int FTSound::getNumberOfChannels(const QString &filePath){ WavFile* pfile = new WavFile(NULL); if(!pfile->open(filePath)) return 0; int nchan = pfile->fileFormat().channelCount(); delete pfile; return nchan; }
void FTSound::load(int channelid){ if(channelid>1) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: Can read only the first and unique channel of the file."); m_fileaudioformat = QAudioFormat(); // Clear the format // Create the file reader and read the format WavFile* pfile = new WavFile(this); if(!pfile->open(fileFullPath)) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: Cannot open the file."); m_fileaudioformat = pfile->fileFormat(); // Check if the format is currently supported if(!m_fileaudioformat.isValid()) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: Format is invalid."); if(m_fileaudioformat.channelCount()>1) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: This audio file has multiple audio channel, whereas the built-in reader can read files with only a single channel. Please convert this file into a mono audio file before re-opening it."); if(!((m_fileaudioformat.codec() == "audio/pcm") && m_fileaudioformat.sampleType() == QAudioFormat::SignedInt && m_fileaudioformat.sampleSize() == 16 && m_fileaudioformat.byteOrder() == QAudioFormat::LittleEndian)) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: Supports only 16 bit signed LE mono format, whereas current format is "+formatToString(m_fileaudioformat)); setSamplingRate(m_fileaudioformat.sampleRate()); // Load the waveform data from the file pfile->seek(pfile->headerLength()); QByteArray buffer; qint64 toread = m_fileaudioformat.sampleSize()/8; qint64 red; buffer.resize(toread); while((red = pfile->read(,toread))) { if(red<toread) throw QString("built-in WAV file reader: The data are corrupted"); // Decode the data for 16 bit signed LE mono format const qint16 value = *reinterpret_cast<const qint16*>(buffer.constData()); wav.push_back(value/32767.0); } delete pfile; }
bool AudioEngine::loadFile(const QString &fileName) { WavFile* sound = new WavFile(); if (!sound->open(fileName)) { // TODO: Deal with failing to load Audio File return false; } _currentSprite->addSound(sound); /*QPixmap waveForm(1000, 1000); waveForm.fill(); QPainter painter; QPen black(Qt::black, 1); painter.begin(&waveForm); painter.setPen(black); short* base = (short*) sound->getDataPointer(); for(int i = 0; i < sound->getDataSize()/2; i++) { float value = base[i] * 500 / 32768; painter.drawLine(i, 500, i, 500+value); } QLabel* label = new QLabel(0, Qt::Window); label->setPixmap(waveForm); label->show(); QAudioFormat format; format.setSampleRate(sound->_wavHeader._samplesPerSec); format.setChannelCount(sound->_wavHeader._numOfChan); format.setSampleSize(sound->_wavHeader._bitsPerSample); format.setCodec("audio/pcm"); format.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat::LittleEndian); format.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::SignedInt); QAudioOutput* audio = new QAudioOutput(format); QBuffer buffer(sound->_dataBuffer); audio->start(&buffer);*/ return true; }