int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TEST_OPTS *opts, _opts; WT_CURSOR *balancecur, *flagcur, *joincur, *postcur; WT_CURSOR *maincur; WT_SESSION *session; int balance, count, flag, key, key2, post, ret; char balanceuri[256]; char cfg[128]; char flaguri[256]; char joinuri[256]; char posturi[256]; const char *tablename; opts = &_opts; memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts)); testutil_check(testutil_parse_opts(argc, argv, opts)); testutil_make_work_dir(opts->home); testutil_progress(opts, "start"); testutil_check(wiredtiger_open(opts->home, NULL, "create,cache_size=250M", &opts->conn)); testutil_progress(opts, "wiredtiger_open"); testutil_check( opts->conn->open_session(opts->conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); testutil_progress(opts, "sessions opened"); /* * Note: repeated primary key 'id' as 'id2'. This makes * it easier to dump an index and know which record we're * looking at. */ testutil_check(session->create(session, opts->uri, "key_format=i,value_format=iiii," "columns=(id,post,balance,flag,id2)")); tablename = strchr(opts->uri, ':'); testutil_assert(tablename != NULL); tablename++; testutil_check(__wt_snprintf( posturi, sizeof(posturi), "index:%s:post", tablename)); testutil_check(__wt_snprintf( balanceuri, sizeof(balanceuri), "index:%s:balance", tablename)); testutil_check(__wt_snprintf( flaguri, sizeof(flaguri), "index:%s:flag", tablename)); testutil_check(__wt_snprintf( joinuri, sizeof(joinuri), "join:%s", opts->uri)); testutil_check(session->create(session, posturi, "columns=(post)")); testutil_check(session->create(session, balanceuri, "columns=(balance)")); testutil_check(session->create(session, flaguri, "columns=(flag)")); testutil_progress(opts, "setup complete"); /* * Insert a single record with all items we are search for, * this makes our logic easier. */ testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, opts->uri, NULL, NULL, &maincur)); maincur->set_key(maincur, N_RECORDS); maincur->set_value(maincur, 54321, 0, "", 0, N_RECORDS); testutil_check(maincur->insert(maincur)); testutil_check(maincur->close(maincur)); testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); testutil_progress(opts, "populate start"); populate(opts); testutil_progress(opts, "populate end"); testutil_check(opts->conn->open_session( opts->conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, posturi, NULL, NULL, &postcur)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, balanceuri, NULL, NULL, &balancecur)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, flaguri, NULL, NULL, &flagcur)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, joinuri, NULL, NULL, &joincur)); postcur->set_key(postcur, 54321); testutil_check(postcur->search(postcur)); testutil_check(session->join(session, joincur, postcur, "compare=eq")); balancecur->set_key(balancecur, 0); testutil_check(balancecur->search(balancecur)); testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "compare=lt,strategy=bloom,count=%d", N_RECORDS / 100)); testutil_check(session->join(session, joincur, balancecur, cfg)); flagcur->set_key(flagcur, 0); testutil_check(flagcur->search(flagcur)); testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(cfg, sizeof(cfg), "compare=eq,strategy=bloom,count=%d", N_RECORDS / 100)); testutil_check(session->join(session, joincur, flagcur, cfg)); /* Expect no values returned */ count = 0; while ((ret = joincur->next(joincur)) == 0) { /* * The values may already have been changed, but * print them for informational purposes. */ testutil_check(joincur->get_key(joincur, &key)); testutil_check(joincur->get_value(joincur, &post, &balance, &flag, &key2)); fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: " "key=%d/%d, postal_code=%d, balance=%d, flag=%d\n", key, key2, post, balance, flag); count++; } testutil_assert(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); testutil_assert(count == 0); testutil_progress(opts, "cleanup starting"); testutil_cleanup(opts); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { POP_RECORD *p; TEST_OPTS *opts, _opts; WT_CURSOR *country_cursor, *country_cursor2, *cursor, *join_cursor, *subjoin_cursor, *year_cursor; WT_SESSION *session; const char *country, *tablename; char countryuri[256], joinuri[256], yearuri[256]; uint64_t recno, population; uint16_t year; int count, ret; opts = &_opts; memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts)); testutil_check(testutil_parse_opts(argc, argv, opts)); testutil_make_work_dir(opts->home); tablename = strchr(opts->uri, ':'); testutil_assert(tablename != NULL); tablename++; snprintf(countryuri, sizeof(countryuri), "index:%s:country", tablename); snprintf(yearuri, sizeof(yearuri), "index:%s:year", tablename); snprintf(joinuri, sizeof(joinuri), "join:%s", opts->uri); testutil_check(wiredtiger_open(opts->home, NULL, "create,cache_size=200M", &opts->conn)); testutil_check( opts->conn->open_session(opts->conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); testutil_check(session->create(session, opts->uri, "key_format=r," "value_format=5sHQ," "columns=(id,country,year,population)")); /* Create an index with a simple key. */ testutil_check(session->create(session, countryuri, "columns=(country)")); /* Create an immutable index. */ testutil_check(session->create(session, yearuri, "columns=(year),immutable")); /* Insert the records into the table. */ testutil_check(session->open_cursor( session, opts->uri, NULL, "append", &cursor)); count = 1; for (p = pop_data; p->year != 0; p++) { cursor->set_key(cursor, count); cursor->set_value(cursor, p->country, p->year, p->population); testutil_check(cursor->insert(cursor)); count++; } testutil_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /* Open cursors needed by the join. */ testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, joinuri, NULL, NULL, &join_cursor)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, countryuri, NULL, NULL, &country_cursor)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, yearuri, NULL, NULL, &year_cursor)); /* select values WHERE country == "AU" AND year > 1900 */ country_cursor->set_key(country_cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); testutil_check(country_cursor->search(country_cursor)); testutil_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, country_cursor, "compare=eq,count=10")); year_cursor->set_key(year_cursor, (uint16_t)1900); testutil_check(year_cursor->search(year_cursor)); testutil_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, year_cursor, "compare=gt,count=10,strategy=bloom")); count = 0; /* List the values that are joined */ while ((ret = join_cursor->next(join_cursor)) == 0) { testutil_check(join_cursor->get_key(join_cursor, &recno)); testutil_check(join_cursor->get_value(join_cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); count++; } testutil_assert(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); testutil_assert(count == 2); testutil_check(join_cursor->close(join_cursor)); testutil_check(year_cursor->close(year_cursor)); testutil_check(country_cursor->close(country_cursor)); /* Open cursors needed by the join. */ testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, joinuri, NULL, NULL, &join_cursor)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, joinuri, NULL, NULL, &subjoin_cursor)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, countryuri, NULL, NULL, &country_cursor)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, countryuri, NULL, NULL, &country_cursor2)); testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, yearuri, NULL, NULL, &year_cursor)); /* * select values WHERE (country == "AU" OR country == "UK") * AND year > 1900 * * First, set up the join representing the country clause. */ country_cursor->set_key(country_cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); testutil_check(country_cursor->search(country_cursor)); testutil_check(session->join(session, subjoin_cursor, country_cursor, "operation=or,compare=eq,count=10")); country_cursor2->set_key(country_cursor2, "UK\0\0\0"); testutil_check(country_cursor2->search(country_cursor2)); testutil_check(session->join(session, subjoin_cursor, country_cursor2, "operation=or,compare=eq,count=10")); /* Join that to the top join, and add the year clause */ testutil_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, subjoin_cursor, NULL)); year_cursor->set_key(year_cursor, (uint16_t)1900); testutil_check(year_cursor->search(year_cursor)); testutil_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, year_cursor, "compare=gt,count=10,strategy=bloom")); count = 0; /* List the values that are joined */ while ((ret = join_cursor->next(join_cursor)) == 0) { testutil_check(join_cursor->get_key(join_cursor, &recno)); testutil_check(join_cursor->get_value(join_cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); count++; } testutil_assert(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); testutil_assert(count == 4); testutil_check(join_cursor->close(join_cursor)); testutil_check(subjoin_cursor->close(subjoin_cursor)); testutil_check(country_cursor->close(country_cursor)); testutil_check(country_cursor2->close(country_cursor2)); testutil_check(year_cursor->close(year_cursor)); testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL)); testutil_cleanup(opts); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { POP_RECORD *p; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_CURSOR *country_cursor, *country_cursor2, *cursor, *join_cursor, *stat_cursor, *subjoin_cursor, *year_cursor; WT_SESSION *session; const char *country; uint64_t recno, population; uint16_t year; int ret; home = example_setup(argc, argv); error_check(wiredtiger_open( home, NULL, "create,statistics=(fast)", &conn)); error_check(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)); /*! [Create a table with column groups] */ /* * Create the population table. * Keys are record numbers, the format for values is (5-byte string, * uint16_t, uint64_t). * See ::wiredtiger_struct_pack for details of the format strings. */ error_check(session->create(session, "table:poptable", "key_format=r," "value_format=5sHQ," "columns=(id,country,year,population)," "colgroups=(main,population)")); /* * Create two column groups: a primary column group with the country * code, year and population (named "main"), and a population column * group with the population by itself (named "population"). */ error_check(session->create(session, "colgroup:poptable:main", "columns=(country,year,population)")); error_check(session->create(session, "colgroup:poptable:population", "columns=(population)")); /*! [Create a table with column groups] */ /*! [Create an index] */ /* Create an index with a simple key. */ error_check(session->create(session, "index:poptable:country", "columns=(country)")); /*! [Create an index] */ /*! [Create an index with a composite key] */ /* Create an index with a composite key (country,year). */ error_check(session->create(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year", "columns=(country,year)")); /*! [Create an index with a composite key] */ /*! [Create an immutable index] */ /* Create an immutable index. */ error_check(session->create(session, "index:poptable:immutable_year", "columns=(year),immutable")); /*! [Create an immutable index] */ /* Insert the records into the table. */ error_check(session->open_cursor( session, "table:poptable", NULL, "append", &cursor)); for (p = pop_data; p->year != 0; p++) { cursor->set_value(cursor, p->country, p->year, p->population); error_check(cursor->insert(cursor)); } error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /* Update records in the table. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &recno)); error_check(cursor->get_value( cursor, &country, &year, &population)); cursor->set_value(cursor, country, year, population + 1); error_check(cursor->update(cursor)); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /* List the records in the table. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &recno)); error_check(cursor->get_value( cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [List the records in the table using raw mode.] */ /* List the records in the table using raw mode. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, "raw", &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { WT_ITEM key, value; error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &key)); error_check(wiredtiger_struct_unpack( session,, key.size, "r", &recno)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &value)); error_check(wiredtiger_struct_unpack(session,, value.size, "5sHQ", &country, &year, &population)); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [List the records in the table using raw mode.] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Read population from the primary column group] */ /* * Open a cursor on the main column group, and return the information * for a particular country. */ error_check(session->open_cursor( session, "colgroup:poptable:main", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); cursor->set_key(cursor, 2); error_check(cursor->search(cursor)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf( "ID 2: country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); /*! [Read population from the primary column group] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Read population from the standalone column group] */ /* * Open a cursor on the population column group, and return the * population of a particular country. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "colgroup:poptable:population", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); cursor->set_key(cursor, 2); error_check(cursor->search(cursor)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &population)); printf("ID 2: population %" PRIu64 "\n", population); /*! [Read population from the standalone column group] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Search in a simple index] */ /* Search in a simple index. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); cursor->set_key(cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); error_check(cursor->search(cursor)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("AU: country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); /*! [Search in a simple index] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Search in a composite index] */ /* Search in a composite index. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); cursor->set_key(cursor, "USA\0\0", (uint16_t)1900); error_check(cursor->search(cursor)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf( "US 1900: country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); /*! [Search in a composite index] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Return a subset of values from the table] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's country and year * columns. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable(country,year)", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year)); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } /*! [Return a subset of values from the table] */ scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Return a subset of values from the table using raw mode] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's country and year * columns, using raw mode. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable(country,year)", NULL, "raw", &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { WT_ITEM value; error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &value)); error_check(wiredtiger_struct_unpack( session,, value.size, "5sH", &country, &year)); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Return a subset of values from the table using raw mode] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Return the table's record number key using an index] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's record number key * from an index. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year(id)", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &recno)); printf("row ID %" PRIu64 ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", recno, country, year); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Return the table's record number key using an index] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Return a subset of the value columns from an index] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the population column from an * index. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year(population)", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year)); error_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &population)); printf("population %" PRIu64 ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", population, country, year); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Return a subset of the value columns from an index] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Access only the index] */ /* * Use a projection to avoid accessing any other column groups when * using an index: supply an empty list of value columns. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year()", NULL, NULL, &cursor)); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { error_check(cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year)); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Access only the index] */ error_check(cursor->close(cursor)); /*! [Join cursors] */ /* Open cursors needed by the join. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "join:table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &join_cursor)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &country_cursor)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:immutable_year", NULL, NULL, &year_cursor)); /* select values WHERE country == "AU" AND year > 1900 */ country_cursor->set_key(country_cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); error_check(country_cursor->search(country_cursor)); error_check(session->join( session, join_cursor, country_cursor, "compare=eq,count=10")); year_cursor->set_key(year_cursor, (uint16_t)1900); error_check(year_cursor->search(year_cursor)); error_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, year_cursor, "compare=gt,count=10,strategy=bloom")); /* List the values that are joined */ while ((ret = join_cursor->next(join_cursor)) == 