cv::Mat GraphComparator::_calculateCostDistance(shared_ptr<OsmMap> map, Coordinate c)
  // make a copy of the map so we can manipulate it.
  map.reset(new OsmMap(map));

  // find the nearest feature
  long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c);
  shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

  // split way at c
  WayLocation wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, w, c);
  vector< shared_ptr<Way> > v = WaySplitter::split(map, w, wl);
  wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, v[0], c);
  if (wl.isNode() == false)
    // I haven't been able to recreate the case when this happens.
    LOG_WARN("Internal Error: Expected wl to be on a node, but it was this: " << wl);
  assert(wl.isNode() == true);

  // populate graph
  shared_ptr<DirectedGraph> graph(new DirectedGraph());

  ShortestPath sp(graph);
  // set cost at c to zero.
  long sourceId = v[0]->getNodeId(wl.getSegmentIndex());
  sp.setNodeCost(sourceId, 0.0);

  // calculate cost

  // paint graph onto raster
  //_exportGraphImage(map, *graph, sp, "/home/jason.surratt/tmp/graph.png");
  cv::Mat mat = _paintGraph(map, *graph, sp);

  // calculate cost distance raster

  return mat;
void GraphComparator::drawCostDistance(shared_ptr<OsmMap> map, vector<Coordinate>& c,
                                       QString output)
  // make a copy of the map so we can manipulate it.
  map.reset(new OsmMap(map));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
    cout << c[i].x << " " << c[i].y << endl;
    c[i] = _findNearestPointOnFeature(map, c[i]);
    cout << c[i].x << " " << c[i].y << endl;
    // find the nearest feature
    long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c[i]);
    shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

    // split way at c
    WayLocation wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, w, c[i]);
    vector< shared_ptr<Way> > v = WaySplitter::split(map, w, wl);
    wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, v[0], c[i]);
    assert(wl.isNode() == true);

  // populate graph
  shared_ptr<DirectedGraph> graph(new DirectedGraph());

  LOG_WARN("Running cost");
  ShortestPath sp(graph);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
    long wId = map->getIndex().findNearestWay(c[i]);
    shared_ptr<Way> w = map->getWay(wId);

    WayLocation wl = LocationOfPoint::locate(map, w, c[i]);

    // set cost at c to zero.
    long sourceId = w->getNodeId(wl.getSegmentIndex());
    sp.setNodeCost(sourceId, 0.0);

  // calculate cost
  LOG_WARN("Cost done");

  cv::Mat mat = _paintGraph(map, *graph, sp);

  _saveImage(mat, output, -1.0, false);
  _saveImage(mat, output.replace(".png", "2.png"), -1.0, true);

  shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> srs(new OGRSpatialReference());

  Coordinate c1 = MapProjector::project(Coordinate(_projectedBounds.MinX, _projectedBounds.MinY), map->getProjection(), srs);
  cout << "coord " << c1.x << ", " << c1.y << endl;

  Coordinate c2 = MapProjector::project(Coordinate(_projectedBounds.MaxX, _projectedBounds.MaxY), map->getProjection(), srs);
  cout << "coord2 " << c2.x << ", " << c2.y << endl;

  printf("POSITION_Y=%f\n", (c1.y + c2.y) / 2.0);
  //cout << "POSITION_Y=" << (c1.y + c2.y) / 2.0 << endl;
  printf("POSITION_X=%f\n", (c1.x + c2.x) / 2.0);
  //cout << "POSITION_X=" << (c1.x + c2.x) / 2.0 << endl;
  cout << "M12=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M11=1.0" << endl;
  cout << "M10=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M02=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "INITIAL_SCALE=" << (c2.x - c1.x) / (double)_width * 100.0 << endl;
  cout << "M01=0.0" << endl;
  cout << "M00=1.0" << endl;

  // paint graph onto raster
  //_exportGraphImage(map, *graph, sp, output);