pLitGeoInstanceCollection = &m_AdditiveLitGeoInstanceCollection; if (bEntities) pLitEntityCollection = &m_AdditiveLitEntityCollection; } #ifdef SUPPORTS_SHADOW_MAPS VShadowMapGenSpotDir *pShadowMapGenDir = NULL; if (pShadowMapComponent) { VShadowMapGenerator *pShadowMapGen = pShadowMapComponent->GetShadowMapGenerator(); if (pShadowMapGen->GetProjectionType()==SHADOW_PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC) pShadowMapGenDir = static_cast<VShadowMapGenSpotDir*>(pShadowMapGen); } #endif // Set the stencil render state for reading light clipping volume information if(bUsesLightClippingVolume) { const VLightClippingVolumeComponent* pLightClippingComponent = pLight->Components().GetComponentOfBaseType<VLightClippingVolumeComponent>(); VASSERT(pLightClippingComponent != NULL && V_ARRAY_SIZE(m_lightClippingStencilStatesRead)==2); VisRenderStates_cl::SetDepthStencilState(m_lightClippingStencilStatesRead[pLightClippingComponent->GetClipHandedness()]); } else VisRenderStates_cl::SetDepthStencilState(m_dynLightDefaultState); // For all illuminated entities: Render a dynamic lighting pass now. if (pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskEntity() != 0 && bEntities) { int iNumLitEntities = pLitEntityCollection->GetNumEntries(); Vision::RenderLoopHelper.BeginEntityRendering(); for (int j=0; j<iNumLitEntities; j++) { VisBaseEntity_cl *pEntity = pLitEntityCollection->GetEntry(j); if (!(pEntity->GetLightInfluenceBitMask() & pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskEntity())) continue; VDynamicMesh *pMesh = pEntity->GetMesh(); VisSurface_cl **ppSurfaces = pEntity->GetSurfaceArray(); // Get list of all the surfaces in the model int iNumSubmeshes = pMesh->GetSubmeshCount(); int iNumSurfaceShaders = 0; // For all the surfaces... for (int k=0; k<iNumSubmeshes; k++) { VDynamicSubmesh *pSubmesh = pMesh->GetSubmesh(k); VisSurface_cl *pSurface = ppSurfaces[pSubmesh->m_iMaterialIndex]; // Full-bright surfaces can't be rendered in the compound base pass, since such surfaces are not illuminated. Since tagging // of already rendered geometry happens per entity instance, in case an entity contains full-bright surfaces, all surfaces // of this entity have to be rendered in the normal rendering pipeline. const VisLightingMethod_e eLightingMethod = pSurface->GetLightingMode(); if (bBasePass) { // Since entities can contain several surfaces with different lighting methods (full-bright, dynamic only, etc.), entities // with full-bright surfaces have to be also added to the additive lit entity collection, in order to ensure rendering of // dynamic only surfaces. if (eLightingMethod==VIS_LIGHTING_FULLBRIGHT) { iNumSurfaceShaders = 0; m_AdditiveLitEntityCollection.AppendEntry(pEntity); break; } } else { if (eLightingMethod == VIS_LIGHTING_FULLBRIGHT) continue; } // If not all surfaces have a primary opaque pass type in the base pass, then render corresponding entity // in the additive lighting pass. if (bBasePass && pSurface->GetResolvedPassType()!=VPT_PrimaryOpaquePass) { iNumSurfaceShaders = 0; m_AdditiveLitEntityCollection.AppendEntry(pEntity); break; } // Check whether entity is in current shadow volume for orthographic shadows. In that case the entity is rendered // without shadows since it is not in the relevant shadow volume. IVShadowMapComponent *pTmpShadowMapComponent = pShadowMapComponent; #ifdef SUPPORTS_SHADOW_MAPS if (pShadowMapGenDir) { if (!pShadowMapGenDir->IsEntityInsideOrthoShadowVolume(pEntity)) pTmpShadowMapComponent = NULL; } #endif pTechnique = GetLightShader(pLight, bBasePass, pSurface, fFade, pTmpShadowMapComponent); if (!pTechnique || !pTechnique->GetShaderCount()) // do not light this surface { // If base-pass lighting technique could not be retrieved, render lit entity in the additive pass. if (bBasePass && pLight->IsDynamic()) m_AdditiveLitEntityCollection.AppendEntry(pEntity); iNumSurfaceShaders = 0; break; } // Generate a list of surface shader from the combined surface/shader information VisDrawCallInfo_t &info(SurfaceShaderList[iNumSurfaceShaders++]); info.Set(pSubmesh, pSurface, pTechnique->m_Shaders.GetAt(0)); } // Finally, render the entity with a surface shader list. if (iNumSurfaceShaders>0) { Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderEntityWithSurfaceShaderList(pEntity, iNumSurfaceShaders, SurfaceShaderList); if (bBasePass) pEntity->Tag(); } } Vision::RenderLoopHelper.EndEntityRendering(); } // For all illuminated world primitives: Render a dynamic lighting pass now. if (pLight->GetLightInfluenceBitMaskWorld() != 0 && bStaticGeometry) { VisSurface_cl *pSurface; VisSurface_cl *pLastSurface = NULL; VCompiledTechnique *pLastTechnique = NULL; // We start collecting illuminated mesh instances. Whenever a relevant property changes, we set the // shader information, render all collected world instances, and start collecting from scratch. int iNumLitGeoInstances = pLitGeoInstanceCollection->GetNumEntries(); pLastSurface = NULL; s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); pLastTechnique = NULL; for (int j=0; j<iNumLitGeoInstances; j++) { VisStaticGeometryInstance_cl *pGI = pLitGeoInstanceCollection->GetEntry(j); pSurface = pGI->GetSurface(); VASSERT(pSurface); if (pSurface->IsFullbright()) continue; // If surface does not have a primary opaque pass type in the base pass, then render corresponding static // mesh instance in the additive lighting pass. if (bBasePass && pSurface->GetResolvedPassType()!=VPT_PrimaryOpaquePass) { m_AdditiveLitGeoInstanceCollection.AppendEntry(pGI); continue; } // Check whether mesh is in current shadow volume for orthographic shadows. In that case the mesh is rendered // without shadows since it is not in the relevant shadow volume. IVShadowMapComponent *pTmpShadowMapComponent = pShadowMapComponent; #ifdef SUPPORTS_SHADOW_MAPS if (pShadowMapGenDir) { if (!pShadowMapGenDir->IsMeshInsideOrthoShadowVolume(pGI)) pTmpShadowMapComponent = NULL; } #endif if (pLastSurface!=pSurface) { pTechnique = GetLightShader(pLight, bBasePass, pSurface, fFade, pTmpShadowMapComponent); pLastSurface = pSurface; } if (pTechnique == NULL || !pTechnique->GetShaderCount()) { // If base-pass lighting technique could not be retrieved, render lit mesh in the additive pass. if (bBasePass && pLight->IsDynamic()) m_AdditiveLitGeoInstanceCollection.AppendEntry(pGI); continue; } // If the state information is different from the previous one, we have to render the world primitives we // have collected so far if (pLastTechnique!=pTechnique) { if (s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.GetNumEntries()!=0) { VASSERT(pLastTechnique != NULL); Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection, *pLastTechnique->m_Shaders.GetAt(0)); if (bBasePass) s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.TagEntries(); s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); } // Update the stored state information pLastTechnique = pTechnique; } // Naturally, we have to append the primitive to our collection (otherwise it won't be collected =) ). s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.AppendEntry(pGI); } // If there's still something left in the collection, render it as well. if (s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.GetNumEntries()!=0) { if (pLastTechnique && pLastTechnique->GetShaderCount()>0) { Vision::RenderLoopHelper.RenderStaticGeometryWithShader(s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection, *pLastTechnique->m_Shaders.GetAt(0)); if (bBasePass) s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.TagEntries(); } s_RenderGeoInstanceCollection.Clear(); } } // Restore default render state VisRenderStates_cl::SetDepthStencilState(*VisRenderStates_cl::GetDepthStencilDefaultState()); }