0) { error_check(join_cursor->get_key(join_cursor, &recno)); error_check(join_cursor->get_value( join_cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Join cursors] */ /*! [Statistics cursor join cursor] */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "statistics:join", join_cursor, NULL, &stat_cursor)); /*! [Statistics cursor join cursor] */ error_check(stat_cursor->close(stat_cursor)); error_check(join_cursor->close(join_cursor)); error_check(year_cursor->close(year_cursor)); error_check(country_cursor->close(country_cursor)); /*! [Complex join cursors] */ /* Open cursors needed by the join. */ error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "join:table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &join_cursor)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "join:table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &subjoin_cursor)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &country_cursor)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &country_cursor2)); error_check(session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:immutable_year", NULL, NULL, &year_cursor)); /* * select values WHERE (country == "AU" OR country == "UK") * AND year > 1900 * * First, set up the join representing the country clause. */ country_cursor->set_key(country_cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); error_check(country_cursor->search(country_cursor)); error_check(session->join(session, subjoin_cursor, country_cursor, "operation=or,compare=eq,count=10")); country_cursor2->set_key(country_cursor2, "UK\0\0\0"); error_check(country_cursor2->search(country_cursor2)); error_check(session->join(session, subjoin_cursor, country_cursor2, "operation=or,compare=eq,count=10")); /* Join that to the top join, and add the year clause */ error_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, subjoin_cursor, NULL)); year_cursor->set_key(year_cursor, (uint16_t)1900); error_check(year_cursor->search(year_cursor)); error_check(session->join(session, join_cursor, year_cursor, "compare=gt,count=10,strategy=bloom")); /* List the values that are joined */ while ((ret = join_cursor->next(join_cursor)) == 0) { error_check(join_cursor->get_key(join_cursor, &recno)); error_check(join_cursor->get_value( join_cursor, &country, &year, &population)); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } scan_end_check(ret == WT_NOTFOUND); /*! [Complex join cursors] */ error_check(join_cursor->close(join_cursor)); error_check(subjoin_cursor->close(subjoin_cursor)); error_check(country_cursor->close(country_cursor)); error_check(country_cursor2->close(country_cursor2)); error_check(year_cursor->close(year_cursor)); error_check(conn->close(conn, NULL)); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(void) { POP_RECORD *p; WT_CONNECTION *conn; WT_CURSOR *cursor, *cursor2, *join_cursor, *stat_cursor; WT_SESSION *session; const char *country; uint64_t recno, population; uint16_t year; int ret; /* * Create a clean test directory for this run of the test program if the * environment variable isn't already set (as is done by make check). */ if (getenv("WIREDTIGER_HOME") == NULL) { home = "WT_HOME"; ret = system("rm -rf WT_HOME && mkdir WT_HOME"); } else home = NULL; if ((ret = wiredtiger_open( home, NULL, "create,statistics=(fast)", &conn)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error connecting to %s: %s\n", home, wiredtiger_strerror(ret)); return (ret); } /* Note: error checking omitted for clarity. */ ret = conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session); /*! [Create a table with column groups] */ /* * Create the population table. * Keys are record numbers, the format for values is (5-byte string, * uint16_t, uint64_t). * See ::wiredtiger_struct_pack for details of the format strings. */ ret = session->create(session, "table:poptable", "key_format=r," "value_format=5sHQ," "columns=(id,country,year,population)," "colgroups=(main,population)"); /* * Create two column groups: a primary column group with the country * code, year and population (named "main"), and a population column * group with the population by itself (named "population"). */ ret = session->create(session, "colgroup:poptable:main", "columns=(country,year,population)"); ret = session->create(session, "colgroup:poptable:population", "columns=(population)"); /*! [Create a table with column groups] */ /*! [Create an index] */ /* Create an index with a simple key. */ ret = session->create(session, "index:poptable:country", "columns=(country)"); /*! [Create an index] */ /*! [Create an index with a composite key] */ /* Create an index with a composite key (country,year). */ ret = session->create(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year", "columns=(country,year)"); /*! [Create an index with a composite key] */ /*! [Create an immutable index] */ /* Create an immutable index. */ ret = session->create(session, "index:poptable:immutable_year", "columns=(year),immutable"); /*! [Create an immutable index] */ /* Insert the records into the table. */ ret = session->open_cursor( session, "table:poptable", NULL, "append", &cursor); for (p = pop_data; p->year != 0; p++) { cursor->set_value(cursor, p->country, p->year, p->population); ret = cursor->insert(cursor); } ret = cursor->close(cursor); /* Update records in the table. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &recno); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population); cursor->set_value(cursor, country, year, population + 1); ret = cursor->update(cursor); } ret = cursor->close(cursor); /* List the records in the table. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &recno); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [List the records in the table using raw mode.] */ /* List the records in the table using raw mode. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable", NULL, "raw", &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { WT_ITEM key, value; ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &key); ret = wiredtiger_struct_unpack(session,, key.size, "r", &recno); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &value); ret = wiredtiger_struct_unpack(session,, value.size, "5sHQ", &country, &year, &population); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } /*! [List the records in the table using raw mode.] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Read population from the primary column group] */ /* * Open a cursor on the main column group, and return the information * for a particular country. */ ret = session->open_cursor( session, "colgroup:poptable:main", NULL, NULL, &cursor); cursor->set_key(cursor, 2); if ((ret = cursor->search(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population); printf( "ID 2: " "country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } /*! [Read population from the primary column group] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Read population from the standalone column group] */ /* * Open a cursor on the population column group, and return the * population of a particular country. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "colgroup:poptable:population", NULL, NULL, &cursor); cursor->set_key(cursor, 2); if ((ret = cursor->search(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &population); printf("ID 2: population %" PRIu64 "\n", population); } /*! [Read population from the standalone column group] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Search in a simple index] */ /* Search in a simple index. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &cursor); cursor->set_key(cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); ret = cursor->search(cursor); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population); printf("AU: country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); /*! [Search in a simple index] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Search in a composite index] */ /* Search in a composite index. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year", NULL, NULL, &cursor); cursor->set_key(cursor, "USA\0\0", (uint16_t)1900); ret = cursor->search(cursor); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year, &population); printf( "US 1900: country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); /*! [Search in a composite index] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Return a subset of values from the table] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's country and year * columns. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable(country,year)", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &country, &year); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } /*! [Return a subset of values from the table] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Return a subset of values from the table using raw mode] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's country and year * columns, using raw mode. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "table:poptable(country,year)", NULL, "raw", &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { WT_ITEM value; ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &value); ret = wiredtiger_struct_unpack( session,, value.size, "5sH", &country, &year); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } /*! [Return a subset of values from the table using raw mode] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Return the table's record number key using an index] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the table's record number key * from an index. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year(id)", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &recno); printf("row ID %" PRIu64 ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", recno, country, year); } /*! [Return the table's record number key using an index] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Return a subset of the value columns from an index] */ /* * Use a projection to return just the population column from an * index. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year(population)", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year); ret = cursor->get_value(cursor, &population); printf("population %" PRIu64 ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", population, country, year); } /*! [Return a subset of the value columns from an index] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Access only the index] */ /* * Use a projection to avoid accessing any other column groups when * using an index: supply an empty list of value columns. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country_plus_year()", NULL, NULL, &cursor); while ((ret = cursor->next(cursor)) == 0) { ret = cursor->get_key(cursor, &country, &year); printf("country %s, year %" PRIu16 "\n", country, year); } /*! [Access only the index] */ ret = cursor->close(cursor); /*! [Join cursors] */ /* Open cursors needed by the join. */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "join:table:poptable", NULL, NULL, &join_cursor); ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:country", NULL, NULL, &cursor); ret = session->open_cursor(session, "index:poptable:immutable_year", NULL, NULL, &cursor2); /* select values WHERE country == "AU" AND year > 1900 */ cursor->set_key(cursor, "AU\0\0\0"); ret = cursor->search(cursor); ret = session->join(session, join_cursor, cursor, "compare=eq,count=10"); cursor2->set_key(cursor2, (uint16_t)1900); ret = cursor2->search(cursor2); ret = session->join(session, join_cursor, cursor2, "compare=gt,count=10,strategy=bloom"); /* List the values that are joined */ while ((ret = join_cursor->next(join_cursor)) == 0) { ret = join_cursor->get_key(join_cursor, &recno); ret = join_cursor->get_value(join_cursor, &country, &year, &population); printf("ID %" PRIu64, recno); printf( ": country %s, year %" PRIu16 ", population %" PRIu64 "\n", country, year, population); } /*! [Join cursors] */ /*! [Statistics cursor join cursor] */ ret = session->open_cursor(session, "statistics:join", join_cursor, NULL, &stat_cursor); /*! [Statistics cursor join cursor] */ ret = stat_cursor->close(stat_cursor); ret = join_cursor->close(join_cursor); ret = cursor2->close(cursor2); ret = cursor->close(cursor); ret = conn->close(conn, NULL); return (ret); }